How Would You Describe What's Happening Here?

The OP’s vague title couldn’t disguise the fact that it was going to involve black people and injustice. He’s a predictable segregationist.

You're a predictable racist.
Please. Just do the revolution stuff. Get it over with. Combine with Antifa and others and start taking over areas. It means that the Communist agenda must win out. Progs must go by the wayside also. And that includes those who you may approve of or like. All power bases and power families must be removed. New leaders and people at the top tiers must be part of the equation from your ranks. You will not see real change otherwise. Are you tired of the ghettos? Direction is needed. You go far enough for violence and then stop. Its almost like you want the system we have and push back on any abuse to you to say you went to far to the power. Over and over and over and over...I would not like to believe that.
This is my observation. I hear an officer that demonstrated a LACK of verbal tactics. I also see a driver that legitimately asserted his rights, but risked a further escalation of the situation. The officer should have followed George Thompson’s 8 step car stop.

But the cop did that. He gave the reason for the stop: something about the person looked suspicious that they did not belong there for any good reason and the officer simply wanted to test that and gave the person a chance to prove him wrong by showing he actually lived there!

The officer did not make that clear. He came across as ambiguous. I do not agree with how the driver responded, but the officer did not use good tactics. Saying “I’m just asking” is not good tactics.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

Showing a lack of respect for authority isn't something to admire.
This guy was lucky he met a cop who wasn't a hothead.
I suppose you think it's cool to be evasive, but what you're doing is increasing suspicions by cops.
I don't care if you think you have the right to do shouldn't.
Just another one of OP's thinly veiled attempt to show how racist white people are.
YouTube has 100,000's of videos EXACTLY like this one in which a citizen decides to be an asshole and evade every question and be the "super citizen with rights showing the storm trooper officer who's boss".
Has nothing to do with race clearly because most of the videos like this one are usually white assholes.
Just a daily "whites are bad" thread by the OP.
I would like to or know why the officer made a u-turn to follow the black guy to begin with. Is this "standard procedure" for that cop when he sees a black guy or was there another reason that went unsaid in the video.

It does appear that the cop crossed the line with how he dealt with the black guy.
I would like to or know why the officer made a u-turn to follow the black guy to begin with. Is this "standard procedure" for that cop when he sees a black guy or was there another reason that went unsaid in the video.

It does appear that the cop crossed the line with how he dealt with the black guy.
This happened to me once, simply because I made eye contact. Guess we cant look at a passing cop.
I would like to or know why the officer made a u-turn to follow the black guy to begin with. Is this "standard procedure" for that cop when he sees a black guy or was there another reason that went unsaid in the video.

It does appear that the cop crossed the line with how he dealt with the black guy.
This happened to me once, simply because I made eye contact. Guess we cant look at a passing cop.
Are you black? Just wondering if this can happen to people of other colors.

Do cops profile? Many do! Too much eye contact might have made the cop think you were hiding something.
I would like to or know why the officer made a u-turn to follow the black guy to begin with. Is this "standard procedure" for that cop when he sees a black guy or was there another reason that went unsaid in the video.

It does appear that the cop crossed the line with how he dealt with the black guy.
This happened to me once, simply because I made eye contact. Guess we cant look at a passing cop.
Are you black? Just wondering if this can happen to people of other colors.

Do cops profile? Many do! Too much eye contact might have made the cop think you were hiding something.
No. White. That's my point. I was always a good kid, but the local cops harassed me all the time in my teens and early twenties. It does affect how a person views the cops. They should think about that when they're bothering some one without good reason.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

Nobody said that. The cop had no legal reason or right even ask those questions. Are you as willing to give up your constitutionally granted rights when it comes to guns? That was a bad cop overstepping his authority. That's the reason cops don't have the respect they want.
It's not illegal to ask questions.
When you get behind the wheel of an automobile on public roads, you give up your right to not identify yourself.
I guess I'm strange that way. I don't see police as an adversary.

But they see you that way. That's the thing.

That's not true in most places in the world but we have a hyperpunitive police culture that thinks it's an occupying army of them against us. You go to a France or an Ireland, you don't see people reacting to their arrival with "oh shit it's the police" because they don't have reason to react that way.

That's not to say they're literally all guilty of it of course, that's why I say culture. This is an example of a cop literally looking for trouble where he hasn't seen any, figuring if he digs deep enough he can come up with something to issue a ticket, an arrest, a busted head. But he had no probably cause to check out "nothing".

Maybe there was a missing person? Strange noises? Gunshots heard?

Maybe sometimes there are any of those, which would warrant checking things out. Not here though.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

The cop is 100 percent wrong and the young man knew his rights. You are not required to show ID unless you are being detained, if so, then the onus is on the cop to explain as to why he is "detaining" you. You are not required to answer questions...none, nada, zero. If the cop suspects you of a crime? Make the arrest and accept the responsibility for the civil suit that will result.

Kudos to the young man.......

So... every time a cop stops you for a traffic incident, you refuse to show him your driver's license?

Nobody said that. The cop had no legal reason or right even ask those questions. Are you as willing to give up your constitutionally granted rights when it comes to guns? That was a bad cop overstepping his authority. That's the reason cops don't have the respect they want.

I guess I'm strange that way. I don't see police as an adversary. I try to cooperate with them any reasonable way I can. I'm much more concerned with police getting the training and tools they need and stopping bad actors without deadly force if possible than simply confirming to them that yes I do live in the building, this is my address and name and have good cause for being there, whether I show them an ID or not. Maybe I might have asked them if they suspected ME personally or were detaining or intending to charge me with something, but if something as simple as answering a question helps them eliminate me from their radar of whatever they are investigating, I think I'd be happy to cooperate. Not answering basic questions certainly makes me seem suspicious. Not getting your cop phobia or animus here.

If any of those scenarios were in fact happening, the cop should have made it clear why he was asking those questions. The cop was fishing. Nothing more---Nothing less. Fishing is not part of his job. Why do you defend a bad cop?

Exactly. What the cop culture needs to learn but doesn't seem to be able to, is that there's not ALWAYS something amiss, that sometimes everything is fine so just leave shit alone.
Is the citizen in the wrong or is the authoritarian in the wrong?

What say you, and why?

I heard the DETECTIVE say, "But if you don't know the address, it doesn't look like to me that you live here." In other words, with good cause, the detective believes the citizen may be lying about his residence.

Like everyone one of us, the detective has a Common Law Right Of Inquiry.

The detective also has a Supreme Court ruling stating, in certain circumstances cops can lie to citizens and suspects. This is one of those circumstances.

Is it possible the officer was doing his job by acting on info provided by an informant, aka SNITCH?

Info describing a person involved in criminal activities that police have a duty to investigate?

Yes, the detective was fishing, as well as complying with laws that permit fishing.

Perhaps fishing on that particular day ended after the man revealed the car was registered in his mom's name, and the detective quietly continued his investigation.

An investigation that may include or exclude the uncooperative citizen in this recording.

All things said, clearly the citizen in this recording is an active supporter of America's HATE embracing, VIOLENCE ignoring PRO BLACK community.

Can You Remind Me Why We Killing Each Other

I would describe it as a segregationist black poster obsessed with race and in denial of the fatherlessness that leads to the propensity of black males getting into trouble and thereby generating a profile that warrants apprehension.

Sure you would describe it that way, but you're nuts. The cop was fishing without a license.
You can call it fishing if you like. If you act fishy you attract fishermen. Investigators will investigate.

This happened in Fairfax county, not small town rural America where everybody knows each other and they all make eye contact and wave to each other at the town's only stop light. So when this motorist was sitting at the stop light and made eye contact with the cop, it's safe to say that was something out of the norm. It was fishy.

In body language, making eye contact with somebody is an attempt to communicate. So the cop was likely curious and wanted to know why this stranger was making eye contact with him. What was he trying to communicate? His interest has been piqued. He has a general suspicion that something is not right, so he investigates. He pulls a u-turn and follows the guy to see how he will react. And runs the plate and sees the car is registered to a female.

It is very common for serious criminals to get off the road as soon as they notice a cop car following them, lest they accidentally violate a traffic law, giving a cop probable cause to pull them over and investigate further, check for arrest warrants etc. Getting the car off the road and parking it is a fairly common way to avoid contact with the police. Cops know this.

This is likely why the detective asked the guy if he lived at the apartment complex where he parked. He wanted to know whether he had any business parking there or if he was just parking at the most convenient place to duck and hide.
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So far 66 Officers (and 9 dogs) died in the line of duty so far this year to give you the right to grandstand about alleged racism.
Show your ID and end the conversation.

Then you report him to the police commission.
And that'll get him what?

Police department take a dim view of anything that would cost them a potentially lucrative civil suit. Particularly when it's recorded on camera.

The department would have to throw the officer under the bus.

If he just gave the information like you suggest, there would be no reason to believe there would be a costly civil suit. The cop would have gotten away with harassing the man, and be more likely to do the same the next time. Cops have rules they are supposed to follow. That bad cop didn't follow them. Any cop who would defend his actions is also a bad cop. Follow the rules. Being a cop doesn't make you God.
Could you specify the rules you think he violated?

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