How would you double poverty?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
“It would lay a powerful foundation in this country that would elevate incomes, elevate opportunity and elevate child success in this country,” Booker told Fox News at a campaign event in Las Vegas on Tuesday. “Child poverty is something that is a moral shame in our country, but also has economic consequences that are unacceptable in a nation that needs children to thrive.”

Cory Booker unveils plan to lift more than half of children out of poverty

Actually WHY would you double poverty? It's because democrook sociopaths need dependents. When you subside something, you get more of it, so lets double the amount of the fattest poor people in the world and spend a shit ton more to get people to stay home and get free shit rather than work.

Like everything else modern democrooks do, expect this "idea" to do the opposite of what that sociopath says it will.

2020 will be an election about socialism versus capitalism. The bottom-feeders might like to think that socialism would make their lives better, living off the wealthy's taxes. But that never works. That said, the wealthy need to pay more in taxes because the middle-class has been losing ground, and entitlement's are going bankrupt. Here is a look at how the wealthy have been gaining at the expense of the middle-class:

OH it sounds like a great idea. I only see a number of glaring problems with it.
1. It will increase the debt. The same thing that both parties scream about when the other party is in office but yet never bring anything to the table to curb it.
2. Sounds as if many already government run programs would be expanded which means more waste since you can't have a government program without waste and inefficiency.
3. Sounds like it will be encouraging more people to partake of government programs. Free is always better then hard work.

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