How would you save the economy?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
How would you save the economy?

I'd do a few things
-Charge our tax code to something more simple
-Cut the corperate tax
-Increase the income tax on people making more then half a million a year 1-2%(ceo's instead of businesses)
-Invest more into tech and science
-Look at ways to make it easier for corperations to increase wages...NOT force them through uneconomic wise means.
-More into infrastructure...Aka our infrastructure!
-Stop the nation building
-Look at our educational system...Serious questions need to be asked.
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I'm not sure what you mean by "cut the corporate" and increase the income on people making ..."

But I would cut government spending across the board 10%.

This might not help the economy that much right away - but imho you don't really help the economy by propping it up artificially with lots of gov't. spending. So in the long run, I think removing the crutches, might make our economy stronger.
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I'm not sure what you mean by "cut the corporate" and increase the income on people making ..."

But I would cut government spending across the board 10%.

This might not help the economy that much right away - but imho you don't really help the economy by propping it up artificially with lots of gov't. spending. So in the long run, I think removing the crutches, might make our economy stronger.

I'd regulate welfare a little better. Going from 28 to nearly 50 million food stamp users in 5 years is a sign that it is getting out of control.

Some area's I'd cut and some area's I wouldn't....Tech is one such area that I'd increase. I'd cut a lot of paper pushing jobs and work on a automated system to replace it in some area's.

The problem with cutting across the board is the fact that you cut things that are good. America is known for it's science, tech and ability to lead the world within innovation...How about instead think about getting rid of waste?
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S.N.A.P. spending spiked as the economy went in the tank. Hard to seperate the two. In georgia, for example, a single person has to make less than $14,500 to qualify for an average of $133 per month in assistance. I know there is waste and fraud in the system, but I think you have to target that a little better than just saying "manage it better."

Solyndra was an example of investing in "tech" so again, we're gonna have to be more specific and more careful imho.

I think you have to dig a little deeper
How would you save the economy?


Constitutional Amendment separating the state from the economy. Specifically remove the power to tax .

And specifically prohibit the scumbags from regulating businesses in any way shape or form.

Raise revenue pursuant to a national lottery, ie, power ball.

Limit the motherfuckers to spending for those activities SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED in the Constitution.

Cut the federal government back to the original enumerated powers. Get them out of the loan business, out of the parks and recreation businesses, out of education, out of the insurance business, out of the real estate business, out of the energy business, and on and on and on. That could leave about 2 trillion dollars per year in the economy for people to run their own fucking lives.
Those enumerated powers didn't even work in the 18th century for Christ sake. Can you name one nation that doesn't have science programs, environmental regs or doesn't have control of its energy policies? One that is a first world nation.

Why do you believe that allowing businesses to have slave labor, child labor and endless pollution is good for America?

SURE we should be favorable for businesses and private enterprise...Just not at the cost of morality and the environment. NOT at the cost of our edge in science either if we wish to remain number one.

The founders didn't want a power like Britain...We have become that. I want it to remain that. ;)
Limit the motherfuckers to spending for those activities SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED in the Constitution.

Been there, done that, they'll change the meaning of the whatever is written to suit their purposes no matter how specific you get.

Peoples Exhibit A: "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;" apparently means "We can force anybody to buy anything we see fit whether they want it or not"......

Peoples Exhibit B: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;" apparently means "The Federal Government is in the speculative investment business and can hand out tax payer money to whatever hair brained enterprise it wants as long as the proprietors are campaign donors".

Peoples Exhibit C: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause" apparently means "We can spy on anybody, anytime, anywhere if the Executive Branch feels it has a good reason (or even if we don't feel we have a good reason we'll do it anyways)."
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Repeal Obamacare and a few other regulations and leave it the fuck alone. It's limping along now so no more liberal bullshit to slow it down any further.
Eliminate federal programs such as food stamps, federal welfare, corporate bailouts, etc...

ABOVE that, cut government spending across the board by a minimum of 15%

Cut the corporate tax rate by at least 5 percentage points

Cut taxes on exports by at least 1/4

Reform tax code to simplify it, flatten it, and ensure all income earners pay.. even if it is not totally flat as I would like, a flattened but all inclusive tax code would ensure all citizens feel the pain of government overspending

Allow more mining and drilling on federal lands

Promote construction of new refineries, nuclear power plants, and as many 'new' energy power plants as possible (notice I did not say FUND)

Open up competition for industries such as health insurance across state borders...

Fix the immigration process so that people who are legally trying to immigrate have an easier time

Go after government contractors in breach of their contracts.. stop payment on all those, collect penalties

Grant 2 year income/profit tax exemptions for all new businesses started by individuals with an investment (startup costs) of less than 500K.. one time and one time only.. note this is for the company, not any salary the owners give themselves

There is a good start
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I think defense is also should include space command and the noaa. ;) You think a hurricane like Sandy, Katrina, Andrew, Camille isn't a threat? You think the 1999, 2013 Moore tornado isn't a threat?

You think a Asteroid that could kill billions of people isn't a threat?

If defense is to defend our nations from threats. Well, you get my point.
Those enumerated powers didn't even work in the 18th century for Christ sake. Can you name one nation that doesn't have science programs, environmental regs or doesn't have control of its energy policies? One that is a first world nation.

Why do you believe that allowing businesses to have slave labor, child labor and endless pollution is good for America?

SURE we should be favorable for businesses and private enterprise...Just not at the cost of morality and the environment. NOT at the cost of our edge in science either if we wish to remain number one.

The founders didn't want a power like Britain...We have become that. I want it to remain that. ;)

Those are things the State can handle and much more efficiently. Science, except for defense, which could include allot medical research, should be left to private business. We got to be number one long before the federal government exploded, with that burden we are just treading water.
I am anti capitalist/anti communist but if I really gave a shit about capitalism I would just get the hell out of the way of the economy and let it do its thing...end regulation and control over everything.
You want another greed/corruption/cronyism Pub Great Depression?

A) Pass the Immigration reform and a good SS ID card so we can end illegal immigration, and get the educated immigrants we want.
B) Tax the rich fairly, pass some jobs, infrastructure and training bills and O-Care implementation so we're globally competitive and get out of this slowdown.
C) Never elect the GOP, a catastrophe for years. Thanks for Voodoo destroying the nonrich and the country, 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the SECOND Great World Depression, and 5 years of mindless obstruction.
You want another greed/corruption/cronyism Pub Great Depression?

A) Pass the Immigration reform and a good SS ID card so we can end illegal immigration, and get the educated immigrants we want.
B) Tax the rich fairly, pass some jobs, infrastructure and training bills and O-Care implementation so we're globally competitive and get out of this slowdown.
C) Never elect the GOP, a catastrophe for years. Thanks for Voodoo destroying the nonrich and the country, 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the SECOND Great World Depression, and 5 years of mindless obstruction.

Franco's idea of 'fairly' is better stated as "someone else more"

And of course.. RAISING taxes always stimulates the economy :rolleyes:
Nothing is going to change unless we can manage to purge the capitalist-dominated right wing from government and replace them with committed socialists like Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich.

But this will never happen because the vast majority of ordinary, working-class Americans are far too brainwashed by capitalist propaganda to even comprehend why such a conversion would be a good thing and is in fact the only hope for restoring America to its former greatness.

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