How you can tell the Liberals are in trouble!


Who is John Galt?
Mar 1, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
Have you ever noticed when things are going liberals' way, they start to distract with nonsense?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz compares Darrell Issa to totalitarianism in Venezuela - Spokane Conservative |

The REAL headline should be that Lois Lerner took the 5th yet again.

Btw, I have a question that for sure no liberal will want to answer...If there isn't a "smidge" of corruption, as your "president" would love us all to believe, why would Lerner keep taking the 5th.? Tough one when you're on the other side, huh?;)

The bottom line is, if we focus purely on facts, the liberals are finished. Therefore, they must race bait, create a false war on women, insist Global Warming is going to kill us all (sorry, its "Climate Change" now, the whole warming thing didn't work out so well for them:lol:), etc.

Wow. When they stop backing a totalitarian in the White House, they can accuse others of being so. How ironic she would use such an analogy against Issa. Funny how they always throw tantrums when they are backed into a corner they can't make their way out of.

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