How YOU should act now.

1. Keep in mind that more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump. This means more than half of the voting public is disappointed and nervous about the results of this election. The victors are in the minority.

2. Keep in mind that not everybody who voted opposite of you is a rude insulting partisan wingnut. The majority are good hard working people that want the best for themselves, their family, their community, and their country... and more people thought Hillary was the better choice.

So how should you act?

Act in a manner that you'd like your opponent to act if the results of the election were reversed. It's very simple.

The Golden Rule never fails.
You being a snowflake, should realize that more states voted for Donald J Trump. It looks if she does win the popular vote most of those votes come from California, California should not and will not determine The leader of this country.
It's not California, its people, its votes, and more people voted for Hillary than Trump. That is a fact. Even your Trumpet condemned the electoral college in 2012: Donald Trump blasted the electoral college in 2012, before it gave him the presidency
You need to educate yourself this is a republic not a shit eating democracy… Look it up
I never denied the validity of his victory, I understand why we use the electoral college system. But the fact remains that more PEOPLE voted for Hillary, that doesn't mean she should have won, but it does mean something.
1. Keep in mind that more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump. This means more than half of the voting public is disappointed and nervous about the results of this election. The victors are in the minority.

2. Keep in mind that not everybody who voted opposite of you is a rude insulting partisan wingnut. The majority are good hard working people that want the best for themselves, their family, their community, and their country... and more people thought Hillary was the better choice.

So how should you act?

Act in a manner that you'd like your opponent to act if the results of the election were reversed. It's very simple.

The Golden Rule never fails.
The problem here, Sport, is that you don't have to worry about the right showing their asses and protesting, marching, chanting, blocking traffic and overturning cop cars. We accept defeat and soldier on.

YOUR side consists of whiny spoiled brats that throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. So don't preach to the right.
When people are upset, the best way to upset them even further is to refuse to validate their feelings and to insult them for being upset. Guaranteed to not have the effect you want. Damned glad you're not in charge.
Problem is you can't read. I didn't insult anyone for being upset. You typically impose a template onto others to preach down to them. Which is kind of insulting in its' own right. What effect did I want? You seem to know me better than me. Maybe I should let you type for me.

I stated the truth and have no desire to sooth hurt feelings, never claimed it was my motivation, I'm not Dr. Phil. I call a spade a spade. If you want to insult people you can expect incoming. That's how it works in the grownup world.

I've debated liberals for 30 years and it's always the same. They hurl all the shit in the world at you for failing to agree fully then cry foul when it doesn't go down their way. Like toddlers.
Put me on ignore then, Ice. Then you won't have to listen to my highly insulting posts anymore.
What a baby.
You insult people with carefree abandon, demand respect in return then tell them they are crybabies if they don't like it. You're the poster child for post modern liberalism.
1. Keep in mind that more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump. This means more than half of the voting public is disappointed and nervous about the results of this election. The victors are in the minority.

2. Keep in mind that not everybody who voted opposite of you is a rude insulting partisan wingnut. The majority are good hard working people that want the best for themselves, their family, their community, and their country... and more people thought Hillary was the better choice.

So how should you act?

Act in a manner that you'd like your opponent to act if the results of the election were reversed. It's very simple.

The Golden Rule never fails.
The problem here, Sport, is that you don't have to worry about the right showing their asses and protesting, marching, chanting, blocking traffic and overturning cop cars. We accept defeat and soldier on.

YOUR side consists of whiny spoiled brats that throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. So don't preach to the right.
When people are upset, the best way to upset them even further is to refuse to validate their feelings and to insult them for being upset. Guaranteed to not have the effect you want. Damned glad you're not in charge.
Problem is you can't read. I didn't insult anyone for being upset. You typically impose a template onto others to preach down to them. Which is kind of insulting in its' own right. What effect did I want? You seem to know me better than me. Maybe I should let you type for me.

I stated the truth and have no desire to sooth hurt feelings, never claimed it was my motivation, I'm not Dr. Phil. I call a spade a spade. If you want to insult people you can expect incoming. That's how it works in the grownup world.

I've debated liberals for 30 years and it's always the same. They hurl all the shit in the world at you for failing to agree fully then cry foul when it doesn't go down their way. Like toddlers.
Put me on ignore then, Ice. Then you won't have to listen to my highly insulting posts anymore.
What a baby.
You insult people with carefree abandon, demand respect in return then tell them they are crybabies if they don't like it. You're the poster child for post modern liberalism.
I give up. I've given it a year. You get your wish. I've melted.
1. Keep in mind that more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump. This means more than half of the voting public is disappointed and nervous about the results of this election. The victors are in the minority.

2. Keep in mind that not everybody who voted opposite of you is a rude insulting partisan wingnut. The majority are good hard working people that want the best for themselves, their family, their community, and their country... and more people thought Hillary was the better choice.

So how should you act?

Act in a manner that you'd like your opponent to act if the results of the election were reversed. It's very simple.

The Golden Rule never fails.

Oh here we go with this stupid ass talking point, how many more votes .005 percent? You think that gives you some goddamn mandate to dictate to Trump and the GOP? Why don't you subtract the illegal's spawn votes, there now Trump won the popular vote. You people need to sit down and shut the hell up while we clean up your damn mess, Trump doesn't owe you a goddamn thing.
What did I say Trump owed us? And do you really think my statement was that far off? Treat others like you'd like to be treated... Is that such a bad principle?

BTW it was approx 200,000 more votes that Hillary got more than Trump. He won the election, i'm not challenging that, but the fact that she got more votes should be recognized.

Are you saying I should have sympathy for the left after 8 years of their smug condescending crap and insults? Look if you shit on us, call us racists and every other vile name in the book you shouldn't expect one damn ounce of sympathy from us. Your actions have consequences, Tuesday you suffered the consequences of your actions, and you will continue to suffer the consequences of your actions for at least the next 2 years maybe longer. Or you can stop being assholes your choice.
YOU can only control your own actions and words. So to answer your question. NO, I am not telling you to have sympathy. I'm suggesting you view the situation with clear eyes, have empathy, and conduct yourself with honor and integrity. Hopefully you learned in grade school why there is no virtue in the, "They didn't so why should I" excuse

How many times have I told you people, the left need to be defeated not bargained with. Defeated not compromised with. This was your choice not mine. The left cannot be trusted. There's no middle ground with them, no real compromise. They will pretend to compromise all the while planning to break the deal the first chance they get and stab you in the back.

True democrats, blue collar workers, the poor, we are happy to work with them. The lying conniving left however they can pound sand.
1. Keep in mind that more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump. This means more than half of the voting public is disappointed and nervous about the results of this election. The victors are in the minority.

2. Keep in mind that not everybody who voted opposite of you is a rude insulting partisan wingnut. The majority are good hard working people that want the best for themselves, their family, their community, and their country... and more people thought Hillary was the better choice.

So how should you act?

Act in a manner that you'd like your opponent to act if the results of the election were reversed. It's very simple.

The Golden Rule never fails.
You being a snowflake, should realize that more states voted for Donald J Trump. It looks if she does win the popular vote most of those votes come from California, California should not and will not determine The leader of this country.
It's not California, its people, its votes, and more people voted for Hillary than Trump. That is a fact. Even your Trumpet condemned the electoral college in 2012: Donald Trump blasted the electoral college in 2012, before it gave him the presidency
You need to educate yourself this is a republic not a shit eating democracy… Look it up
I never denied the validity of his victory, I understand why we use the electoral college system. But the fact remains that more PEOPLE voted for Hillary, that doesn't mean she should have won, but it does mean something.
No, more people voted in more states for Donald Trump… In fact
A pure popular vote is mob rule
1. Keep in mind that more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump. This means more than half of the voting public is disappointed and nervous about the results of this election. The victors are in the minority.

2. Keep in mind that not everybody who voted opposite of you is a rude insulting partisan wingnut. The majority are good hard working people that want the best for themselves, their family, their community, and their country... and more people thought Hillary was the better choice.

So how should you act?

Act in a manner that you'd like your opponent to act if the results of the election were reversed. It's very simple.

The Golden Rule never fails.
You being a snowflake, should realize that more states voted for Donald J Trump. It looks if she does win the popular vote most of those votes come from California, California should not and will not determine The leader of this country.
It's not California, its people, its votes, and more people voted for Hillary than Trump. That is a fact. Even your Trumpet condemned the electoral college in 2012: Donald Trump blasted the electoral college in 2012, before it gave him the presidency
You need to educate yourself this is a republic not a shit eating democracy… Look it up
I never denied the validity of his victory, I understand why we use the electoral college system. But the fact remains that more PEOPLE voted for Hillary, that doesn't mean she should have won, but it does mean something.
No, more people voted in more states for Donald Trump… In fact
A pure popular vote is mob rule
A pure popular vote is pure democracy... Something that the founding fathers feared as something that we, as a country, couldn't not responsibly manage.
I agree with the OP on how Trump supporters should act to the Trump win I also wonder how the board Hillary supporters would have responded if she had won. I suspect most but not all would be doing a fair amount of gloating and knife twisting right now in any event the election is over and there is nothing left to do except wait and see what kind of President Trump will be.
I agree with the OP on how Trump supporters should act to the Trump win I also wonder how the board Hillary supporters would have responded if she had won. I suspect most but not all would be doing a fair amount of gloating and knife twisting right now in any event the election is over and there is nothing left to do except wait and see what kind of President Trump will be.
I have no doubt that there would be some gloating asshole Dems doing what some Reps are doing right now on this board. I would be relaying the same message to them.
I agree with the OP on how Trump supporters should act to the Trump win I also wonder how the board Hillary supporters would have responded if she had won. I suspect most but not all would be doing a fair amount of gloating and knife twisting right now in any event the election is over and there is nothing left to do except wait and see what kind of President Trump will be.
I have no doubt that there would be some gloating asshole Dems doing what some Reps are doing right now on this board. I would be relaying the same message to them.
The Clintons are in the past, we need to move past the past
The problem here, Sport, is that you don't have to worry about the right showing their asses and protesting, marching, chanting, blocking traffic and overturning cop cars. We accept defeat and soldier on.

YOUR side consists of whiny spoiled brats that throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. So don't preach to the right.
When people are upset, the best way to upset them even further is to refuse to validate their feelings and to insult them for being upset. Guaranteed to not have the effect you want. Damned glad you're not in charge.
Problem is you can't read. I didn't insult anyone for being upset. You typically impose a template onto others to preach down to them. Which is kind of insulting in its' own right. What effect did I want? You seem to know me better than me. Maybe I should let you type for me.

I stated the truth and have no desire to sooth hurt feelings, never claimed it was my motivation, I'm not Dr. Phil. I call a spade a spade. If you want to insult people you can expect incoming. That's how it works in the grownup world.

I've debated liberals for 30 years and it's always the same. They hurl all the shit in the world at you for failing to agree fully then cry foul when it doesn't go down their way. Like toddlers.
Put me on ignore then, Ice. Then you won't have to listen to my highly insulting posts anymore.
What a baby.
You insult people with carefree abandon, demand respect in return then tell them they are crybabies if they don't like it. You're the poster child for post modern liberalism.
I give up. I've given it a year. You get your wish. I've melted.
What was my wish? You must know me better than I do.
I agree with the OP on how Trump supporters should act to the Trump win I also wonder how the board Hillary supporters would have responded if she had won. I suspect most but not all would be doing a fair amount of gloating and knife twisting right now in any event the election is over and there is nothing left to do except wait and see what kind of President Trump will be.
I have no doubt that there would be some gloating asshole Dems doing what some Reps are doing right now on this board. I would be relaying the same message to them.
Well, seeing as how almost of Dems are in a constant state of gloating, even now, I'd call that a good bet. But I think you've mistaken many right wing posts for gloating. Saying why you supported Trump and glad he won, the country won, etc. isn't gloating. I saw much more gloating from the left claiming victory, over and over, every day.
I think the right wing gloating is due in some part to how much the so called experts and elites wrote Trump off and gave him no chance of winning and basically tried to declare Hillary President in waiting before the election ever took place.
I agree with the OP on how Trump supporters should act to the Trump win I also wonder how the board Hillary supporters would have responded if she had won. I suspect most but not all would be doing a fair amount of gloating and knife twisting right now in any event the election is over and there is nothing left to do except wait and see what kind of President Trump will be.
I have no doubt that there would be some gloating asshole Dems doing what some Reps are doing right now on this board. I would be relaying the same message to them.
Well, seeing as how almost of Dems are in a constant state of gloating, even now, I'd call that a good bet. But I think you've mistaken many right wing posts for gloating. Saying why you supported Trump and glad he won, the country won, etc. isn't gloating. I saw much more gloating from the left claiming victory, over and over, every day.
Im not referring to those types of posts. I'm talking to the individuals who have posted some very intentional and low class comments about the election. There is no need for that shit. There is also no need for much of the protest we are seeing from the left. The ugliest campaign I've ever witnessed is finished. I'd love to see us try and restore any kind of integrity, honor, and class that we can. It starts with how we talk to each other.
1. Keep in mind that more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump. This means more than half of the voting public is disappointed and nervous about the results of this election. The victors are in the minority.

2. Keep in mind that not everybody who voted opposite of you is a rude insulting partisan wingnut. The majority are good hard working people that want the best for themselves, their family, their community, and their country... and more people thought Hillary was the better choice.

So how should you act?

Act in a manner that you'd like your opponent to act if the results of the election were reversed. It's very simple.

The Golden Rule never fails.
2008 ring a bell? A bit hypocritical of you.

I have some advice for you. This popular vote meme you're tossing around doesn't mean anything to anyone.
I think the right wing gloating is due in some part to how much the so called experts and elites wrote Trump off and gave him no chance of winning and basically tried to declare Hillary President in waiting before the election ever took place.
True, it was perhaps the biggest upset in political history. I'll also say I saw many on this board taking the same attitude, even saw wagers where the loser was supposed to delete their USMB account... wonder if anybody will follow through with that? Point of my post is that honorable and respectable people show their true character in how they conduct themselves both when they lose AND when they win.
1. Keep in mind that more people voted for Hillary than voted for Trump. This means more than half of the voting public is disappointed and nervous about the results of this election. The victors are in the minority.

2. Keep in mind that not everybody who voted opposite of you is a rude insulting partisan wingnut. The majority are good hard working people that want the best for themselves, their family, their community, and their country... and more people thought Hillary was the better choice.

So how should you act?

Act in a manner that you'd like your opponent to act if the results of the election were reversed. It's very simple.

The Golden Rule never fails.
2008 ring a bell? A bit hypocritical of you.

I have some advice for you. This popular vote meme you're tossing around doesn't mean anything to anyone.
"I" didn't say one insulting word about McCain, Romney, or Republican in 2008... perhaps a said a few about Palin, but come on ;-) so I don't know what hypocrisy you are talking about. Plus, we dealt with the "They did it so that means I can do it too" rationale back in grade school
Because I'm a dirty liberal I guess and I like telling people what to do! Really, it's just a thought that I had after seeing many Trumpsters on this board taking the low road and continuing to throw out classless insults and trying to rub in the victory. It's ugly and petty and childish so I thought i'd make a post about my thoughts. That ok with you?

At any point before the election, did you tell Candy, Lakhota, RDean, Wry etc. how to act? Of course not.
I put down and called out lies that I saw on both sides. Campaigns naturally take on a more heated debate and critique, I was tough on Trump because I saw through his con and I really couldn't stand the thought of him in the white house. But campaigns are forums for protest and fights for causes and representatives. After elections we need to be reminded that we are all on the same team and it is imperative to work together if we ever want to get things done.

Let's see, the Democrats sent people in to instigate shit at rallies. They did not want to discuss immigration intelligently preferring to call anyone that disagreed with them as racist. They accused a nationstate of something they didn't do. They did some dirty shit to Sanders and said they didn't need the people behind him and they couldn't even articulate any of his policies. And now that Clinton lost you want to tell people how to act? You, and actually you-personally-were not quite as nasty as many others, had no problem dividing the country when it was useful. You had 8 years to deal with the issues. You chose not to. Down ticket lost too.

You and the Dems need to listen to what the people are saying. The people are not in favor of an oligarchy. They are not in favor of having their laws for sale that benefit big interests. They don't want the IMF to dictate shit. They are absolutely fed up with being taxed and paying for the elite squad's little missions of "spreading democracy" where not only do we pay in terms of money but in terms of bodies.

WE WERE ALREADY ON THE SAME TEAM. So maybe it is the Democrats that need to figure out how to act rather than divide for power.
You are right, the Dems did some dirty shit during this campaign, i'm not going to defend it. The right did the same thing so please don't promote the falsity that its ALL the dems fault... I it is fair to say that Trumps campaign was filled with more lies, manipulation and dishonesty than any of the others. They picked a few narratives and Trump, the brilliant propagandist that he is, delivered the message of a status quo, ineffective, corrupt, weakling who is sitting on her deathbed, beautifully and rallied up enough support to win. I don't think he won because of his policies or because he stood up for the ignored white worker, I think he belittled Hillary so much that his message sunk in and people really believed that he was a tough guy and she was the character that he painted. It was a personality contest.

Trump does has some potential to shake up the system that needs to be shaken. I do not believe the man has integrity, honesty, or character. He will bring in a ball of corruption that serves his own self interest and will protect it with his pit bull tactics... With that said, there are areas that his brash personality could help some of the broken things in our system. It is a crap shoot and I'm extremely nervous about what he will do, but I hope he can take the high road and address the very very real fear and anxiety that has been injected into our minority communities because of the rhetoric that came from his campaign... and I truly hope that he does a good job and finds success.

I don't think you understand. It was the actions of the Dems and Clinton herself. It had nothing to do with personality. She delivered the message she was the status quo. The Democrats created the message of the status quo.
Because I'm a dirty liberal I guess and I like telling people what to do! Really, it's just a thought that I had after seeing many Trumpsters on this board taking the low road and continuing to throw out classless insults and trying to rub in the victory. It's ugly and petty and childish so I thought i'd make a post about my thoughts. That ok with you?

At any point before the election, did you tell Candy, Lakhota, RDean, Wry etc. how to act? Of course not.
I put down and called out lies that I saw on both sides. Campaigns naturally take on a more heated debate and critique, I was tough on Trump because I saw through his con and I really couldn't stand the thought of him in the white house. But campaigns are forums for protest and fights for causes and representatives. After elections we need to be reminded that we are all on the same team and it is imperative to work together if we ever want to get things done.

Let's see, the Democrats sent people in to instigate shit at rallies. They did not want to discuss immigration intelligently preferring to call anyone that disagreed with them as racist. They accused a nationstate of something they didn't do. They did some dirty shit to Sanders and said they didn't need the people behind him and they couldn't even articulate any of his policies. And now that Clinton lost you want to tell people how to act? You, and actually you-personally-were not quite as nasty as many others, had no problem dividing the country when it was useful. You had 8 years to deal with the issues. You chose not to. Down ticket lost too.

You and the Dems need to listen to what the people are saying. The people are not in favor of an oligarchy. They are not in favor of having their laws for sale that benefit big interests. They don't want the IMF to dictate shit. They are absolutely fed up with being taxed and paying for the elite squad's little missions of "spreading democracy" where not only do we pay in terms of money but in terms of bodies.

WE WERE ALREADY ON THE SAME TEAM. So maybe it is the Democrats that need to figure out how to act rather than divide for power.
You are right, the Dems did some dirty shit during this campaign, i'm not going to defend it. The right did the same thing so please don't promote the falsity that its ALL the dems fault... I it is fair to say that Trumps campaign was filled with more lies, manipulation and dishonesty than any of the others. They picked a few narratives and Trump, the brilliant propagandist that he is, delivered the message of a status quo, ineffective, corrupt, weakling who is sitting on her deathbed, beautifully and rallied up enough support to win. I don't think he won because of his policies or because he stood up for the ignored white worker, I think he belittled Hillary so much that his message sunk in and people really believed that he was a tough guy and she was the character that he painted. It was a personality contest.

Trump does has some potential to shake up the system that needs to be shaken. I do not believe the man has integrity, honesty, or character. He will bring in a ball of corruption that serves his own self interest and will protect it with his pit bull tactics... With that said, there are areas that his brash personality could help some of the broken things in our system. It is a crap shoot and I'm extremely nervous about what he will do, but I hope he can take the high road and address the very very real fear and anxiety that has been injected into our minority communities because of the rhetoric that came from his campaign... and I truly hope that he does a good job and finds success.

I don't think you understand. It was the actions of the Dems and Clinton herself. It had nothing to do with personality. She delivered the message she was the status quo. The Democrats created the message of the status quo.
Thats how you interpreted it. I remember the Clinton campaign using the term "Change Maker" a bunch. She laid out many many ideas on how she wanted to build and improve upon many many of our countries issues... Environmental investments, infrastructure rebuilds, education and healthcare reform, etc etc. Many of you decided to dismiss what she was actually saying and just say she is a status quo candidate.
At any point before the election, did you tell Candy, Lakhota, RDean, Wry etc. how to act? Of course not.
I put down and called out lies that I saw on both sides. Campaigns naturally take on a more heated debate and critique, I was tough on Trump because I saw through his con and I really couldn't stand the thought of him in the white house. But campaigns are forums for protest and fights for causes and representatives. After elections we need to be reminded that we are all on the same team and it is imperative to work together if we ever want to get things done.

Let's see, the Democrats sent people in to instigate shit at rallies. They did not want to discuss immigration intelligently preferring to call anyone that disagreed with them as racist. They accused a nationstate of something they didn't do. They did some dirty shit to Sanders and said they didn't need the people behind him and they couldn't even articulate any of his policies. And now that Clinton lost you want to tell people how to act? You, and actually you-personally-were not quite as nasty as many others, had no problem dividing the country when it was useful. You had 8 years to deal with the issues. You chose not to. Down ticket lost too.

You and the Dems need to listen to what the people are saying. The people are not in favor of an oligarchy. They are not in favor of having their laws for sale that benefit big interests. They don't want the IMF to dictate shit. They are absolutely fed up with being taxed and paying for the elite squad's little missions of "spreading democracy" where not only do we pay in terms of money but in terms of bodies.

WE WERE ALREADY ON THE SAME TEAM. So maybe it is the Democrats that need to figure out how to act rather than divide for power.
You are right, the Dems did some dirty shit during this campaign, i'm not going to defend it. The right did the same thing so please don't promote the falsity that its ALL the dems fault... I it is fair to say that Trumps campaign was filled with more lies, manipulation and dishonesty than any of the others. They picked a few narratives and Trump, the brilliant propagandist that he is, delivered the message of a status quo, ineffective, corrupt, weakling who is sitting on her deathbed, beautifully and rallied up enough support to win. I don't think he won because of his policies or because he stood up for the ignored white worker, I think he belittled Hillary so much that his message sunk in and people really believed that he was a tough guy and she was the character that he painted. It was a personality contest.

Trump does has some potential to shake up the system that needs to be shaken. I do not believe the man has integrity, honesty, or character. He will bring in a ball of corruption that serves his own self interest and will protect it with his pit bull tactics... With that said, there are areas that his brash personality could help some of the broken things in our system. It is a crap shoot and I'm extremely nervous about what he will do, but I hope he can take the high road and address the very very real fear and anxiety that has been injected into our minority communities because of the rhetoric that came from his campaign... and I truly hope that he does a good job and finds success.

I don't think you understand. It was the actions of the Dems and Clinton herself. It had nothing to do with personality. She delivered the message she was the status quo. The Democrats created the message of the status quo.
Thats how you interpreted it. I remember the Clinton campaign using the term "Change Maker" a bunch. She laid out many many ideas on how she wanted to build and improve upon many many of our countries issues... Environmental investments, infrastructure rebuilds, education and healthcare reform, etc etc. Many of you decided to dismiss what she was actually saying and just say she is a status quo candidate.

No. I'm a liberal. I am well aware of her track record.

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