How'd We Miss Comment on Trump's Presser Yesterday?

He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
I DID watch the presser that Tycho posted. His whole remarks 'til he handed it off to VP Pence. There were no more questions from the press at the end of the clip he gave me.

Don't jump to conclusions--I haven't watched CNN in about two years and I never watched MSNBC. I got the clip in my OP off Youtube. My reaction is my own.

Let me get this're here whining about what Trump said in his press briefing...about how he wasn't including healthcare professionals in the decision on when to reopen...when in fact he DID state quite clearly that the task force would include both business people and healthcare professionals!

So when I call you on that obvious're now backpedaling furiously to claim that Trump didn't mention healthcare professionals in the clip that someone gave you? You didn't watch the whole press briefing did you? Your "reaction" is farce! You're accusing someone of saying something when you didn't even listen to everything they said! Tycho cherry picked the parts of the press briefing that made Trump look bad and you fell for that bullshit! You should be ashamed of yourself...but then's what YOU want to believe so I won't hold my breath!
Why don't you back that up with the clip that actually says what you claim? With the time where it starts. I've already listened to the damned thing once. If I'm wrong, I'm glad to be corrected. Not only for truth's sake, but because I'd much prefer to think the Pres wasn't thinking only of the economy. I've never thought of Tycho as an anti-Trumper. Why would he give me a cut clip that made Trump look bad? I don't actually take notes about who is on who's side here, but he has always struck me as a conservative and I believe he has consistently been trying to make Trump look better.

I ask long was the "clip" that you watched?
Old Style, why don't you watch it and find out. I started from the moment Trump entered the room and I listened to the questions and remarks right up until he handed it off to Pence. I scrolled to the end and there were no further press questions. I didn't set a timer.
He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
I DID watch the presser that Tycho posted. His whole remarks 'til he handed it off to VP Pence. There were no more questions from the press at the end of the clip he gave me.

Don't jump to conclusions--I haven't watched CNN in about two years and I never watched MSNBC. I got the clip in my OP off Youtube. My reaction is my own.

Let me get this're here whining about what Trump said in his press briefing...about how he wasn't including healthcare professionals in the decision on when to reopen...when in fact he DID state quite clearly that the task force would include both business people and healthcare professionals!

So when I call you on that obvious're now backpedaling furiously to claim that Trump didn't mention healthcare professionals in the clip that someone gave you? You didn't watch the whole press briefing did you? Your "reaction" is farce! You're accusing someone of saying something when you didn't even listen to everything they said! Tycho cherry picked the parts of the press briefing that made Trump look bad and you fell for that bullshit! You should be ashamed of yourself...but then's what YOU want to believe so I won't hold my breath!
Why don't you back that up with the clip that actually says what you claim? With the time where it starts. I've already listened to the damned thing once. If I'm wrong, I'm glad to be corrected. Not only for truth's sake, but because I'd much prefer to think the Pres wasn't thinking only of the economy. I've never thought of Tycho as an anti-Trumper. Why would he give me a cut clip that made Trump look bad? I don't actually take notes about who is on who's side here, but he has always struck me as a conservative and I believe he has consistently been trying to make Trump look better.

I ask long was the "clip" that you watched?
Old Style, why don't you watch it and find out. I started from the moment Trump entered the room and I listened to the questions and remarks right up until he handed it off to Pence. I scrolled to the end and there were no further press questions. I didn't set a timer.

It's a simple long was the video clip?
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

Did you watch the vid you posted?

I sure did. What did I miss?

You didn't hear him say he'll be getting advice from professionals {the greatest minds} and politicians before making any decisions?

Jared Kushner?
He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
I DID watch the presser that Tycho posted. His whole remarks 'til he handed it off to VP Pence. There were no more questions from the press at the end of the clip he gave me.

Don't jump to conclusions--I haven't watched CNN in about two years and I never watched MSNBC. I got the clip in my OP off Youtube. My reaction is my own.

Let me get this're here whining about what Trump said in his press briefing...about how he wasn't including healthcare professionals in the decision on when to reopen...when in fact he DID state quite clearly that the task force would include both business people and healthcare professionals!

So when I call you on that obvious're now backpedaling furiously to claim that Trump didn't mention healthcare professionals in the clip that someone gave you? You didn't watch the whole press briefing did you? Your "reaction" is farce! You're accusing someone of saying something when you didn't even listen to everything they said! Tycho cherry picked the parts of the press briefing that made Trump look bad and you fell for that bullshit! You should be ashamed of yourself...but then's what YOU want to believe so I won't hold my breath!
Why don't you back that up with the clip that actually says what you claim? With the time where it starts. I've already listened to the damned thing once. If I'm wrong, I'm glad to be corrected. Not only for truth's sake, but because I'd much prefer to think the Pres wasn't thinking only of the economy. I've never thought of Tycho as an anti-Trumper. Why would he give me a cut clip that made Trump look bad? I don't actually take notes about who is on who's side here, but he has always struck me as a conservative and I believe he has consistently been trying to make Trump look better.

I ask long was the "clip" that you watched?
Old Style, why don't you watch it and find out. I started from the moment Trump entered the room and I listened to the questions and remarks right up until he handed it off to Pence. I scrolled to the end and there were no further press questions. I didn't set a timer.

It's a simple long was the video clip?
Asked and answered. No badgering the witness. Move on, counselor.
He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
I DID watch the presser that Tycho posted. His whole remarks 'til he handed it off to VP Pence. There were no more questions from the press at the end of the clip he gave me.

Don't jump to conclusions--I haven't watched CNN in about two years and I never watched MSNBC. I got the clip in my OP off Youtube. My reaction is my own.

Let me get this're here whining about what Trump said in his press briefing...about how he wasn't including healthcare professionals in the decision on when to reopen...when in fact he DID state quite clearly that the task force would include both business people and healthcare professionals!

So when I call you on that obvious're now backpedaling furiously to claim that Trump didn't mention healthcare professionals in the clip that someone gave you? You didn't watch the whole press briefing did you? Your "reaction" is farce! You're accusing someone of saying something when you didn't even listen to everything they said! Tycho cherry picked the parts of the press briefing that made Trump look bad and you fell for that bullshit! You should be ashamed of yourself...but then's what YOU want to believe so I won't hold my breath!
Why don't you back that up with the clip that actually says what you claim? With the time where it starts. I've already listened to the damned thing once. If I'm wrong, I'm glad to be corrected. Not only for truth's sake, but because I'd much prefer to think the Pres wasn't thinking only of the economy. I've never thought of Tycho as an anti-Trumper. Why would he give me a cut clip that made Trump look bad? I don't actually take notes about who is on who's side here, but he has always struck me as a conservative and I believe he has consistently been trying to make Trump look better.

I ask long was the "clip" that you watched?
Old Style, why don't you watch it and find out. I started from the moment Trump entered the room and I listened to the questions and remarks right up until he handed it off to Pence. I scrolled to the end and there were no further press questions. I didn't set a timer.

It's a simple long was the video clip?
Asked and answered. No badgering the witness. Move on, counselor.

Answered? When did you answer my question about how long the video clip you watched was? You've avoided it! You've told me to go find a clip that I haven't watched! It's the clip that YOU are let's hear how long it was!

See here's the thing, Old Lady...I think it's suddenly dawned on you that you've listened to a short clip from a rather long (two hours and twenty minutes?) press conference and that you're essentially full of shit on your claim that Trump isn't including medical professionals in his decision on when to reopen the economy! In the press conference he talks about the panel he's setting up to help make that call. It comes about the one hour and fourteen minute mark, I believe!

So why don't you just admit that you were talking out of your ass...apologize for it...and move on!
Use your fuckin' heads folks.

President Trump CANNOT END THE LOCKDOWN! That is up to the individual Governors, then to the business owners, then to the public.

All the President can do is make recommendations, and like any CEO, he has hired a team of consultants whose recommendations he will follow, in case things go badly.

Keep in mind, we are in a political kabuki dance right now. NO POLITICIAN wants to say, "All Clear," because when s/he does, s/he will be blamed for the inevitable spike in new cases and DEATHS. So they want to open things up - Trump certainly does - but in a way that deflects blame in advance for what will surely happen as soon as we open the floodgates.

The re-opening will in fact happen differently in different states and regions, and in different segments of the economy. You can't possibly expect movie theaters and golf courses to open at the same time. They operate under entirely different paradigms, one of which is conducive to operating under these conditions, and one is not. Same for every other industry.
Use your fuckin' heads folks.

President Trump CANNOT END THE LOCKDOWN! That is up to the individual Governors, then to the business owners, then to the public.

All the President can do is make recommendations, and like any CEO, he has hired a team of consultants whose recommendations he will follow, in case things go badly.

Keep in mind, we are in a political kabuki dance right now. NO POLITICIAN wants to say, "All Clear," because when s/he does, s/he will be blamed for the inevitable spike in new cases and DEATHS. So they want to open things up - Trump certainly does - but in a way that deflects blame in advance for what will surely happen as soon as we open the floodgates.

The re-opening will in fact happen differently in different states and regions, and in different segments of the economy. You can't possibly expect movie theaters and golf courses to open at the same time. They operate under entirely different paradigms, one of which is conducive to operating under these conditions, and one is not. Same for every other industry.

I couldn't agree more. Politicians excel at one thing more than all's called "covering one's ass!" It's rather obvious at this point that we need to start reopening parts of the economy as soon as possible because keeping it all shut down for much longer will create more damage to the nation than any virus ever could. The question is...which politicians have the spine to make the call on that?
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

Relying on Trumps Yuge Brain to protect us is scary.

Google is your friend oldstyle.............might want to use it one day....LOL

Book mark this site folks

I didn't NEED to google the coverage of the presser, Eagle because I watched it in it's entirety...unlike some other people (cough cough). Old Lady obviously didn't!
And .......she showed a clip about one point of the discussion......currently they are shooting for May1st..........and Businesses are .........cough cough.....sending printable permission say you have the right to go to work.......

You don't put on a condom unless.......well you know the answer........I see opening up May 1st........or in that time frame......and with it.......cases WILL POP BACK UP...........

This is only the first wave and we can't stay down forever.......That's the deal.
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

Relying on Trumps Yuge Brain to protect us is scary.

Go to that speech and tell me what scares you old man.............LOL
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

Relying on Trumps Yuge Brain to protect us is scary.

Winger chimes in...and the collective IQ of this string dips by 20%!
Use your fuckin' heads folks.

President Trump CANNOT END THE LOCKDOWN! That is up to the individual Governors, then to the business owners, then to the public.

All the President can do is make recommendations, and like any CEO, he has hired a team of consultants whose recommendations he will follow, in case things go badly.

Keep in mind, we are in a political kabuki dance right now. NO POLITICIAN wants to say, "All Clear," because when s/he does, s/he will be blamed for the inevitable spike in new cases and DEATHS. So they want to open things up - Trump certainly does - but in a way that deflects blame in advance for what will surely happen as soon as we open the floodgates.

The re-opening will in fact happen differently in different states and regions, and in different segments of the economy. You can't possibly expect movie theaters and golf courses to open at the same time. They operate under entirely different paradigms, one of which is conducive to operating under these conditions, and one is not. Same for every other industry.

I couldn't agree more. Politicians excel at one thing more than all's called "covering one's ass!" It's rather obvious at this point that we need to start reopening parts of the economy as soon as possible because keeping it all shut down for much longer will create more damage to the nation than any virus ever could. The question is...which politicians have the spine to make the call on that?

I’d like to see them start to allow certain businesses to reopen as long as they can meet criteria for social distancing and cleaning the workplace.

Keep restaurants and bars closed as well as anything that attracts large crowds. But let other businesses open
Use your fuckin' heads folks.

President Trump CANNOT END THE LOCKDOWN! That is up to the individual Governors, then to the business owners, then to the public.

All the President can do is make recommendations, and like any CEO, he has hired a team of consultants whose recommendations he will follow, in case things go badly.

Keep in mind, we are in a political kabuki dance right now. NO POLITICIAN wants to say, "All Clear," because when s/he does, s/he will be blamed for the inevitable spike in new cases and DEATHS. So they want to open things up - Trump certainly does - but in a way that deflects blame in advance for what will surely happen as soon as we open the floodgates.

The re-opening will in fact happen differently in different states and regions, and in different segments of the economy. You can't possibly expect movie theaters and golf courses to open at the same time. They operate under entirely different paradigms, one of which is conducive to operating under these conditions, and one is not. Same for every other industry.
I think he's gonna lift the Federal guidelines .....then let the states decide......I agree.....

So.....looks like down here.....we are going back to work in a few weeks then......
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

Relying on Trumps Yuge Brain to protect us is scary.

Go to that speech and tell me what scares you old man.............LOL

You think Winger is going to sit through 2 hours and twenty minutes of people talking about complex issues? His tiny cranium would explode after the first ten! He's more a "bumper sticker" kind of guy. Anything deeper than a few lines confuses him!
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

Relying on Trumps Yuge Brain to protect us is scary.

Go to that speech and tell me what scares you old man.............LOL

Relying on Trumps brain.
The same brain that thinks Washington captured the airports and Obama was born in Kenya

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