How'd We Miss Comment on Trump's Presser Yesterday?

Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
OL, there are plenty of epidemiologists and medical experts who have said that we should have never shut down in the first place.

Just because your TEE VEE and the corporate press hasn't rolled them in front of you, doesn't mean that they are not well respected and experts in their field.
I've never run into an article from any of them. Got any? (PS no tv)
No, I have only watched several videos of lectures from several doctors and epidemiologists about how they have never actually cultured the virus to prove it even exists. There have been no electron microscopes actually looking at the "virus."

I have also found out about how the PCR test is not a gold standard test.

IT is a very complex topic that cannot be summed up in a short article, you would need to watch an hour. . . hour and half lecture to really understand what is going on, I am sorry.

I found an article, but it is VERY complex.

In short, depending on how you DO the test, will actually, believe it or not, sometimes, for some diseases, determine the results.

For instance, even YOU could have, according to the diagnostic criteria for lung cancer, have those types of cells in YOUR lungs, if those tests were amplified enough times. However, your immune system will deal with that threat in a timely fashion.

What this means, is, chances are, a very large percentage of the population already has Covid-19. The CDC and FDA wanted to maintain control of testing protocols, and not have either independent authorities, or the WHO, or the State authorities have authority over the testing procedures, so that they would be the ones would be allowed to determine how many times the PCR test could be amplified. This then, determines how many folks will "test positive for the virus."

. . . and thus, will enable the media to promote scare tactics and then political police state measures.

Here, I found a pretty unbiased article here;

Two good lectures telling the truth about what is going on here;

The article referenced in that last video is here, if you care to try to comprehend it.
Folder Contents
The folks that run things like to suppress stuff. That is why you are in prison now.

He also does a much better job of making the PCR test issue understandable.

"From “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” [1]:

“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.”

Translation: A positive test doesn’t guarantee that the COVID virus is causing infection at all. And, ahem, reading between the lines, maybe the COVID virus might not be in the patient’s body at all, either.

From the World Health Organization (WHO): “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans” [2]:

“Several assays that detect the 2019-nCoV have been and are currently under development, both in-house and commercially. Some assays may detect only the novel virus [COVID] and some may also detect other strains (e.g. SARS-CoV) that are genetically similar.”

Translation: Some PCR tests register positive for types of coronavirus that have nothing to do with COVID—including plain old coronas that cause nothing more than a cold.

The WHO document adds this little piece: “Protocol use limitations: Optional clinical specimens for testing has [have] not yet been validated.”

Translation: We’re not sure which tissue samples to take from the patient, in order for the test to have any validity.


“…The SARS-CoV-2RNA [COVID virus] is generally detectable in respiratory specimens during the acute phase of infection. Positive results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA; clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status…THE AGENT DETECTED MAY NOT BE THE DEFINITE CAUSE OF DISEASE (CAPS are mine). Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”

Translation: On the one hand, we claim the test can “generally” detect the presence of the COVID virus in a patient. But we admit that “the agent detected” on the test, by which we mean COVID, “may not be the definite cause of disease.” We also admit that, unless the patient has an acute infection, we can’t find COVID. Therefore, the idea of “asymptomatic patients” confirmed by the test is nonsense. And even though a positive test for COVID may not indicate the actual cause of disease, all positive tests must be reported—and they will be counted as “COVID cases.” Regardless.

From a manufacturer of PCR test kit elements, Creative Diagnostics, “SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit” [4]:"
The rest of us are eager to get back to a normal life where we go to work and a couple of ball games and enjoy food at our favorite restaurants. You libs can continue to hide in your houses.
You have no idea how much I agree with you! I just don't trust Trump's judgment. He's pretty consistently ignored what he doesn't want to hear, and he's made up his mind we're going to get back up and running to save the economy. And yes, he said who those professionals were--people in politics, people of reason, and businessmen. Never ONCE did he mention the medical community.
Trump listens more to his base (evangelicals, etc) than to scientists & medical specialists.
The rest of us are eager to get back to a normal life where we go to work and a couple of ball games and enjoy food at our favorite restaurants. You libs can continue to hide in your houses.
You have no idea how much I agree with you! I just don't trust Trump's judgment. He's pretty consistently ignored what he doesn't want to hear, and he's made up his mind we're going to get back up and running to save the economy. And yes, he said who those professionals were--people in politics, people of reason, and businessmen. Never ONCE did he mention the medical community.
Trump listens more to his base (evangelicals, etc) than to scientists & medical specialists.
Well, he's in it to win. Let's not start slamming evangelicals, please.
This guy was nominated for a Pulitzer prize back in the 80's but told he would have to lay off his investigations into big pharma and the health industry. He told them to go pound sand and went rouge.

Now he just tells the truth. This is an easier to read article about how the virus was never isolated in a scientific way.

Respectfully, Mr. Beale, (1) what is your point, in plain English? and (2) what does it have to do with the OP?

The point is, there are many ways to manipulate the testing, and thus, the perception of how widely spread the infection is. Folks aren't even being told what the nature of the disease is. You claim he isn't listening to the "experts," but I don't think you even know who they are, or what they are doing.

You believe one thing, I am trying to explain to you, there may be a completely different reality than what you are being told. However. . . you refuse to listen or even look. You are being closed minded.

You are complaining that Trump is not "listening" to the "experts." You believe only certain folks are experts.

Well? If this is something new. . . . which people are the experts? Which folks should he be listening to? :dunno:

If these folks aren't even following the scientific method, why should I believe they are even "experts?"

This guy was nominated for a Pulitzer prize back in the 80's but told he would have to lay off his investigations into big pharma and the health industry. He told them to go pound sand and went rouge.

Now he just tells the truth. This is an easier to read article about how the virus was never isolated in a scientific way.

Respectfully, Mr. Beale, (1) what is your point, in plain English? and (2) what does it have to do with the OP?

The point is, there are many ways to manipulate the testing, and thus, the perception of how widely spread the infection is. Folks aren't even being told what the nature of the disease is. You claim he isn't listening to the "experts," but I don't think you even know who they are, or what they are doing.

You believe one thing, I am trying to explain to you, there may be a completely different reality than what you are being told. However. . . you refuse to listen or even look. You are being closed minded.

You are complaining that Trump is not "listening" to the "experts." You believe only certain folks are experts.

Well? If this is something new. . . . which people are the experts? Which folks should he be listening to? :dunno:

If these folks aren't even following the scientific method, why should I believe they are even "experts?"

Thank you, Mr. Beale! I appreciate it. I've wondered as well about some of the testing results, especially when I hear a soundbyte that So. Korea has had a group of people that are recovered testing positive again. Now, they must have gotten sick or they wouldn't have been tested again, right? But what was the outcome? Or were they just routine tests and the patients remained asymptomatic. So I've wondered some, as well. Everyone is learning as fast as they can, doing the best they can, and it's going to be awhile before we're perfect at it. Interesting point.
This guy was nominated for a Pulitzer prize back in the 80's but told he would have to lay off his investigations into big pharma and the health industry. He told them to go pound sand and went rouge.

Now he just tells the truth. This is an easier to read article about how the virus was never isolated in a scientific way.

Respectfully, Mr. Beale, (1) what is your point, in plain English? and (2) what does it have to do with the OP?

The point is, there are many ways to manipulate the testing, and thus, the perception of how widely spread the infection is. Folks aren't even being told what the nature of the disease is. You claim he isn't listening to the "experts," but I don't think you even know who they are, or what they are doing.

You believe one thing, I am trying to explain to you, there may be a completely different reality than what you are being told. However. . . you refuse to listen or even look. You are being closed minded.

You are complaining that Trump is not "listening" to the "experts." You believe only certain folks are experts.

Well? If this is something new. . . . which people are the experts? Which folks should he be listening to? :dunno:

If these folks aren't even following the scientific method, why should I believe they are even "experts?"

Thank you, Mr. Beale! I appreciate it. I've wondered as well about some of the testing results, especially when I hear a soundbyte that So. Korea has had a group of people that are recovered testing positive again. Now, they must have gotten sick or they wouldn't have been tested again, right? But what was the outcome? Or were they just routine tests and the patients remained asymptomatic. So I've wondered some, as well. Everyone is learning as fast as they can, doing the best they can, and it's going to be awhile before we're perfect at it. Interesting point.

Trumps metric is Mythomania - highly contagious to low IQ bootlickers.

he said hes not a doctor - so he should remove himself from the equation and let professionals trained to deal with pandemics DO THEIR F'N JOB
The rest of us are eager to get back to a normal life where we go to work and a couple of ball games and enjoy food at our favorite restaurants. You libs can continue to hide in your houses.
You have no idea how much I agree with you! I just don't trust Trump's judgment. He's pretty consistently ignored what he doesn't want to hear, and he's made up his mind we're going to get back up and running to save the economy. And yes, he said who those professionals were--people in politics, people of reason, and businessmen. Never ONCE did he mention the medical community.

He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
This guy was nominated for a Pulitzer prize back in the 80's but told he would have to lay off his investigations into big pharma and the health industry. He told them to go pound sand and went rouge.

Now he just tells the truth. This is an easier to read article about how the virus was never isolated in a scientific way.

Respectfully, Mr. Beale, (1) what is your point, in plain English? and (2) what does it have to do with the OP?

The point is, there are many ways to manipulate the testing, and thus, the perception of how widely spread the infection is. Folks aren't even being told what the nature of the disease is. You claim he isn't listening to the "experts," but I don't think you even know who they are, or what they are doing.

You believe one thing, I am trying to explain to you, there may be a completely different reality than what you are being told. However. . . you refuse to listen or even look. You are being closed minded.

You are complaining that Trump is not "listening" to the "experts." You believe only certain folks are experts.

Well? If this is something new. . . . which people are the experts? Which folks should he be listening to? :dunno:

If these folks aren't even following the scientific method, why should I believe they are even "experts?"

Thank you, Mr. Beale! I appreciate it. I've wondered as well about some of the testing results, especially when I hear a soundbyte that So. Korea has had a group of people that are recovered testing positive again. Now, they must have gotten sick or they wouldn't have been tested again, right? But what was the outcome? Or were they just routine tests and the patients remained asymptomatic. So I've wondered some, as well. Everyone is learning as fast as they can, doing the best they can, and it's going to be awhile before we're perfect at it. Interesting point.

Thank you!

I had a similar conversation with my mom, I was trying to unlock how science was becoming politicized here, and the testing was so quick over there. If you read all that and watch those videos, you can understand how they can literally, manipulate who gets a positive test, and who shows up negative, based on how different political jurisdictions make their tests of various sensitivity.

This explains why some folks that have strong immune systems and can fight off infections, IOW, "asymptomatic" who have some virus, are having some jurisdictions tests amplifies so high as to test positive. . . completely political.

It's just nuts. All an excuse for pols. to socialize, destroy the economy and take over.

OTH, this politicizing was also dangerous, b/c it created a lag time when the free market could have had testing hundreds, thousands at a lower sensitivity, let folks voluntarily quarantine themselves had they actually had it, and let business go on as usual, like they did in S. Korea.

. .. but the State did not want that. . . That wanted a crises. It was a great way to head off the inevitable recession and do the bail-out that knew they had to eventually do anyway.

. . . all for a relatively innocuous respiratory infection.
He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
I DID watch the presser that Tycho posted. His whole remarks 'til he handed it off to VP Pence. There were no more questions from the press at the end of the clip he gave me.

Don't jump to conclusions--I haven't watched CNN in about two years and I never watched MSNBC. I got the clip in my OP off Youtube. My reaction is my own.
All an excuse for pols. to socialize, destroy the economy and take over.
I don't believe that. I will apologize some day if you are proven right.
I admire your unwillingness to accept that things, are, irrevocably different. The elites have maneuvered the world into their planned change, b/c folks were not willing to go into their Agenda 2030 like they wanted.

If you aren't paying attention? They are already telling you, this IS the new normal. It . . . sort of reminds you of 9/11, doesn't it? :heehee:

Eventually, if you DON'T like it, the left, and the right will have to come together, to go out into the streets to protest this.

Trump IS bad and has lied to everyone. Cuomo IS bad, and has lied to everyone. Whitmer IS bad, and has lied to everyone. They are ALL bad, and have lied to everyone. And if you keep watching the TEE VEE, and listening to the corporate media, you aren't doing yourself any favors. You want to know how the German citizens followed the Nazis down the path to slavery and destruction, well? You are living it.

He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
I DID watch the presser that Tycho posted. His whole remarks 'til he handed it off to VP Pence. There were no more questions from the press at the end of the clip he gave me.

Don't jump to conclusions--I haven't watched CNN in about two years and I never watched MSNBC. I got the clip in my OP off Youtube. My reaction is my own.

Let me get this're here whining about what Trump said in his press briefing...about how he wasn't including healthcare professionals in the decision on when to reopen...when in fact he DID state quite clearly that the task force would include both business people and healthcare professionals! So tell me, Old long WAS the clip that you listened to?

So when I call you on that obvious're now backpedaling furiously to claim that Trump didn't mention healthcare professionals in the clip that someone gave you? You didn't watch the whole press briefing did you? Your "reaction" is farce! You're accusing someone of saying something when you didn't even listen to everything they said! Tycho cherry picked the parts of the press briefing that made Trump look bad and you fell for that bullshit! You should be ashamed of yourself...but then's what YOU want to believe so I won't hold my breath!
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In a few weeks I believe this will end.............Next month early I believe..............

Letters are going out to those be shown who you are working for if stopped......

Where I work......they are in the know..........So looks like about 3 weeks and back to work.................enough of this DAMNED PANIC.
He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
I DID watch the presser that Tycho posted. His whole remarks 'til he handed it off to VP Pence. There were no more questions from the press at the end of the clip he gave me.

Don't jump to conclusions--I haven't watched CNN in about two years and I never watched MSNBC. I got the clip in my OP off Youtube. My reaction is my own.

Let me get this're here whining about what Trump said in his press briefing...about how he wasn't including healthcare professionals in the decision on when to reopen...when in fact he DID state quite clearly that the task force would include both business people and healthcare professionals!

So when I call you on that obvious're now backpedaling furiously to claim that Trump didn't mention healthcare professionals in the clip that someone gave you? You didn't watch the whole press briefing did you? Your "reaction" is farce! You're accusing someone of saying something when you didn't even listen to everything they said! Tycho cherry picked the parts of the press briefing that made Trump look bad and you fell for that bullshit! You should be ashamed of yourself...but then's what YOU want to believe so I won't hold my breath!
Why don't you back that up with the clip that actually says what you claim? With the time where it starts. I've already listened to the damned thing once. If I'm wrong, I'm glad to be corrected. Not only for truth's sake, but because I'd much prefer to think the Pres wasn't thinking only of the economy. I've never thought of Tycho as an anti-Trumper. Why would he give me a cut clip that made Trump look bad? I don't actually take notes about who is on who's side here, but he has always struck me as a conservative and I believe he has consistently been trying to make Trump look better.
In a few weeks I believe this will end.............Next month early I believe..............

Letters are going out to those be shown who you are working for if stopped......

Where I work......they are in the know..........So looks like about 3 weeks and back to work.................enough of this DAMNED PANIC.
What state are you in, eagle?
In a few weeks I believe this will end.............Next month early I believe..............

Letters are going out to those be shown who you are working for if stopped......

Where I work......they are in the know..........So looks like about 3 weeks and back to work.................enough of this DAMNED PANIC.
What state are you in, eagle?
Alabama..........ROLL TIDE.........
Alabama..........ROLL TIDE.........
I hope we're right behind ya! That will mean not only that the disease has peaked here and is on the downward slope, but it will also mean MY DINER will be open again. School's going to be closed for the rest of the year, so I won't be going back to the classroom, but at least the shutdown will be over.
He's putting together a task force to deal with the reopening of the economy...a task force made up of medical experts and business experts! What the fuck do you listen to, Old Lady that you don't know THAT? You didn't watch the news presser...did you? You watched some sound bites on CNN or MSNBC that TOLD you what he said...didn't you? I say that because if you HAD watched it you wouldn't be here posting this load of crap!
I DID watch the presser that Tycho posted. His whole remarks 'til he handed it off to VP Pence. There were no more questions from the press at the end of the clip he gave me.

Don't jump to conclusions--I haven't watched CNN in about two years and I never watched MSNBC. I got the clip in my OP off Youtube. My reaction is my own.

Let me get this're here whining about what Trump said in his press briefing...about how he wasn't including healthcare professionals in the decision on when to reopen...when in fact he DID state quite clearly that the task force would include both business people and healthcare professionals!

So when I call you on that obvious're now backpedaling furiously to claim that Trump didn't mention healthcare professionals in the clip that someone gave you? You didn't watch the whole press briefing did you? Your "reaction" is farce! You're accusing someone of saying something when you didn't even listen to everything they said! Tycho cherry picked the parts of the press briefing that made Trump look bad and you fell for that bullshit! You should be ashamed of yourself...but then's what YOU want to believe so I won't hold my breath!
Why don't you back that up with the clip that actually says what you claim? With the time where it starts. I've already listened to the damned thing once. If I'm wrong, I'm glad to be corrected. Not only for truth's sake, but because I'd much prefer to think the Pres wasn't thinking only of the economy. I've never thought of Tycho as an anti-Trumper. Why would he give me a cut clip that made Trump look bad? I don't actually take notes about who is on who's side here, but he has always struck me as a conservative and I believe he has consistently been trying to make Trump look better.

I ask long was the "clip" that you watched?

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