How'd We Miss Comment on Trump's Presser Yesterday?

The conversation was about the bipartisan group he's going to be announcing next week. Including Democrat Governors, business CEO's, and a broader section of people including healthcare specialists.
Thanks, Ricky. To include THOSE politicians makes sense, since they are the ones giving the emergency orders.
The rest of us are eager to get back to a normal life where we go to work and a couple of ball games and enjoy food at our favorite restaurants. You libs can continue to hide in your houses.
You have no idea how much I agree with you! I just don't trust Trump's judgment. He's pretty consistently ignored what he doesn't want to hear, and he's made up his mind we're going to get back up and running to save the economy. And yes, he said who those professionals were--people in politics, people of reason, and businessmen. Never ONCE did he mention the medical community.
The medical community was discussed throughout the briefing! lol
So, nothing is actually being done. It's still in the talking about it stage.
I realize that. He's forming a "council." Why do politicians need to have anything to do with a decision like this?

That's why they are elected.

Not because of how presidential they look or sound or whether they are really, really superduper.
TDS has finally exhausted them. And apparently the media didn’t make a big deal about it. The liberals here take their cue from the media. You know.... “the Kurds are all gonna die!!!!!!” “Children in cages” “Iran will slaughter us” “repealing net neutrality will kill the internet in one month!”...Or whatever the outrage of the day us. It never comes true, is relegated to the memory hole and a new outrage is screamed about with total conviction. For a little while....
So, nothing is actually being done. It's still in the talking about it stage.
I realize that. He's forming a "council." Why do politicians need to have anything to do with a decision like this?

That's why they are elected.

Not because of how presidential they look or sound or whether they are really, really superduper.

Old lady prefers a dictator.
How did this one get by us? I heard a sound byte on the radio while out shopping, and I immediately started imagining the screams from my fellow Trump critics. But I googled it when I got home and see that it was yesterday's news. Crickets here, so far as I can tell. Posters are still starting threads griping that there is no end in sight to this lockdown. But the President says he's going to open us up! He's going to talk to politicians and people of reason! (He never mentions doctors or scientists or researchers.) So how did something this big get by us? When he points to his head and says "This is my metric" ..... that is some scary shit.

WTF, did you only listen to every third word?
Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
The rest of us are eager to get back to a normal life where we go to work and a couple of ball games and enjoy food at our favorite restaurants. You libs can continue to hide in your houses.
You have no idea how much I agree with you! I just don't trust Trump's judgment. He's pretty consistently ignored what he doesn't want to hear, and he's made up his mind we're going to get back up and running to save the economy. And yes, he said who those professionals were--people in politics, people of reason, and businessmen. Never ONCE did he mention the medical community.
So people in the medical business aren't reasonable. My God you are an idiot!
The rest of us are eager to get back to a normal life where we go to work and a couple of ball games and enjoy food at our favorite restaurants. You libs can continue to hide in your houses.
You have no idea how much I agree with you! I just don't trust Trump's judgment. He's pretty consistently ignored what he doesn't want to hear, and he's made up his mind we're going to get back up and running to save the economy. And yes, he said who those professionals were--people in politics, people of reason, and businessmen. Never ONCE did he mention the medical community.
So you don't think that medical professionals are people of reason? What exactly do you consider them? People that are stupid? I realize that reason basically escapes some.
So you don't think that medical professionals are people of reason?
Actually, I do. Does our President? Why didn't he mention them as being included in this new team of his? Is this another of his failed communication attempts to be clear?
Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
Are you serious?? lol
Wrong. You were going by what you heard he said. Big difference.
I went by what is on the clip I linked in the OP. Ricky gave me some reassuring additional information.

But Trump claiming the "metric" is his own mind is a terrifying thought. At least he admitted it is the most important decision of his Presidency and he hopes he gets it right. That's kind of out of character, in a good way. I'll give him that.

The echoes of "I know more than the Generals" haunts me, though. There is no reason to believe that he doesn't think he knows better than the epidemiologists.
Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
OL, there are plenty of epidemiologists and medical experts who have said that we should have never shut down in the first place.

Just because your TEE VEE and the corporate press hasn't rolled them in front of you, doesn't mean that they are not well respected and experts in their field.
Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
Are you serious?? lol
Perfectly, yes.
Well I think the lock down is mostly state and local government decisions. Unless he issues some executive order, it still up to them. He is talking about having a meeting with various businesses and state official's about how the country should be reopen. Does it required a meeting or do the states and governors just lift the lock down based on advise of health care professionals or CDC. Personally the way this virus can be transmitted even with people who show the symptoms, its will be a tough decision. Obviously it can go on for long.

Ivanka could start a line of fashionable masks, that will turn their heads and people cannot help but give a thumbs up salute.

Still, I just hope the right people make the right decision and we already know Trump will take the credit.
Ivanka's Masks is a great idea! One you can breathe through. I tried a bra cup. Couldn't breathe. My neighbor offered a bandanna. But no one around here is wearing one yet, so I've got a little time to hold out for Ivanka's.
OL, there are plenty of epidemiologists and medical experts who have said that we should have never shut down in the first place.

Just because your TEE VEE and the corporate press hasn't rolled them in front of you, doesn't mean that they are not well respected and experts in their field.
I've never run into an article from any of them. Got any? (PS no tv)
Wrong. You were going by what you heard he said. Big difference.
I went by what is on the clip I linked in the OP. Ricky gave me some reassuring additional information.

But Trump claiming the "metric" is his own mind is a terrifying thought. At least he admitted it is the most important decision of his Presidency and he hopes he gets it right. That's kind of out of character, in a good way. I'll give him that.

The echoes of "I know more than the Generals" haunts me, though. There is no reason to believe that he doesn't think he knows better than the epidemiologists.
Stop listening to others and watch the briefing.....

It starts at the 1:09 mark...

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