How's Mr. Trump Enjoying His Day?

"turd pusher"...I really wish you hadn't posted that.

This clown is constantly running around trying to impress everyone with his vast knowledge while in reality he doesn't know jack
I think he knows Jack Daniels...too well.

Well if I could say how I know certain things it would change the game but I can't w/io getting someone in a world of hurt, but trust me help was there, just never sent

There it is. The old "I'd tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya" trick. Perfect.

This crazy bitch knows someone who has actual knowledge of our military operations in Benghazi. This person, whoever it is, was STUPID enough to tell her the secrets.

Totally believable.

I've got you in a couple of the way do you know any Retired USAF Lt Col? Any F-16 fighter pilots? How about a Maine Air Intelligence officer? I sit down little one

Well, I was stationed in an FA-18 outfit (VFA-131 Wildcats), and not only did I know Naval officers, but we also had an Air Force officer who flew with us (Air Force equivalent of Top Gun is to fly with the Navy for 2 years).

I also knew COMNAVAIRLANT, who was Admiral Dunleavy. His son was a pilot with our squadron.

What's your point? You just knew them from their stories and what they told you. I was actually stationed with, working with, and knew very well everyone in my squadron.
a 13 hour attack.....two AC-130 gunships within email from the Pentagon informing them forces were available sent in the early stages of the attack...This is America, Americans were under attack and dying, you try even if it's in vain. Obama, Clinton and others did nothing....but watch them die.

Hillary Clinton can go to hell

Got a link to show there were Spookys (AC-130's) in range of Benghazi at the time of the attack? much ammo did they have, and was it enough for just 2 of them to carry out a successful rescue? How would they get people on the ground for the rescue, parachutes? They'd get shot out of the sky if they tried jumping out of the plane.

Apparently, you don't know much about what you're talking about. Just because you had relatives in the military, doesn't make you an expert on how they operate.

It's common knowledge to anyone paying attention, get your nose out of Hillary's ass and look for it.

Save your other BS also, turd pusher and yes I'm confident you are one. You'd be saluting my relatives....this I know

Just as I figured Bitchy Irish don't have anything to back up your bullshit. You made the claim, I didn't, back it up.

And you have any idea how long a C-130 can stay on station, or how much armament they carry? Sorry, but just 2 Spookys isn't enough for a complete rescue mission.

Quit watching Rambo movies and actually watch a documentary on how the military actually operates. There are several good ones on right now on Discovery and the History channels. Watch 'em sometime, you might learn something.
C-130 Hercules > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
Holy Cow! GOOGLE!

You DO realize that you got the fact sheet on the wrong aircraft, right? The Hercules is strictly a cargo plane and doesn't have much in the way of weaponry.

The one you want to check out is here.............................

Lockheed AC-130 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THOSE are the ones that are called "The Angel of Death", and are the ones she was speaking of.

Gotta love civilians that don't do proper research. They're fun to laugh at.
This clown is constantly running around trying to impress everyone with his vast knowledge while in reality he doesn't know jack
I think he knows Jack Daniels...too well.

Well if I could say how I know certain things it would change the game but I can't w/io getting someone in a world of hurt, but trust me help was there, just never sent

There it is. The old "I'd tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya" trick. Perfect.

This crazy bitch knows someone who has actual knowledge of our military operations in Benghazi. This person, whoever it is, was STUPID enough to tell her the secrets.

Totally believable.

I've got you in a couple of the way do you know any Retired USAF Lt Col? Any F-16 fighter pilots? How about a Maine Air Intelligence officer? I sit down little one

Well, I was stationed in an FA-18 outfit (VFA-131 Wildcats), and not only did I know Naval officers, but we also had an Air Force officer who flew with us (Air Force equivalent of Top Gun is to fly with the Navy for 2 years).

I also knew COMNAVAIRLANT, who was Admiral Dunleavy. His son was a pilot with our squadron.

What's your point? You just knew them from their stories and what they told you. I was actually stationed with, working with, and knew very well everyone in my squadron.
And we're still voting for Trump.
a 13 hour attack.....two AC-130 gunships within email from the Pentagon informing them forces were available sent in the early stages of the attack...This is America, Americans were under attack and dying, you try even if it's in vain. Obama, Clinton and others did nothing....but watch them die.

Hillary Clinton can go to hell

Got a link to show there were Spookys (AC-130's) in range of Benghazi at the time of the attack? much ammo did they have, and was it enough for just 2 of them to carry out a successful rescue? How would they get people on the ground for the rescue, parachutes? They'd get shot out of the sky if they tried jumping out of the plane.

Apparently, you don't know much about what you're talking about. Just because you had relatives in the military, doesn't make you an expert on how they operate.

It's common knowledge to anyone paying attention, get your nose out of Hillary's ass and look for it.

Save your other BS also, turd pusher and yes I'm confident you are one. You'd be saluting my relatives....this I know

Just as I figured Bitchy Irish don't have anything to back up your bullshit. You made the claim, I didn't, back it up.

And you have any idea how long a C-130 can stay on station, or how much armament they carry? Sorry, but just 2 Spookys isn't enough for a complete rescue mission.

Quit watching Rambo movies and actually watch a documentary on how the military actually operates. There are several good ones on right now on Discovery and the History channels. Watch 'em sometime, you might learn something.
C-130 Hercules > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
Holy Cow! GOOGLE!

You DO realize that you got the fact sheet on the wrong aircraft, right? The Hercules is strictly a cargo plane and doesn't have much in the way of weaponry.

The one you want to check out is here.............................

Lockheed AC-130 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THOSE are the ones that are called "The Angel of Death", and are the ones she was speaking of.

Gotta love civilians that don't do proper research. They're fun to laugh at.
It was based off your post.
I leave the killing to others.
"turd pusher"...I really wish you hadn't posted that.

This clown is constantly running around trying to impress everyone with his vast knowledge while in reality he doesn't know jack
I think he knows Jack Daniels...too well.

Well if I could say how I know certain things it would change the game but I can't w/io getting someone in a world of hurt, but trust me help was there, just never sent

There it is. The old "I'd tell ya, but then I'd have to kill ya" trick. Perfect.

This crazy bitch knows someone who has actual knowledge of our military operations in Benghazi. This person, whoever it is, was STUPID enough to tell her the secrets.

Totally believable.

I've got you in a couple of the way do you know any Retired USAF Lt Col? Any F-16 fighter pilots? How about a Maine Air Intelligence officer? I sit down little one

You've got me in a couple whoppers? What does that even mean?

Why do crazy people always think that others will believe them when they lie?
I'm not ignoring anything. I have a wife, daughter, and sisters and what he said was disgusting. But I also don't pretend that offensive words are more harmful than "what difference does it make" after murdering 4 good men and then lying to the families about it. Or the economy. Or the national secrets she exposed to our enemies.

You Leftists have a warped view on what matters and what doesn't.

The difference is that Trump actually did what we accused him of. Your 'murdering 4 good men' nonsense is just the wasteland of your own imagination. Gibberish that sounds good in the right wing echo chamber but comes off as delusional babble to the rest of the electorate.

And its not like the 'leftists' that suddenly decided they'd had enough of Trump after his latest round of evidence that he's unfit for president. We already knew what a piece of shit he was.....and weren't voting for him.

Its the GOP in droves with members of his own party dog piling on the man. Trump's latest round of idiocy was *their* threshold. This is going to be a landslide for Clinton.
Yes Vag murdered 4 good men. That's what it's called when they're screaming for help and she withheld it.

Show us the evidence that she withheld it while they're 'screaming for help'. You can' you're citing the delusional wasteland of your imagination. And we can't hear the voices in your head.

Oh, and FYI.....this is why your ilk is losing so badly. You keep equating any batshit you can possibly make up with reality. And that's not how reality works.

Of course I'm dealing with the same depraved imps that think abortion isn't murder too. You people are wicked beyond belief.

Laughing.....holy shit, dude. You're now trying to use ABORTION to justify Trump's wanton idiocy, conspiracy batshit and serial blunders?

Even you've got to realize that your candidate is completely fucked at this point.
They were watching live sat images while it was happening, you lying fuck!

I'm through dealing with you. Vote for the murderer. You will be held accountable. Goodbye.

Actually, the live images didn't come from a satellite, they came from an UNARMED drone that could only take pictures.

And..................that was the only asset the US had in the area at the time.

No, it wasn't a satellite, you lying fuck.
It was real time intel you lying sack of shit.
I'm not ignoring anything. I have a wife, daughter, and sisters and what he said was disgusting. But I also don't pretend that offensive words are more harmful than "what difference does it make" after murdering 4 good men and then lying to the families about it. Or the economy. Or the national secrets she exposed to our enemies.

You Leftists have a warped view on what matters and what doesn't.

The difference is that Trump actually did what we accused him of. Your 'murdering 4 good men' nonsense is just the wasteland of your own imagination. Gibberish that sounds good in the right wing echo chamber but comes off as delusional babble to the rest of the electorate.

And its not like the 'leftists' that suddenly decided they'd had enough of Trump after his latest round of evidence that he's unfit for president. We already knew what a piece of shit he was.....and weren't voting for him.

Its the GOP in droves with members of his own party dog piling on the man. Trump's latest round of idiocy was *their* threshold. This is going to be a landslide for Clinton.
Yes Vag murdered 4 good men. That's what it's called when they're screaming for help and she withheld it.

Show us the evidence that she withheld it while they're 'screaming for help'. You can' you're citing the delusional wasteland of your imagination. And we can't hear the voices in your head.

Oh, and FYI.....this is why your ilk is losing so badly. You keep equating any batshit you can possibly make up with reality. And that's not how reality works.

Of course I'm dealing with the same depraved imps that think abortion isn't murder too. You people are wicked beyond belief.

Laughing.....holy shit, dude. You're now trying to use ABORTION to justify Trump's wanton idiocy, conspiracy batshit and serial blunders?

Even you've got to realize that your candidate is completely fucked at this point.
They were watching live sat images while it was happening, you lying fuck!

I'm through dealing with you. Vote for the murderer. You will be held accountable. Goodbye.

They were? Live satellite images? No shit!
Yes. No shit. Welcome to the 21st century.
Mr Trump quickly dismissed it as "locker room banter" and added, Bill Clinton has said far worse than me.

But Trump did apologize over the video tape showing him making off color comments about women

<pffft>. he didn't apologize... what he did was say he was sorry if anyone was offended...NOT for what he actually said. there's a difference. then trying to deflect & turn the spotlight on bill Clinton. when it's on film & audio of slick willy talking trash, then he'll have a point. until & unless that happens... trump is gonna get rightfully skewered over this.
Utter hypocrisy.

where's his apology specifically to his wife 'eh? that should have been the FIRST thing that came out of that anus shaped mouth of his. but not a word.
Your problem is no guy has ever been into you enough to grab you by the pussy or take you furniture shopping. You have no idea what you're missing, girl. He'll move on you like a bitch, even if you're married and happy with your phony tits.
a 13 hour attack.....two AC-130 gunships within email from the Pentagon informing them forces were available sent in the early stages of the attack...This is America, Americans were under attack and dying, you try even if it's in vain. Obama, Clinton and others did nothing....but watch them die.

Hillary Clinton can go to hell

Got a link to show there were Spookys (AC-130's) in range of Benghazi at the time of the attack? much ammo did they have, and was it enough for just 2 of them to carry out a successful rescue? How would they get people on the ground for the rescue, parachutes? They'd get shot out of the sky if they tried jumping out of the plane.

Apparently, you don't know much about what you're talking about. Just because you had relatives in the military, doesn't make you an expert on how they operate.

It's common knowledge to anyone paying attention, get your nose out of Hillary's ass and look for it.

Save your other BS also, turd pusher and yes I'm confident you are one. You'd be saluting my relatives....this I know

Just as I figured Bitchy Irish don't have anything to back up your bullshit. You made the claim, I didn't, back it up.

And you have any idea how long a C-130 can stay on station, or how much armament they carry? Sorry, but just 2 Spookys isn't enough for a complete rescue mission.

Quit watching Rambo movies and actually watch a documentary on how the military actually operates. There are several good ones on right now on Discovery and the History channels. Watch 'em sometime, you might learn something.
C-130 Hercules > U.S. Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
Holy Cow! GOOGLE!

You DO realize that you got the fact sheet on the wrong aircraft, right? The Hercules is strictly a cargo plane and doesn't have much in the way of weaponry.

The one you want to check out is here.............................

Lockheed AC-130 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THOSE are the ones that are called "The Angel of Death", and are the ones she was speaking of.

Gotta love civilians that don't do proper research. They're fun to laugh at.
Hence the repeated orders to stand down. Everyone knows you're full of shit.
How's Trump's day? Well since he is still more than likely richer than everyone on this board combined, whether he wins or losses the election isn't going to matter. He'll still get up every morning next to a hot wife, wearing silk pajamas, step on to a marble floor, eat whatever he wants, wherever he wants... and that isn't going to change.
I bet it fucks with him he wont be POTUS. When you have everything everyone else wants those things are little solace when you cant have what you really want.
How's Trump's day? Well since he is still more than likely richer than everyone on this board combined, whether he wins or losses the election isn't going to matter. He'll still get up every morning next to a hot wife, wearing silk pajamas, step on to a marble floor, eat whatever he wants, wherever he wants... and that isn't going to change.
I bet it fucks with him he wont be POTUS. When you have everything everyone else wants those things are little solace when you cant have what you really want.

Nope, because he is going to go down as the largest troll of all-time. He literally is trolling an entire country. The only thing missing, is if he came out to debate with Rick Astley playing in the background. Seriously, he's laughing his ass off right now at how over he has gotten with so many of the American people, and they took his candidacy seriously.
Mr Trump quickly dismissed it as "locker room banter" and added, Bill Clinton has said far worse than me.

But Trump did apologize over the video tape showing him making off color comments about women

<pffft>. he didn't apologize... what he did was say he was sorry if anyone was offended...NOT for what he actually said. there's a difference. then trying to deflect & turn the spotlight on bill Clinton. when it's on film & audio of slick willy talking trash, then he'll have a point. until & unless that happens... trump is gonna get rightfully skewered over this.
Utter hypocrisy.

where's his apology specifically to his wife 'eh? that should have been the FIRST thing that came out of that anus shaped mouth of his. but not a word.
How do you know he didn't?
Trump could bang his daughter in the middle of 5th Ave. and his Deplorables would be telling us that they`re a close family.
What a great time to not be a Republican!
You know that one of those staff members is gonna find some of that footage and release it to the public.

Remember how famous the dude that released the "47 percent" comment made by Mittens?

If one of the producers or staff release that footage, they will be even more famous than that. I hear television interviews and book deals pay pretty well these days.

I think you're referring to the Stern audio.

I read this am that Howard Stern let out more stuff, his ratings must be dropping, I fail to see why he has a following.
You know that one of those staff members is gonna find some of that footage and release it to the public.

Remember how famous the dude that released the "47 percent" comment made by Mittens?

If one of the producers or staff release that footage, they will be even more famous than that. I hear television interviews and book deals pay pretty well these days.

I think you're referring to the Stern audio.

that's already out there & I've posted it b4, when tribble's stellar behavior regarding women came up in other threads.... he's talking about the accusations made by cast & crew of the apprentice being caught on film.

there are these here audio clips for your enjoyment though: :slap:

Donald Trump Said A Lot Of Gross Things About Women On "Howard Stern"
How's Trump's day? Well since he is still more than likely richer than everyone on this board combined, whether he wins or losses the election isn't going to matter. He'll still get up every morning next to a hot wife, wearing silk pajamas, step on to a marble floor, eat whatever he wants, wherever he wants... and that isn't going to change.
I bet it fucks with him he wont be POTUS. When you have everything everyone else wants those things are little solace when you cant have what you really want.

Nope, because he is going to go down as the largest troll of all-time. He literally is trolling an entire country. The only thing missing, is if he came out to debate with Rick Astley playing in the background. Seriously, he's laughing his ass off right now at how over he has gotten with so many of the American people, and they took his candidacy seriously.

Well....that is one way to spin it.

In Rightwingnutistan, losing is winning. It's a wonderful place to be.
You know that one of those staff members is gonna find some of that footage and release it to the public.

Remember how famous the dude that released the "47 percent" comment made by Mittens?

If one of the producers or staff release that footage, they will be even more famous than that. I hear television interviews and book deals pay pretty well these days.

I think you're referring to the Stern audio.

I read this am that Howard Stern let out more stuff, his ratings must be dropping, I fail to see why he has a following.

I will be happy to explain it to you sometime. Let me begin by saying that there is no greater interviewer in the history of American media.
Your problem is that you can't convince enough of your fellow Americans to ignore what you do.

Though you do provide us with a lovely window into what your ilk really mean by 'family values'. Which apparently includes serial adultery and grabbing women by the pussy.
I'm not ignoring anything. I have a wife, daughter, and sisters and what he said was disgusting. But I also don't pretend that offensive words are more harmful than "what difference does it make" after murdering 4 good men and then lying to the families about it. Or the economy. Or the national secrets she exposed to our enemies.

You Leftists have a warped view on what matters and what doesn't.

The difference is that Trump actually did what we accused him of. Your 'murdering 4 good men' nonsense is just the wasteland of your own imagination. Gibberish that sounds good in the right wing echo chamber but comes off as delusional babble to the rest of the electorate.

And its not like the 'leftists' that suddenly decided they'd had enough of Trump after his latest round of evidence that he's unfit for president. We already knew what a piece of shit he was.....and weren't voting for him.

Its the GOP in droves with members of his own party dog piling on the man. Trump's latest round of idiocy was *their* threshold. This is going to be a landslide for Clinton.
Yes Vag murdered 4 good men. That's what it's called when they're screaming for help and she withheld it.

Show us the evidence that she withheld it while they're 'screaming for help'. You can' you're citing the delusional wasteland of your imagination. And we can't hear the voices in your head.

Oh, and FYI.....this is why your ilk is losing so badly. You keep equating any batshit you can possibly make up with reality. And that's not how reality works.

Of course I'm dealing with the same depraved imps that think abortion isn't murder too. You people are wicked beyond belief.

Laughing.....holy shit, dude. You're now trying to use ABORTION to justify Trump's wanton idiocy, conspiracy batshit and serial blunders?

Even you've got to realize that your candidate is completely fucked at this point.
They were watching live sat images while it was happening, you lying fuck!

I'm through dealing with you. Vote for the murderer. You will be held accountable. Goodbye.

false. you believe bullshit.

Fact-checking Benghazi: The rhetoric hasn't matched up with reality

FALSE: White House Watched Benghazi Attacked and Didn't Respond
Mr Trump quickly dismissed it as "locker room banter" and added, Bill Clinton has said far worse than me.

But Trump did apologize over the video tape showing him making off color comments about women

<pffft>. he didn't apologize... what he did was say he was sorry if anyone was offended...NOT for what he actually said. there's a difference. then trying to deflect & turn the spotlight on bill Clinton. when it's on film & audio of slick willy talking trash, then he'll have a point. until & unless that happens... trump is gonna get rightfully skewered over this.
Utter hypocrisy.

where's his apology specifically to his wife 'eh? that should have been the FIRST thing that came out of that anus shaped mouth of his. but not a word.
Your problem is no guy has ever been into you enough to grab you by the pussy or take you furniture shopping. You have no idea what you're missing, girl. He'll move on you like a bitch, even if you're married and happy with your phony tits.

lol... & you wonder why no one takes you seriously? that is except irishsassyass & that just makes me giggle..............
Mr Trump quickly dismissed it as "locker room banter" and added, Bill Clinton has said far worse than me.

But Trump did apologize over the video tape showing him making off color comments about women

<pffft>. he didn't apologize... what he did was say he was sorry if anyone was offended...NOT for what he actually said. there's a difference. then trying to deflect & turn the spotlight on bill Clinton. when it's on film & audio of slick willy talking trash, then he'll have a point. until & unless that happens... trump is gonna get rightfully skewered over this.
Utter hypocrisy.

where's his apology specifically to his wife 'eh? that should have been the FIRST thing that came out of that anus shaped mouth of his. but not a word.
How do you know he didn't?

why would he pick THAT to be private about 'eh? geez...... anything to excuse that orangatan

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