How's Mr. Trump Enjoying His Day?

He didn't even do that. He's still hemorrhaging......

Poor poor Democrats

How's Mr. Trump Enjoying His Day?

feeling pretty good i bet

Yep, he's having a good day. :)
Put a boot up her ass. He really turned things around even with the moderators trying to keep the discussion focused on his bus ride conversation with Billy Bush.

Once again we got biased moderation. Not surprised coming from the Clinton News Network.
Yeah I try to cut Anderson Cooper some slack because he did such a wonderful tribute to his mother recently and I think he tries to be a decent person but Gloria Vanderbilt was the termagant of the evening. Did you see how she was lecturing Trump instead of asking questions? She clearly had an agenda. I noticed Cooper stopped the applause for both candidates but Vanderbilt only did so for Trump and she got irate.
The mods did a better job this time around. They only let Trump speak for a little longer than Clinton, instead of for a lot longer. That is, they only gave Trump a mild advantage there, which caused Trump to whine big time. That clearly played well with Trump's fans, being how they're all pissy little things themselves, but the majority of voters don't want a whiner as president.

It was kind of pathetic that the mods asked Clinton about emails again, being it was covered in the first debate. They're still on that phony equivalence kick. "We're tough on Trump, so we have to find some way to look tough on Clinton, even if it is all bull!".

Good job that they nailed Trump a couple times for blatantly evading the question that was asked. They should have done it more, given how Trump evaded almost every question. The majority of voters won't want a weasel as a president, and that's what they saw in Trump.
You know, I only caught the last half of the debate, and it seemed that no matter what question Trump was asked, he always pivoted back to his bumper stickers and blaming Hillary, Bill and Obama.

Only problem is...............Bill and Obama aren't running, Hillary is.

This may have solidified his standing with Trumpsters who were thinking of leaving, but it also did quite a bit to distance him from all the supporters that are still undecided.

All last night was, was red meat for the Trump base.

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