How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

Ok, here (you apparently need very specific instructions): If you're tempted to vote for a bad candidate, instead, write in "my dick". Now, it's true, there's a chance your dick won't win - but that's ok. At least you won't be voting for a bad candidate. Got it?
I've been writing in Pat Paulsen. :lol:

I've been writing in Pat Paulsen. :lol:

Joking aside, when it comes to voting, we need to follow the traditional physician's admonition: "First, do no harm".

What Independentthinker, and others here, can't get through their heads is this: it's worse to vote for a bad candidate than to not vote at all. If you think both Biden and Trump suck, and you really can't think of someone better (srsly??), then please don't vote.
Joking aside, when it comes to voting, we need to follow the traditional physician's admonition: "First, do no harm".

What Independentthinker, and others here, can't get through their heads is this: it's worse to vote for a bad candidate than to not vote at all. If you think both Biden and Trump suck, and you really can't think of someone better (srsly??), then please don't vote.
I vote down ballot for local measures and such. I fill in the federal level with joke votes because a Republican poll worker was caught a few years ago filling in blank spots with Republican candidates. She'd been a poll worker for something like the previous six elections.
Joking aside, when it comes to voting, we need to follow the traditional physician's admonition: "First, do no harm".

What Independentthinker, and others here, can't get through their heads is this: it's worse to vote for a bad candidate than to not vote at all. If you think both Biden and Trump suck, and you really can't think of someone better (srsly??), then please don't vote.

To that I would add: people who vote for bad candidates get the government they deserve. And that's basically what has happened in this country, we are losing our republic because too many people have been fooled into supporting the corrupt fraudulent Duopoly.
To that I would add: people who vote for bad candidates get the government they deserve. And that's basically what has happened in this country, we are losing our republic because too many people have been fooled into supporting the corrupt fraudulent Duopoly.
If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times: We get the politicians we deserve.

Which is why I also say that when you are pissed off at the government or the state of the nation and are looking at who to blame, look in the mirror.
I vote down ballot for local measures and such. I fill in the federal level with joke votes because a Republican poll worker was caught a few years ago filling in blank spots with Republican candidates. She'd been a poll worker for something like the previous six elections.
For my money, the most important value of voting is registering support for what you believe in, so I usually vote Libertarian. But my appreciation for consensus government has grown over the years, and if either the Ds or the Rs elected an actual leader, who sought to govern the country as a whole, rather than just jerking off their party - I'd support them. Even if I didn't agree with all their policy goals.
I already noted that. I then noted how Trump signed off on the government continuing to do so. Is the spying wrong or not? How can you condemn one while excusing another?
Well I will tell ya. Obama is probably not even American. He is a pal of Bill Ayers, Jeffrey Epstein, and every other American hating elite. He lied about everything he was going to do , while Trump on the other hand told the American people the truth .so , you tell me how Trump is worse then every other career politician .sure Trump made some mistakes , but look how many snakes gave him but information just to fuck him up and use it against him.
For my money, the most important value of voting is registering support for what you believe in, so I usually vote Libertarian. But my appreciation for consensus government has grown over the years, and if either the Ds or the Rs elected an actual leader, who sought to govern the country as a whole, rather than just jerking off their party - I'd support them. Even if I didn't agree with all their policy goals.
In the mind of a Trumptard "consensus" = "RINO".
Well I will tell ya. Obama is probably not even American. He is a pal of Bill Ayers, Jeffrey Epstein, and every other American hating elite. He lied about everything he was going to do , while Trump on the other hand told the American people the truth .so , you tell me how Trump is worse then every other career politician .sure Trump made some mistakes , but look how many snakes gave him but information just to fuck him up and use it against him.
Obama is a friend of Jeffrey Epstein? Since when?

Obama did not lie about what he was going to do. He promised Obamacare, and we got Obamacare.

Trump on the other hand...


This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.

Washington and Jefferson were far right radicals who did what was necessary to break the chains of tyranny. A "liberal" in Teddy's time is a right-winger in our time. Reagan & Trump tried to point America in the direction of the Constitution. They were good for our current economic times.

"All men Created Equal" and "Inalienable rights", not to mention "We the ordain" were NOT the ideas of the 'far right'. Washington and Jefferson were extreme liberal radicals.

Teddy Roosevelt was fanatically pro-labor and pro-union. He even wanted socialized medicine. Not a right-winger by any means.

Reagan began the establishment of a fascist socio-economic order. He ended upward mobility and was categorically anti-labor. Good economic times for the wealthy, an economic disaster for the poor. Homelessness grew exponentially.

Trump tried to destroy democracy and establish himself as a dictator. He tried to reverse everything the Washington fought for.
"All men Created Equal" and "Inalienable rights", not to mention "We the ordain" were NOT the ideas of the 'far right'. Washington and Jefferson were extreme liberal radicals.
Technically, Washington was a radical.

But men like Jefferson and Paine were downright proto-communists. Especially Paine.

You are correct, they were certainly not far right.
In the mind of a Trumptard "consensus" = "RINO".
And I think they usually hear "consensus" as some kind of kumbaya bullshit. That's not what it's about. Consensus isn't a call for us to all hold hands and agree.

Consensus is about consent. It means that everyone is willing to consent to a decision. They might not agree with it, but they're willing to give it a chance. They're not going to plot to undermine it at every opportunity.

But if a significant minority of voters can't do that - if they have paramount objections to a decision that make it impossible for them to go along with it - then that decision is vetoed. We don't get to elect that leader, or implement that policy.

That's where consensus differs from compromise. Compromise says "we'll let you do your stuff, that half the country hates it, if you let us do our stuff, that half the country hates". Consensus says, "we don't do stuff that half the country hates."
I say again: My vote has to be EARNED.

No thieving sore loser traitorous rapist is going to get it. No soft-headed octogenarian who doesn't know what planet he is on is going to get it.
And yet you also say that you are voting Libertarian simply because they are not R's or D's. That's not earning your vote. That's voting for what you believe to be the lesser of three evils.
Ok, here (you apparently need very specific instructions): If you're tempted to vote for a bad candidate, instead, write in "my dick". Now, it's true, there's a chance your dick won't win - but that's ok. At least you won't be voting for a bad candidate. Got it?
But that's what everyone already does. You said it yourself. If you think Trump is the best then vote for Trump. If you think Biden is the best then vote for Biden. Sometimes the person you voted for doesn't check all of your boxes after your vote has been cast and sometimes that is because they compromised with the other side, which is supposed to be what democracy is all about. That happens no matter who you vote for. Or, are you saying that we should only vote for someone who refuses to compromise and if they compromise then you make sure you don't vote for them again?
Well I will tell ya. Obama is probably not even American. He is a pal of Bill Ayers, Jeffrey Epstein, and every other American hating elite. He lied about everything he was going to do , while Trump on the other hand told the American people the truth .so , you tell me how Trump is worse then every other career politician .sure Trump made some mistakes , but look how many snakes gave him but information just to fuck him up and use it against him.

Trump only hired the best. He said so himself.
Joking aside, when it comes to voting, we need to follow the traditional physician's admonition: "First, do no harm".

What Independentthinker, and others here, can't get through their heads is this: it's worse to vote for a bad candidate than to not vote at all. If you think both Biden and Trump suck, and you really can't think of someone better (srsly??), then please don't vote.
Did you vote in 2020 and, if so, who did you think was better than Biden or Trump? Who got your vote or, didn't you vote?

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