How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

SORRY, Was posting reply to # 20 Jackson. Shameful that any one would post such trash about any ones child.
Are you brain dead? I'm not telling you who to vote for. Jesus. I'm tired. It's so exhausting trying to talk sense into morons. I'll let someone else take over for awhile.
You are using mental manipulation to try to tell people who to vote for while claiming you don't want to tell people who to vote for.
Trump wasn't convicted of fact, he was only convicted for being an enemy of the democrat party from a democrat party jury....the same kind of democrat party jury that convicted innocent black men in the south.
You suck at writing fiction, rube. Don't quit your day job.
Lot Lizard Cheney is a RINO twat.
Yes, I understand anyone who does not suck Dear Leader's rapey cock is a RINO. We get it.

Rapist Donald Trump is the only real Republican in the WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE world!
Yes, I understand anyone who does not suck Dear Leader's rapey cock is a RINO. We get it.

Rapist Donald Trump is the only real Republican in the WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE world!
He is the only one who doesn't suck up to the neocons like you do.
Well, there was no plan but yes Biden did fuck up many aspects in dealing with COVID, though not near as badly as Trump did.
OMG Covid vaccines were created under Trump the distribution system was created under Trump.ore people dying with Covid under Biden is pretty bad he fucked up. FYI do you remember when Cuomo and Whitmire were housing Covid infected with elderly? Democrats did all they could do to make Trump look bad he cause the deaths of thousands
I already noted that. I then noted how Trump signed off on the government continuing to do so. Is the spying wrong or not? How can you condemn one while excusing another?
Yes you used a democrat propaganda mouth piece source
Nope. Just idiots. There's nothing pragmatic about voting "strategically". It's a hack the breaks the system, and only serves the interests of partisans, who want power even if it means breaking the system.

The math isn't hard. Whatever tortured logic the lo2e con offers, it's led you to this - voting for bad candidates on purpose, and electing them.
Youre a con idiot conboy
wasted vote this, your vote helped the other guy blah blah blah
All duopoly manipulation.
Imagine if everyone that didnt want to show support for the duopoly "wasted their vote" and voted third party.. Things would be different.
Instead, you stupid assholes let a bunch of corrupt pieces of shit manipulate you.
Sucks for you. I have a clear conscious. None of this bullshit is my fault. Its YOURS.
OMG Covid vaccines were created under Trump the distribution system was created under Trump.ore people dying with Covid under Biden is pretty bad he fucked up. FYI do you remember when Cuomo and Whitmire were housing Covid infected with elderly? Democrats did all they could do to make Trump look bad he cause the deaths of thousands

Trump had 1350 deaths per day.
Biden has 857 deaths per day.

Both fucked up the Govt's response to COVID, both are responsible for things being worse than they needed to be.

I know you will get pissed at me for saying a bad thing about your god, but I really do not fucking care.
Those elected have gave us endless wasteful wars and $32 trillion in debt. The question should be, how have they been good presidents?

We have 32 Trillion in debt because we want government to provide service and we don't want to pay for them.

Is the President at fault for that? Yes. So in Congress, and the rest of us.
Nope. Just idiots. There's nothing pragmatic about voting "strategically". It's a hack the breaks the system, and only serves the interests of partisans, who want power even if it means breaking the system.

The math isn't hard. Whatever tortured logic the lo2e con offers, it's led you to this - voting for bad candidates on purpose, and electing them.

Even the worst two-party candidate (Trump) was far better than the best Third party candidate (Take your pick).
I say again: My vote has to be EARNED.

No thieving sore loser traitorous rapist is going to get it. No soft-headed octogenarian who doesn't know what planet he is on is going to get it.

Okay, except you aren't really voting the the person as much as you are the team they bring with them.

I have mild doubts about Biden's mental acuity at his age. But he's going to bring in people with him who know what they are doing.

Trump, on the other hand, thinks he knows more about wars than the general and pandemics than the doctors, and on the off chance he does nominate someone with a smidgen of integrity, they don't last long.
Okay, except you aren't really voting the the person as much as you are the team they bring with them.

I have mild doubts about Biden's mental acuity at his age. But he's going to bring in people with him who know what they are doing.

Trump, on the other hand, thinks he knows more about wars than the general and pandemics than the doctors, and on the off chance he does nominate someone with a smidgen of integrity, they don't last long.
And often times he did

Fauci for instance was an old fool and a puppet of the chinese

He advised lockdowns and trump was against it after a brief few months

Trump was right

The economy is still not recovered from fauci and Xi’s stupidity

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