How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.
So you think there is some sort of perfect world in the future that is different?
Mkay. But if both of their candidates suck, neither will get my vote. Why does that seem so bizarre to you? I'm not wasting my vote on shit. If the Ds or Rs want my vote, they'll have to do better than Biden and Trump.

Yeah, I imagine there was someone in Germany who said, 'You know, Hitler is evil, but I'm not voting for Von Papen"

How'd that work out for them?
Washington and Jefferson were far right radicals who did what was necessary to break the chains of tyranny. A "liberal" in Teddy's time is a right-winger in our time. Reagan & Trump tried to point America in the direction of the Constitution. They were good for our current economic times.
Washington was not a radical,
He did not want a fancy tomb, he was buried at his home, He freed his slaves, He refused to be made a king, He set the precedent that that no president serve more than two terms. He voluntarily yielded power. He was an honest man, who placed his life, and fortune for our country's freedom.
Washington was not a radical,
He did not want a fancy tomb, he was buried at his home, He freed his slaves, He refused to be made a king, He set the precedent that that no president serve more than two terms. He voluntarily yielded power. He was an honest man, who placed his life, and fortune for our country's freedom.
But King George considered him a radical, and he'd be considered a right wing radical by today's “woke” leftists.
But King George considered him a radical, and he'd be considered a right wing radical by today's “woke” leftists.
Have zero idea what the heck a woke leftist is?
possible that thought is inspired by being aware of both sides of any situation
He had slaves, a lot people are unable to consider the thinking of the time.
Some people want to go back to olden times. We live in fear of change, good or bad.
Except PRESIDENT Trump is only "evil" to the evil
So you are saying that when he mocks the disabled, it's because the disabled are evil?


Every president in living memory "effed" up our nation.

Lesser of two evils at work.
This thread, and especially this post, indicates that you are either trolling or you don't have a clue.
How do you define "evils"? Your thread presents a facile and unanswerable question.

Instead of "evils" how about this question-

Would you rather have a corrupt career politician who sold out to China or an outsider businessman who cares deeply about this country as the next President of the United States?

President Trump sure won votes with that Town Hall the other day! He knocked it out of the park.

TRUMP 2024
We keep falling for the same tricks over and over and over, and never wake up.

We swing from the neocon Bush to the ultra-liberal Obama to the who-knows-what-the-fuck-he-is Trump to the doddering liberal Biden.

It must look very psychotic to our allies.
So what is good?
I ask because it seems you have an idea of perfect that is never achieved.To your standard anyway.
So true. I've been saying that for ages. Most people seem oblivious to the fact that every 4 years they are manipulated to vote for the "lesser evil" who in reality is just another puppet for the behind the scenes evil pulling the strings. And the PTSB keep setting things up that way because sadly it works every flippin time.
You really can’t say you’re manipulated unless you’re just that easy. Every former president has a record that is comparable to all the others. None are the ideal. Some are better than others.
I would suggest that you temper your expectations and realize that none have absolute power. It’s their ability to effect real change with minimal disruption that sets them apart.
In 2016, any of the other 18 Republican candidates would have better served America and the GOP's alleged values.

I personally preferred John Kasich as he was the chief architect of the balanced federal budget during the Clinton years and then went on as the governor of Ohio to take that state from debt to surplus.

The federal debt is by far the largest national security threat.
I agree that Kasich has a balanced approach and is level headed enough to work with anyone but that is also his biggest shortcoming.
He just isn’t inspirational enough to achieve the following required.
I feel that Sherriod Brown is about the same but equally lacking in gravitas.
Neither can give a national address that is a game changer.
If Liz Cheney ran for President in 2024, I would fully support her. She is an actual conservative, as even a cursory examination of her record shows, and she has moral fiber and a spine made of titanium.
She has the gravitas. Just not to the Trump base.
Biden gives me 80% of what I want and protects my rights at least half assed. Trump or another republican at this point would be like willingly voting for the taliban.

-Cutting the safetynet
-Cutting investment in our own country at the worse time as China becomes a super power that is increasingly threatening violence.
-Simply doesn't give a damn if our population is educated.

Sure, I wish Biden would fight harder for LGBT rights and sure I wish he was more like Bernie Sanders economically but the otherside of this card really sucks ass.

Biden is what was needed after Trump.
Quiet competency.
The whole world is dealing with inflation you know. Trump would have been dealing with it now too, if he didn't lose.

How we doing? About the same.
Which is great. So great that we have low unemployment, millions of job openings and the fed trying to extinguish the cinders of the wildfire that is our economy.
There’s new fire that we need to learn to harness. The old measures are inadequate.

Would you rather an abject recession?

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