How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

In hindsight, knowing what we know now, we should have let people who didn't want to get vaccinated not get vaccinated. They only hurt themselves.

Probably not true. They probably helped spread it and help it mutate into different variants. But whatever. We tried to do the right thing but when 40% of America won't.

Black people got hurt the most from not getting vaccinated but after the

Tuskegee Syphilis Study we did on blacks just 50 years ago, as late as 1972, can you blame them?​

Just stop.

None of that means anything now. Covid is over as a global concern. No one is dying from getting a shot.

The fact that you had to compare it so ridiculously only reflects on your own depravity.

How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?​

At this point, a dead, flea-bitten feral cat slumped over a rotting barrel cactus would be infinitely preferable to the "Biden Administration."
All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.

This is what happens when we keep picking two evils to choose from. The choices devolve and devolve over time.

When you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL. This is why I have been writing in random names at the federal level from 2006 to 2014.

In 2016, I voted Ted Cruz in honor of my mother who had died just before the election. She was a Cruz supporter. I am so glad she did not live to see what a black mass of gutter sludge he turned out to be.

In 2020, I voted Libertarian since the Libertarian Party is now closer to my belief system than the hollow shell which used to be the GOP, even though there are several points with which I disagree with the LP.

Only about one-quarter of Americans votes in the primaries. This gives the energetic retards a tactical advantage.

We need EVERYONE to vote in the primaries. The primaries are more important than the general election. This is where we can weed out the maniacs, psychopaths, bigots, and the unqualified. We are allowing the energetic retards to choose which two evils we must pick from in the general.

Another big factor in the election is that voters are choosing who they think can win rather than who is best for America. They vote for the one who can fight the dirtiest, promises the most cash and prizes, and has the best zingers.

So here we are. How's it working for ya?

At the core of the American democratic experiment is the idea that our government derives its power and legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That consent is expressed in its fullest when voters elect their representatives. Yet, as this report shows, every four years, about 80% of eligible voters do not participate in some of the most determinative contests in our democracy: midterm primary elections.

In U.S. elections since 2000, the average turnout rate for primary elections is 27% of registered voters.
I REALLY like your license plate!

The RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) is the hottest smoke & mirrors shuck & jive deceit circus in America @ current! The RCDP circus even has wild animals like RINO's to wow the American constituency with! Our Libertarian party USA was originally a break away faction of the RNC corporation after the realignment election of the 60's to make the RNC/DNC corporations closer together in ideology. I was a "contributing member" of our Lp-USA for 31 years from 1983 through 2014. Unfortunately our Lp-USA started drifting too far left for me with their support for convenience abortion on demand. Now a days if one wants an original intent constitutionally based candidate(s) I say look for independent candidates or 3rd party candidates, IF one can locate one that's viable.
So when you waste your vote on Mickey Mouse and he doesn’t win and the greater of the two evils wins office you don’t ever feel like you fucked yourself?

Golfing Gator

This is the catch, there really is no greater evil or lesser evil pick. When you have to pick between being poisoned or shot, there is no lesser bad choice.

Same thing applies every election this century at least.
Would you rather have a corrupt career politician who sold out to China or an outsider businessman who cares deeply about this country as the next President of the United States?

China isn't our enemy.
If we have a China problem, it isn't because of Biden (who is still taking a pretty tough line with them), it's everyone one of you MAGA losers who waddle your fat inbred asses down to Walmart and buy Chinese made goods because the big corporations that really run the GOP didn't want to pay you a decent wage to make them.

Heck, even your MAGA hats were made in China. This is how fucking clueless you are.

This is the catch, there really is no greater evil or lesser evil pick. When you have to pick between being poisoned or shot, there is no lesser bad choice.

Same thing applies every election this century at least.

Being a bit hysterical, aren't we?

We have a choice between two candidates every year. Most of them are usually pretty experienced in government (Trump being the exception) and most of them try to do a reasonable good job and appoint reasonably competent people to the important positions. (Again, Trump being the exception).

Now, I get why people get frustrated. Gridlock seems to be the order of the day because of the way our government is set up - Bicameral Legislature, extra-constitutional rules like the Filibuster, mid-term elections that favor the out of power party, causing gridlock.

If I were redesigning the thing, I'd have a single house of congress, with non-gerrymandered districts, elected for four years and it comes and goes with each president. I'd get rid of the electoral college and replace it with direct election of the President, with either a run-off or ranked choice voting.

What I wouldn't do is put in people like Trump, Commie Bernie Sanders or some third party loon to Shake things up.
Being a bit hysterical, aren't we?

We have a choice between two candidates every year. Most of them are usually pretty experienced in government (Trump being the exception) and most of them try to do a reasonable good job and appoint reasonably competent people to the important positions. (Again, Trump being the exception).

Now, I get why people get frustrated. Gridlock seems to be the order of the day because of the way our government is set up - Bicameral Legislature, extra-constitutional rules like the Filibuster, mid-term elections that favor the out of power party, causing gridlock.

If I were redesigning the thing, I'd have a single house of congress, with non-gerrymandered districts, elected for four years and it comes and goes with each president. I'd get rid of the electoral college and replace it with direct election of the President, with either a run-off or ranked choice voting.

What I wouldn't do is put in people like Trump, Commie Bernie Sanders or some third party loon to Shake things up.
The best thing about our government is that is encourages gridlock.
Being a bit hysterical, aren't we?

Not even a little bit.

We have a choice between two candidates every year. Most of them are usually pretty experienced in government (Trump being the exception) and most of them try to do a reasonable good job and appoint reasonably competent people to the important positions. (Again, Trump being the exception).

No president this century has done a good job.

Now, I get why people get frustrated. Gridlock seems to be the order of the day because of the way our government is set up - Bicameral Legislature, extra-constitutional rules like the Filibuster, mid-term elections that favor the out of power party, causing gridlock.

Some of us find gridlock to be a good thing. That just means less damage is being done.

If I were redesigning the thing, I'd have a single house of congress, with non-gerrymandered districts, elected for four years and it comes and goes with each president. I'd get rid of the electoral college and replace it with direct election of the President, with either a run-off or ranked choice voting.

I if were doing it I would move to a more parliamentary system where two parties not all that different from each other could not hold 100% of the power.

What I wouldn't do is put in people like Trump, Commie Bernie Sanders or some third party loon to Shake things up.

A shake up is our only chance at survival.
The best thing about our government is that is encourages gridlock.

Um, no, we have serious problems to resolve that don't get resolved. And almost all of them have solutions.

No president this century has done a good job.
If you really believe that, there's not much point having a discussion with you.

So, um, why are you posting to a politics board again? It's like those guys who show up on a Star Trek Board who never watch Star Trek and express how much they hate it.
Um, no, we have serious problems to resolve that don't get resolved. And almost all of them have solutions.

Most do, sadly our elected officials only care about their party and never hit on the correct solution.

If you really believe that, there's not much point having a discussion with you.

Because we disagree there is no point in having a discussion?

And that folks is why our country is split down the middle.
Um, no, we have serious problems to resolve that don't get resolved. And almost all of them have solutions.

If you really believe that, there's not much point having a discussion with you.

So, um, why are you posting to a politics board again? It's like those guys who show up on a Star Trek Board who never watch Star Trek and express how much they hate it.
We really don't.

What we have is tit for tat politicians elected by immature adults and we should be thankful that the design of our government is actually saving us from the utter stupidity of American voters.
Most do, sadly our elected officials only care about their party and never hit on the correct solution.

Our elected officials follow the desires of their voters. If partisans have too much influence, it's because they do the hard work.

They are the ones who show up for primaries, who donate to politicians, who volunteer for events, who drive the nice old lady down the street to the polling place.

Now, there really are some problems, in that both parties have realized their comfort zones. Particularly the Democrats, who have given up on the rural areas, even though the people who live there are just as poor as the people who live in the Urban areas and benefit just as much (if not more) from government programs.

I guess Republicans could make more of an effort in the Urban areas, but they've been appealing to racists since Tricky Dick, and you can't just turn it off and hope everyone has a memory lapse.

Because we disagree there is no point in having a discussion?

And that folks is why our country is split down the middle.

Oh, please don't go all Mac1958 on me. "You partisan meanyheads are the problem because you actually do the work!"

We really don't.

What we have is tit for tat politicians elected by immature adults and we should be thankful that the design of our government is actually saving us from the utter stupidity of American voters.

yes, how dare we expect the government to provide services and take care of people. What a crazy idea.
Oh, please don't go all Mac1958 on me. "You partisan meanyheads are the problem because you actually do the work!"

You are the one that said there is no point in having a discussion since we disagreed on the quality of presidents this century.
yes, how dare we expect the government to provide services and take care of people. What a crazy idea.

I think the point of contention is how many and what services and to what degree they "take care" of us.

The more they take care of us the more control they have over us
I think the point of contention is how many and what services and to what degree they "take care" of us.

The more they take care of us the more control they have over us

Um, I guess.

I must be living a charmed life. Other than filing my taxes every year, I have almost no direct interaction with the federal government. Oh, yeah, and that 14 weeks of unemployment I had to collect because Trump Plague caused me to lose my job and gutted my side business for a while.
I'm sitting out the next election unless we have 2 different candidates than the 2020 election. A quickly growing number of people feel the same way.
Um, I guess.

I must be living a charmed life. Other than filing my taxes every year, I have almost no direct interaction with the federal government. Oh, yeah, and that 14 weeks of unemployment I had to collect because Trump Plague caused me to lose my job and gutted my side business for a while.

Then it seems you do not need the Govt to take care of you.
I'm sitting out the next election unless we have 2 different candidates than the 2020 election. A quickly growing number of people feel the same way.

I will not sit it out, but I will retire outside of the country as a result of having the same two candidate again.
Our elected officials follow the desires of their voters. If partisans have too much influence, it's because they do the hard work.

They are the ones who show up for primaries, who donate to politicians, who volunteer for events, who drive the nice old lady down the street to the polling place.

Now, there really are some problems, in that both parties have realized their comfort zones. Particularly the Democrats, who have given up on the rural areas, even though the people who live there are just as poor as the people who live in the Urban areas and benefit just as much (if not more) from government programs.

I guess Republicans could make more of an effort in the Urban areas, but they've been appealing to racists since Tricky Dick, and you can't just turn it off and hope everyone has a memory lapse.

Oh, please don't go all Mac1958 on me. "You partisan meanyheads are the problem because you actually do the work!"

yes, how dare we expect the government to provide services and take care of people. What a crazy idea.
We obviously don't expect that at all and to know this all you have to do is look at the politicians we are electing.

We get the politicians we deserve so we obviously do not deserve very much

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