How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

I'm NOT voting "for the lesser of two evils.". I'm voting for the best candidate running.
It’s sad…and bizarre as hell that these weirdos can’t understand something so simple…I can’t for the life of me make sense out of their position. That “in good conscience, I can’t vote for a bad candidate“ bullshit is absolute bullshit. Over the course of our entire lives we are faced with and forced to make choices where compromise is required and these fence-sitting whackos are as well but for some strange reason they can’t wrap their little tiny minds around such simple shit.

Golfing Gator
It’s sad…and bizarre as hell that these weirdos can’t understand something so simple…I can’t for the life of me make sense out of their position. That “in good conscience, I can’t vote for a bad candidate“ bullshit is absolute bullshit.

LOL, that is obvious for many. Many have no problem with bad candidates. Sadly.
It’s sad…and bizarre as hell that these weirdos can’t understand something so simple…I can’t for the life of me make sense out of their position. That “in good conscience, I can’t vote for a bad candidate“ bullshit is absolute bullshit. Over the course of our entire lives we are faced with and forced to make choices where compromise is required ...
Fortunately it's not required in this case.

Why don't you guys just nominate a candidate who doesn't suck? It seems that would be a lot easier to sell. Or at least less humiliating.

It really wouldn't take much either.

Whichever. Your begging can be entertaining. But too often it's just a sad reminder of how low we've sunk.
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I always get a kick out of the way partisans hate independents and third party voters more than they hate the "other side". I think BL would rather I vote Biden. Weird.
LOL, that is obvious for many. Many have no problem with bad candidates. Sadly.
There is no perfect candidate that suits everyone…You globalists fucked that all up when you decided you hated a nation full of like kind, likeminded citizens.
dblack wants everyone to vote with him but he also wants a DIVERSE nation full of people with different desires. You can’t have both.
I always get a kick out of the way partisans hate independents and third party voters more than they hate the "other side". I think BL would rather I vote Biden. Weird.
Hahaha…you did vote for Biden…you’re just too myopic to understand that.
There is no perfect candidate that suits everyone…You globalists fucked that all up when you decided you hated a nation full of like kind, likeminded citizens.
dblack wants everyone to vote with him but he also wants a DIVERSE nation full of people with different desires. You can’t have both.

You are the one who called them "bad candidates". If either party wants my vote, quit forwarding "bad candidates".

(I agree they are bad candidates)
But it is…
Nope. It's not
you have a civic duty to perform.
You, appealing to "civic duty", sounds like a joke. Is lo2e the punch line?

You'll never convince me that voting for a bad candidate, on purpose, is a civic duty. Quite the opposite in fact. You fucks are traitors. Gaming the system, deliberately undermining our election system, and our country, in the the name of partisan advantage.

Fuck off and die. In no particular order.
There is no perfect candidate that suits everyone…
Who's asking for perfect? As I said, it wouldn't take much. As a baseline, I use the dog walker test. Would I trust this person to walk my dog? Biden and Trump both fail that test.

If either party would nominate someone under 60, who can speak in complete sentences and isn't a partisan jackass, someone with some semblance of dignity and respect for others - I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. So with the rest of the country. They'd win in a landslide.
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Hahaha…you did vote for Biden…you’re just too myopic to understand that.
This is where your stupidity gets in the way. It sounds like you really don't understand the difference between voting for someone, and not voting for someone.

Let me ask you this, would you rather I vote libertarian, or for Biden? Ponder that. Maybe a light bulb will come on. Maybe it will burn out.
This is where your stupidity gets in the way. It sounds like you really don't understand the difference between voting for someone, and not voting for someone.

Let me ask you this, would you rather I vote libertarian, or for Biden? Ponder that. Maybe a light bulb will come on. Maybe it will burn out.
I’d rather you vote for the candidate that best aligns with your politics AND has a chance at winning…Simple shit.
Consider this; the Yankees and Red Sox are playing….would you bet on the Orioles to win the game?
No spin allowed…isn’t that what you, Golfing Gator , pknopp , Dont Taz Me Bro and buttercup do?
It’s sad…and bizarre as hell that these weirdos can’t understand something so simple…I can’t for the life of me make sense out of their position. That “in good conscience, I can’t vote for a bad candidate“ bullshit is absolute bullshit. Over the course of our entire lives we are faced with and forced to make choices where compromise is required and these fence-sitting whackos are as well but for some strange reason they can’t wrap their little tiny minds around such simple shit.

Golfing Gator

When you are stuck choosing between syphilis or gonorrhea, is there really a best choice?
It’s sad…and bizarre as hell that these weirdos can’t understand something so simple…I can’t for the life of me make sense out of their position. That “in good conscience, I can’t vote for a bad candidate“ bullshit is absolute bullshit. Over the course of our entire lives we are faced with and forced to make choices where compromise is required and these fence-sitting whackos are as well but for some strange reason they can’t wrap their little tiny minds around such simple shit.

Golfing Gator

So I'm supposed to vote for someone who I think is a total fraud, just because you have been manipulated to play this stupid game the PTSB frighten you into playing every 4 years?

If you don't understand what voting one's conscience means, then the problem is you. Don't call others weird for not wanting to go against their own conscience.
I’d rather you vote for the candidate that best aligns with your politics AND has a chance at winning…Simple shit.
Consider this; the Yankees and Red Sox are playing….would you bet on the Orioles to win the game?
No spin allowed…isn’t that what you, Golfing Gator , pknopp , Dont Taz Me Bro and buttercup do?
So are least dblack APPEARS to be a libertarian. They are nearly as repulsive to me as Democrats. But at least they're mostly honest about drug legalization, prostitution, abortion and open borders. But then again maybe that's why they get 1% of the vote

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