How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

But that's what everyone already does. You said it yourself. If you think Trump is the best then vote for Trump. If you think Biden is the best then vote for Biden. Sometimes the person you voted for doesn't check all of your boxes ...
It's not about checking all your boxes. It's about having some standards. Some dignity. Some self-respect. Those clowns aren't getting my vote.
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Voting third party doesn’t accomplish anything either
Did you vote in 2020 and, if so, who did you think was better than Biden or Trump? Who got your vote or, didn't you vote?
I voted for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate.

But why do you care who voted for? Just think for yourself. Have some sane standards, and don't vote for crap just so you can "win".
Voting third party doesn’t accomplish anything either
Sure it does. It registers support for what I believe in. If others wake up from the lo2e nightmare, that support can build and give momentum to the things I care about.

I guess I could vote for Trump or Biden, try to figure out which one is worse and vote for the other. But then I'm registering my support for what I don't believe in. I'm making things worse. No thanks.
I voted for Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate.

But why do you care who voted for? Just think for yourself. Have some sane standards, and don't vote for crap just so you can "win".
Because you keep on saying that we shouldn't vote for shit and yet you wouldn't tell us who you voted for. So, thanks for finally saying. Now I have to ask you what she did to earn your vote. And, what made her qualified to be president? And, please don't deflect by asking me what experience Trump had to be president because you said you don't vote for the lesser of three evils and that you only vote for who earned your vote. So, she must have done something to earn your vote instead of just being none of the above. And, let's say that you actually come up with things she did to earn your vote (which I kind of doubt you can do), wasn't there someone else you could have written in who would have been a better choice than her? Or, do you just vote party and anyone on the top of the Libertarian ticket gets your vote because is is really the party that earns your vote, not the candidate?
Because you keep on saying that we shouldn't vote for shit and yet you wouldn't tell us who you voted for. So, thanks for finally saying.
Are you brain dead? I'm not telling you who to vote for. Jesus. I'm tired. It's so exhausting trying to talk sense into morons. I'll let someone else take over for awhile.
All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.

This is what happens when we keep picking two evils to choose from. The choices devolve and devolve over time.

When you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL. This is why I have been writing in random names at the federal level from 2006 to 2014.

In 2016, I voted Ted Cruz in honor of my mother who had died just before the election. She was a Cruz supporter. I am so glad she did not live to see what a black mass of gutter sludge he turned out to be.

In 2020, I voted Libertarian since the Libertarian Party is now closer to my belief system than the hollow shell which used to be the GOP, even though there are several points with which I disagree with the LP.

Only about one-quarter of Americans votes in the primaries. This gives the energetic retards a tactical advantage.

We need EVERYONE to vote in the primaries. The primaries are more important than the general election. This is where we can weed out the maniacs, psychopaths, bigots, and the unqualified. We are allowing the energetic retards to choose which two evils we must pick from in the general.

Another big factor in the election is that voters are choosing who they think can win rather than who is best for America. They vote for the one who can fight the dirtiest, promises the most cash and prizes, and has the best zingers.

So here we are. How's it working for ya?

At the core of the American democratic experiment is the idea that our government derives its power and legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That consent is expressed in its fullest when voters elect their representatives. Yet, as this report shows, every four years, about 80% of eligible voters do not participate in some of the most determinative contests in our democracy: midterm primary elections.

In U.S. elections since 2000, the average turnout rate for primary elections is 27% of registered voters.

Trump wasn't convicted of fact, he was only convicted for being an enemy of the democrat party from a democrat party jury....the same kind of democrat party jury that convicted innocent black men in the south.
You do know that Washington and Jefferson were extreme radicals, and that Teddy Roosevelt was an extreme liberal, right?

That Reagan & Trump worked to reverse everything that Washington, Jefferson and Roosevelt accomplished?

No....actually, they didn't ....but swallowing the leftist swill the democrats keep pouring out isn't helping your brain....
Trump wasn't convicted of fact, he was only convicted for being an enemy of the democrat party from a democrat party jury....the same kind of democrat party jury that convicted innocent black men in the south.

Correct, he was just found guilty of sexual battery and defamation
I guess it works well sometimes, because Trump did a BANG-UP job of it. He's very capable and proved so, though you figure he has a low IQ. Then again you can't be objective, because you're a leftist posing as independent.
I'm not seeing it. Sanders is an outright Socialist. But he's also a total hypocrite. While he preaches "even distribution of the wealth" he enjoys a life of luxury and owns three, large homes.

For many years, that was true. He was anti-gun for years. Some of that held over during his Presidency but, unlike Sanders, Trump believed in earning money rather than being the recipient of free handouts. That's why he did everything he could to bring jobs back to America and to put Americans to work.

By no means is Biden trying to "hold the line” against far leftists. Biden IS a far leftist in the very real sense of the word. He and Sanders are not that far apart.
Ugly sick out right LIE.
I guess you're actually trying to say that between Biden and Sanders ... Biden was the lessor of to very evils.

So to answer your question ... the current fraudulent Usurper In Chief is working out horribly. He's literally "effing" up our nation on an almost daily basis. Goes to show that voting for very evil men isn't very good for a country.

Ugly sick out right LIE.
SORRY, Was posting reply to # 20 Jackson. Shameful that any one would post such trash about any ones child.

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