How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

More whining by never-Trumpers whose loser RINO dream candidates can't win How sad. You folks should just pony up and vote Democrat, stop lying to yourselves and the rest of us.
No , it's true . Trump told more truth than any president in my time on this earth , and you damn well know that. Anyone that says differently is a liar.
Yes, he is as pure as the driven snow. Saintly, even. He can do no wrong. Literally. If he does something wrong, it is no longer wrong. He makes it right just by thinking about it.

The man is a miracle.
Would it have been worse than Trump those 4 years and worse than Biden so far?

I say nope to both
“Worse”? WTF….literally every single person I know was kicking ass and thrilled with the Trump years…How did he do so poorly for you?
You’re not one of those purple haired, weirdos with neck tattoos and nose rings are you?
All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.

This is what happens when we keep picking two evils to choose from. The choices devolve and devolve over time.

When you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL. This is why I have been writing in random names at the federal level from 2006 to 2014.

In 2016, I voted Ted Cruz in honor of my mother who had died just before the election. She was a Cruz supporter. I am so glad she did not live to see what a black mass of gutter sludge he turned out to be.

In 2020, I voted Libertarian since the Libertarian Party is now closer to my belief system than the hollow shell which used to be the GOP, even though there are several points with which I disagree with the LP.

Only about one-quarter of Americans votes in the primaries. This gives the energetic retards a tactical advantage.

We need EVERYONE to vote in the primaries. The primaries are more important than the general election. This is where we can weed out the maniacs, psychopaths, bigots, and the unqualified. We are allowing the energetic retards to choose which two evils we must pick from in the general.

Another big factor in the election is that voters are choosing who they think can win rather than who is best for America. They vote for the one who can fight the dirtiest, promises the most cash and prizes, and has the best zingers.

So here we are. How's it working for ya?

At the core of the American democratic experiment is the idea that our government derives its power and legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That consent is expressed in its fullest when voters elect their representatives. Yet, as this report shows, every four years, about 80% of eligible voters do not participate in some of the most determinative contests in our democracy: midterm primary elections.

In U.S. elections since 2000, the average turnout rate for primary elections is 27% of registered voters.
How's writing in random name working for you.

Sometimes I vote 3rd party, but that has made little to no effect to "the lessor of two evils".
Worse”? WTF….literally every single person I know was kicking ass and thrilled with the Trump years…How did he do so poorly for you?

I guess you missed 2020....did you sleep though it?

I did great while Trump was POTUS, but not because of him. I am doing even better now, but not because of Biden. Between the wife and I we had a 21% income increase between 2021 and 2022 and this year might be even better.

Then again none of it has anything to do with who the POTUS is. Unlike you my success is not tied to one party or the other.
All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.

This is what happens when we keep picking two evils to choose from. The choices devolve and devolve over time.

When you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL. This is why I have been writing in random names at the federal level from 2006 to 2014.

In 2016, I voted Ted Cruz in honor of my mother who had died just before the election. She was a Cruz supporter. I am so glad she did not live to see what a black mass of gutter sludge he turned out to be.

In 2020, I voted Libertarian since the Libertarian Party is now closer to my belief system than the hollow shell which used to be the GOP, even though there are several points with which I disagree with the LP.

Only about one-quarter of Americans votes in the primaries. This gives the energetic retards a tactical advantage.

We need EVERYONE to vote in the primaries. The primaries are more important than the general election. This is where we can weed out the maniacs, psychopaths, bigots, and the unqualified. We are allowing the energetic retards to choose which two evils we must pick from in the general.

Another big factor in the election is that voters are choosing who they think can win rather than who is best for America. They vote for the one who can fight the dirtiest, promises the most cash and prizes, and has the best zingers.

So here we are. How's it working for ya?

At the core of the American democratic experiment is the idea that our government derives its power and legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That consent is expressed in its fullest when voters elect their representatives. Yet, as this report shows, every four years, about 80% of eligible voters do not participate in some of the most determinative contests in our democracy: midterm primary elections.

In U.S. elections since 2000, the average turnout rate for primary elections is 27% of registered voters.
Nothing wrong with Biden. He has his agenda set, his people in place and I think he explains himself quite eloquently. And I love his policies. Middle class first. If the middle class is doing alright then the rich do well too and the poor have a shot.

Stop with the evil shit. You're being manipulated by evil.
All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.

This is what happens when we keep picking two evils to choose from. The choices devolve and devolve over time.

When you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL. This is why I have been writing in random names at the federal level from 2006 to 2014.

In 2016, I voted Ted Cruz in honor of my mother who had died just before the election. She was a Cruz supporter. I am so glad she did not live to see what a black mass of gutter sludge he turned out to be.

In 2020, I voted Libertarian since the Libertarian Party is now closer to my belief system than the hollow shell which used to be the GOP, even though there are several points with which I disagree with the LP.

Only about one-quarter of Americans votes in the primaries. This gives the energetic retards a tactical advantage.

We need EVERYONE to vote in the primaries. The primaries are more important than the general election. This is where we can weed out the maniacs, psychopaths, bigots, and the unqualified. We are allowing the energetic retards to choose which two evils we must pick from in the general.

Another big factor in the election is that voters are choosing who they think can win rather than who is best for America. They vote for the one who can fight the dirtiest, promises the most cash and prizes, and has the best zingers.

So here we are. How's it working for ya?

At the core of the American democratic experiment is the idea that our government derives its power and legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That consent is expressed in its fullest when voters elect their representatives. Yet, as this report shows, every four years, about 80% of eligible voters do not participate in some of the most determinative contests in our democracy: midterm primary elections.

In U.S. elections since 2000, the average turnout rate for primary elections is 27% of registered voters.
Here’s the thing, this is why you America hating globalist weirdos can’t be taken seriously on matters such as these.
You, Golfing Gator , dblack , pknopp , Unkotare and those like you post this bullshit, you tell us how national debt and deficit spending is killing us and then you never, ever, ever denounce the recruitment of tens of millions of thirdworld taxpayer funded leeches, you tell us how we need citizens voting the Constitution but then you never ever ever denounce the recruitment of tens of millions of ignorant, illiterate thirdworlders that can’t give two fucks about our founding documents and principles.
Silence is support….you have manufactured a class of voters that vote on free shit and free shit only. You have created a dynamic where both parties MUST offer a plethora of free shit to stay relevant….You have ENDED the ability of a truly fiscally responsible party to emerge and ever have a chance at winning an election.
GOOD FUCKING JOB GLOBALISTS! Now STFU…….NOBODY takes you seriously on this shit.
Yeah and Bill Clinton was a choir boy.
Great president. I bet you loved it back then all the witch hunts against him and nothing stuck until one little lie on the stand.

Lawyers wanted Trump to use that defense in his stormy trial. Say you didn't want your wife to find out. But for whatever reason, he didn't. I think he plead the 5th, which before he said only guilty people do. He was so right.

You were so outraged Clinton committed perjury on the stand. But you're okay with Trump lying on Twitter daily. Got it. Clinton should have just plead the 5th, like Trump.
Nothing wrong with Biden. He has his agenda set, his people in place and I think he explains himself quite eloquently. And I love his policies. Middle class first. If the middle class is doing alright then the rich do well too and the poor have a shot.

Stop with the evil shit. You're being manipulated by evil.

There are a lot of things wrong with Biden. He has terrible decision making skills to start with. Even the couple things he has done I agree with he has done in a fucked up manner.

I was 100% for getting out of Afghanistan, but it could not have been done worse than he did it.

His approach to the COVID vaccine was counter productive. There never should have been vaccine mandates placed on anyone.

Just two name a couple
I guess you missed 2020....did you sleep though it?

I did great while Trump was POTUS, but not because of him. I am doing even better now, but not because of Biden. Between the wife and I we had a 21% income increase between 2021 and 2022 and this year might be even better.

Then again none of it has anything to do with who the POTUS is. Unlike you my success is not tied to one party or the other.
Your a fucking Biden ass licking clown. Tongue out.

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