How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

You Trumptards frequently remind me of that Vinnie Barbarino character in Welcome Back Kotter.


Biden won for the same reason Obama won in 2008. Their predecessors were such colossal fuckups, they made their opponents look like the lesser of two evils.

And here we are.
Bring the fact to support your opinion boy
Let me spell this shit out for you since I know you are incapable of connecting the dots…
Millions of illegal wetbacks = Millions of litters of free shit voting anchor babies
(hint: BL is terrified of brown people)
Is very nice to vote for a nobody who will never win.. so you never have to answer how he did.
It is actually. You can sleep a lot better at night, I'll tell you that. I can look around at the shit you idiots vote for and be confident I didn't contribute to your circle jerk in any way.
No third party is viable. That does not mean I am somehow morally obligated to vote for a piece of shit like Trump or Biden.

What you tards never seem to understand is that my vote has to be EARNED.

Idiots like you are running us right into the gutter.

I think you are being a bit hysterical, eh?

Most of the problems are that the politicians are giving us what we want. We want government programs and we don't want to pay for them.

Idiot things were peaceful around the would when Trump was president.
Why do you keep pretending 2020 didn't happen?
Now we are indirectly in a hot war with Russia.
But we aren't fighting it.
Unemployment was low and the workforce was being filled under Trump. Then Covid was used by the democrats to shut the country down. And more people died with Covid under Biden than with Trump.
Uh, you guys have to make up your mind here.

Was Covid a fake hoax or was it a devious Chinese Bioweapon meant to get Trump.

The point is, all the bad stuff that happened in 2020 happened on Trump's watch. They were his problem, he didn't deal with it.
We swing from the neocon Bush to the ultra-liberal Obama to the who-knows-what-the-fuck-he-is Trump to the doddering liberal Biden.
Trump represented the 3rd way that so many chronic complainers said they wanted

But if fact trump haters really dont know what they want
Why is it that all independents vote with democrats?
Where did you ingest this manufactured bullshit from?

Independent voters swung to Biden by a 9-point margin (52% to 43%) in 2020, a major shift from 2016 when Trump won the bloc by one point over Clinton (43% to 42%).
We want government programs and we don't want to pay for them.
Not exactly correct

Biden voters want handouts that everyone in the higher tax brackets than themselves has to pay for
No third party is viable. That does not mean I am somehow morally obligated to vote for a piece of shit like Trump or Biden.

What you tards never seem to understand is that my vote has to be EARNED.

Idiots like you are running us right into the gutter.
And politicians are comfortable with the presumption that there's no need to earn the votes of most voters. All they have to do is scare them.
You know, I don't agree, but I respect your view. If you're really voting for Trump because you think he's great, that's what you ought to be doing.

The OP is addressing something different. We're talking about people who vote for a candidate who they actually believe sucks, because they're scared of some other candidate. For fuck's sake, if that's what we've sunk to - let's just give up. You can't fix stupid.
I've made it known that Trump isn't my favorite person in the world. I don't like his boastful nature and his constant patting himself on the back. I rarely listened to his speeches or rallies. I didn't like his bump stock ban. I didn't like the fact that he pushed the vaccines. I didn't like that he suggested the "red flag laws." But I do sincerely believe that the nation was much better off under Trump than we are under Biden.

Currently ... I'll vote for DeSantis in the primaries. But if Trump wins ... he'll get my vote in the general. If we had a Thomas Jefferson running against Trump, then Jefferson would be my vote in a heartbeat.
All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.

This is what happens when we keep picking two evils to choose from. The choices devolve and devolve over time.

When you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL. This is why I have been writing in random names at the federal level from 2006 to 2014.

In 2016, I voted Ted Cruz in honor of my mother who had died just before the election. She was a Cruz supporter. I am so glad she did not live to see what a black mass of gutter sludge he turned out to be.

In 2020, I voted Libertarian since the Libertarian Party is now closer to my belief system than the hollow shell which used to be the GOP, even though there are several points with which I disagree with the LP.

Only about one-quarter of Americans votes in the primaries. This gives the energetic retards a tactical advantage.

We need EVERYONE to vote in the primaries. The primaries are more important than the general election. This is where we can weed out the maniacs, psychopaths, bigots, and the unqualified. We are allowing the energetic retards to choose which two evils we must pick from in the general.

Another big factor in the election is that voters are choosing who they think can win rather than who is best for America. They vote for the one who can fight the dirtiest, promises the most cash and prizes, and has the best zingers.

So here we are. How's it working for ya?

At the core of the American democratic experiment is the idea that our government derives its power and legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That consent is expressed in its fullest when voters elect their representatives. Yet, as this report shows, every four years, about 80% of eligible voters do not participate in some of the most determinative contests in our democracy: midterm primary elections.

In U.S. elections since 2000, the average turnout rate for primary elections is 27% of registered voters.

You voted for Joe Biden. This is your fault.
I've made it known that Trump isn't my favorite person in the world. I don't like his boastful nature and his constant patting himself on the back. I rarely listened to his speeches or rallies. I didn't like his bump stock ban. I didn't like the fact that he pushed the vaccines. I didn't like that he suggested the "red flag laws." But I do sincerely believe that the nation was much better off under Trump than we are under Biden.
OK, so I take back what I said. You're playing the same stupid game as everyone else.
I think you are being a bit hysterical, eh?

Most of the problems are that the politicians are giving us what we want. We want government programs and we don't want to pay for them.

I've stated often that I can support certain government programs and I'm willing to pay for them.
OK, so I take back what I said. You're playing the same stupid game as everyone else.
I guess. If you say so.

Nevertheless ... I believe the nation would be better off under Trump than under Pedo Joe. 4 additional years of Pedo will be the end of America as we know her.
I guess. If you say so.

Nevertheless ... I believe the nation would be better off under Trump than under Pedo Joe. 4 additional years of Pedo will be the end of America as we know her.
Mkay. We might be better of with Putin than Xi. But I'd never vote for either one of them. How far down the shit hole will you follow that "logic"?
I guess. If you say so.

Nevertheless ... I believe the nation would be better off under Trump than under Pedo Joe. 4 additional years of Pedo will be the end of America as we know her.

The country was not well off under either of them. That's the point from those of us no longer willing to try and decide who is the lesser evil.
The country was not well off under either of them. That's the point from those of us no longer willing to try and decide who is the lesser evil.
It's like they have zero self-respect. For me, it's far more important to register my support for a decent candidate than it is to "win".

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