How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

Mkay. We might be better of with Putin than Xi. But I'd never vote for either one of them. How far down the shit hole will you follow that "logic"?
If I had a choice between Trump and Xi ... I would go with Trump because I oppose Communism. That's the same reason I oppose Biden.

I assume you support Biden because you opposed Sanders.
I didn't actually believe that you could handle the truth.
You can't even read it, apparently. How shitty do the candidates have to get before you'll stop worrying about which one is shittier? You admitted Trump sucks. All you could manage to say was that he was better than Biden. Fuck, if he has a pulse he's better than Biden.

Actually, I take that back. Electing a dead person would be better than either Biden or Trump.
If I had a choice between Trump and Xi ... I would go with Trump because I oppose Communism. That's the same reason I oppose Biden.

I assume you support Biden because you opposed Sanders.

He does not support many different ways does he need to say that before you will quit bearing a false witness against him?
You can't even read it, apparently. How shitty do the candidates have to get before you'll stop worrying about which one is shittier? You admitted Trump sucks. All you could manage to say was that he was better than Biden. Fuck, if he has a pulse he's better than Biden.

Actually, I take that back. Electing a dead person would be better than either Biden or Trump.
Trump is 20% shitty. Biden is 120% shitty. If a 100% non-shitty candidate comes along ... let me know.
He does not support many different ways does he need to say that before you will quit bearing a false witness against him?
If he's not actively fighting against Biden and his policies, then he's tacitly supporting him. He's more actively opposing Trump than Biden, which certainly gives the appearance of being a Biden supporter. Nevertheless ... we can't get even close to recovering as a nation unless we have someone with Trump's business savvy.
If he's not actively fighting against Biden and his policies, then he's tacitly supporting him. He's more actively opposing Trump than Biden, which certainly gives the appearance of being a Biden supporter. Nevertheless ... we can't get even close to recovering as a nation unless we have someone with Trump's business savvy.

Willing to reap windfalls off fraud and corruption is business savvy?

"How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?"​

Much better, thank you.

I don't care how Biden talks or walks - I just care how he governs! He gives me the willies - but he's a far better man than Trump. Go Joe!

"How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?"​

Much better, thank you.

I don't care how Biden talks or walks - I just care how he governs! He gives me the willies - but he's a far better man than Trump. Go Joe!
Partisans gonna partisan
Nevertheless ... we can't get even close to recovering as a nation unless we have someone with Trump's business savvy.

I know you will not agree, but Trump has no business savvy. This is why every business he started himself has failed. Trump did not really start to be this successful till after his 3rd bankruptcy when he turned his company into a holding company and quit making business decisions. Trump is very good at selling Trump, but not good at much else.

If you compare his economic numbers his first 3 years to the last 3 years of Obama they are basically the same. And 2020 proved that Trump does ok when things are going well, but he has no clue what to do when things go bad. When things went bad in his company he just declared bankruptcy and walked away from the bad part. You cannot do that as POTUS
Yes, Trump is very popular at your Klan rallies.

^^^Says the guy who belongs to the actual Klan party.

In our system of electing the POTUS all that matters who wins each state.

In my state my vote for Jo counted for exactly as many EC votes as the 2.4 million people that voted for Trump...zilch.

My vote did not help the winner any more than the votes for Trump did
Irrelevant third party always helps the winner
I agree with that as well.
I'm serious. There might be some leadership skills (of which Trump has none) that translate, but overall government is a completely different institution than a business, with completely different goals.
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