How's That "Lesser Of Two Evils" Working For Ya?

Trump was happily coasting along on momentum which was underway when he took office.

Then, when finally confronted with a real crisis, he fucked it. He called it a hoax, ignored it, then tried to make it disappear with his magical mind.

Because of this, Trump allowed Covid to gain a significant foothold in America, and a million people are dead because of him.
Yep that magic wand Obama said it would take.
If Trump fucked it why were democrats sending the sick to rest homes? Why were certain democrats telling people to come out and party?
Trump called Covid a "Democrat hoax".

Then he said it would magically go away.

Then he refused to implement testing because it would make the numbers go up and he believed that would make him look bad. This is just how fucked in the head this man is.

And thus Covid was allowed to run freely without any blocking efforts.

He fucked it. He fucked it bigly.

"This is the new Democrat hoax."

"We think we have it very well under control."

"We’re in very good shape.”

"The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA."

"Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

"When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

"I’m not concerned at all."

“Wouldn’t it be great to have all the churches full (on Easter)?” You’ll have packed churches all over our country … I think it’ll be a beautiful time.”

"I take no responsibility at all."
You need stay away from the BIG LEAGUES pee wee and get your facts straight
In 2016, any of the other 18 Republican candidates would have better served America and the GOP's alleged values.

I personally preferred John Kasich as he was the chief architect of the balanced federal budget during the Clinton years and then went on as the governor of Ohio to take that state from debt to surplus.

The federal debt is by far the largest national security threat.
They could have made some real changes in that era to balance the budget. A lot of it was smoke and mirrors like.
Feb. 26, 2020: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

Premature ejaculations of success. Mission Accomplished!

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. ... And this is their new hoax.”

No one is going to forget Trump called this pandemic a hoax.

“We’re the number one travel destination anywhere in the world, yet we have far fewer cases of the disease than even countries with much less travel or a much smaller population.”

Point out to a Trump supporter today that we had the most cases and the most deaths in the world and watch them spin, spin, spin.

“With approximately 100,000 CoronaVirus cases worldwide, and 3,280 deaths, the United States, because of quick action on closing our borders, has, as of now, only 129 cases (40 Americans brought in) and 11 deaths.”

Quick action? Not allowing SOME Chinese to come here, and then doing NOTHING for the next two months. How'd that work out?

“We did an interview on Fox last night, a town hall. I think it was very good. And I said: ‘Calm. You have to be calm. It’ll go away.' ”

Magical thinking. Trump's favorite activity.

March 7: “We’re doing very well and we’ve done a fantastic job.”

Mission Accomplished!

“So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

Trump would be in even deeper trouble if his followers actually started thinking.

March 10: “And it hit the world. And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

Victory! Mission Accomplished!

March 29: “So you’re talking about [worst-case scenarios of] 2.2 million deaths, 2.2 million people from this. And so if we could hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000 — it’s a horrible number, maybe even less — but to 100,000. So we have between 100 and 200,000, and we altogether have done a very good job."

Mission Accomplished!

May 14: “If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

Stunning illogic. Read that statement over and over until it sinks in just how fucked this kind of idiocy is.

This was actually Trump's strategy for the first two months after our first case in the US. Don't test anybody. Let it spread uncontained so we have no idea where it is and where it is going. That is when Trump became a mass murderer.

June 15: “If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.”

It takes seven pounds of brain damage to suffer from this kind of magical thinking. The man is a hazard to the American people. Seriously. He wanted the virus to spread completely unmonitored, untracked, and uncontrolled. THIS is why we have a million deaths.
Yep that magic wand Obama said it would take.
If Trump fucked it why were democrats sending the sick to rest homes? Why were certain democrats telling people to come out and party?

You need stay away from the BIG LEAGUES pee wee and get your facts straight
“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. ... And this is their new hoax.”

Trump's exact words.

And the tards ran with it. To this day, there are Trumptards who insist Covid is a hoax. My town is overrun with them.
“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” - Donald Trump, stable genius.
I guess you're actually trying to say that between Biden and Sanders ... Biden was the lessor of to very evils.
I actually see more similarities between Sanders and Trump than between Sanders and Biden.

Trump has always been a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

Biden is trying to hold the line against the far leftists. Sanders IS a far leftist.
All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.

This is what happens when we keep picking two evils to choose from. The choices devolve and devolve over time.

When you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL. This is why I have been writing in random names at the federal level from 2006 to 2014.

In 2016, I voted Ted Cruz in honor of my mother who had died just before the election. She was a Cruz supporter. I am so glad she did not live to see what a black mass of gutter sludge he turned out to be.

In 2020, I voted Libertarian since the Libertarian Party is now closer to my belief system than the hollow shell which used to be the GOP, even though there are several points with which I disagree with the LP.

Only about one-quarter of Americans votes in the primaries. This gives the energetic retards a tactical advantage.

We need EVERYONE to vote in the primaries. The primaries are more important than the general election. This is where we can weed out the maniacs, psychopaths, bigots, and the unqualified. We are allowing the energetic retards to choose which two evils we must pick from in the general.

Another big factor in the election is that voters are choosing who they think can win rather than who is best for America. They vote for the one who can fight the dirtiest, promises the most cash and prizes, and has the best zingers.

So here we are. How's it working for ya?

At the core of the American democratic experiment is the idea that our government derives its power and legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That consent is expressed in its fullest when voters elect their representatives. Yet, as this report shows, every four years, about 80% of eligible voters do not participate in some of the most determinative contests in our democracy: midterm primary elections.

In U.S. elections since 2000, the average turnout rate for primary elections is 27% of registered voters.
Terrible. The greater evil of the two evils won. And his performance reflects as much.
Gee, a Trump campaign release. How...reliable a source. :auiqs.jpg:

And now the FACT:

“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. ... And this is their new hoax.”
Stupid you didn't open the link. It's one link that has all the fact checking links on you Covid hoax theroy
Lesser of two evils is a con, spun up by Ds and Rs because its much easier the fronting a good candidate. And you dumb motherfuckers fall for it every time.
All signs are indicating the voters of 2024 will have to choose between a low-IQ thieving rapist and a soft-headed octogenarian who walks like his shoelaces are tied together.

This is what happens when we keep picking two evils to choose from. The choices devolve and devolve over time.

When you vote for the lesser of two EVILS, you are still voting for EVIL. This is why I have been writing in random names at the federal level from 2006 to 2014.

In 2016, I voted Ted Cruz in honor of my mother who had died just before the election. She was a Cruz supporter. I am so glad she did not live to see what a black mass of gutter sludge he turned out to be.

In 2020, I voted Libertarian since the Libertarian Party is now closer to my belief system than the hollow shell which used to be the GOP, even though there are several points with which I disagree with the LP.

Only about one-quarter of Americans votes in the primaries. This gives the energetic retards a tactical advantage.

We need EVERYONE to vote in the primaries. The primaries are more important than the general election. This is where we can weed out the maniacs, psychopaths, bigots, and the unqualified. We are allowing the energetic retards to choose which two evils we must pick from in the general.

Another big factor in the election is that voters are choosing who they think can win rather than who is best for America. They vote for the one who can fight the dirtiest, promises the most cash and prizes, and has the best zingers.

So here we are. How's it working for ya?

At the core of the American democratic experiment is the idea that our government derives its power and legitimacy from the consent of the governed. That consent is expressed in its fullest when voters elect their representatives. Yet, as this report shows, every four years, about 80% of eligible voters do not participate in some of the most determinative contests in our democracy: midterm primary elections.

In U.S. elections since 2000, the average turnout rate for primary elections is 27% of registered voters.
The insane yapping continues...

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