Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

Slade3200 said:
On the flip side there are also bad hombres that illegally cross the border so that should also be acknowledged.
Those Are Exactly Who The Sanctuary Policies Protect
Do you honestly think those policy’s were designed and still supported so that illegal criminals can be protected? Be honest

Yes, what do you think they are for?

Local governments forbid their officers from reporting criminal illegals in custody so ICE can escort them to jail. I remember a Mayor not long ago issued a warning to illegals that ICE was coming to town and they should hide.
This is where your logic fails. To claim that millions of people want to destroy the country and protect criminals by letting them go free is just absurd. Your bias is blocking your reasoning

Then let me explain: Democrats want as many non-whites in this country as they can squeeze in. It doesn't matter if they are hard workers, totally uneducated, criminals, or model citizens. It doesn't matter, just as long as they are in the country. And if Americans have to work for lower wages, miss job opportunities, get robbed or murdered, too bad. You're just going to have to find a way to live with it.
Right, so they come here, break our laws, and because they have been here illegally, change our laws for them.

What other country would do this?
Who cares what other countries do. We have a broken system that isnt working so changes need to be made. I think that’s pretty obvious.

No, there is nothing wrong with our system. The system allows a million foreigners to become citizens every year. Our system hands out over 11,000 Visa's every year. Our system allows people to come here with Green Cards, work and earn money, and take our American dollars back home so they can live a better life.

Now we have to change our laws because the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigrants has to get more generous?
Our system is completely overwhelmed and not working. It needs reform.

And Trump is reforming it. Stay out until your court date, and now anybody thinking of coming here will understand they will be treated the same way. No more Get Out Of Jail Free cards.
And you think that will take care of the problem?

It certainly is helping. When this caravan was half-way to the US, it was reported that other caravans were in the forming and won't be far behind them. Where did they go? Why are those new caravans not being reported?

I'll tell you why: because they are coming to the realization that we finally have a President that's not a push-over. If they did start a caravan, it was disassembled. They said to hell with it. If we can't sneak into the US, then we will just live where we have always lived. It's not worth our time trying.

Slade3200 said:
Don’t pretend like you know how they think and feel. That’s laughable.
They Take Jobs From Americans
They Depress Wages
They Import Formerly Forgotten Diseases And Infestations
They Put Hospitals Out Of Business
All This And More,
Even If They Stay Out Of Trouble

Where's Their Compassion For Americans
They Harm That Way Even Without Criminality

They Selfishly Push Themselves To The Front Of The Line
And To Hell With Everyone Else
^ ^ ^ That's What They Think ^ ^
No, the Democrats are not going to give him his way because they are the anti-white party and are trying tirelessly to make whites a minority in this country ASAP. A wall would work wonders and they know it. That's why they don't want it. It ruins their devious plan.
This is one of your dumber more ignorant posts Ray. You honestly think a party comprised of millions of white people are anti-white?! Get a clue

That's exactly what I think. Maybe you can change my mind! Answer this:

Why are Democrats fighting against the wall so hard they're even willing to have a government shutdown?

Why did the Democrat led Senate stop Kate's Law; a law that would have imprisoned deported felons if they returned?

Why are they fighting to keep their sanctuary cities and created sanctuary states after Trump got elected; you know, a state that allowed a police officer to get murdered and the Democrats could still care less?

Why do anti-white states give illegals drivers licenses, allow their kids to attend their schools, look the other way if they rent an apartment or house? Why are they trying to make it so comfortable for illegals they are even considering letting them vote in local elections?

Every other group outside of whites vote heavily Democrat. Once they get rid of whites, they have the ability to have a single-party country forever. Their white voters are like frogs in a pot of cold water on top of a stove. That's why they are trying to get rid of us. Once that happens, it will be the beginning of the end of the Great Experiment. We will quickly become Socialist, and then Communist.
There are two things that answer most of your questions.

1. Dems oppose trumps immigration policies mostly because of the harsh rhetoric that surrounds it. History shows Dems supporting border security, fencing, walls etc. so that’s not the source of their obstruction. It’s the stereotyping, demonizing, racism and xenophobia that has followed Trumps movement. Many Dems and free thinkers don’t want any part of that.

2. You see things like sancuary cities and outreach for illegal immigrants because sympathizers see desperate and poor people in search for a better life and they want to help them. You can’t deny that those people exist. On the flip side there are also bad hombres that illegally cross the border so that should also be acknowledged.

Both sides need to start being more honest with their arguments.

That goes double for you.

Nobody closes down the government because they don't like somebody. Democrats don't do a thing unless it benefits them. Don't believe me, look at California today. No, they were never tough on immigration. They have the same attitude you do; the more the merrier. Make it look like they care while turning their heads the other way.

As I clearly pointed out, they are doing everything possible to bring in and make these people comfortable living here illegally. Think it's because they are such nice people? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You better look at the man behind the curtain. The party who starts their gun control rant every mass shooting are the same people telling us don't let foreigners who murder Americans be the epitome of all illegals.

I don't have children therefore will have no grandchildren. But when my niece and nephew do, they can explain to them how their Uncle fought against the demise of this country. What will your grandchildren be asking of you?
My grandchildren with appreciate the greatness of our country and will be taught to give back as best they can. Those are the values that I was taught and that I teach. Not much to learn if you are always pissed off and complaining about how horrible things are when you are living in the greatest country on earth.

You missed the point entirely. It will no longer be a great nation. That's what we are fighting against. We want to keep it a great nation and a place where we "reasonably" allow people to come here and share in our hard work and fortunes. But to give it away all at once will be the demise of this country as we know it.

You want to help people? Go to their countries and help them. Send money to their charities. But don't invite them here to ruin what we have.
Ray From Cleveland said:
Then let me explain: Democrats want as many non-whites in this country as they can squeeze in. It doesn't matter if they are hard workers, totally uneducated, criminals, or model citizens. It doesn't matter, just as long as they are in the country. And if Americans have to work for lower wages, miss job opportunities, get robbed or murdered, too bad. You're just going to have to find a way to live with it.
Slade3200 said:
And you think that will solve everything?
Did The War On Poverty Solve Poverty
It made a big difference, as opposed to what the GOP is doing to people now... Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever.

As you know, and lie again, the War on Poverty, costing us well over $28 TRILLION has accomplished nothing, not a thing.

Have you read this yet? I think it would be helpful for you, and anyone close to you.
Compulsive lying causes : Mental Health Articles - Psych forums
Really? Did it work with drugs and gangs?

No it didn't, but addiction means you can't stop yourself. Nobody is addicted to coming into the US illegally.
Addiction and desperation are two things stemming from the same source

Nobody is desperate. They live in a shithole and are too lazy and cowardly to make any changes in their own countries. Why should that be our problem? If they were desperate, they would have accepted Mexico's asylum offers and forget about the USA. They want to come here because we did all the work they don't want to do in their country.
Don’t pretend like you know how they think and feel. That’s laughable.

I shouldn't but you should?

Most don't qualify for asylum. They can apply for a Green Card or citizenship, but they are too lazy to wait in line behind everybody else. They just want a free pass to America anyway they can get it. They are no different than our welfare queens here in the US.
Not to worry, they just buy fake ID get a job buy a house pay their taxes. It's easy it's an open invitation from the GOP. And the wall is stupid, won't work. ID card is the only solution.
Slade3200 said:
This is where your logic fails. To claim that millions of people want to destroy the country and protect criminals by letting them go free is just absurd. Your bias is blocking your reasoning
Your Logic Fails
As You Continuously Rely On Hyperbole
When No One Has Said Anything Of The Sort

Like You Trying To Say
We're Painting ALL Illegals As Murderous Criminals

Even Ones That Aren't Felons
Cost $100's Of Billions PER YEAR
Slade3200 said:
And you think that will solve everything?
Did The War On Poverty Solve Poverty
It made a big difference, as opposed to what the GOP is doing to people now... Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever.

As you know, and lie again, the War on Poverty, costing us well over $28 TRILLION has accomplished nothing, not a thing.

Have you read this yet? I think it would be helpful for you, and anyone close to you.
Compulsive lying causes : Mental Health Articles - Psych forums
The war on poverty ended in 1969 when Nixon was elected, dingbat. And a lot of blacks were doing a lot better got to go to college all of a sudden.
Slade3200 said:
This is where your logic fails. To claim that millions of people want to destroy the country and protect criminals by letting them go free is just absurd. Your bias is blocking your reasoning
Your Logic Fails
As You Continuously Rely On Hyperbole
When No One Has Said Anything Of The Sort

Like You Trying To Say
We're Painting ALL Illegals As Murderous Criminals

Even Ones That Aren't Felons
Cost $100's Of Billions PER YEAR
They work like hell and actually save money. For GOP employers.
Slade3200 said:
And you think that will solve everything?
Did The War On Poverty Solve Poverty
It made a big difference, as opposed to what the GOP is doing to people now... Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever.

As you know, and lie again, the War on Poverty, costing us well over $28 TRILLION has accomplished nothing, not a thing.

Have you read this yet? I think it would be helpful for you, and anyone close to you.
Compulsive lying causes : Mental Health Articles - Psych forums
Ask anyone in the real world and they'll tell you that Republicans are the biggest Liars ever now. Congratulations for parroting the garbage, super duper.
why is social mobility so difficult in the us - Google Search
francoHFW said:
They work like hell and actually save money. For GOP employers.
They COST $100's Of BILLIONS Per Year
And Growing
So Is Their Share Of The Inmate Population
I suppose you also believe there are 50 million of them, super the way the Heritage foundation is totally full of s*** just like Rush Limbaugh and Sean hannity and fox etc etc.
Slade3200 said:
And you think that will solve everything?
Did The War On Poverty Solve Poverty
It made a big difference, as opposed to what the GOP is doing to people now... Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever.

As you know, and lie again, the War on Poverty, costing us well over $28 TRILLION has accomplished nothing, not a thing.

Have you read this yet? I think it would be helpful for you, and anyone close to you.
Compulsive lying causes : Mental Health Articles - Psych forums
The war on poverty ended in 1969 when Nixon was elected, dingbat. And a lot of blacks were doing a lot better got to go to college all of a sudden.

Robert Rector: How the War on Poverty Was Lost
francoHFW said:
Ask anyone in the real world and they'll tell you that Republicans are the biggest Liars ever now. Congratulations for parroting the garbage, super duper.
why is social mobility so difficult in the us - Google Search
Ask Anyone In The Real World

Illegals Take Jobs From Americans
They Depress Wages
They Import Formerly Forgotten Diseases And Infestations
They Put Hospitals Out Of Business
All This And More

Democrat Socialists Are The Biggest Liars Ever
francoHFW said:
The war on poverty ended in 1969 when Nixon was elected, dingbat..
Hogwash Dumb-Dumb
No Social Program Has Ever Been Ended
Or Even Cut

The Poverty Rate Stopped Falling In 1965
The Same Year Democrats
Gave Immigration Preference To Third World Poverty
With The Immigration And Naturalization Act Of 1965
We already do that with limits on how many we accept per year. And no, they aren't assimilating. That's why everything is written in bilingual signs today. That's why their children are holding up our American children in classrooms where they attended. That's why you have to push 1 to speak your very own language. That's why election ballots now come in different languages and you have to choose one.

No, they are not assimilating.

I called the Helpline for my online account with my HMO patient portal. They answered with the usual Spanish and then in English.
francoHFW said:
They work like hell and actually save money. For GOP employers.
They COST $100's Of BILLIONS Per Year
And Growing
So Is Their Share Of The Inmate Population
I suppose you also believe there are 50 million of them, super the way the Heritage foundation is totally full of s*** just like Rush Limbaugh and Sean hannity and fox etc etc.
MSLED is your news source, so it's gotta be factual. Right, leftist traitor?
francoHFW said:
I suppose you also believe there are 50 million of them, super the way the Heritage foundation is totally full of s*** just like Rush Limbaugh and Sean hannity and fox etc etc.
This Is The Cost Of Illegal Immigrants
On State Budgets Alone:


Illegals Take Jobs From Americans
They Depress Wages
They Import Formerly Forgotten Diseases And Infestations
They Put Hospitals Out Of Business
All This And More

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