Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

highly respected?....if you say so franco....they say so is rush....and yes democrats are just as much of a scourge on this country as the republicans are.....for you to think they are ever lovin angels is idiocy....
Republicans cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, for 35 years now they have been in control and can block anything the Democrats want. Any evidence you have that the Democrats are just as bad is garbage propaganda from the GOP. Again how about a fact to support your garbage View? The only thing that Democrats have passed in the last 50 years is ACA, the GOP plan to fix our medical mess. And also by the way the biggest social reform in the last 50 years, because you're not going to get anything with the GOP except more giveaway to the rich and crap for the Non rich. How do you thinkwe have ended up with the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world? The dupes don't know that, but they know details on every phony scandal about Hillary Obama Democrats the FBI etc etc. Pure garbage. Breaking for dupes, which includes people like you... Hillary is honest and the rich don't pay enough in taxes.
i watched california go down hill, much of that was because of democratic shit that they passed like trying to tax everything,and if they got shot down they would try to get a fee passed in its place.....some of their social programs were well intended,but when that program was being abused,instead of fixing it they let it go to hell because many of your far left buddies pulled out the how much of an asshole you are card for trying to take money from those very people abusing the dam system.....sorry franco both parties are fucked and should go straight to hell.....and hillary is honest?....because she told you she is?.....she is in politics,im sure she has done a lot behind the scenes that would be considered fucked by most peoples standard...but she aint alone ....everyone of those in high government have had their hands around someones throat.....and dupes like you eat up everything they tell you....
I believe totally in our law enforcement and Justice systems. If you want to go the conspiracy theory route, you might as well join the Republican Party. A million phony scandals against Hillary Obama Democrats the FBI and it's all garbage, all investigated and not a damn thing. She was careless just like secretaries of State before her. That's how it works, until it doesn't. You can cheer Putin if you like.... We're talking National politics here by the way, not Californians LOL. California's problem was too damn many people after a while, and many of them illegals of course.
And of course they had to fight Republican National policy which is killing the middle class and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share... California is not immune to what is happening in the rest of the country the last 35 years.
California is a victim of its own governance and policies.....
It is basically the most prosperous state. And that causes problems, especially in GOP America.
yep you have to ignore all the journalism and law enforcement in the world to be as provincial and dumbass as you-which by the way is what fox MSNBC and even CNN do-they talk endlessly about inside the Washington soap opera and ignore the rest of the world unless there is something spicy, all they care about is controversy and ratings... Go to Google news and learn something.
look at the news everyday ....just not hindustani news....
The hindustani x is not my preferred media LOL. Have you ever looked at the Google News on your computer? Try also BBC is fantastic and actually ABC CBS News. Only Fox News is full of s***.
I read and watch basically all news including Fox. I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Savage but it just got too hateful and imaginary.

Golly you are clearly the most brilliant man alive.
Read my book. I would like to thank you for your contributions illuminating the imaginary idiocy of GOP the future people will not believe how out of your mind you people are and how horrible your propaganda machine is.

For crying out loud I said told him the whole world of Journalism is against you, even the hindustani times for example, and Harry comes back that all I listen to is the hindustani times. And he says I'm stoned..

Nothing you have written is worth reading, you are a hack, nothing more. I fully believe that you actually that Dems never lie, that the only misspeak or make errs. That by itself reveals that you aren't a thinker at all, simply a partisan parrot. Nothing more.
I have no idea where you get your news, but the hindustani times is highly respected and they don't believe any of these phony scandals that are the entire knowledge of the GOP base, a total disgrace. You seem to believe a lot of crap, but it's hard to pin you down because you just say the Democrats are just as bad. Mealy mouthed idiocy.
highly respected?....if you say so franco....they say so is rush....and yes democrats are just as much of a scourge on this country as the republicans are.....for you to think they are ever lovin angels is idiocy....
Republicans cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, for 35 years now they have been in control and can block anything the Democrats want. Any evidence you have that the Democrats are just as bad is garbage propaganda from the GOP. Again how about a fact to support your garbage View? The only thing that Democrats have passed in the last 50 years is ACA, the GOP plan to fix our medical mess. And also by the way the biggest social reform in the last 50 years, because you're not going to get anything with the GOP except more giveaway to the rich and crap for the Non rich. How do you thinkwe have ended up with the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world? The dupes don't know that, but they know details on every phony scandal about Hillary Obama Democrats the FBI etc etc. Pure garbage. Breaking for dupes, which includes people like you... Hillary is honest and the rich don't pay enough in taxes.
i watched california go down hill, much of that was because of democratic shit that they passed like trying to tax everything,and if they got shot down they would try to get a fee passed in its place.....some of their social programs were well intended,but when that program was being abused,instead of fixing it they let it go to hell because many of your far left buddies pulled out the how much of an asshole you are card for trying to take money from those very people abusing the dam system.....sorry franco both parties are fucked and should go straight to hell.....and hillary is honest?....because she told you she is?.....she is in politics,im sure she has done a lot behind the scenes that would be considered fucked by most peoples standard...but she aint alone ....everyone of those in high government have had their hands around someones throat.....and dupes like you eat up everything they tell you....
The GOP National party cut federal aid 2 States, that's why state and local taxes and fees have skyrocketed.

There is no evidence of the political violence you speak of in the Democratic Party, cut the crap.
taxes have always been going up in california franc....stop trying to make excuses....and what violence are you speaking of?....
I am sick of talking about California I don't care LOL
highly respected?....if you say so franco....they say so is rush....and yes democrats are just as much of a scourge on this country as the republicans are.....for you to think they are ever lovin angels is idiocy....
Republicans cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, for 35 years now they have been in control and can block anything the Democrats want. Any evidence you have that the Democrats are just as bad is garbage propaganda from the GOP. Again how about a fact to support your garbage View? The only thing that Democrats have passed in the last 50 years is ACA, the GOP plan to fix our medical mess. And also by the way the biggest social reform in the last 50 years, because you're not going to get anything with the GOP except more giveaway to the rich and crap for the Non rich. How do you thinkwe have ended up with the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world? The dupes don't know that, but they know details on every phony scandal about Hillary Obama Democrats the FBI etc etc. Pure garbage. Breaking for dupes, which includes people like you... Hillary is honest and the rich don't pay enough in taxes.
i watched california go down hill, much of that was because of democratic shit that they passed like trying to tax everything,and if they got shot down they would try to get a fee passed in its place.....some of their social programs were well intended,but when that program was being abused,instead of fixing it they let it go to hell because many of your far left buddies pulled out the how much of an asshole you are card for trying to take money from those very people abusing the dam system.....sorry franco both parties are fucked and should go straight to hell.....and hillary is honest?....because she told you she is?.....she is in politics,im sure she has done a lot behind the scenes that would be considered fucked by most peoples standard...but she aint alone ....everyone of those in high government have had their hands around someones throat.....and dupes like you eat up everything they tell you....
The GOP National party cut federal aid 2 States, that's why state and local taxes and fees have skyrocketed.

There is no evidence of the political violence you speak of in the Democratic Party, cut the crap.
taxes have always been going up in california franc....stop trying to make excuses....and what violence are you speaking of?....
You talk about how politicians have their hands around neck. And guess what? I'm talking about the last 50 years of GOP cutting taxes on the rich and cutting services for the rest. There was this thing called the Great Society under LBJ and the GOP has been cutting it back ever since Nixon. Then the states have to raise their taxes and fees to make up for the shortfall, and state and local taxes kill the Non rich and are easy for the rich. and you say Democrats are just as bad. You are out of your tiny little mind and you have never shown any evidence. Just conspiracy theories and garbage propaganda.
politicians dont have their hands around your neck?.......your problem franco is you are controlled by a party and believe everything they tell you....
look at the news everyday ....just not hindustani news....
The hindustani x is not my preferred media LOL. Have you ever looked at the Google News on your computer? Try also BBC is fantastic and actually ABC CBS News. Only Fox News is full of s***.
I read and watch basically all news including Fox. I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Savage but it just got too hateful and imaginary.

Golly you are clearly the most brilliant man alive.
Read my book. I would like to thank you for your contributions illuminating the imaginary idiocy of GOP the future people will not believe how out of your mind you people are and how horrible your propaganda machine is.

For crying out loud I said told him the whole world of Journalism is against you, even the hindustani times for example, and Harry comes back that all I listen to is the hindustani times. And he says I'm stoned..

Nothing you have written is worth reading, you are a hack, nothing more. I fully believe that you actually that Dems never lie, that the only misspeak or make errs. That by itself reveals that you aren't a thinker at all, simply a partisan parrot. Nothing more.
Then let's have a lie the Democrats have told, and not a prediction that was blocked by others, the usual Obama BS... Meanwhile the GOP propaganda machine and Trump lie non stop lock her up was garbage, so it's all the propaganda about how the rich pay too much in taxes. Or democrats caused the 2008 financial meltdown for crying out loud. They are a total disaster. Only propaganda have they....
Republicans cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, for 35 years now they have been in control and can block anything the Democrats want. Any evidence you have that the Democrats are just as bad is garbage propaganda from the GOP. Again how about a fact to support your garbage View? The only thing that Democrats have passed in the last 50 years is ACA, the GOP plan to fix our medical mess. And also by the way the biggest social reform in the last 50 years, because you're not going to get anything with the GOP except more giveaway to the rich and crap for the Non rich. How do you thinkwe have ended up with the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world? The dupes don't know that, but they know details on every phony scandal about Hillary Obama Democrats the FBI etc etc. Pure garbage. Breaking for dupes, which includes people like you... Hillary is honest and the rich don't pay enough in taxes.
i watched california go down hill, much of that was because of democratic shit that they passed like trying to tax everything,and if they got shot down they would try to get a fee passed in its place.....some of their social programs were well intended,but when that program was being abused,instead of fixing it they let it go to hell because many of your far left buddies pulled out the how much of an asshole you are card for trying to take money from those very people abusing the dam system.....sorry franco both parties are fucked and should go straight to hell.....and hillary is honest?....because she told you she is?.....she is in politics,im sure she has done a lot behind the scenes that would be considered fucked by most peoples standard...but she aint alone ....everyone of those in high government have had their hands around someones throat.....and dupes like you eat up everything they tell you....
The GOP National party cut federal aid 2 States, that's why state and local taxes and fees have skyrocketed.

There is no evidence of the political violence you speak of in the Democratic Party, cut the crap.
taxes have always been going up in california franc....stop trying to make excuses....and what violence are you speaking of?....
You talk about how politicians have their hands around neck. And guess what? I'm talking about the last 50 years of GOP cutting taxes on the rich and cutting services for the rest. There was this thing called the Great Society under LBJ and the GOP has been cutting it back ever since Nixon. Then the states have to raise their taxes and fees to make up for the shortfall, and state and local taxes kill the Non rich and are easy for the rich. and you say Democrats are just as bad. You are out of your tiny little mind and you have never shown any evidence. Just conspiracy theories and garbage propaganda.
politicians dont have their hands around your neck?.......your problem franco is you are controlled by a party and believe everything they tell you....
Tell me where I am wrong a******. no more of your crap until you actually tell me what you are talking about LOL.
Republicans cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, for 35 years now they have been in control and can block anything the Democrats want. Any evidence you have that the Democrats are just as bad is garbage propaganda from the GOP. Again how about a fact to support your garbage View? The only thing that Democrats have passed in the last 50 years is ACA, the GOP plan to fix our medical mess. And also by the way the biggest social reform in the last 50 years, because you're not going to get anything with the GOP except more giveaway to the rich and crap for the Non rich. How do you thinkwe have ended up with the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history and in the modern world? The dupes don't know that, but they know details on every phony scandal about Hillary Obama Democrats the FBI etc etc. Pure garbage. Breaking for dupes, which includes people like you... Hillary is honest and the rich don't pay enough in taxes.
i watched california go down hill, much of that was because of democratic shit that they passed like trying to tax everything,and if they got shot down they would try to get a fee passed in its place.....some of their social programs were well intended,but when that program was being abused,instead of fixing it they let it go to hell because many of your far left buddies pulled out the how much of an asshole you are card for trying to take money from those very people abusing the dam system.....sorry franco both parties are fucked and should go straight to hell.....and hillary is honest?....because she told you she is?.....she is in politics,im sure she has done a lot behind the scenes that would be considered fucked by most peoples standard...but she aint alone ....everyone of those in high government have had their hands around someones throat.....and dupes like you eat up everything they tell you....
I believe totally in our law enforcement and Justice systems. If you want to go the conspiracy theory route, you might as well join the Republican Party. A million phony scandals against Hillary Obama Democrats the FBI and it's all garbage, all investigated and not a damn thing. She was careless just like secretaries of State before her. That's how it works, until it doesn't. You can cheer Putin if you like.... We're talking National politics here by the way, not Californians LOL. California's problem was too damn many people after a while, and many of them illegals of course.
And of course they had to fight Republican National policy which is killing the middle class and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share... California is not immune to what is happening in the rest of the country the last 35 years.
California is a victim of its own governance and policies.....
It is basically the most prosperous state. And that causes problems, especially in GOP America.
apprently it caused problems in DNC America too.....
look at the news everyday ....just not hindustani news....
The hindustani x is not my preferred media LOL. Have you ever looked at the Google News on your computer? Try also BBC is fantastic and actually ABC CBS News. Only Fox News is full of s***.
I read and watch basically all news including Fox. I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Savage but it just got too hateful and imaginary.

Golly you are clearly the most brilliant man alive.
Read my book. I would like to thank you for your contributions illuminating the imaginary idiocy of GOP the future people will not believe how out of your mind you people are and how horrible your propaganda machine is.

For crying out loud I said told him the whole world of Journalism is against you, even the hindustani times for example, and Harry comes back that all I listen to is the hindustani times. And he says I'm stoned..

Nothing you have written is worth reading, you are a hack, nothing more. I fully believe that you actually that Dems never lie, that the only misspeak or make errs. That by itself reveals that you aren't a thinker at all, simply a partisan parrot. Nothing more.
Your s*** is partisan. Mine is journalism. That means fact checks and retractions. You believe a pile of garbage. The world is aghast. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace and so are you. Everything you know is wrong. LOL
i watched california go down hill, much of that was because of democratic shit that they passed like trying to tax everything,and if they got shot down they would try to get a fee passed in its place.....some of their social programs were well intended,but when that program was being abused,instead of fixing it they let it go to hell because many of your far left buddies pulled out the how much of an asshole you are card for trying to take money from those very people abusing the dam system.....sorry franco both parties are fucked and should go straight to hell.....and hillary is honest?....because she told you she is?.....she is in politics,im sure she has done a lot behind the scenes that would be considered fucked by most peoples standard...but she aint alone ....everyone of those in high government have had their hands around someones throat.....and dupes like you eat up everything they tell you....
I believe totally in our law enforcement and Justice systems. If you want to go the conspiracy theory route, you might as well join the Republican Party. A million phony scandals against Hillary Obama Democrats the FBI and it's all garbage, all investigated and not a damn thing. She was careless just like secretaries of State before her. That's how it works, until it doesn't. You can cheer Putin if you like.... We're talking National politics here by the way, not Californians LOL. California's problem was too damn many people after a while, and many of them illegals of course.
And of course they had to fight Republican National policy which is killing the middle class and the country, all to save the rich from paying their fair share... California is not immune to what is happening in the rest of the country the last 35 years.
California is a victim of its own governance and policies.....
It is basically the most prosperous state. And that causes problems, especially in GOP America.
apprently it caused problems in DNC America too.....
There is no DNC America, just States. The GOP has been in charge of tax rates and cuts in services for 50 years dumbass. Obstruction is easy, and with reconciliation they can cut taxes and services. Another scam GOP law, reconciliation. And the filibuster now ridiculous...
There is no DNC America, just States. The GOP has been in charge of tax rates and cuts in services for 50 years dumbass. Obstruction is easy, and with reconciliation they can cut taxes and services. Another scam GOP law, reconciliation. And the filibuster now ridiculous...[/QUOTE]
if there is a GOP America then there must be a DNC one also....
There is no DNC America, just States. The GOP has been in charge of tax rates and cuts in services for 50 years dumbass. Obstruction is easy, and with reconciliation they can cut taxes and services. Another scam GOP law, reconciliation. And the filibuster now ridiculous...
if there is a GOP America then there must be a DNC one also....[/QUOTE]
Read what I say. What do you want a diagram? The GOP has been in charge since the 60s. And there version of the filibuster and reconciliation are a scam, like their policies- so stupid....
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

How about do something to keep them out of the country.
We do a ton to keep them out of this country. Both parties have spent billions of dollars each year on fencing, walls, agents, tech, etc.

It's easy to spot you're a liar.
Do you silly dupes have any connection to reality?

The reality is you're a liar, BOY.

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