Hows that Sanctuary State worken for ya California?

It’s already law that people can’t come into the country outside our process. That’s why it’s called illegal. You are simply politicizing this event to push stricter policies. It’s the same thing the Left does with the gun debate.

What good is a law that doesn't carry a stiff penalty? Coming into this country illegally is like a jaywalking ticket. It means nothing. That's why they keep coming back.
Because many people don’t see it as a serious offense like rape and murder. It’s trespassing Which is a misdomeanor unless they are caught forging documents in which case it would be a more serious offense.

Which is why they keep coming here.
Wrong. They come here because America is a great country that can provide them with opportunity and a better life. I don’t know when we got all hell bent on demonizing poor people seeking a better life, many of whom risk their own lives to come here because they don’t know how else to do it. We need to fix our legal immigration process and tone down the hateful rhetoric. Invite hard working people to follow their dream of a better life and focus our security towards the bad hombres.

So they can't go to there local US embassy and fill out the paperwork ?
I don’t know. I don’t pretend to know their situations and circumstances
In the human population there is always going to be a percentage of bad people. Forgeiner or American doesn’t make a difference. The Left isn’t playing the fear mongering game that right is playing as they try and demonize millions of people by the actions of a few.

The Left does play this game with the gun control debate but the roles are reversed. You see that don’t you?

Oh yes, it does make a difference.......BIG DIFFERENCE.

We deal with our own bad apples, however there is no reason in the world to bring more bad apples into this country simply because out of the crowd, they are a few.

No more illegals of any kind means no more illegals killing Americans like this legal immigrant police officer.
It’s already law that people can’t come into the country outside our process. That’s why it’s called illegal. You are simply politicizing this event to push stricter policies. It’s the same thing the Left does with the gun debate.

So your saying because it’s illegal they don’t sneak in. That’s what your stupid statement just said. As far as gun control it’s a constitutional amendment. Your trying to change the 2nd Amendment we want to keep scum out of country build the wall and it forces them to come in legally. For those who try to climb the wall, it’s nothing a bullet can’t handle. We should build the wall around California as well and you assholes can live in your own little world. With know help from the US as debated says your the richest state you don’t need our help.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That’s not what my stupid statement just said, learn how to read. And learn what an analogy is. It doesn’t matter if gun ownership is a constitutional amendment or not. That has nothing to do with the comparison of policy arguments that I was making.

I read it correctly. Just face the facts. You liberal world is based on lies upon lies. I read fine. Learn how to write asshole. Liberal piece of shit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Calm down sparky, everything is going to be ok
no we have sanctuary cities and states so that witnesses to crimes are not afraid to come forward. You are totally brainwashed.

Liar .

Why don't they follow the law and report them?

They used to be afraid of being deported for being illegal. Now they are not

They should be deported for being illegaI

That's just the racist than you talking... They will never deport them all. They won't even try. Half the Republicans wouldn't even try. Then there are the racist idiots... Passing national ID card like other countries have. The wall is stupid and won't work
Of course it's the truth that's why we have sanctuary cities and states.

Quit trying to bullshit, it doesn't work.

no we have sanctuary cities and states so that witnesses to crimes are not afraid to come forward. You are totally brainwashed.
Pass a goddamn ID card like other countries have. This is ridiculous. Democrats have tried but got burned by bulshit.

Democrats don't want an ID card.

Actually they did. in 2010 not for the first time. I really think you're Republican Masters don't really even want to stop illegal workers, Just distract you fools with stupid walls and stupid laws that are unconstitutional.

Border walls now unconstitutional?

They are for our security ...
most of your harassment laws against illegals are unconstitutional in the end.
What good is a law that doesn't carry a stiff penalty? Coming into this country illegally is like a jaywalking ticket. It means nothing. That's why they keep coming back.
Because many people don’t see it as a serious offense like rape and murder. It’s trespassing Which is a misdomeanor unless they are caught forging documents in which case it would be a more serious offense.

Which is why they keep coming here.
Wrong. They come here because America is a great country that can provide them with opportunity and a better life. I don’t know when we got all hell bent on demonizing poor people seeking a better life, many of whom risk their own lives to come here because they don’t know how else to do it. We need to fix our legal immigration process and tone down the hateful rhetoric. Invite hard working people to follow their dream of a better life and focus our security towards the bad hombres.
The fact that the USA is a great country isn't a reason to let in all this ignorant uneducated riff-raff. No one has a right to come here, and we don't benefit one iota by letting these people in. Immigration law should exist for the benefit of the people already here, not for the benefit of foreigners.

We need to enforce our existing immigration law. The only parts that need to change are the technicalities that allow these illegal aliens to stay one day longer than is absolutely justified.
That’s your opinion. I’m also a citizen of this country and myself and millions of others want to invite that riff raff over for dinner.
You're outnumbered by the people who aren't as stupid as you.
Oh yes, it does make a difference.......BIG DIFFERENCE.

We deal with our own bad apples, however there is no reason in the world to bring more bad apples into this country simply because out of the crowd, they are a few.

No more illegals of any kind means no more illegals killing Americans like this legal immigrant police officer.
It’s already law that people can’t come into the country outside our process. That’s why it’s called illegal. You are simply politicizing this event to push stricter policies. It’s the same thing the Left does with the gun debate.

So your saying because it’s illegal they don’t sneak in. That’s what your stupid statement just said. As far as gun control it’s a constitutional amendment. Your trying to change the 2nd Amendment we want to keep scum out of country build the wall and it forces them to come in legally. For those who try to climb the wall, it’s nothing a bullet can’t handle. We should build the wall around California as well and you assholes can live in your own little world. With know help from the US as debated says your the richest state you don’t need our help.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That’s not what my stupid statement just said, learn how to read. And learn what an analogy is. It doesn’t matter if gun ownership is a constitutional amendment or not. That has nothing to do with the comparison of policy arguments that I was making.

I read it correctly. Just face the facts. You liberal world is based on lies upon lies. I read fine. Learn how to write asshole. Liberal piece of shit

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Calm down sparky, everything is going to be ok
That's doubtful. Certainly it won't be if morons like you are making the decisions.
Why don't they follow the law and report them?

They used to be afraid of being deported for being illegal. Now they are not

They should be deported for being illegaI

That's just the racist than you talking... They will never deport them all. They won't even try. Half the Republicans wouldn't even try. Then there are the racist idiots... Passing national ID card like other countries have. The wall is stupid and won't work
no we have sanctuary cities and states so that witnesses to crimes are not afraid to come forward. You are totally brainwashed.
Pass a goddamn ID card like other countries have. This is ridiculous. Democrats have tried but got burned by bulshit.

Democrats don't want an ID card.

Actually they did. in 2010 not for the first time. I really think you're Republican Masters don't really even want to stop illegal workers, Just distract you fools with stupid walls and stupid laws that are unconstitutional.

Border walls now unconstitutional?

They are for our security ...
most of your harassment laws against illegals are unconstitutional in the end.

It'god damn national security you fucking retard

How the fuck does Illegal rapist Mexican's have protections under the Constitution being born a dirty wet back..

You just trolling.

What good is a law that doesn't carry a stiff penalty? Coming into this country illegally is like a jaywalking ticket. It means nothing. That's why they keep coming back.
Because many people don’t see it as a serious offense like rape and murder. It’s trespassing Which is a misdomeanor unless they are caught forging documents in which case it would be a more serious offense.

Which is why they keep coming here.
Wrong. They come here because America is a great country that can provide them with opportunity and a better life. I don’t know when we got all hell bent on demonizing poor people seeking a better life, many of whom risk their own lives to come here because they don’t know how else to do it. We need to fix our legal immigration process and tone down the hateful rhetoric. Invite hard working people to follow their dream of a better life and focus our security towards the bad hombres.
The fact that the USA is a great country isn't a reason to let in all this ignorant uneducated riff-raff. No one has a right to come here, and we don't benefit one iota by letting these people in. Immigration law should exist for the benefit of the people already here, not for the benefit of foreigners.

We need to enforce our existing immigration law. The only parts that need to change are the technicalities that allow these illegal aliens to stay one day longer than is absolutely justified.
That’s your opinion. I’m also a citizen of this country and myself and millions of others want to invite that riff raff over for dinner.

Well then........explain that tho this officers family.
Wrong. They come here because America is a great country that can provide them with opportunity and a better life. I don’t know when we got all hell bent on demonizing poor people seeking a better life, many of whom risk their own lives to come here because they don’t know how else to do it.

Then let me explain it another way:

Let's say you buy a house but your treasure is the backyard which is a wreck. You want to make it the backyard everybody in the neighborhood will envy. You spend every dime you have on a new lawn, hedges, flowers. But that's not enough, so you borrow thousands of dollars on your credit card which you will be paying on for years and years.

After all that money, all that sweat. hard work and time, you have a beautiful yard with an in-ground swimming pool, garden, playground for the kids, a patio that can seat 30 people. You come home one day, and some strange family is sitting on your patio. Their kids are in the pool. The mother is cooking ribs on your new grill you paid over $1,200 for. Would you accept that? Of course not. You'd call the cops and have them removed.

Our ancestors worked and gave their lives for this beautiful place we call the USA. Millions have died for it's freedom. The rest of us work to supply money so the government can run it. But like your rude neighbors, strangers look at all we've created, and decide to just plop on down in a seat and make themselves right at home.

If you want your backyard as nice as mine, do what we did. Don't come here and say "Hey! These people did all the work, let's go there and enjoy what they labored for!"
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

How about do something to keep them out of the country.
We do a ton to keep them out of this country. Both parties have spent billions of dollars each year on fencing, walls, agents, tech, etc.

It's easy to spot you're a liar.
An honest position is that it doesn't matter if it's one cop or a hundred. The left simply doesn't care. All the Americans that died at the hands of these foreigners doesn't matter. What matters is getting and keeping as many of them in this country as possible.
In the human population there is always going to be a percentage of bad people. Forgeiner or American doesn’t make a difference. The Left isn’t playing the fear mongering game that right is playing as they try and demonize millions of people by the actions of a few.

The Left does play this game with the gun control debate but the roles are reversed. You see that don’t you?

Oh yes, it does make a difference.......BIG DIFFERENCE.

We deal with our own bad apples, however there is no reason in the world to bring more bad apples into this country simply because out of the crowd, they are a few.

No more illegals of any kind means no more illegals killing Americans like this legal immigrant police officer.
It’s already law that people can’t come into the country outside our process. That’s why it’s called illegal. You are simply politicizing this event to push stricter policies. It’s the same thing the Left does with the gun debate.

What good is a law that doesn't carry a stiff penalty? Coming into this country illegally is like a jaywalking ticket. It means nothing. That's why they keep coming back.
Because many people don’t see it as a serious offense like rape and murder. It’s trespassing Which is a misdomeanor unless they are caught forging documents in which case it would be a more serious offense.

Those same people don't consider an illegal killing an innocent citizen as a serious offense.
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.

How many American citizens would need to be RAPED and KILLED by illegals before you agree to secure our borders and deport illegals? Or do you consider Americans RAPED and KILLED by illegals acceptable collateral damage?
Sanctuary Cities are a bunch of liberal Wankers flipping the bird at the laws of this country.......Saying they have the right to disobey the laws whenever they choose......Just like California giving out licenses to illegals....Openly flaunting that they don't give a flying fuck about the laws in this republic.......

Then they go to the MSM and lie about how they are not for Open Borders but just disagree with Trump.........LOL

They are a disgrace to the Republic.......and the Founding Fathers have long ago rolled over in their graves.
Sanctuary Cities are a bunch of liberal Wankers flipping the bird at the laws of this country.......Saying they have the right to disobey the laws whenever they choose......Just like California giving out licenses to illegals....Openly flaunting that they don't give a flying fuck about the laws in this republic.......

Then they go to the MSM and lie about how they are not for Open Borders but just disagree with Trump.........LOL

They are a disgrace to the Republic.......and the Founding Fathers have long ago rolled over in their graves.

We should give California to Mexico and when we build a wall, also build it around them with no points of entry.
Sanctuary Cities are a bunch of liberal Wankers flipping the bird at the laws of this country.......Saying they have the right to disobey the laws whenever they choose......Just like California giving out licenses to illegals....Openly flaunting that they don't give a flying fuck about the laws in this republic.......

Then they go to the MSM and lie about how they are not for Open Borders but just disagree with Trump.........LOL

They are a disgrace to the Republic.......and the Founding Fathers have long ago rolled over in their graves.

We should give California to Mexico and when we build a wall, also build it around them with no points of entry.

Or we could sweep California with tanks, troops, and gunships and drive the illegals back into Mexico.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

You do realize he is an illegal alien?
Yes but I’m not out to demonize illegal aliens because one was a gang banger. It’s not an honest position to take.
neither is doing anti ice just to not go along with trump.
Sanctuary Cities are a bunch of liberal Wankers flipping the bird at the laws of this country.......Saying they have the right to disobey the laws whenever they choose......Just like California giving out licenses to illegals....Openly flaunting that they don't give a flying fuck about the laws in this republic.......

Then they go to the MSM and lie about how they are not for Open Borders but just disagree with Trump.........LOL

They are a disgrace to the Republic.......and the Founding Fathers have long ago rolled over in their graves.

We should give California to Mexico and when we build a wall, also build it around them with no points of entry.

Or we could sweep California with tanks, troops, and gunships and drive the illegals back into Mexico.

Wouldn't do any good, they would just invite them back.
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

How about do something to keep them out of the country.
We do a ton to keep them out of this country. Both parties have spent billions of dollars each year on fencing, walls, agents, tech, etc.

It's easy to spot you're a liar.
how much did we spend in 2018 on border security?
Gustavo Perez Arriaga has been arrested for allegedly killing a CA police officer

Gustavo Perez Arriaga - Bing video
Good, get these gang bangers off the street.

How about do something to keep them out of the country.
We do a ton to keep them out of this country. Both parties have spent billions of dollars each year on fencing, walls, agents, tech, etc.

It's easy to spot you're a liar.
how much did we spend in 2018 on border security?
Not enough...........about 1.4 billion which replace, repaired and built new walls, levees, gates, and Fence repairs for about 100 is on the CBP site...........look for yourself.........

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