Hoyer 'Trumps' Pelosi, Tells President The House Is His For His SotU Address

Pelosi attempted a tactic usually abandoned somewhere around the 6th grade in an effort to deny the President the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She lied her ass off, got caught, then tried to flee the country...

She did not attempt to deny him the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She suggested delaying it or doing it somewhere else.

I think Twitter would be his best bet. He could do it in 160 character segments.
Pelosi attempted a tactic usually abandoned somewhere around the 6th grade in an effort to deny the President the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She lied her ass off, got caught, then tried to flee the country...

She did not attempt to deny him the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She suggested delaying it or doing it somewhere else.

I think Twitter would be his best bet. He could do it in 160 character segments.

If her suggestion was because of security concerns, what place would be more secure than our Capitol?
Pelosi attempted a tactic usually abandoned somewhere around the 6th grade in an effort to deny the President the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She lied her ass off, got caught, then tried to flee the country...

She did not attempt to deny him the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She suggested delaying it or doing it somewhere else.

I think Twitter would be his best bet. He could do it in 160 character segments.

Come on Gator, you are one of the few I generally count on to be honest around here. Pelosi is absolutely trying to abuse her office to keep a POTUS from giving a SOTU address to the American people. NOT TO CONGRESS, to the American people. Its the people's House not Pelosi's.
Not his to give.
Not Pelosi's to deny/withhold ... especially after lying about the DHS and Secret Service.

Pelosi looks petty and vindictive, she's showing her TRUE colors I love it.
Lol @ you pointing out someone being "petty and vindictive".

^^^ notice this leftist did not deny Pelosi is petty and vindictive.
No, I'm too busy laughing may ass off at your hypocrisy!!

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Pelosi attempted a tactic usually abandoned somewhere around the 6th grade in an effort to deny the President the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She lied her ass off, got caught, then tried to flee the country...

She did not attempt to deny him the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She suggested delaying it or doing it somewhere else.

I think Twitter would be his best bet. He could do it in 160 character segments.

If her suggestion was because of security concerns, what place would be more secure than our Capitol?

The Secret Service and DHS both said Pelosi is not only wrong, that the security services for the SOTU are not impacted by the shutdown, but that Pelosi's office didn't even check with them before claiming 'security concerns' as the reason to deny the POTUS use of the House chamber for the SOTU. She's a big fat liar.
Not his to give.
Not Pelosi's to deny/withhold ... especially after lying about the DHS and Secret Service.

Pelosi looks petty and vindictive, she's showing her TRUE colors I love it.
Lol @ you pointing out someone being "petty and vindictive".

^^^ notice this leftist did not deny Pelosi is petty and vindictive.
No, I'm too busy laughing may ass off at your hypocrisy!!

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Shut up clown, adults are talking.
Not Pelosi's to deny/withhold ... especially after lying about the DHS and Secret Service.

Pelosi looks petty and vindictive, she's showing her TRUE colors I love it.
Lol @ you pointing out someone being "petty and vindictive".

^^^ notice this leftist did not deny Pelosi is petty and vindictive.
No, I'm too busy laughing may ass off at your hypocrisy!!

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Shut up clown, adults are talking.
Lol, embarrassing for you huh?

Funny for me!
Pelosi looks petty and vindictive, she's showing her TRUE colors I love it.
Lol @ you pointing out someone being "petty and vindictive".

^^^ notice this leftist did not deny Pelosi is petty and vindictive.
No, I'm too busy laughing may ass off at your hypocrisy!!

View attachment 241617

Shut up clown, adults are talking.
Lol, embarrassing for you huh?

Funny for me!

Hey if you want to be a libtroll have at it. Makes no difference to me. :icon_rolleyes:
Lol @ you pointing out someone being "petty and vindictive".

^^^ notice this leftist did not deny Pelosi is petty and vindictive.
No, I'm too busy laughing may ass off at your hypocrisy!!

View attachment 241617

Shut up clown, adults are talking.
Lol, embarrassing for you huh?

Funny for me!

Hey if you want to be a libtroll have at it. Makes no difference to me. :icon_rolleyes:
Lol yer trying to cover for your embarrassment.
How cute!
She did not attempt to deny him the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She suggested delaying it or doing it somewhere else.

I think Twitter would be his best bet. He could do it in 160 character segments.
LOL! It was a cheap-ass trick, supported by her blatant LIE, attempting to effect the SotU speech....and she got called on it...got busted for LYING!
Pelosi attempted a tactic usually abandoned somewhere around the 6th grade in an effort to deny the President the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She lied her ass off, got caught, then tried to flee the country...

She did not attempt to deny him the opportunity to give the SotU speech. She suggested delaying it or doing it somewhere else.

I think Twitter would be his best bet. He could do it in 160 character segments.

Come on Gator, you are one of the few I generally count on to be honest around here. Pelosi is absolutely trying to abuse her office to keep a POTUS from giving a SOTU address to the American people. NOT TO CONGRESS, to the American people. Its the people's House not Pelosi's.

I have already said as much a few times in this thread. Though I do not think it is about stopping it, it is about having the power to move it, to deny him that stage.

It was a purely political move, not unlike Trump's return shot of denying her flight.
It was a purely political move, not unlike Trump's return shot of denying her flight.
So you think the President denying Pelosi a military plane to flee the country and challenging her to stay in DC to do her job in the middle of her shutdown is equivalent to Pelosi lying her ass off and then trying to sneak out of the country to avoid doing her job as Speaker?

So you think the President denying Pelosi a military plane to flee the country and challenging her to stay in DC to do her job in the middle of her shutdown is equivalent to Pelosi lying her ass off and then trying to sneak out of the country to avoid doing her job as Speaker?


yeah, both were purely political moves..which is why Trump waited till the very last minute to cancel it....with no regards to the members of the Air Force that just wasted a few hours getting a plane ready and doing all the prep work for no reason.

If it were not a vindictive move he would not have waited till the last minute .
So you think the President denying Pelosi a military plane to flee the country and challenging her to stay in DC to do her job in the middle of her shutdown is equivalent to Pelosi lying her ass off and then trying to sneak out of the country to avoid doing her job as Speaker?


yeah, both were purely political moves..which is why Trump waited till the very last minute to cancel it....with no regards to the members of the Air Force that just wasted a few hours getting a plane ready and doing all the prep work for no reason.

If it were not a vindictive move he would not have waited till the last minute .

The Air Force members didn't waste time. They did their job for which they signed up for.

Why do you defend Pelosi's leaving when the country needs her here to address the shutdown?

Do you not care about this country?
The Air Force members didn't waste time. They did their job for which they signed up for.

Still a waste of time and money that could have been better spent.

Why do you defend Pelosi's leaving when the country needs her here to address the shutdown?

Well, first I have not defend shit. Second, it is a joke to think that she would not be in communication with her fellow Dems while she was gone. This is not the 1970s, we have things like email and face-time and cellphones.

Trump's move was every bit as political as hers. To say otherwise is to show your true color as a partisan sheep.

Do you not care about this country?

I care deeply about this country which is why I spent 20 years defending it and why I blame both sides for the current state of affairs. I do not put party before country like the partisan sheep do.

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