HRC opens a 12 point lead over Dangerous Donnie

Read the report, fool. It proves that Hillary and obozo lied to the American people and the families of the dead.

Why do you want a proven liar and corrupt bitch in the WH?

It doesn't, but that is completely off topic from this thread. I swear, Benghazi is you wingnuts' proverbial mother. Whenever you can't prove your point you run behind and under Benghazi's dress for safety.

Stay on topic.

The topic is who is leading in the "polls". If you believe the polls, the recent Benghazi report has brought them into a virtual tie. My point, which is on topic, is that as more comes out proving Hillary's lying and corruption, the more the polls will swing to Trump.

Face it, Hillary Clinton is a terrible candidate, and a terrible human being. She is only in contention because of morons like you who will vote D while the D candidate is shitting in your soup.

They are tied now, where? Provide a link. Are you going to be wrong about this too?

you are the polling expert. Look up the latest Q poll.

Clearly you're an idiot. Arguing against polls and now what do you do? Focus on only one. Quinn had Clinton only up by 4 in May, it's now 2. Could be something, could be noise, nothing to do with Benghazi considering when the poll was conducted but maybe it's not just math you need help with.

I didn't say that the poll was accurate, only that it had them in a tie (within margin of error).

I am really tired of trying to make you understand something that most Jr high kids understand.

you clearly are not mentally capable of participating in an intellectual debate, so bye for now.
I see Hillary taking both Georgia and Arizona for 374 EV


You see what you want.

My gut tells me Arizona is in play, Georgia and Texas are not.

I don't think that Arizona is in play at all. I think Texas is more likely to be "in play" but still has 0% chance of going blue come November. Arizonians are far more likely to latch on to Trump's anti immigration rhetoric. Whereas Texans are inclined to be repulsed by it because 90% of the population there (including their conservatives) either 1) is of relatively recent Mexican ancestry, or 2) makes money off of cheap immigrant labor.
I see Hillary taking both Georgia and Arizona for 374 EV


You see what you want.

My gut tells me Arizona is in play, Georgia and Texas are not.

I don't think that Arizona is in play at all. I think Texas is more likely to be "in play" but still has 0% chance of going blue come November. Arizonians are far more likely to latch on to Trump's anti immigration rhetoric. Whereas Texans are inclined to be repulsed by it because 90% of the population there (including their conservatives) either 1) is of relatively recent Mexican ancestry, or 2) makes money off of cheap immigrant labor.

your 90% is vastly over stated.
It doesn't, but that is completely off topic from this thread. I swear, Benghazi is you wingnuts' proverbial mother. Whenever you can't prove your point you run behind and under Benghazi's dress for safety.

Stay on topic.

The topic is who is leading in the "polls". If you believe the polls, the recent Benghazi report has brought them into a virtual tie. My point, which is on topic, is that as more comes out proving Hillary's lying and corruption, the more the polls will swing to Trump.

Face it, Hillary Clinton is a terrible candidate, and a terrible human being. She is only in contention because of morons like you who will vote D while the D candidate is shitting in your soup.

They are tied now, where? Provide a link. Are you going to be wrong about this too?

you are the polling expert. Look up the latest Q poll.

Clearly you're an idiot. Arguing against polls and now what do you do? Focus on only one. Quinn had Clinton only up by 4 in May, it's now 2. Could be something, could be noise, nothing to do with Benghazi considering when the poll was conducted but maybe it's not just math you need help with.

I didn't say that the poll was accurate, only that it had them in a tie (within margin of error).

I am really tired of trying to make you understand something that most Jr high kids understand.

you clearly are not mentally capable of participating in an intellectual debate, so bye for now.

A statistical tie does not mean what you think it does.

What’s a Statistical Tie, Anyway?

Right, go run to Benghazi now, fishboy.
Go Hillary!!!!!

No. But as awful as she is, Trump would be worse.

Trump is a goddammed joke. I'm 82 years old and this prick is the sorriest excuse for a candidate I've seen in my lifetime........with the possible exception of Dan Quayle:

Typical Quayle quotes:

"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is"
~Dan Quayle~

"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change"
~Dan Quayle~

"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child"
~Dan Quayle~

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I see Hillary taking both Georgia and Arizona for 374 EV


You see what you want.

My gut tells me Arizona is in play, Georgia and Texas are not.

I don't think that Arizona is in play at all. I think Texas is more likely to be "in play" but still has 0% chance of going blue come November. Arizonians are far more likely to latch on to Trump's anti immigration rhetoric. Whereas Texans are inclined to be repulsed by it because 90% of the population there (including their conservatives) either 1) is of relatively recent Mexican ancestry, or 2) makes money off of cheap immigrant labor.

Well, you'd think Arizonans would want to latch onto Trump's immigration stance, but even Trump doesn't hang onto his own stance, he hasn't exactly been selling that wall as of late and Joe Arpio, Mr. McBigot himself is behind in some polling for his reelection in the largest county in Arizona. I think he has some legal problems as well, but I believe he had those 2 years ago too, they are just more in the forefront.

With Arizona's large Hispanic population, a base of Republicans who are not exactly thrilled with Trump (Mormons and Libertarians) I'm not convinced Arizona is a shoe in for Trump. I think odds are he takes it, but I do believe he will have to put some effort in the state and if I were Clinton I'd play hard for it.

EDIT: Also, I believe Arizona uses 'cheap' labor too. Somebody had to build all those houses in a decade.
New Electoral College Projection Has Hillary Clinton Demolishing Donald Trump

An updated Electoral College projection from Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball predicts that Hillary Clinton will demolish Donald Trump in the general election this fall.

The website, which is run by University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, has the presumptive Democratic nominee beating Trump by a 347-191 electoral vote margin.

I see Hillary taking both Georgia and Arizona for 374 EV


How are things in fantasy land today? Your "leans" states are something out of looney tunes.

Georgia and Arizona are far from fantasies

They used to be counted as solid red and now they are up for grabs

You think Hillary will not be campaigning in those states? Trump should have been able to mark them in the red collumn
New Electoral College Projection Has Hillary Clinton Demolishing Donald Trump

An updated Electoral College projection from Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball predicts that Hillary Clinton will demolish Donald Trump in the general election this fall.

The website, which is run by University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, has the presumptive Democratic nominee beating Trump by a 347-191 electoral vote margin.

I see Hillary taking both Georgia and Arizona for 374 EV


How are things in fantasy land today? Your "leans" states are something out of looney tunes.

Georgia and Arizona are far from fantasies

They used to be counted as solid red and now they are up for grabs

You think Hillary will not be campaigning in those states? Trump should have been able to mark them in the red collumn

I think they are turning blue, just not sure their time is 2016, however this year they may get a good kick in that direction. Texas too, just not enough.
There are more registered Democrats than registered Republicans, the polls are not unfairly skewed, they are accurately representing the populous.

bullshit, 40% of americans self identify as conservative, 20% as liberal.

Make your case then here is the poll data:

Show us how they got it wrong.

statistics 101. the so-called polls are designed to influence public opinion, not the report on it. If you doubt that, check into who is paying the pollsters.
Pollsters are in the business of making money. They do that by producing accurate polls.

wrong, they make money producing polls that please the people paying them, are you really so naïve that you think the pollsters don't have a political agenda?

Are you so paranoid and brainwashed as to believe polls would continue to have value if they were intentionally partisan?

Funny thing about the set of self defined conservatives, they don't trust the MSM for its so called liberal biases, don't trust polling because they too are biased, and don't trust higher education because the profs have a liberal bias; these points lead to the conclusion that those self defined conservatives, the New Right, define themselves in terms of what they oppose.

How do we identify this set of posters, by the idiot-grams they post, the use of pejoratives ("libtard" for example) in their posts, and their inability to write cogent, concise and credible responses on major issues. A dead giveaway is their propensity to echo the comments of history revisionists, and their lies of commission, omission; half-truths, rumors and innuendos, all posted without anymore evidence than the crawl on a Fox News telecast.
wrong, they make money producing polls that please the people paying them, are you really so naïve that you think the pollsters don't have a political agenda?

Are you so paranoid and brainwashed as to believe polls would continue to have value if they were intentionally partisan?

Funny thing about the set of self defined conservatives, they don't trust the MSM for its so called liberal biases, don't trust polling because they too are biased, and don't trust higher education because the profs have a liberal bias; these points lead to the conclusion that those self defined conservatives, the New Right, define themselves in terms of what they oppose.

How do we identify this set of posters, by the idiot-grams they post, the use of pejoratives ("libtard" for example) in their posts, and their inability to write cogent, concise and credible responses on major issues. A dead giveaway is their propensity to echo the comments of history revisionists and their lies of commission, omission; half-truths, rumors, innuendos all posted without anymore evidence than the crawl on a Fox News telecast.

Kinda like everything you just said....
wrong, they make money producing polls that please the people paying them, are you really so naïve that you think the pollsters don't have a political agenda?

Are you so paranoid and brainwashed as to believe polls would continue to have value if they were intentionally partisan?

Funny thing about the set of self defined conservatives, they don't trust the MSM for its so called liberal biases, don't trust polling because they too are biased, and don't trust higher education because the profs have a liberal bias; these points lead to the conclusion that those self defined conservatives, the New Right, define themselves in terms of what they oppose.

How do we identify this set of posters, by the idiot-grams they post, the use of pejoratives ("libtard" for example) in their posts, and their inability to write cogent, concise and credible responses on major issues. A dead giveaway is their propensity to echo the comments of history revisionists and their lies of commission, omission; half-truths, rumors, innuendos all posted without anymore evidence than the crawl on a Fox News telecast.

Kinda like everything you just said....

You want evidence? Some things are self evident, but before judging me you may want to check out the posts of some self defined conservatives (you might not have noticed, I didn't describe real conservatives in my post, only the CINO's).

It isn't hard to verity each point, you may want to seek out any thread started by our boards lead revisionist, PoliticalChic. Than read the posts which follow her OP.

Her following includes many of the CINO's and members of the echo chamber. Their obsequious posts are quite funny (and embarrassing since people all over the world can read them).
Some things are self evident

Oh. You mean, things you say are self evident. It's everyone else who needs to provide evidence, because the pigs have special needs that only milk and apples can fill.

Bullshit, I've made an allegation and have offered evidence, empirical evidence which you may or may not find probative. You've not considered the truth of my comments, and that maybe willful ignorance, cognitive dissonance or laziness - honestly I don''t care. The proof is out there; I learned long ago one can't take a whore to culture and make he or she think.
Some things are self evident

Oh. You mean, things you say are self evident. It's everyone else who needs to provide evidence, because the pigs have special needs that only milk and apples can fill.

Bullshit, I've made an allegation and have offered evidence, empirical evidence which you may or may not find probative. You've not considered the truth of my comments, and that maybe willful ignorance, cognitive dissonance or laziness - honestly I don''t care. The proof is out there; I learned long ago one can't take a whore to culture and make he or she think.


Are you taking a bath? Because you're neck deep in the kettle logic. Hope the water's warm enough for you.
Some things are self evident

Oh. You mean, things you say are self evident. It's everyone else who needs to provide evidence, because the pigs have special needs that only milk and apples can fill.

Bullshit, I've made an allegation and have offered evidence, empirical evidence which you may or may not find probative. You've not considered the truth of my comments, and that maybe willful ignorance, cognitive dissonance or laziness - honestly I don''t care. The proof is out there; I learned long ago one can't take a whore to culture and make he or she think.

Here is a most recent example:

Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

Let's take a look at the population: Note: Use of the pejorative "libtard" and a lie by omission.
Gilbert Arizona Economic Development

From the link:

"72.5% of Gilbert’s psychographic make-up consists of "Up and Coming Families", "Soccer Moms" and "Boomburbs". The "Up and Coming Families" segment is characterized by an average age of 30.7 and a median household income of $64,000. The "Soccer Moms" segment is characterized by a median age of 36.6 and a median household income of $84,000. The "Boomburbs" segment is characterized by a median age of 33.6 and a median household income of $105,000."

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