Lowest Ever: The Baltic Dry Index Plunges To 394 As Global Trade Grinds To A Standstill | Seeking Alpha

Basically? Virtually zero merchant ships crossing the Atlantic from the US to Europe!!:popcorn:

duh........wont ever see that on MSNBC!!!!:lmao:
Or any respectable outlet...

s0n.....hate to break it to you but the Keynesian model is in its last days........about to become a relic of a former era!!!! But keep right on watching the "reputable" outlets like MSNBC where you can be entertained with the "official" assessment on the state of the economy!!:eusa_dance:
Progressive bozo's who cant connect the dots. They want epic action on climate change which costs tens of trillions but back the Keynesian model to the balls..........:biggrin:perpetual 2% gdp:biggrin:...........the ultimate OXYMORON.


But lets remember..........the creep of socialism, the ultimate goal of these AGW k00ks ( see mega taxation via executive fiat of the coal industry ), ensures the collapse of capitalism and state control of energy!! Sounds great right ( stick it to fossil fuel industry )

But here is the cost.................

What's Eroding the Middle Class? Washington's Blog

America's disappearing middle class - Economy

Its called trickle-up poverty s0ns :spinner: ( putting 2 million people in the coal industry out of work and on the government dole is a progressives wet dream )!!

No good socialist gives a flying fuck about "costs" of anything...........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:.....they will happily pay for achieving their agenda on your dime!!!:gay:

To 2 million people working in the coal industry, its "FUCK YOU!!!!"
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from link:
Gleckler is the lead author of a new study in the journal Nature Climate Change finding that, in the past two decades, ocean heat content has been rising rapidly and that, much more than before, heat is also mixing into the deeper layers of the ocean, rather than remaining near the surface.
“As the upper oceans have been warming over time, more and more of this heat is finding its way down into the deeper ocean, and our results indicate that the fractional amount of heat that is trapped in the deeper ocean is increasing as well,” Gleckler said.
“We find that the heat uptake of the global oceans has doubled since about 1997, compared to what took place prior to that over the industrial era. And that was a surprising result to us,” he added.
The research was conducted with scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Pennsylvania State University.
We tend to think of global warming as an overall upward trend in air temperature — but that’s simply the most immediate way in which we experience it. From a scientific perspective, it is perhaps best understood as anenergy imbalance between the Earth and space, with less heat escaping and more being retained within the planet’s system.

In this sense, the new study represents a strong confirmation of this overall energy-balance shift. If large volumes of heat are trapped on Earth because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, then inevitably, the majority of that heat must be stored in the oceans, simply because of their greater ability to retain such energy.

Plus every year is the hottest yet, but no worries, dupes. Rush has proved it's a hoax since a couple professors at a third rate college in E. Anglia muffed an experiment...

His assumptions are NOT supported by his research. My Gawd read these things before you post.. More AGW bull shit.. "the model of temperatures" Its a god dam SWAG without basis in facts.
Oh my, it is not getting warmer. So all the meteorological agencies of nations all over the world are lying. My, it is a grand conspiracy to fool the whole of the world. And only a chosen few know the truth. People like Mr. Westwall.

Do you need more aluminum foil for your little hats, Mr. Westwall?

No, it's not. The only place it is getting warmer is in the tiny little minds of people like you, and the computer models you faithers worship.

An agreement was inked in Paris last month, signed by 194 nations, with agreements to update the agreement every five years. Sounds like a lot of people care.

The poor countries agree, because the rich countries are going to pay them.
The rich countries agree, so they can pretend they did something.
Total climate impact, zero........
from link:
Gleckler is the lead author of a new study in the journal Nature Climate Change finding that, in the past two decades, ocean heat content has been rising rapidly and that, much more than before, heat is also mixing into the deeper layers of the ocean, rather than remaining near the surface.
“As the upper oceans have been warming over time, more and more of this heat is finding its way down into the deeper ocean, and our results indicate that the fractional amount of heat that is trapped in the deeper ocean is increasing as well,” Gleckler said.
“We find that the heat uptake of the global oceans has doubled since about 1997, compared to what took place prior to that over the industrial era. And that was a surprising result to us,” he added.
The research was conducted with scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Pennsylvania State University.
We tend to think of global warming as an overall upward trend in air temperature — but that’s simply the most immediate way in which we experience it. From a scientific perspective, it is perhaps best understood as anenergy imbalance between the Earth and space, with less heat escaping and more being retained within the planet’s system.

In this sense, the new study represents a strong confirmation of this overall energy-balance shift. If large volumes of heat are trapped on Earth because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, then inevitably, the majority of that heat must be stored in the oceans, simply because of their greater ability to retain such energy.

Plus every year is the hottest yet, but no worries, dupes. Rush has proved it's a hoax since a couple professors at a third rate college in E. Anglia muffed an experiment...

You twits are all alike. Here is the death knell of your silly "study"...
"identified in observational5, 6, 7, modelling8, 9 and data re-analysis10, 11 studies."

And, dear franco here can't tell the difference between fact and science fiction....
All your links go to this study, so I can't see any "death knell" lol...

''detection and attribution studies have used observations and climate models to identify an anthropogenic warming signature in the upper (0–700m) ocean1, 2, 3, 4. Recently, as a result of the so-called surface warming hiatus, there has been considerable interest in global ocean heat content (OHC) changes in the deeper ocean, including natural and anthropogenically forced changes identified in observational5, 6, 7, modelling8, 9 and data re-analysis10, 11 studies. Here, we examine OHC changes in the context of the Earths global energy budget since early in the industrial era (circa 1865–2015) for a range of depths. We rely on OHC change estimates from a diverse collection of measurement systems including data from the nineteenth-century Challengerexpedition12, a multi-decadal record of ship-based in situ mostly upper-ocean measurements, the more recent near-global Argo floats profiling to intermediate (2,000m) depths13, and full-depth repeated transoceanic sections5. We show that the multi-model mean constructed from the current generation of historically forced climate models is consistent with the OHC changes from this diverse collection of observational systems. Our model-based analysis suggests that nearly half of the industrial-era increases in global OHC have occurred in recent decades, with over a third of the accumulated heat occurring below 700m and steadily rising."

so what is his explanation as to why the heat didn't rise out of the water? heat rises, or did you not know this? So tell me how that big body of water was able to retain all that heat if in every science program they teach heat rises?
Dear Mr. Westwall, the scientists all predicted, and predict, increasing warming. You have predicted cooling for the last six years. In that period, we have had 2010 and 2014, both years with the about the same warming as 1998. Last year, 2015 went well above 1998. And 2016 will most likely do the same. So, by results, your whole spiel looks pretty sad.

Now add to that most of the scientists in the world completely disagree with what you state. And the melting of the glaciers, warming of the oceans, acidification of the oceans, and melting of the permafrost are all measured phenomena, and your position looks pretty damned silly.
prove it, post up the raw data before all of the 100 year fudging.
This is where 90 percent of global warming is going

As scientists and NO GOPers have known for ever...

They must be using some very sensitive thermometers to measure all this heat.
Or, they pulled it out of their ass.
There are all kinds of new testing devices, including 3000 radio buoys. Of course unknown to the dupes.

All those buoys which are ignored by the left wit morons becasue they are altered UPWARD to match the unreliable data of engine intakes and buckets...
Dear Mr. Westwall, the scientists all predicted, and predict, increasing warming. You have predicted cooling for the last six years. In that period, we have had 2010 and 2014, both years with the about the same warming as 1998. Last year, 2015 went well above 1998. And 2016 will most likely do the same. So, by results, your whole spiel looks pretty sad.

Now add to that most of the scientists in the world completely disagree with what you state. And the melting of the glaciers, warming of the oceans, acidification of the oceans, and melting of the permafrost are all measured phenomena, and your position looks pretty damned silly.
prove it, post up the raw data before all of the 100 year fudging.
Instead of asking Dems to educate you on reality, perhaps you could change the channel and get some actual news and facts, dupe.

BTW, the computer is the greatest research device ever invented. Except the amount of RW bs makes it hard to find reality on political matters. Usually 15 pages of bs google propaganda before there might be a MM response. So much RW bs is not even worth a response. Poor ignorant dupes. Poor USA.

Garbage IN Garbage OUT..

Tell me when just one of your models can predict the future more than 3 days out and do it CORRECTLY and CONSISTENTLY!
Tell me when just one of your models can predict the future more than 3 days out and do it CORRECTLY and CONSISTENTLY!





Now here is where you claim that the observations have been tampered with to match the models. Of course, you have ZERO evidence to support such a charge, but that doesn't stop you from making it. Gee, don't you look like a real scientist.
Tell me when just one of your models can predict the future more than 3 days out and do it CORRECTLY and CONSISTENTLY!





Now here is where you claim that the observations have been tampered with to match the models. Of course, you have ZERO evidence to support such a charge, but that doesn't stop you from making it. Gee, don't you look like a real scientist.

These silly charts of yours, do they account for 90% of the warming being devoured by the oceans back in 1900???
Frank you ignorant twit, why do people use water to put out fires? Why is their water in your car's radiator? Why do people jump in swimming pools on a hot summer day? I'm quite certain you don't know the answer, so please look it up. Type those questions into Google and READ the answers. And then think about how that might apply to the topic under discussion.
Frank you ignorant twit, why do people use water to put out fires? Why is their water in your car's radiator? Why do people jump in swimming pools on a hot summer day? I'm quite certain you don't know the answer, so please look it up. Type those questions into Google and READ the answers. And then think about how that might apply to the topic under discussion.

How does our modern 90% heat absorbing oceans differ from oceans past?

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