Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Women are just as traumatized by abortion. Knowing they killed their baby. Maybe they themselves were adopted... Feeling guilty that they were spared yet killed their own child. Wondering if they will be able to carry another... Being told that due to their previous abortion they can't...etc
They're actually more traumatized. Except in cases of abduction, war, being caught in a third world country when you give birth...birth doesn't cause PTSD. Even bad births rarely result in it. Abortion does result in ptsd in 100 percent of non-sociopath abortion victims...aka "mothers".

And just like women who have live births. Many women that get an abortion suffer from Postpartum Depression.

In other words - it doesn't matter.
There you have it...women don't matter to Lakota.

Well, if they can get Postpartum Depression either way - what difference does it make?
Was that a serious question?
As an aside.

PP apparently has quite the racket going.

Abortions cause a greater risk of Breast cancer.

Treat breast cancer they help create and sell baby parts.
They don't treat breast cancer. They just pretend to. The big $$ is in late term abortion, so that's what they focus on.

99% of abortions are before 21 weeks. PP does not 'focus' on them.
Most common major complications of abortion:

Greater risk of Ectopic pregnancies
Excessive bleeding
Perforation of the uterus
Permanent cervical injury
Endotoxic shock
Complications due to anesthesia

And your "credible" source is...?

Need you ask?
Already provided

Did you provide the list of complications from pregnancy and childbirth?
As an aside.

PP apparently has quite the racket going.

Abortions cause a greater risk of Breast cancer.

Treat breast cancer they help create and sell baby parts.
They don't treat breast cancer. They just pretend to. The big $$ is in late term abortion, so that's what they focus on.

Another lie from crazy lady.
" PPGC had “engaged in a system-wide scheme to bilk Medicaid, Title XX, and the Texas Women’s Health Program of millions of dollars over the last decade.”
"Reynolds said PPGC bosses actually “trained employees to bill government agencies for medical and family planning services no reasonable medical personnel would provide, and…for abortion-related services fudged to appear as if they were not.”

"The State’s investigation revealed that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast improperly billed the Texas Medicaid program for products and services that were never actually rendered, not medically necessary, and were not covered by the Medicaid program – and were therefore not eligible for reimbursement. For example, state investigators determined that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast falsified material information in patients’ medical records in order to support fraudulent reimbursement claims to the Medicaid program."

Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Busted For Apparent Fraud Faces 4.3 Million Fine - Michael Norton - Page full
Most common major complications of abortion:

Greater risk of Ectopic pregnancies
Excessive bleeding
Perforation of the uterus
Permanent cervical injury
Endotoxic shock
Complications due to anesthesia

And your "credible" source is...?

Need you ask?
Already provided

Did you provide the list of complications from pregnancy and childbirth? just propose swapping out one set of complications for another, longer set? And the one you propose is better because there's a dead baby at the end?

It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you.
An unborn baby has a heart beat just like the rest of us so why should it suffer because of how it was created. Any person who wants kids but can't have any of their own I am sure would appreciate it if the baby was given to them.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if the person who is pregnant with the child is not willing to carry the child during the nine month pregnancy period, find someone who is.
1. You cannot put the fetus in another woman's body to carry it to term. And this child of 10 isn't a woman anyway.
2. You are so concerned about the fetus: why no concern as to what having to carry this fetus to term will do the the poor, raped 10 year old child? Physically and emotionally it will damage her beyond measure.
3. I know what giving up a child for adoption does to women, and it is not an easy thing: it is something she has to live with her entire life. It can be extraordinarily painful.
4. Why do you all want to punish this poor 10 year old for being raped? That's the real question: why are you all so eager to so profoundly punish this 10 year old child who was raped by a relative? It's just sick.
5. How quientessentiallly hypocritical to say 'God bless you always,' in the same breath as proposing that a 10 year old rape victim should be forced to live the hell of having the baby of the rapist. Unbelievable.

If the baby can be carried by another person, it should be and then it can be given to a person who wants kids but can not have any of their own.

God bless you and the ten year old girl always!!!

A 10 year old should not be forced to carry a baby, you moron.
Obviously, you didn't see everything that I said in my previous in this chat, sunshine. I said. "If the baby can be carried by another person, it should be." :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. A baby shouldn't be killed because of the way that it came to be either. To me, it is just as much a victim as the person getting raped if not more.
Holy shit, you really are an idiot. You think you can remove a fetus and let some other woman carry it? I'm at a loss for words. lol

It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you.
An unborn baby has a heart beat just like the rest of us so why should it suffer because of how it was created. Any person who wants kids but can't have any of their own I am sure would appreciate it if the baby was given to them.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if the person who is pregnant with the child is not willing to carry the child during the nine month pregnancy period, find someone who is.
That's disturbingly ghoulish.
Wow. You people make it sound someone who is pregnant is going to be stuck with the child forever when you know that isn't true. Where is it written that a person has to keep their child once it has been born? Oh yeah. Yee haw! That's right! No where! Also, why should a perfectly healthy child be done away with because of the way that it was created? To me, every child that can be saved should be saved. If you do not want the baby, give it up so that those who want kids of their own but can not produce any can have a shot at getting the child for themselves. How would you like it if you were killed because of the way that you were conceived? To me, abortion is and will always be a sheer and severe act of selfishness not to mention murder and if you people can not see that, then obviously I am not the one who has issues. Yes what happened to the girl was awful, but aborting the child that she got pregnant with would only be adding the baby to the list of victims and it would be the girl who make such a thing happen by getting rid of the baby which in my opinion would only make her a follower. Just because she was raped doesn't mean that she has to continue the negative domino affect by killing the child that she got pregnant with. The man who raped her is selfish for doing such a thing to anyone, but doing away with the child by killing it would only make her just as selfish as her rapist if not more. To me, she should take control of the situation that she is in by making sure that another person does not pay for what happened to her like the baby that she is pregnant with for example.

God bless you and her and her baby always!!!


P.S. Another thing that she could do is her best to make sure that her rapist doesn't feast on anyone else by doing all that she can to get him put away for good.
You are as dumb as a box of rocks. What we are saying is that an 11 year old girl should not be forced to carry a rape baby to term. It's bad enough that she was raped, it's worse that she was forced to carry for 9 months. Whether she should give the baby up for adoption is not the issue, you irrational nutcase.

Childbirth is more likely to be difficult and dangerous for an adolescent than for an adult. Babies born to very young mothers are much more likely to die in the first year of life. Young adolescents do not yet have a fully developed pelvis. Pregnancy for them can result in serious consequences, such as eclampsia, premature labour, prolonged labour, obstructed labour, fistula, anaemia (thin blood) or infant and/or maternal death.

The younger the mother is, the greater the risk to her and her baby. The risk of maternal death related to pregnancy and childbirth for adolescent girls between 15 and 19 years of age accounts for some 70,000 deaths each year.

Facts for Life - Timing Births

You should be locked up in a mental hospital for thinking this girl should have been forced to carry to term.
Doing away with the baby would only add another life to the victims list, no matter how you try to white wash it.

God bless you and the girl and the baby who was spared always!!!


P.S. Oh and I would rather be labeled as dumb as a box of rocks as you call me here compared to being labeled a baby killer any day.
^^^ You didn't kill any baby, but you do encourage that they be done away with if they are not wanted which in my opinion makes you just as bad.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. What if you found out that you yourself were a rape result. Are you saying that you would kill yourself because you don't believe that you should have been spared in the first place?
The grandmother of this LITTLE GIRL wanted her to have an abortion. The state of Paraquay stepped in and said no. This is what Huckabee and his followers want here.

Huckabee and his followers are the monsters in this particular instance. Now they have started a war on LITTLE GIRLS. They don't believe rape and incest victims have any rights to their own lives much less show respect for their adult family members decisions on this.

Anything--any risk is acceptable to them--as long as a baby comes out.
Be assured that if this little girl had died, Mike Huckabee would have never mentioned this case. The mental anguish and HORROR that this little girl went through is unimaginable.

My daughter is a Nurse Practitioner who has over 20 years experience in pediatrics. 10 years old's still go to Pediatricians not OBGYN clinics. They are at extremely high risk of death for trying to give birth.


The people who agree with Mike Huckabee are either Pedophiles themselves--or BAT SHIT CRAZY.
There is an extremely high risk of death for abortion for little kids too.

Incidentally, you sound batshit crazy yourself, loon.

I am fucking sick of you morons costing the Republican Party elections. Mike Huckabee is responsible for our loss in 2012, where we lost the women vote by double digits, with inviting another idiot on his program Senator Akins right at the end of the campaign season--"who stated that "he heard" women can turn off their bodies from getting pregnant if they're raped.

I am sick of you fucking morons getting into women's issues over birth control pills and who's going to pay for them and then trying to intervene between their doctor/patient relationship as to what type of contraceptives they use.

I wish you could get raped have something shoved up your ass's--and your doctor tell you that in 9 months you're going to give birth to it, and I hope it is painful as hell, (if you survive it.)

That's what I think of you & all of Huckabee's supporters, and the supporters of the other 8 KNUCKLE DRAGGING NEANDERTHALS running for the nominee of the Republican party that do not give exceptions to the life of the mother, rape or incest. You know who they are. You have now started a war on LITTLE GIRLS. I hope you learn to like Hillary Clinton.

And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”
Mike Huckabee delivered this one in 2012.

http:// http://
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Carla, Turn yourself in for murder. You owe a debt to society. If you do, god will bless you always. However, if you don't, god will still bless you always.
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.

The only way that she could have given birth and not either died or her reproductive system be torn apart is by C section. Which is why it was performed. Which is a huge red flag that she never should have been forced to carry that pregnancy to term.

So she's forced to carry a pregnancy from rape she doesn't want to carry. Then she's forced to have surgery she probably didn't want to have but had to have it to save her own life.

That is sick.

No 11 year old child is capable of raising a child. She can't provide for the child. She's a child herself.

No child that young should ever be forced to endure a second rape by the government to be forced to give birth to a child that is the result of the rape.

There is no justification for such cruelty.
I'm sure Huckabee will support her and her child. No?
While it is fun poking sticks at the Huckabee in the monkey cage, he is a harmless crank. Only nuts take him seriously about anything. Didn't he lose his job at Fox, too? When you lose your job at Fox, your next stop is a talk AM radio show in Macon, Georgia.
As an aside.

PP apparently has quite the racket going.

Abortions cause a greater risk of Breast cancer.

Treat breast cancer they help create and sell baby parts.

that's a lie spread by anti-choice loons who don't think women should have health care available to them.

so stop pretending you give a flying about breast cancer when you want to cut the programs that provide screening.

now run along.
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.
You actually want to discuss a case that is 1,000,000th of 1 percent and ignore the real reasons for abortions.
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.
You actually want to discuss a case that is 1,000,000th of 1 percent and ignore the real reasons for abortions.

That's right, born-not-too-bright. We are discussing a specific case. There's 81 pages of this specific case.
Only in the head of those who support baby killing like you make the comparison of Huckabee as a terrorist who raped little girls and decapitates innocent people.

Hmm, Huckabee defends child rapists, that's for sure. And the decapitating is ISIS, the Taliban just shoots them.

Huckabee sure has the Taliban mentality though, religion should be the basis of the law, women are property, gays are evil, infidels have no place in society etc. I bet he'd love to kill them to if thought he could get away with it

He didn't defend a rapist you lying shit heel. He forgave him and that's what pastors do

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Mike Huckabee is a sleazy Bible salesman. He's an asshole.
Sleazy to believe in God and be agaisnt killing babies? Got to love the progressive mindset that even the blind can see through

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.
You actually want to discuss a case that is 1,000,000th of 1 percent and ignore the real reasons for abortions.
Absolutely right...and 10 year olds can't vote either so screw them!
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.

The only way that she could have given birth and not either died or her reproductive system be torn apart is by C section. Which is why it was performed. Which is a huge red flag that she never should have been forced to carry that pregnancy to term.

So she's forced to carry a pregnancy from rape she doesn't want to carry. Then she's forced to have surgery she probably didn't want to have but had to have it to save her own life.

That is sick.

No 11 year old child is capable of raising a child. She can't provide for the child. She's a child herself.

No child that young should ever be forced to endure a second rape by the government to be forced to give birth to a child that is the result of the rape.

There is no justification for such cruelty.
I'm sure Huckabee will support her and her child. No?
Why would Huckabee support a Paraguay national. The law under which this girl was obligated to give birth is a Paraguay law. Shouldn't Paraguay support her?

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