Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Only in the head of those who support baby killing like you make the comparison of Huckabee as a terrorist who raped little girls and decapitates innocent people.

Hmm, Huckabee defends child rapists, that's for sure. And the decapitating is ISIS, the Taliban just shoots them.

Huckabee sure has the Taliban mentality though, religion should be the basis of the law, women are property, gays are evil, infidels have no place in society etc. I bet he'd love to kill them to if thought he could get away with it

He didn't defend a rapist you lying shit heel. He forgave him and that's what pastors do

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Mike Huckabee is a sleazy Bible salesman. He's an asshole.
Sleazy to believe in God and be agaisnt killing babies? Got to love the progressive mindset that even the blind can see through

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Except no one is killing babies, you loon.
what about a case where a woman gets in a argument with her husband and aborts their baby because she wants to get even with him?
What's worse... living with the fact that you killed your own child?
Or going through 9 months of pregnancy and putting him/her up for adoption?

This is a 10 year old child who was raped.
Much more human to jab a vacuum in her and violently suck the baby out right?

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Or stab it in the back of the neck and dismember it while it's squirming.

I saw this earlier, bunch of ghouls


In an interview with Breitbart News, Dr. Theresa Deisher, a world-renowned scientist in the field of adult stem cell therapies and regenerative medicine, discussed what is involved in harvesting the organs of aborted babies.

“If you read scientific publications, in which they use the fetal material for some indications, particularly, cardio-vascular, or nerve cell research, they discuss the necessity of having tissue in the digesting buffer solution within five minutes for optimal yields,” she explains. “So, within five minutes of death, you would have to have the heart removed, and flushed of all blood, cleaned of any extra tissue that might be there, and the heart put into a liquid with enzymes that would digest the connective tissue and release the muscle cells.”

“Sometimes, they use an apparatus where they hook the heart up and they would flush fluid through it to keep it alive and beating,” she continues. “And you can’t have a dead heart that’s going to work in that kind of process.”

Deisher states that, in these cases, in order for the organs of aborted babies to be viable for research, the baby must be kept alive with a beating heart in order to get it through the harvest.

Genetic Research Scientist Likely Some Aborted Babies Are Alive Until Their Hearts Are Cut Out - Breitbart

Breitbart. LOL. Sassy wouldn't know real news if it slapped her in the face.
Brietbart exposed acorn quick enough. oh wait I forget you don't want the truth

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Carrying the fetus to term was the risk, and it wasn't full-term because of the risk, just as she was too little to give birth without a C-section. That alone could have killed her but you don't seem to care about that or her health, just abortion.

And come on there Kosher, is there any abortion that you approve of?

the wackos aren't pro life... they're pro birth.

and then they think the moms should be screwed and starved and their kids live in poverty. that way the harlots are punished.

cause that's how they roll.

Lying troll.
Jillian proposes those who abuse the HARLOTS...her word for kids who are impregnated by dad, protected and shielded.

She never said any such thing, liar.

KKKgrl sees things that aren't there.........:badgrin: except in her head.
The KKK is a Democrat terror organization. ... are you saying koshergrl is a Democrat?

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what about a case where a woman gets in a argument with her husband and aborts their baby because she wants to get even with him?

Do you think that should be between the woman, the husband, the doctor, and you? It's really none of your business.
the wackos aren't pro life... they're pro birth.

and then they think the moms should be screwed and starved and their kids live in poverty. that way the harlots are punished.

cause that's how they roll.

Lying troll.
Jillian proposes those who abuse the HARLOTS...her word for kids who are impregnated by dad, protected and shielded.

She never said any such thing, liar.

KKKgrl sees things that aren't there.........:badgrin: except in her head.
The KKK is a Democrat terror organization. ... are you saying koshergrl is a Democrat?

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No it's not, liar.
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she finds out it is going to be a girl?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to give up her party life?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to lose her shapely figure?

There are many stupid reasons that women have to kill their preborn babies.
Only in the head of those who support baby killing like you make the comparison of Huckabee as a terrorist who raped little girls and decapitates innocent people.

Hmm, Huckabee defends child rapists, that's for sure. And the decapitating is ISIS, the Taliban just shoots them.

Huckabee sure has the Taliban mentality though, religion should be the basis of the law, women are property, gays are evil, infidels have no place in society etc. I bet he'd love to kill them to if thought he could get away with it

He didn't defend a rapist you lying shit heel. He forgave him and that's what pastors do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Mike Huckabee is a sleazy Bible salesman. He's an asshole.
Sleazy to believe in God and be agaisnt killing babies? Got to love the progressive mindset that even the blind can see through

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Except no one is killing babies, you loon.
60 million plus babies killed in the USA since roe .......Evil

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she finds out it is going to be a girl?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to give up her party life?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to lose her shapely figure?

There are many stupid reasons that women have to kill their preborn babies.
Do you want to legislate away stupidity?
Good luck.
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she finds out it is going to be a girl?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to give up her party life?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to lose her shapely figure?

There are many stupid reasons that women have to kill their preborn babies.

Perfectly Ok with me...and the law.
Lying troll.
Jillian proposes those who abuse the HARLOTS...her word for kids who are impregnated by dad, protected and shielded.

She never said any such thing, liar.

KKKgrl sees things that aren't there.........:badgrin: except in her head.
The KKK is a Democrat terror organization. ... are you saying koshergrl is a Democrat?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No it's not, liar.
Yes it is. Proving you know nothing about your party

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she finds out it is going to be a girl?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to give up her party life?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to lose her shapely figure?

There are many stupid reasons that women have to kill their preborn babies.

a) If a woman is going to have an abortion for any of the reasons above, why would you trust her to raise a baby?

b) It's none of your business why a woman is having an abortion. That is between a woman and her doctor.
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she finds out it is going to be a girl?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to give up her party life?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to lose her shapely figure?

There are many stupid reasons that women have to kill their preborn babies.

a) If a woman is going to have an abortion for any of the reasons above, why would you trust her to raise a baby?

b) It's none of your business why a woman is having an abortion. That is between a woman and her doctor.
So you don't feel the father has any say in it.
what about a case where a woman gets in a argument with her husband and aborts their baby because she wants to get even with him?

Do you think that should be between the woman, the husband, the doctor, and you? It's really none of your business.
I think it is murder and it is my business.

Chain yourself to the door of the Supreme Court, in protest.
I had rather chain the murderer to a prison cell.
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.

The only way that she could have given birth and not either died or her reproductive system be torn apart is by C section. Which is why it was performed. Which is a huge red flag that she never should have been forced to carry that pregnancy to term.

So she's forced to carry a pregnancy from rape she doesn't want to carry. Then she's forced to have surgery she probably didn't want to have but had to have it to save her own life.

That is sick.

No 11 year old child is capable of raising a child. She can't provide for the child. She's a child herself.

No child that young should ever be forced to endure a second rape by the government to be forced to give birth to a child that is the result of the rape.

There is no justification for such cruelty.
I'm sure Huckabee will support her and her child. No?
Why would Huckabee support a Paraguay national. The law under which this girl was obligated to give birth is a Paraguay law. Shouldn't Paraguay support her?
Why would he weigh in on it? It's to get contributions.
what about a case where a woman gets in a argument with her husband and aborts their baby because she wants to get even with him?

Do you think that should be between the woman, the husband, the doctor, and you? It's really none of your business.
I think it is murder and it is my business.

Chain yourself to the door of the Supreme Court, in protest.
I had rather chain the murderer to a prison cell.

I'm afraid that you would have to use a new law, and omit the word, "murderer". That is defined as the 'illegal' taking of life.

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