Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

^^^ You didn't kill any baby, but you do encourage that they be done away with if they are not willingly conceived which in my opinion makes you just as bad.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. What if you found out that you yourself were a rape result. Are you saying that you would kill yourself because you don't believe that you should have been spared in the first place?
If I'm as bad as a baby killer, then you are guilty of child abuse, gross neglect, and are responsible for the 70,000 deaths of young girls dying due to pregnancies each year . Your question is ignorant and deserves no response.
Have a blessed day, you moron.
But yet you respond anyways. If you really thought that what I asked is ignorant and deserved no response, this message of yours would not even be here.

God bless you and your fellow baby killers always!!!

Dumb as a box of rocks is too stupid to know I never responded to her ignorant question.

P.S. What if you found out that you yourself were a rape result. Are you saying that you would kill yourself because you don't believe that you should have been spared in the first place?

Gawd bless you and your fellow teen murderers, you moron.
But yet you continue to respond to me at all after saying that you would not respond to me any further. You already confess to being a person who encourages the doing away with unwanted babies, so why not add being a liar to your list. Is that it? To me, that is how you have made it look.

God bless you and your fellow liars and baby killers always!!!

Huckabee was on Wolf Blitzer a little bit ago. Wolf gave him the following scenario: A doctor tells a pregnant women she will die without an abortion. Huckabee's response: The doctor should try to save them both. Huckabee makes my skin crawl.

You do realize this is the 21st century. This is not the 16th century and medical science has come a long way. The idea that there is a choice between the mother and the preborn child is a foolish scenario.
Huckabee was on Wolf Blitzer a little bit ago. Wolf gave him the following scenario: A doctor tells a pregnant women she will die without an abortion. Huckabee's response: The doctor should try to save them both. Huckabee makes my skin crawl.

You do realize this is the 21st century. This is not the 16th century and medical science has come a long way. The idea that there is a choice between the mother and the preborn child is a foolish scenario.

Look, dumbfuck, the doctor presented it as a fact - but Huckabee chose the fetus over the woman. Makes my skin crawl.
They're actually more traumatized. Except in cases of abduction, war, being caught in a third world country when you give birth...birth doesn't cause PTSD. Even bad births rarely result in it. Abortion does result in ptsd in 100 percent of non-sociopath abortion victims...aka "mothers".


People who can barely manage their own lives really shouldn't make decisions for other people.

Why don't you elaborate, dear? I think you may be confused. Are you going to address the actual topic, or just swing by to be nasty, then swoop out? Since that's the second time you've made that particular comment, I presume you think you're being arch and that people will think you know something they don't know? Is everybody messaging you now to get personal info about me? Cuz it looks like you're inviting that. I'll just call you ravtard now.

Wait...did you just say you think people are messaging each other to get your personal information? Why would anyone care, you paranoid little twit? Are you having a meltdown or something? Geez, step away from your computer.

unfortunately, it's a paranoia thing. she's claimed to have been threatened, too.
Oh lord, here we go again.

I think it's odd that you've done driveby's two times where all you say is "People who can barely manage their own lives" blah blah blah. If you weren't talking about me, then what were you talking about? Illuminate, please.
I know right? Coming from the fake lawyer that can't capitalize names and sentences. Or string together a coherent argument.
Huckabee was on Wolf Blitzer a little bit ago. Wolf gave him the following scenario: A doctor tells a pregnant women she will die without an abortion. Huckabee's response: The doctor should try to save them both. Huckabee makes my skin crawl.

You do realize this is the 21st century. This is not the 16th century and medical science has come a long way. The idea that there is a choice between the mother and the preborn child is a foolish scenario.

Look, dumbfuck, the doctor presented it as a fact - but Huckabee chose the fetus over the woman. Makes my skin crawl.
Look back at what you said old wise one. It was a scenario by Wolf.
Huckabee was on Wolf Blitzer a little bit ago. Wolf gave him the following scenario: A doctor tells a pregnant women she will die without an abortion. Huckabee's response: The doctor should try to save them both. Huckabee makes my skin crawl.
Men who want women to be aborted willy nilly make my skin crawl.
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she finds out it is going to be a girl?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to give up her party life?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to lose her shapely figure?

There are many stupid reasons that women have to kill their preborn babies.

a) If a woman is going to have an abortion for any of the reasons above, why would you trust her to raise a baby?

b) It's none of your business why a woman is having an abortion. That is between a woman and her doctor.
So you don't feel the father has any say in it.

He certainly has the right to voice his opinion, but he cannot make the final decision, no.
Maybe justice will prevail and one day individuals such as myself can make that final decision yes.

As soon as you're able to carry a baby to term, you can make that important decision.
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she finds out it is going to be a girl?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to give up her party life?
What about a situation where a woman gets an abortion because she does not want to lose her shapely figure?

There are many stupid reasons that women have to kill their preborn babies.

a) If a woman is going to have an abortion for any of the reasons above, why would you trust her to raise a baby?

b) It's none of your business why a woman is having an abortion. That is between a woman and her doctor.
So you don't feel the father has any say in it.

He certainly has the right to voice his opinion, but he cannot make the final decision, no.
Maybe justice will prevail and one day individuals such as myself can make that final decision yes.

As soon as you're able to carry a baby to term, you can make that important decision.
I am what homosexuals refer to as a breeder. I have children and I have raised them to the best of my ability. I chose a wife that wanted and loved children. We carried them to term.
a) If a woman is going to have an abortion for any of the reasons above, why would you trust her to raise a baby?

b) It's none of your business why a woman is having an abortion. That is between a woman and her doctor.
So you don't feel the father has any say in it.

He certainly has the right to voice his opinion, but he cannot make the final decision, no.
Maybe justice will prevail and one day individuals such as myself can make that final decision yes.

As soon as you're able to carry a baby to term, you can make that important decision.
I am what homosexuals refer to as a breeder. I have children and I have raised them to the best of my ability. I chose a wife that wanted and loved children. We carried them to term.

She carried them to term.
Huckabee was on Wolf Blitzer a little bit ago. Wolf gave him the following scenario: A doctor tells a pregnant women she will die without an abortion. Huckabee's response: The doctor should try to save them both. Huckabee makes my skin crawl.

You do realize this is the 21st century. This is not the 16th century and medical science has come a long way. The idea that there is a choice between the mother and the preborn child is a foolish scenario.

Look, dumbfuck, the doctor presented it as a fact - but Huckabee chose the fetus over the woman. Makes my skin crawl.
Look back at what you said old wise one. It was a scenario by Wolf.

Yes, oh dumb fucking one, the scenario was that someone must die - the fetus or the woman. Holy shit...
I do not want to insult you but you do realize that a "scenario" is a made up situation?
So you don't feel the father has any say in it.

He certainly has the right to voice his opinion, but he cannot make the final decision, no.
Maybe justice will prevail and one day individuals such as myself can make that final decision yes.

As soon as you're able to carry a baby to term, you can make that important decision.
I am what homosexuals refer to as a breeder. I have children and I have raised them to the best of my ability. I chose a wife that wanted and loved children. We carried them to term.

She carried them to term.
We carried them to term. You must not have had a man in your life.
I've never met anyone who has murdered a preborn baby. I did know of 6 girls in my high school who aborted fetuses, though. Of course that was from 1960 to 1963, long before it was legal.
Likely because there is no such thing as a 'pre-born' baby.

Moreover, an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' nor is abortion 'murder.'
Why is there not a preborn baby? Everyone was a preborn baby at one time. You do understand how that works don't you?
a) If a woman is going to have an abortion for any of the reasons above, why would you trust her to raise a baby?

b) It's none of your business why a woman is having an abortion. That is between a woman and her doctor.
So you don't feel the father has any say in it.

He certainly has the right to voice his opinion, but he cannot make the final decision, no.
Maybe justice will prevail and one day individuals such as myself can make that final decision yes.

As soon as you're able to carry a baby to term, you can make that important decision.
I am what homosexuals refer to as a breeder. I have children and I have raised them to the best of my ability. I chose a wife that wanted and loved children. We carried them to term.

Isn't it wonderful to have that choice? Don't you wish everyone had that choice?
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Huckabee was on Wolf Blitzer a little bit ago. Wolf gave him the following scenario: A doctor tells a pregnant women she will die without an abortion. Huckabee's response: The doctor should try to save them both. Huckabee makes my skin crawl.

You do realize this is the 21st century. This is not the 16th century and medical science has come a long way. The idea that there is a choice between the mother and the preborn child is a foolish scenario.

Look, dumbfuck, the doctor presented it as a fact - but Huckabee chose the fetus over the woman. Makes my skin crawl.
Look back at what you said old wise one. It was a scenario by Wolf.

Yes, oh dumb fucking one, the scenario was that someone must die - the fetus or the woman. Holy shit...
I do not want to insult you but you do realize that a "scenario" is a made up situation?

Exactly! And your point is...?
You do realize this is the 21st century. This is not the 16th century and medical science has come a long way. The idea that there is a choice between the mother and the preborn child is a foolish scenario.

Look, dumbfuck, the doctor presented it as a fact - but Huckabee chose the fetus over the woman. Makes my skin crawl.
Look back at what you said old wise one. It was a scenario by Wolf.

Yes, oh dumb fucking one, the scenario was that someone must die - the fetus or the woman. Holy shit...
I do not want to insult you but you do realize that a "scenario" is a made up situation?

Exactly! And your point is...?
That the whole thing was made up. That is what scenario means.
He certainly has the right to voice his opinion, but he cannot make the final decision, no.
Maybe justice will prevail and one day individuals such as myself can make that final decision yes.

As soon as you're able to carry a baby to term, you can make that important decision.
I am what homosexuals refer to as a breeder. I have children and I have raised them to the best of my ability. I chose a wife that wanted and loved children. We carried them to term.

She carried them to term.
We carried them to term. You must not have had a man in your life.

Man, that must have been hard for you to keep a day job. :)
So you don't feel the father has any say in it.

He certainly has the right to voice his opinion, but he cannot make the final decision, no.
Maybe justice will prevail and one day individuals such as myself can make that final decision yes.

As soon as you're able to carry a baby to term, you can make that important decision.
I am what homosexuals refer to as a breeder. I have children and I have raised them to the best of my ability. I chose a wife that wanted and loved children. We carried them to term.

Isn't it wonderful to have that choice? Don't you wish everyone had that choice?
They do! Murder or allow their child to live.
Look, dumbfuck, the doctor presented it as a fact - but Huckabee chose the fetus over the woman. Makes my skin crawl.
Look back at what you said old wise one. It was a scenario by Wolf.

Yes, oh dumb fucking one, the scenario was that someone must die - the fetus or the woman. Holy shit...
I do not want to insult you but you do realize that a "scenario" is a made up situation?

Exactly! And your point is...?
That the whole thing was made up. That is what scenario means.

Okay, let's try this: Let's assume that the doctor who told the woman that someone must die, the fetus or her, was all-knowing Jesus (aka Father, Son and Holy Ghost). Would that help clear up some of your confusion?

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