Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Huckabee is insignificant in the grand scheme of things - except that he is emblematic of the extremist fundamentalists who wish to legislate their morals on the rest of society. That's the problem.
Huckabee is insignificant in the grand scheme of things - except that he is emblematic of the extremist fundamentalists who wish to legislate their morals on the rest of society. That's the problem.
Says one of the Leftwing loons that advocates trying to legislate THEIR morals on the rest of society.
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^^^ Thou shalt not kill which is what aborting a baby is no matter how you try to say that it isn't. Its in the book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.

God bless you always!!!

Sorry, no, doesn't cut it. First of all that is from the Old Testament. You Christians deny the Old Testment and say only the New Testament is Christian, when that suits your purposes. Then when it suits your purposes, you think you can cite the Old Testament. Sorry. You cannot have it both ways. I said where does Christ say anything about abortion? Christ is not in the Old Testament.

Second: This quotation refers to killing a living, breathing human being: it does not refer to removing an undeveloped fetus. Where in the New Testament does Christ refer specifically and directly to abortion????
^^^ Thou shalt not kill which is what aborting a baby is no matter how you try to say that it isn't. Its in the book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.

God bless you always!!!


The earth was not created in 6 days, and a man never lived inside of a whale/big fish. The Bible is not the law of the land, and the Supreme Courts says the embryo/fetus is not a person and is not entitled to the same protections as the mother, therefore abortion is not murder.
^^^ Thou shalt not kill which is what aborting a baby is no matter how you try to say that it isn't. Its in the book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.

God bless you always!!!

Sorry, no, doesn't cut it. First of all that is from the Old Testament. You Christians deny the Old Testment and say only the New Testament is Christian, when that suits your purposes. Then when it suits your purposes, you think you can cite the Old Testament. Sorry. You cannot have it both ways. I said where does Christ say anything about abortion? Christ is not in the Old Testament.

Second: This quotation refers to killing a living, breathing human being: it does not refer to removing an undeveloped fetus. Where in the New Testament does Christ refer specifically and directly to abortion????
That's not what Christians say. LMAO
I am what homosexuals refer to as a breeder. I have children and I have raised them to the best of my ability. I chose a wife that wanted and loved children. We carried them to term.

Isn't it wonderful to have that choice? Don't you wish everyone had that choice?
They do! Murder or allow their child to live.

What murder? Abortion is still legal?
So was the murder of 6 million jews and both are just as evil

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, 6 million Jews was small compared to the murder of over 100 million Native Americans - but abortion isn't murder according to the law. Abortion is a woman's right according to law.
Putting Jews in concentration camps was legal, too. So I guess that makes it okay.
The USA, which already incarcerates a higher percentage of it citizens than any other nation, really needs to build more prisons, so that we can incarcerate doctors and midwives, too. It is only fair that all classes should be represented at Folsom!
Gosh. Maybe we should legalize more stuff so we don't have a prison problem!

Let's move the "life doesn't begin until" line up to five years old. Then we can let this poor soul out of prison:
It is still hard for one to image that we as a civilized people would allow the state to force a woman to give birth against her will.
No one forced her to get pregnant.

I wonder why she didn't just shut it down?

Isn't it wonderful to have that choice? Don't you wish everyone had that choice?
They do! Murder or allow their child to live.

What murder? Abortion is still legal?
So was the murder of 6 million jews and both are just as evil

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Well, 6 million Jews was small compared to the murder of over 100 million Native Americans - but abortion isn't murder according to the law. Abortion is a woman's right according to law.
Putting Jews in concentration camps was legal, too. So I guess that makes it okay.

Other than Nazi Germany - where was that legal?
Huckabee is insignificant in the grand scheme of things - except that he is emblematic of the extremist fundamentalists who wish to legislate their morals on the rest of society. That's the problem.
Says one of the Leftwing loons that advocates trying to legislate THEIR morals on the rest of society.

No one is going to force you into having an abortion.
^^^ Thou shalt not kill which is what aborting a baby is no matter how you try to say that it isn't. Its in the book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.

God bless you always!!!

Sorry, no, doesn't cut it. First of all that is from the Old Testament. You Christians deny the Old Testment and say only the New Testament is Christian, when that suits your purposes. Then when it suits your purposes, you think you can cite the Old Testament. Sorry. You cannot have it both ways. I said where does Christ say anything about abortion? Christ is not in the Old Testament.

Second: This quotation refers to killing a living, breathing human being: it does not refer to removing an undeveloped fetus. Where in the New Testament does Christ refer specifically and directly to abortion????

^^^ Thou shalt not kill which is what aborting a baby is no matter how you try to say that it isn't. Its in the book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.

God bless you always!!!

The earth was not created in 6 days, and a man never lived inside of a whale/big fish. The Bible is not the law of the land, and the Supreme Courts says the embryo/fetus is not a person and is not entitled to the same protections as the mother, therefore abortion is not murder.
Abortion stops a beating heart therefore it is murder no matter how you two and the rest of your baby killers try to say that it isn't.

God bless you and your ilk always!!!

^^^ Thou shalt not kill which is what aborting a baby is no matter how you try to say that it isn't. Its in the book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.

God bless you always!!!

Sorry, no, doesn't cut it. First of all that is from the Old Testament. You Christians deny the Old Testment and say only the New Testament is Christian, when that suits your purposes. Then when it suits your purposes, you think you can cite the Old Testament. Sorry. You cannot have it both ways. I said where does Christ say anything about abortion? Christ is not in the Old Testament.

Second: This quotation refers to killing a living, breathing human being: it does not refer to removing an undeveloped fetus. Where in the New Testament does Christ refer specifically and directly to abortion????

^^^ Thou shalt not kill which is what aborting a baby is no matter how you try to say that it isn't. Its in the book of Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.

God bless you always!!!

The earth was not created in 6 days, and a man never lived inside of a whale/big fish. The Bible is not the law of the land, and the Supreme Courts says the embryo/fetus is not a person and is not entitled to the same protections as the mother, therefore abortion is not murder.
Abortion stops a beating heart therefore it is murder no matter how you two and the rest of your baby killers try to say that it isn't.

God bless you and your ilk always!!!


Murder is a "legal" term - and we are a nation of laws.


the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee supports Paraguay's decision to deny an abortion to a 10-year-old rape victim, he revealed in an interview Sunday.

In an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the former Arkansas governor argued that the Paraguayan government's refusal to allow an abortion for the now-11-year-old, who gave birth last week after being raped by her stepfather, prevented a second tragedy.

"Let nobody be misled, a 10-year-old girl being raped is horrible, but does it solve a problem by taking the life of an innocent child?" he asked. He added later, "When I think about one horror, I also think about the possibilities that exist and I just don't want to think that somehow we discounted a human life ... Let's not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life."

Paraguay law allows abortion only “in very rare cases when it’s deemed necessary to save a woman’s life,” ThinkProgress noted.

Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Wow, a 10-year-old raped by her stepfather doesn't even qualify for an abortion in Huckabee's mind. That is barbaric! I can't imagine someone like him as president.

I support Huckabee's bid to become Paraguay's next president. He can take the other 16 contenders with him to fill out his cabinet posts. I wouldn't be surprised if Josh Duggar was the father of the kid either.

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