Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Lets ask the question, how many of those against abortion were victim of rape and how many kept the child and raised it to adult hood? Did any of you have to deal with the rapist during those years?

No details, just a yes to rape, yes to keeping and yes to the rapist.

If you were, good for you, not many people could do that. If not, shut the F up. You have no right to object to what the victim decides.
And you have no right to tell other people what they can or can not stand up for.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, if you are not going to be quiet, don't expect expect anyone else to when freedom of speech is not a one way street.
When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

A 10 year old child should not be forced to take that kind of responsibility when she had nothing to do with the act that put her in that position.

No one is forcing her to take responsibility of raising the child. There are other alternatives besides killing an innocent life. There are adoptions, government agencies could and hopefully would help and I'm sure there are other relatives other than her piss poor mother that can help as well.

They are forcing her to "take responsibility" by carrying a pregnancy she did not want through to birth and hopefully not lose her life over it. That is a very heavy load for a 10 yr old.

I agree it is a heavy load, I imagine living a life knowing you murdered your unborn child would be a heavier load.
It would be for me. I am not about to do such a thing to someone who did nothing to deserve it. Getting raped is never good, but neither is taking out the baby that is conceived. Just because you were done wrong in one way or another doesn't mean that it is OK to go and do someone else wrong as well no matter if the way that you do them wrong is legal or not.

God bless you always!!!


After you have been raped and given birth, and if a woman asks for your story........

Otherwise, stuff a sock in it. You don't have a say. I don't care if you are the pope or jesus himself

The victim has to make the decision for herself.

Being a victim of rape is not as simple has restoring your virginity.
For people who scream only they love America and our constitution conservatives sure scream a lot demanding they have the right to violate our constitution.

The supreme court has clearly ruled over and over again that the first Amendment separates church and state.

Which means that our laws can't be based on any religious beliefs. No one in our government can force any religion on anyone in America. Yet we see so many conservatives on this board scream over and over again that they have the right to violate the first Amendment. They also scream over and over that they have the right to violate the fourth Amendment.

They also don't see that if our government is going to let one religion dictate our laws then all religions have to be treated the same. Which means that muslim law can be applied to all Americans. I wonder how those conservatives will react when they're forced to obey muslim law?
Lets ask the question, how many of those against abortion were victim of rape and how many kept the child and raised it to adult hood? Did any of you have to deal with the rapist during those years?

No details, just a yes to rape, yes to keeping and yes to the rapist.

If you were, good for you, not many people could do that. If not, shut the F up. You have no right to object to what the victim decides.
And you have no right to tell other people what they can or can not stand up for.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, if you are not going to be quiet, don't expect expect anyone else to when freedom of speech is not a one way street.

The victim's body is her own, you have no say.

Actually I think I know more about rape victims be they children or victims of war or spousal rape.

If you really understood what a victim goes through you would care more about her than some maybe fetus. Her well being would be the only thing that mattered at that time. We don't let the victim kill her abuser, but we should not make her raise the result of that rape either. Not in the womb or afterward.
Talk about a total nonsequiter. What bigotry are you talking about? I haven't even brought up race.
Sure you did . We all know what humans you think are not worthy of rights

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Huh? Please provide a quote then.
Really? It is already in this line of quotes

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Specifically - WHERE have I said certain races are less worthy of rights?
Why are you trying to communicate with a total nutcase like thanatos144? You'd get a more intelligent response talking to your pet.

I finally put than-less on ignore, my blood pressure was getting to high
About to put another on in a few seconds for just plain ignorance.
Sure you did . We all know what humans you think are not worthy of rights

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Huh? Please provide a quote then.
Really? It is already in this line of quotes

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Specifically - WHERE have I said certain races are less worthy of rights?
Why are you trying to communicate with a total nutcase like thanatos144? You'd get a more intelligent response talking to your pet.

I finally put than-less on ignore, my blood pressure was getting to high
About to put another on in a few seconds for just plain ignorance.

Huh? Please provide a quote then.
Really? It is already in this line of quotes

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Specifically - WHERE have I said certain races are less worthy of rights?
Why are you trying to communicate with a total nutcase like thanatos144? You'd get a more intelligent response talking to your pet.

I finally put than-less on ignore, my blood pressure was getting to high
About to put another on in a few seconds for just plain ignorance.


I'll take a tonic and gin after reading some of the posters today.

Or maybe just the gin and lime don't even bother with the tonic

........just give me a bottle of everclear, don't even want a glass, but I'll take a whole lime with that.

If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Geez, arrogant people that have never experienced any sort of accident or mistake can make such inane comments. You know, sometime contraceptives don't work like they're supposed to and the woman may have been doing everything she could to preclude it from happening and it still did. You don't get to decide for others whether they have to go along with it just because that's the way you feel. Abortion is legal....most states have laws to preclude them after the first tri-mester, when it is mostly a clump of cells. Miscarriages happen at this time also....I suppose if cons were to get the right to have a fertilized egg considered a person, women who have miscarriages can be tried for murder....because they were careless.

Sex is not just for procreation, at least for most people it isn't.
^^^ I don't believe that anyone here is forcing you to have anything to do with what I have to say here. I've seen it said that this place has an ignore feature. Feel free to use it at anytime if you can not stomach what I or anyone else brings to this forum.

Lets ask the question, how many of those against abortion were victim of rape and how many kept the child and raised it to adult hood? Did any of you have to deal with the rapist during those years?

No details, just a yes to rape, yes to keeping and yes to the rapist.

If you were, good for you, not many people could do that. If not, shut the F up. You have no right to object to what the victim decides.
And you have no right to tell other people what they can or can not stand up for.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, if you are not going to be quiet, don't expect expect anyone else to when freedom of speech is not a one way street.
The victim's body is her own, you have no say.

Actually I think I know more about rape victims be they children or victims of war or spousal rape.

If you really understood what a victim goes through you would care more about her than some maybe fetus. Her well being would be the only thing that mattered at that time. We don't let the victim kill her abuser, but we should not make her raise the result of that rape either. Not in the womb or afterward.
Everyone still has the freedom to speak their minds about the issue, no matter what side it is that they stand on.

God bless you two always!!!

^^^ I don't believe that anyone here is forcing you to have anything to do with what I have to say here. I've seen it said that this place has an ignore feature. Feel free to use it at anytime if you can not stomach what I or anyone else brings to this forum.

I don't believe I said that anyone here was forcing me to have anything to do with what you have to say here. If you don't like rebuttals, feel free to use the ignore feature as you suggest. Just like you have the right to post your nonsensical gibberish, I have the right to criticize it.....if you don't like it, use the ignore button that you've seen said this place has.[/QUOTE]
^^^ I don't have a reason to use the ignore feature because you people do not bother me, but you have made it as clear as crystal glass that I and people like me bother you.

God bless you always!!!

Lets ask the question, how many of those against abortion were victim of rape and how many kept the child and raised it to adult hood? Did any of you have to deal with the rapist during those years?

No details, just a yes to rape, yes to keeping and yes to the rapist.

If you were, good for you, not many people could do that. If not, shut the F up. You have no right to object to what the victim decides.
And you have no right to tell other people what they can or can not stand up for.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. In other words, if you are not going to be quiet, don't expect expect anyone else to when freedom of speech is not a one way street.

OH WELL. You have no right to tell other women that the conception that took place in her body, her uterus, HER womb was placed there by YOUR God & she must adhere to YOUR god. I thank MY God, that you are in the minority.
If people do not want pregnancy on their plate, they should learn not to spread certain things until their feelings are different. If they don't want the responsibility that comes with having sex, then don't have any until they want it.

Geez, arrogant people that have never experienced any sort of accident or mistake can make such inane comments. You know, sometime contraceptives don't work like they're supposed to and the woman may have been doing everything she could to preclude it from happening and it still did. You don't get to decide for others whether they have to go along with it just because that's the way you feel. Abortion is legal....most states have laws to preclude them after the first tri-mester, when it is mostly a clump of cells. Miscarriages happen at this time also....I suppose if cons were to get the right to have a fertilized egg considered a person, women who have miscarriages can be tried for murder....because they were careless.

Sex is not just for procreation, at least for most people it isn't.

Not to mention the fact that when one has never carried a pregnancy to term, never felt the movement or the kicking or the pain of labor can sit there & say ' just because a rape occurred, doesn't mean it's forever' has no clue whatsoever that those memories are for a lifetime. A woman remembers ALL of that for years... for decades... when she WANTS to be a mother... imagine when she doesn't & is forced to remember it... & the response is 'just because' & 'oh well'.... it's mind blowing the arrogance that accompanies such thought process'...the total dismissal & lack of compassion.
^^^ I don't have a reason to use the ignore feature because you people do not bother me, but you have made it as clear as crystal glass that I and people like me bother you.

God bless you always!!!


Naw, don't flatter yourself. It's more like, the Constitution is on our side & even though you are free to have whatever beliefs you & those like you have, your religion will never trump it, no matter how much you would like it to.

I raised five children as a single father, four daughters and a son, after my wife passed away giving birth to our twins.

She should be charged with neglect, she should have protected her child.

Using your logic, all these poor children should be euthanized instead of living a poverty stricken life. You're all heart!

If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

Not always. Just because the girl give up the child to the state does not mean the child can be adopted.

Just giving birth and give the child away does not mean the victim or the child cannot still be held hostage.

There are ALWAYS alternatives to abortion. Stop making excuses.
So that life inside their body has no value? Someone needs to be the voice for the voiceless. All human life is precious. You would agree that killing a baby right out of the womb is murder, would you not? So why does taking that life a few months before it makes its way out of the womb any different?

I see how people react around pregnant women, everyone would ask her about the baby. They don't ask "how is the fetus", or "how is the zygote" or whatever term pro-abortion people use to justify killing an innocent life.

I would rather a child live in poverty and have a chance at making something of themselves than never allowing them that chance at all.
If she had died it would have been a tragedy. But, that didn't happen.

If she had not had a c-section a few weeks before term they both would have died. She was too small to give birth naturally.

Two lives would have been lost instead of just the fetus with an abortion, and the girl would still have had her childhood and time to grow to womanhood before having children.

Now there is a child raising a child, without the support of parents.

Where is the logic?

The logic is there are too many "if's".

The mother nor the baby died.

Are you certain that no one is there to help the take care of the newborn?

It's amazing the lengths one goes to, to justify the taking of an innocent life.

Step father is in jail and now that she has given birth, so is her mother.

>>Erika Guevara, Americas director at Amnesty International, said in a statement that Mainumby was “lucky to be alive”, adding that “only time will tell the true extent of the physical and psychological consequences of her tragic ordeal”.

“The fact that Mainumby did not die does not excuse the human rights violations she suffered at the hands of the Paraguayan authorities, who decided to gamble with her health, life and integrity despite overwhelming evidence that this pregnancy was extremely risky,” she said.<<

Now the girls lawyer wants to place both girls back into the care of the mother who let the girl be abused by the step-father.

600 girls under the age of 14 give birth each year in Paraguay. How is this moral?

Human rights organization, including UN, officials spoke out for the right of the girl to have an abortion.

There was nothing good that came from this. So many lives in turmoil just to deny a child her childhood after being raped.

No rape victim should be denied the option of an abortion. No child not conceived in love should be forced on a woman/girl.

Sad situation when a person feels that killing an innocent life is the answer.

Can you imagine that the girl in Paraguay might in ten years from now be face to face with her rapist demanding his rights to the child or being forced to marry him and share a life with her rapist?
I don't know paraguay law, but in the US it could happen. You really think a victim should be faced with that in her future? No way to get her rapist out of her life?

It is one thing to be a rape victim of some random attack and another to know your rapist. A child raped for months or years having to be anywhere near the rapist ever again? To see the rapist in the face of the child? To be forced to share custody even while he is in jail? To be obligated by the court to take the child to see the rapist?

OMG! A swear the intelligence and the knowledge about women who have been victims of rape is next to nil, at least it seem that way judging by some of the posters.

No victim of rape wants to be reminded over and over of the rape. A girl or woman has be free to heal and move beyond and pick up the pieces of her life. Not nine month later or nineteen years later. The idea of being connected to the rapist is disgusting. I would have run in front of a bus. To meet him again, even the chance, to awaken the horrors all over again and be terrified and traumatized like it was just yesterday. That is insane.

Anyone that thinks a rape victim can wait nine month and just get beyond the rape is down right bonkers.

No rape victim should have to give birth and legally she is given the option of an abortion. No woman should ever have to live through a rape and she certainly should not have to be reminded over and over of what she experienced.

Most rape is by a man she or the family knows not some stranger. I'd shoot the man if I could and plead insanity. The though of seeing the man again would send chills down my spine. In some case where the girl might know the person, not report it and chance to meet the man in a social setting and not able to scream or attack him? In some places there is statute of limitation to report or charge the man.

The details and ifs and ors of every case should not be hashed out. This is not a law class.

No one should take the access of abortions away from the woman.

Yea I see that happening. SMH

You clearly must have been raped before and felt compelled to kill the baby.
I'll pray for all you misguided souls.

I don't want your prayers nor need your prayers & i am sure you feel the same about mine in regards to your controlling thought process'.

Psalms 139:13-16
For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth.

Psalms 127:3-5
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed When they speak with their enemies in the gate.

If you are wanted and love. if you were created in love.

Rape victims had the option of abortion by way of what they refer to as bitter water. I can think of a few herbs that might have applied to expel the fetus.

Why do people every try to push the idea of a rape victim having to keep the result of that abuse?
tried to be patient for week and they seem to be not just bull headed but stupid to the point of moronic (not in a mild or kind way) to their irrational belief. Sick sick people.

How are some people so ignorant of rape and woman?

Abortion is never an easy choice but it is one the women has to make, not anyone else.

You want a tiny inkling of what a woman goes through? Go volunteer to sit in a syrian or ISIS jail for a year or more, and see if you survive the ordeal. Then be forced to relive that every day.

Don't tell a woman what she must do. Just be there to support what ever choice she does make, without judgement. Let her have all the information and options open to her. Don't think of the fetus or rapist or anyone else except the woman and what is best for "her" well being.

If you can't do that, shut up and leave her alone. Don't pressure her into any decision but let her decide freely.

When good men do nothing.......
If it meant saving your wife's life, would you have prevented or ended the pregnancy so the two of your could have raised your children together? Could you have been happy with just the three kids if it meant keeping your wife?

It is not a question of you not loving your children, but would you have changed things for the love of your wife, for her life?

You could always have adopted if you wanted more children.

Abortion is not about killing children, but caring for the life of the woman and what she needs or wants.
Children should be brought into the world when they are loved and wanted, not as an accident or violation.

It is not about denying life but choosing when to give life. When is it best for both mother and child.

We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

Not always. Just because the girl give up the child to the state does not mean the child can be adopted.

Just giving birth and give the child away does not mean the victim or the child cannot still be held hostage.

There are ALWAYS alternatives to abortion. Stop making excuses.
Sure there are. And the pregnant woman gets to decide which one she wants.
We knew it was a risky pregnancy and we were both wiling to take that risk. We knew the option of abortion was there, we chose not to go that route. I have no regrets and would not have done anything differently.

We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

Not always. Just because the girl give up the child to the state does not mean the child can be adopted.

Just giving birth and give the child away does not mean the victim or the child cannot still be held hostage.

There are ALWAYS alternatives to abortion. Stop making excuses.
Sure there are. And the pregnant woman gets to decide which one she wants.
Does it turn you on thinking about abortion?

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