Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

To me, the Lord is who will have the final word no matter what "laws" are passed down here.
The same applies to me......if you and your ilk don't like when I trample your gibberish, that is your problem. But, thankfully, the Constitution is on our side (my ilk)....all you have are a bunch of dowdy old white men trying to make archaic rules that concern women and go against their wishes and a bunch of moronic women going along with them.
I never once said that the same does not apply to you.
I never said you did.

Abortion is a form of killing and since the Lord's word says that killing is wrong, that makes abortion wrong no matter how y'all try to white wash it.
No, murder is wrong. Killing is allowed if justified, and God allowed killing. Moses killed a person and was not held accountable. David killed a person and was not held accountable. When men go to war, they kill and they're not held accountable. Only the woman and God knows if her reasons are justified, you don't. And, since the fetus is not a "person" - there is no person being killed.
^^^ I don't believe that abortion is justified when being pregnant at all is never once meant to be a threat on those who are pregnant. If a rapist wanted to get rid of their victim, a baby would be so far down their list of murder weapons that they would never get to it.
I am so not surprised that a religious fanatic won't perform her job due to 'religious' reasons. She needs to be reassigned or fired, because she cannot stay in the job she was hired to do, but refuses to perform. She can thumb her nose, but she can also do it to her own peril, & she will deserve her 'termination'. Let her God pay her bills.
To me, if a person's religious beliefs are not going to be respected, people shouldn't expect any respect out of that person in return.

God bless you always!!!

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To me, the Lord is who will have the final word no matter what "laws" are passed down here.

A lot you know about the Lord. God spoke to the Israelites, gave Moses the ten Commandments and never mentioned that abortion was a no-no, especially in the first trimester. Jews (Israelites) don't consider a fetus a person until they are born....seems to me that God would have told them not so, if he wanted the fetus to be considered a person. And, yes, God will have the last word and will probably wonder or ask you who gave you and your ilk authority to make rules he didn't ask you all to.

I just don't understand why anyone is bringing the christian bible and religion into this debate.

The first Amendment clearly separates church from state. That means that the government can't use religious beliefs when writing laws. It's unconstitutional to outlaw abortion for the sole reason that the christian bible may or may not have said something about it.

America is a secular nation. It's illegal and unconstitutional for the government to write laws according to a christian bible.

People need to stop bringing religion into this. It's unconstitutional and illegal.

What is constitutional and legal is abortion. Women have the constitutional right to privacy and that includes medical records and procedures. The constitution says it's absolutely no one's business but the woman and her doctor.

For people who scream how they're the only ones who love our nation and our constitution, who scream they want smaller government and out of everyone's lives, they sure have an odd way of showing it. They may say those words but their actions scream the exact opposite.
When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

Not always. Just because the girl give up the child to the state does not mean the child can be adopted.

Just giving birth and give the child away does not mean the victim or the child cannot still be held hostage.

There are ALWAYS alternatives to abortion. Stop making excuses.

Yeah....that don't involve carrying it to term and delivering? In what planet do you live?

Where did I suggest it didn't involve carrying the baby to term and delivering? I live on a planet that is infested with stupid people like you.

You're the stupid one. You say there are alternatives to abortion........if the woman doesn't want to be pregnant, there really are no alternatives, idiot.

There are alternatives. If a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, she shouldn't engage in activities that may make her pregnant. MORON!!
Sad situation when a person feels that killing an innocent life is the answer.

Can you imagine that the girl in Paraguay might in ten years from now be face to face with her rapist demanding his rights to the child or being forced to marry him and share a life with her rapist?
I don't know paraguay law, but in the US it could happen. You really think a victim should be faced with that in her future? No way to get her rapist out of her life?

It is one thing to be a rape victim of some random attack and another to know your rapist. A child raped for months or years having to be anywhere near the rapist ever again? To see the rapist in the face of the child? To be forced to share custody even while he is in jail? To be obligated by the court to take the child to see the rapist?

OMG! A swear the intelligence and the knowledge about women who have been victims of rape is next to nil, at least it seem that way judging by some of the posters.

No victim of rape wants to be reminded over and over of the rape. A girl or woman has be free to heal and move beyond and pick up the pieces of her life. Not nine month later or nineteen years later. The idea of being connected to the rapist is disgusting. I would have run in front of a bus. To meet him again, even the chance, to awaken the horrors all over again and be terrified and traumatized like it was just yesterday. That is insane.

Anyone that thinks a rape victim can wait nine month and just get beyond the rape is down right bonkers.

No rape victim should have to give birth and legally she is given the option of an abortion. No woman should ever have to live through a rape and she certainly should not have to be reminded over and over of what she experienced.

Most rape is by a man she or the family knows not some stranger. I'd shoot the man if I could and plead insanity. The though of seeing the man again would send chills down my spine. In some case where the girl might know the person, not report it and chance to meet the man in a social setting and not able to scream or attack him? In some places there is statute of limitation to report or charge the man.

The details and ifs and ors of every case should not be hashed out. This is not a law class.

No one should take the access of abortions away from the woman.

Yea I see that happening. SMH

You clearly must have been raped before and felt compelled to kill the baby.

If you are a man, you have no right to even be giving your damn opinion. When you are able to get pregnant then you can insert your 2 cents.

If you were a man, you'd still act like a little girl.

And you'd still be a moron.

And still ten times smarter than you.
^^^ I don't believe that abortion is justified when being pregnant at all is never once meant to be a threat on those who are pregnant. If a rapist wanted to get rid of their victim, a baby would be so far down their list of murder weapons that they would never get to it.
I am so not surprised that a religious fanatic won't perform her job due to 'religious' reasons. She needs to be reassigned or fired, because she cannot stay in the job she was hired to do, but refuses to perform. She can thumb her nose, but she can also do it to her own peril, & she will deserve her 'termination'. Let her God pay her bills.
To me, if a person's religious beliefs are not going to be respected, people shouldn't expect any respect out of that person in return.

God bless you always!!!


She needs to go. She obviously doesn't respect the Constitution which in a government job, towers above personal religious belief. That's reality.
[QUOTE="JOSweetHeart, post: 12199375, member: 37889]
To me, the Lord is who will have the final word no matter what "laws" are passed down here.

Uh-huh. You sound just like the clerk from Kentucky who is STILL refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, because it's against her "religious beliefs" despite the fact she is violating Federal law. Her reasoning is based on "God's authority". Well, that woman now has to stand in front of a judge, & not only will he will decide whether she is in contempt & insubordination by refusing to perform the job she was hired to do; she may face fines & possible jail time. Personally, I don't want her to go to jail, but ya, she needs to lose her job if she refuses to see that Wall of Separation, because that is the law of THIS land.[/QUOTE]

That woman is violating the constitution. The first Amendment has been ruled over and over that there is separation of church and state. She's allowing religious beliefs into a state government job. That's unconstitutional. The government can't force any religion or religious belief on anyone.

That woman is forcing her christian religion on people of that state and It's disgusting to see anyone support or defend her.

If she can't or won't do all the duties of her job then she should resign.
^^^ If homosexuals didn't force their lifestyles down the throats of everyone else, they wouldn't have to worry so much about the same thing being done to them by other people and their beliefs. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

^^^ I don't believe that abortion is justified when being pregnant at all is never once meant to be a threat on those who are pregnant. If a rapist wanted to get rid of their victim, a baby would be so far down their list of murder weapons that they would never get to it.
I am so not surprised that a religious fanatic won't perform her job due to 'religious' reasons. She needs to be reassigned or fired, because she cannot stay in the job she was hired to do, but refuses to perform. She can thumb her nose, but she can also do it to her own peril, & she will deserve her 'termination'. Let her God pay her bills.
To me, if a person's religious beliefs are not going to be respected, people shouldn't expect any respect out of that person in return.

God bless you always!!!

She needs to go. She obviously doesn't respect the Constitution which in a government job, towers above personal religious belief. That's reality.
Well I don't believe that it is up to you what happens to her. That is reality.

God bless you two and the woman always!!!

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

Not always. Just because the girl give up the child to the state does not mean the child can be adopted.

Just giving birth and give the child away does not mean the victim or the child cannot still be held hostage.

There are ALWAYS alternatives to abortion. Stop making excuses.
Sure there are. And the pregnant woman gets to decide which one she wants.

Why only women? They didn't get pregnant by themselves.

Because there can only be one final decision. The one with the uterus.
Do having a vagina is all you need to freely kill innocent defenseless babies?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
^^^ If homosexuals didn't force their lifestyles down the throats of everyone else, they wouldn't have to worry so much about the same thing being done to them by other people and their beliefs. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

^^^ I don't believe that abortion is justified when being pregnant at all is never once meant to be a threat on those who are pregnant. If a rapist wanted to get rid of their victim, a baby would be so far down their list of murder weapons that they would never get to it.
I am so not surprised that a religious fanatic won't perform her job due to 'religious' reasons. She needs to be reassigned or fired, because she cannot stay in the job she was hired to do, but refuses to perform. She can thumb her nose, but she can also do it to her own peril, & she will deserve her 'termination'. Let her God pay her bills.
To me, if a person's religious beliefs are not going to be respected, people shouldn't expect any respect out of that person in return.

God bless you always!!!

She needs to go. She obviously doesn't respect the Constitution which in a government job, towers above personal religious belief. That's reality.
Well I don't believe that it is up to you what happens to her. That is reality.

God bless you two and the woman always!!!


Ah, so you are a homophobe too. Gays aren't doing anything except wanting the same rights as anybody else... it's called equal protection under the law. People like you thought marriage between races was unGodly too. That bitch in Kentucky, has no idea if a hetero couple coming in for a marriage license has been divorced before- which is suppose to be against strict Christian belief, but that's A-OK, because well their naughty parts are polar opposites. Please, what hypocrisy. And no, it's not up to me... but it is up to the judge & she will not go unscathed.
Do having a vagina is all you need to freely kill innocent defenseless babies?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

To me, the Lord is who will have the final word no matter what "laws" are passed down here.
The same applies to me......if you and your ilk don't like when I trample your gibberish, that is your problem. But, thankfully, the Constitution is on our side (my ilk)....all you have are a bunch of dowdy old white men trying to make archaic rules that concern women and go against their wishes and a bunch of moronic women going along with them.
I never once said that the same does not apply to you.
I never said you did.

Abortion is a form of killing and since the Lord's word says that killing is wrong, that makes abortion wrong no matter how y'all try to white wash it.
No, murder is wrong. Killing is allowed if justified, and God allowed killing. Moses killed a person and was not held accountable. David killed a person and was not held accountable. When men go to war, they kill and they're not held accountable. Only the woman and God knows if her reasons are justified, you don't. And, since the fetus is not a "person" - there is no person being killed.

.............and the pope forgives abortions
^^^ If homosexuals didn't force their lifestyles down the throats of everyone else, they wouldn't have to worry so much about the same thing being done to them by other people and their beliefs. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

^^^ I don't believe that abortion is justified when being pregnant at all is never once meant to be a threat on those who are pregnant. If a rapist wanted to get rid of their victim, a baby would be so far down their list of murder weapons that they would never get to it.
I am so not surprised that a religious fanatic won't perform her job due to 'religious' reasons. She needs to be reassigned or fired, because she cannot stay in the job she was hired to do, but refuses to perform. She can thumb her nose, but she can also do it to her own peril, & she will deserve her 'termination'. Let her God pay her bills.
To me, if a person's religious beliefs are not going to be respected, people shouldn't expect any respect out of that person in return.

God bless you always!!!

She needs to go. She obviously doesn't respect the Constitution which in a government job, towers above personal religious belief. That's reality.
Well I don't believe that it is up to you what happens to her. That is reality.

God bless you two and the woman always!!!

Ah, so you are a homophobe too. Gays aren't doing anything except wanting the same rights as anybody else... it's called equal protection under the law. People like you thought marriage between races was unGodly too. That bitch in Kentucky, has no idea if a hetero couple coming in for a marriage license has been divorced before- which is suppose to be against strict Christian belief, but that's A-OK, because well their naughty parts are polar opposites. Please, what hypocrisy. And no, it's not up to me... but it is up to the judge & she will not go unscathed.
Oh well. There is nothing that you can say to me that will make me change where it is that I stand on this issue.

God bless you and that woman always!!!


P.S. I can't see that woman changing where she stands either no matter what happens to her if anything does.
If she had not had a c-section a few weeks before term they both would have died. She was too small to give birth naturally.

Two lives would have been lost instead of just the fetus with an abortion, and the girl would still have had her childhood and time to grow to womanhood before having children.

Now there is a child raising a child, without the support of parents.

Where is the logic?

The logic is there are too many "if's".

The mother nor the baby died.

Are you certain that no one is there to help the take care of the newborn?

It's amazing the lengths one goes to, to justify the taking of an innocent life.

Step father is in jail and now that she has given birth, so is her mother.

>>Erika Guevara, Americas director at Amnesty International, said in a statement that Mainumby was “lucky to be alive”, adding that “only time will tell the true extent of the physical and psychological consequences of her tragic ordeal”.

“The fact that Mainumby did not die does not excuse the human rights violations she suffered at the hands of the Paraguayan authorities, who decided to gamble with her health, life and integrity despite overwhelming evidence that this pregnancy was extremely risky,” she said.<<

Now the girls lawyer wants to place both girls back into the care of the mother who let the girl be abused by the step-father.

600 girls under the age of 14 give birth each year in Paraguay. How is this moral?

Human rights organization, including UN, officials spoke out for the right of the girl to have an abortion.

There was nothing good that came from this. So many lives in turmoil just to deny a child her childhood after being raped.

No rape victim should be denied the option of an abortion. No child not conceived in love should be forced on a woman/girl.

Sad situation when a person feels that killing an innocent life is the answer.

Can you imagine that the girl in Paraguay might in ten years from now be face to face with her rapist demanding his rights to the child or being forced to marry him and share a life with her rapist?
I don't know paraguay law, but in the US it could happen. You really think a victim should be faced with that in her future? No way to get her rapist out of her life?

It is one thing to be a rape victim of some random attack and another to know your rapist. A child raped for months or years having to be anywhere near the rapist ever again? To see the rapist in the face of the child? To be forced to share custody even while he is in jail? To be obligated by the court to take the child to see the rapist?

OMG! A swear the intelligence and the knowledge about women who have been victims of rape is next to nil, at least it seem that way judging by some of the posters.

No victim of rape wants to be reminded over and over of the rape. A girl or woman has be free to heal and move beyond and pick up the pieces of her life. Not nine month later or nineteen years later. The idea of being connected to the rapist is disgusting. I would have run in front of a bus. To meet him again, even the chance, to awaken the horrors all over again and be terrified and traumatized like it was just yesterday. That is insane.

Anyone that thinks a rape victim can wait nine month and just get beyond the rape is down right bonkers.

No rape victim should have to give birth and legally she is given the option of an abortion. No woman should ever have to live through a rape and she certainly should not have to be reminded over and over of what she experienced.

Most rape is by a man she or the family knows not some stranger. I'd shoot the man if I could and plead insanity. The though of seeing the man again would send chills down my spine. In some case where the girl might know the person, not report it and chance to meet the man in a social setting and not able to scream or attack him? In some places there is statute of limitation to report or charge the man.

The details and ifs and ors of every case should not be hashed out. This is not a law class.

No one should take the access of abortions away from the woman.

Yea I see that happening. SMH

You clearly must have been raped before and felt compelled to kill the baby.

Never had an abortion. I have had two D&Cs for medical necessity and finally a hysterectomy because of fibroids.

I've know many girls and women that were victims of rape, abuse, genital mutilation and some escaping from being killed by family.

I've seen some of the horrors what what women have gone through and know some that eventually committed suicide. I've seen some of the desperation they have gone through in areas without support of females.

I've witnesses executions of women as well.

You listen to their stories and hold their hand. You do with you can to get them help but at the time there was little anyone could do. When no medicine was to be hand I shared folk and herbal suggestions but it can't help the mental and internal damage they suffered.

I still have nightmares from some of the things I've seen. Decades later they still haunt me.

Why should I be complacent about rape or abuse? Why should I not stand up for women's rights to their own body? Why should I let people try to take the right and choice away from women?

My experiences and knowledge make me more determined to speak. I might not be able to get around and physically be there but my fingers still work enough to share my voice.

People that try to suppress girls and women deserve to be stopped. It is not a matter of being pro-abortion but of being pro-women. Caring for the needs of women, for what they want, for their right to build back their lives, to heal.

Rapists and child abusers are up there near the top of my shit list. I'd like to put them all in front of firing squad but in the US, that is not possible.

If you have to question where my motivation stems from, you will never understand. You become part of the problem. You don't want to be the target of my venom, get out of the way. When I am dead I will stop speaking out.

I care about what the women need to move forward, beyond the abuse. What anyone else thinks is immaterial. We don't live in an ideal world without want or hurt. As long that is the case, "hear me roar".

Cogito, ergo sum, ergo dico

To me, the Lord is who will have the final word no matter what "laws" are passed down here.
The same applies to me......if you and your ilk don't like when I trample your gibberish, that is your problem. But, thankfully, the Constitution is on our side (my ilk)....all you have are a bunch of dowdy old white men trying to make archaic rules that concern women and go against their wishes and a bunch of moronic women going along with them.
I never once said that the same does not apply to you.
I never said you did.

Abortion is a form of killing and since the Lord's word says that killing is wrong, that makes abortion wrong no matter how y'all try to white wash it.
No, murder is wrong. Killing is allowed if justified, and God allowed killing. Moses killed a person and was not held accountable. David killed a person and was not held accountable. When men go to war, they kill and they're not held accountable. Only the woman and God knows if her reasons are justified, you don't. And, since the fetus is not a "person" - there is no person being killed.

.............and the pope forgives abortions
Only God can forgive an abortion.
To me, the Lord is who will have the final word no matter what "laws" are passed down here.
The same applies to me......if you and your ilk don't like when I trample your gibberish, that is your problem. But, thankfully, the Constitution is on our side (my ilk)....all you have are a bunch of dowdy old white men trying to make archaic rules that concern women and go against their wishes and a bunch of moronic women going along with them.
I never once said that the same does not apply to you.
I never said you did.

Abortion is a form of killing and since the Lord's word says that killing is wrong, that makes abortion wrong no matter how y'all try to white wash it.
No, murder is wrong. Killing is allowed if justified, and God allowed killing. Moses killed a person and was not held accountable. David killed a person and was not held accountable. When men go to war, they kill and they're not held accountable. Only the woman and God knows if her reasons are justified, you don't. And, since the fetus is not a "person" - there is no person being killed.

.............and the pope forgives abortions
Only God can forgive an abortion.

Not any more
We decided that being together was better than one raising our children alone. I lost one early and nearly died from our second. As much as I love my children, I would have chosen life and adoption.

Our instructions were made clear to my doctors and family.

We each did what we feel is best, not because someone forced us to. We had that choice. Why should anyone take that from other women or victims of rape?

They have the right to choose, just as you and your wife did.

Each woman has to make the decision that is best for her, not because others force her one way or the other.

When a women gets pregnant, it's no longer just "her" body. If a woman does not want to have a baby, there are solutions other than getting an abortion. But that would require taking some responsibility.

Not always. Just because the girl give up the child to the state does not mean the child can be adopted.

Just giving birth and give the child away does not mean the victim or the child cannot still be held hostage.

There are ALWAYS alternatives to abortion. Stop making excuses.
Sure there are. And the pregnant woman gets to decide which one she wants.

Why only women? They didn't get pregnant by themselves.
Because it's their body. :eusa_doh:
Step father is in jail and now that she has given birth, so is her mother.

>>Erika Guevara, Americas director at Amnesty International, said in a statement that Mainumby was “lucky to be alive”, adding that “only time will tell the true extent of the physical and psychological consequences of her tragic ordeal”.

“The fact that Mainumby did not die does not excuse the human rights violations she suffered at the hands of the Paraguayan authorities, who decided to gamble with her health, life and integrity despite overwhelming evidence that this pregnancy was extremely risky,” she said.<<

Now the girls lawyer wants to place both girls back into the care of the mother who let the girl be abused by the step-father.

600 girls under the age of 14 give birth each year in Paraguay. How is this moral?

Human rights organization, including UN, officials spoke out for the right of the girl to have an abortion.

There was nothing good that came from this. So many lives in turmoil just to deny a child her childhood after being raped.

No rape victim should be denied the option of an abortion. No child not conceived in love should be forced on a woman/girl.

Sad situation when a person feels that killing an innocent life is the answer.

Can you imagine that the girl in Paraguay might in ten years from now be face to face with her rapist demanding his rights to the child or being forced to marry him and share a life with her rapist?
I don't know paraguay law, but in the US it could happen. You really think a victim should be faced with that in her future? No way to get her rapist out of her life?

It is one thing to be a rape victim of some random attack and another to know your rapist. A child raped for months or years having to be anywhere near the rapist ever again? To see the rapist in the face of the child? To be forced to share custody even while he is in jail? To be obligated by the court to take the child to see the rapist?

OMG! A swear the intelligence and the knowledge about women who have been victims of rape is next to nil, at least it seem that way judging by some of the posters.

No victim of rape wants to be reminded over and over of the rape. A girl or woman has be free to heal and move beyond and pick up the pieces of her life. Not nine month later or nineteen years later. The idea of being connected to the rapist is disgusting. I would have run in front of a bus. To meet him again, even the chance, to awaken the horrors all over again and be terrified and traumatized like it was just yesterday. That is insane.

Anyone that thinks a rape victim can wait nine month and just get beyond the rape is down right bonkers.

No rape victim should have to give birth and legally she is given the option of an abortion. No woman should ever have to live through a rape and she certainly should not have to be reminded over and over of what she experienced.

Most rape is by a man she or the family knows not some stranger. I'd shoot the man if I could and plead insanity. The though of seeing the man again would send chills down my spine. In some case where the girl might know the person, not report it and chance to meet the man in a social setting and not able to scream or attack him? In some places there is statute of limitation to report or charge the man.

The details and ifs and ors of every case should not be hashed out. This is not a law class.

No one should take the access of abortions away from the woman.

Yea I see that happening. SMH

You clearly must have been raped before and felt compelled to kill the baby.

If you are a man, you have no right to even be giving your damn opinion. When you are able to get pregnant then you can insert your 2 cents.

Women don't get pregnant by themselves you moron.

If a women decides to have the baby, guess who gets to pay for the child whether he wants to or not, Where is his choice?
Both men and women know what choices are available to them before they ever have sex.
^^^ If homosexuals didn't force their lifestyles down the throats of everyone else, they wouldn't have to worry so much about the same thing being done to them by other people and their beliefs. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

^^^ I don't believe that abortion is justified when being pregnant at all is never once meant to be a threat on those who are pregnant. If a rapist wanted to get rid of their victim, a baby would be so far down their list of murder weapons that they would never get to it.
I am so not surprised that a religious fanatic won't perform her job due to 'religious' reasons. She needs to be reassigned or fired, because she cannot stay in the job she was hired to do, but refuses to perform. She can thumb her nose, but she can also do it to her own peril, & she will deserve her 'termination'. Let her God pay her bills.
To me, if a person's religious beliefs are not going to be respected, people shouldn't expect any respect out of that person in return.

God bless you always!!!

She needs to go. She obviously doesn't respect the Constitution which in a government job, towers above personal religious belief. That's reality.
Well I don't believe that it is up to you what happens to her. That is reality.

God bless you two and the woman always!!!

WTF?? When did homosexuals force you to be gay?
^^^ They didn't, but they don't hesitate to throw their lifestyles into mine and everyone else's face whether we want it to be in our faces or not. They don't even bother to consider the fact that maybe not all of us want to know about it, therefore, why should we show them any consideration in return if they are not going to show any first?

God bless you always!!!


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