HuffPost calls for violence against Trump and his supporters

Fyi, I was calling out your fellow liar that claimed Trump called for violence against the judge. You jump on me, but ignore his lie. Lazy libs.

Who used the adjective "racist " when referring to the judge??? (look at post #134, dimwit......
that was YOU)
La Raza is racist.

You need to check your facts. The judge is a member of a lawyer's association with La Raza in the name, but they are completely unaffiliated with the terrorist group known as La Raza.

I'm not saying the judge isn't politically motivated. I'm simply saying he isn't a member of La Raza in the sense that you and others think he is.
Fyi, I was calling out your fellow liar that claimed Trump called for violence against the judge. You jump on me, but ignore his lie. Lazy libs.

Who used the adjective "racist " when referring to the judge??? (look at post #134, dimwit......
that was YOU)
La Raza is racist.

You need to check your facts. The judge is a member of a lawyer's association with La Raza in the name, but they are completely unaffiliated with the terrorist group known as La Raza.

I'm not saying the judge isn't politically motivated. I'm simply saying he isn't a member of La Raza in the sense that you and others think he is.

Fact is the judge gave Drumpf a partial pass by putting it off and screwed over the poor schlubs who fell for the scam.

Drumpf should be thanking him.

Yes willow tree I'm at the dentist. Look up your own links. Lazy welfare queens want to be spoon fed.

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Fyi, I was calling out your fellow liar that claimed Trump called for violence against the judge. You jump on me, but ignore his lie. Lazy libs.

Who used the adjective "racist " when referring to the judge??? (look at post #134, dimwit......
that was YOU)
La Raza is racist.

You need to check your facts. The judge is a member of a lawyer's association with La Raza in the name, but they are completely unaffiliated with the terrorist group known as La Raza.

I'm not saying the judge isn't politically motivated. I'm simply saying he isn't a member of La Raza in the sense that you and others think he is.

Fact is the judge gave Drumpf a partial pass by putting it off and screwed over the poor schlubs who fell for the scam.

Drumpf should be thanking him.

Yes willow tree I'm at the dentist. Look up your own links. Lazy welfare queens want to be spoon fed.

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Not how it works asshole you made the claim now back it up or be a liar. Your choice!
Why is it that RWNJs always lie and then lie about their lies?

No wonder they love Duh Donuld.

Watch Drumpf on faux last night. He said it again this morning and all his surrogates are doing as he ordered - attacking the "Mexican" judge.

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what sort of douche bag are you? In a thread about actual physical attacks you want to complain about people exercising their right to free speech with nary a word about people who are physically attacking others?

Yeah, Trumpery did say he'd pay the legal bills if his fans murdered someone .

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Please provide a quote from Trump saying he would pay the legal bills of a murderer.

Or just admit to being a liar.

The old fart who assaulted the man at a Drumpf rally. He said next time he might kill him (cuz you RWNS hate the first) and Drumpf said he would pay his legal bills.

And you know it.

If you don't know it, you should educate yourself about the fascist asshole the GOP is running for prez b

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That isn't what he said and you know it, or else you would have posted a link.

He did, STUPIDLY, say he might pay the legal bills of a guy who assaulted another person. No mention was made of murder.

Why on Earth would you possibly lie about something that is on video and everyone has seen a thousand times, at least?

When the dart said he might kill the man he had already assaulted, Trumpery said he would pay his legal bills.

And in the conference call this morning, Drumpf repeated his instructions to attack the judge and said he wanted to double down on his earlier lies.

Btw - I was leaving the house, turned off the news, just as something came on about Jan Brewer being in on that call. Surely not.

I mean, just when you think the lying carnival barker can go no lower ...

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Fyi, I was calling out your fellow liar that claimed Trump called for violence against the judge. You jump on me, but ignore his lie. Lazy libs.

Who used the adjective "racist " when referring to the judge??? (look at post #134, dimwit......
that was YOU)
La Raza is racist.

You need to check your facts. The judge is a member of a lawyer's association with La Raza in the name, but they are completely unaffiliated with the terrorist group known as La Raza.

I'm not saying the judge isn't politically motivated. I'm simply saying he isn't a member of La Raza in the sense that you and others think he is.
Ya think?

Meet The Pro-Illegal Immigrant Groups The La Raza Lawyers Of San Diego Consider Part Of Their ‘Community’
Fyi, I was calling out your fellow liar that claimed Trump called for violence against the judge. You jump on me, but ignore his lie. Lazy libs.

Who used the adjective "racist " when referring to the judge??? (look at post #134, dimwit......
that was YOU)
La Raza is racist.

You need to check your facts. The judge is a member of a lawyer's association with La Raza in the name, but they are completely unaffiliated with the terrorist group known as La Raza.

I'm not saying the judge isn't politically motivated. I'm simply saying he isn't a member of La Raza in the sense that you and others think he is.

Fact is the judge gave Drumpf a partial pass by putting it off and screwed over the poor schlubs who fell for the scam.

Drumpf should be thanking him.

Yes willow tree I'm at the dentist. Look up your own links. Lazy welfare queens want to be spoon fed.

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Not how it works asshole you made the claim now back it up or be a liar. Your choice!

Wrong again. The judge did Duh Donuld until after the election and he did say the people who were scammed had to keep making payments. Gotta go

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Fyi, I was calling out your fellow liar that claimed Trump called for violence against the judge. You jump on me, but ignore his lie. Lazy libs.

Who used the adjective "racist " when referring to the judge??? (look at post #134, dimwit......
that was YOU)

I have blown up every post you have made to me, yet you keep coming back for more abuse. Why?

The judge is a member of a group that thinks so highly of itself they call themselves "The Race". Yes certain chapters support the better know national group.

If you think the firm is unbiased, you are nuts. Hundreds of thousands in speaker fees to the clintons.
Litany of think-pieces and condemnations from liberal media and politicians are making their rounds to make it clear how unacceptable and counterproductive any violence or rioting is, urging people to “listen to the other side,” and to use “legitimate means“ to fight Trump’s rise - ignoring the possibility of fascism in the US rising with it.

They ignore the history of successful violent insurrection in the US, instead favoring the elementary school version of history in which nonviolence is the only means of struggle that’s ever achieved a thing...

Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any

They're calling for it.

Whenever the left's mask of tolerance and generosity slips, the totalitarian monster underneath is revealed.

Every time.

Boo hoo...You wanted violence now you got it

It won't get too violent. Those PC, anti gun, free stuff for all folks know that if things got real violent the conservatives would make them their bitches. Bunch of softies!
I have blown up every post you have made to me, yet you keep coming back for more abuse. Why?

The judge is a member of a group that thinks so highly of itself they call themselves "The Race".

Actually this response is for're too dumb to be objective.

Antonin Scalia was a supporter of the Italian anti-Defamation League.....did that make him a racist, moron?

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