Huge ethnic/racial polarization....."thank you" Trump !

Yu almost gotta laugh that the left blames businessman and republican candidate Donald Trump for the "huge ethnic/racial polarization" when Barry Obama has been in office for 7+ years. Has the left been in a freaking coma?

The ONLY racial divide that Obama ....the first half-black president....has initiated is the one between tolerant voters and racists....which camp are you in???
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
You set the standard. I am equating race pimps with you, Sharpton, Jackson and BLM.

You clearly failed and you're flailing petulantly.

Give it up. Race relations were shit and got worse in the Age of Obama.

Hey, I'm not here to educate idiots.....You want to label Obama as the mayor of Chicago, go for it....

But, thanks for addressing whether your orange clown is responsible for ANY violence at his rallies.
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.
Latest California polls indicate that 2 out of ten Latinos/Hispanics would back Trump, and that only 4% of blacks would contemplate voting for the Donald.

So, when right wingers "rejoice" that Trump's polls are surging, what exactly are they "thinking"?

Support by minorities for the Trumpster is drastically LESS than even Romney's....and we all know how THAT turned out.

Insults and calls for veiled violence by Trump DO have consequences.....and those consequences will also greatly impact on the upcoming senate races.

I label Trump the greatest of "Trojan Horses" helping to dismantle the GOP toward an irrevocable decimation. What no democrat has been able to do for decades, Trump has "accomplished" in just a few months.
Blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic as a matter of historical record.

Hispanics vote overwhelmingly Democratic as a matter of historical record.

Racially-focused ethnic blocs, drinking Democratic Party leadership -supplied LibTard Kool Aid.

Whites, on the other hand, historically split their vote, between the two parties.

Far less racially focused... far more comfortable with Ideas rather than Nanny Statism and Dogma.

Oh, and, by the way...

The so-called Racial Divide in this country has been widening, geometrically, ever since the Magic Negro took office...

Long, long before Attila the Hun showed up...
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Wait what...

You'll vote for a regressive?

Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Then what the fuck are you doing on this thread...except to flaunt that you're such an open-minded poster. THIS THREAD is about whether Trump has alienated EVERY minority except the KKK.
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Wait what...

You vote for a regressive?

I'm not a big fan of Hillary, I would have preferred Jim Webb by far, but I think Trump dangerous on multiple levels.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Then what the fuck are you doing on this thread...except to flaunt that you're such an open-minded poster. THIS THREAD is about whether Trump has alienated EVERY minority except the KKK.
I'm just being honest.

You wouldn't understand.
Blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic as a matter of historical record.

Hispanics vote overwhelmingly Democratic as a matter of historical record.

Racially-focused ethnic blocs, drinking Democratic Party leadership -supplied LibTard Kool Aid.

And....if you had more than a few cells left in your brain, the above means you will almost NEVER again see the inside of the oval office.....Minorities are on the considerable increase..Whites are dying out and will soon be the pale minority.
I'm not a big fan of Hillary, I would have preferred Jim Webb by far, but I think Trump dangerous on multiple levels.

....and neither am I even remotely a "fan" of Hillary....She will win overwhelmingly BECAUSE of the GOP clown nominee.
The savage "latinis" in that vid act just like muslims in Europe. Disgusting criminals inspired by Obama The Douche, Crazy Bernie, Crooked Hillary and their MSM.
Sorry, strong disagree. Our mexicans are 1000X tougher than any scuslim puke. Boxers soccer workers etc. Mexicans are tough sob. Filthy muslim scum are very weak? At least from what I have witnessed.
Blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic as a matter of historical record.

Hispanics vote overwhelmingly Democratic as a matter of historical record.

Racially-focused ethnic blocs, drinking Democratic Party leadership -supplied LibTard Kool Aid.

And....if you had more than a few cells left in your brain, the above means you will almost NEVER again see the inside of the oval office.....Minorities are on the considerable increase..Whites are dying out and will soon be the pale minority.
I'll bet that prospect makes you cream-your-jeans, doesn't it, boy?...
Latest California polls indicate that 2 out of ten Latinos/Hispanics would back Trump, and that only 4% of blacks would contemplate voting for the Donald.

So, when right wingers "rejoice" that Trump's polls are surging, what exactly are they "thinking"?

Support by minorities for the Trumpster is drastically LESS than even Romney's....and we all know how THAT turned out.

Insults and calls for veiled violence by Trump DO have consequences.....and those consequences will also greatly impact on the upcoming senate races.

I label Trump the greatest of "Trojan Horses" helping to dismantle the GOP toward an irrevocable decimation. What no democrat has been able to do for decades, Trump has "accomplished" in just a few months.

Oh, please, Obama has been divisive since he got to the White House. Started with accusing the Cambridge police of acting stupidly for doing their job. After the neighbor witnessed the professor and his friend forcing his front door open, she was right to report it. And police were right in insisting he show ID or step outside so his neighbor could identify him.

Then there was the comment about Trayvon Martin being his son, if he had one. That despite the shooting being justified.

After BLM called for murder of cops, and people responded by killing cops, Obama still praised them. His administration saw no need to prosecute the Black Panthers for intimidating voters outside of polls.

This administration and the left has taken every opportunity to play the race card. Racial tensions were at an all-time high before Trump entered the picture. He merely echoed the frustration of many at our insecure borders and the rampant rioting, looting and assaults over the slightest offense. People have long been frustrated with a sluggish economy and the longest ever recovery from a recession. Good jobs are scarce because middle class jobs have disappeared at an alarming rate. Of course, those on welfare aren't affected by any of that so it's easy for the left to vilify anyone bitching about high taxes. First thing the left does is scare their dependents by saying the meanies want to take away their EBT cards. They can't be honest with people and tell them that the best welfare program is a job and that they'd be so much better off economically, not to mention emotionally, after a while.

The riots surrounding the Trump protests are being carried out by violent people who think it's okay to attack people, destroy property, burn American flags, bad mouth America for never being great, and wave Mexico's flag. If these people are offended by Trump then it makes him look that much better.

If you hate America then get the fuck out and go to the country whose flag you are waving.

People are sick of being accused of racism because they fear blacks attacking them playing the knock out game, fear cops being shot by BLM, fear gangs taking over neighborhoods, fear drug cartels, terrorists and other criminals easily coming through our borders, or fear being labelled just because they are white. If the left had denounced the violence, we wouldn't have gotten to this point. They encouraged it, knowing full well that things would continue and people would get to the point where they had enough of the bullshit. It was the left that created the conditions that enabled Trump to advance to this point.

While the likes of Al Sharpton managed to convince the poor minorities to hate all white people, professors did their best to rally the middle class minorities. College professors have preached that whiteness equals terror, even if the person never says or does anything racist. There have been numerous false accusations by professors that claimed they were targeted by white cops just because they were black. Their lies were exposed by dash cams.

It's the rhetoric of the left that has riled minorities to demonstrate hatred and lash out at whites everywhere. Innocent people are attacked simply because they are white, a cop, or attending a Trump rally. The left pushes the narrative that it's somehow virtuous to attack those against the liberal agenda.

This anger over perceived wrongs was present before Trump threw his hat in the ring. It's been building for over 7 years and it's the left that has been pushing this. Don't try to blame those who merely point out what is happening.

The left has done nothing but convince minorities that whites are holding them back. They should be preaching about personal responsibility and telling young people that their own actions will determine their future. Why doesn't the left tell students that when they quit school, join gangs, do drugs, steal and dress like a fucking idiot with their pants down that it's just not constructive behavior? Losers come in all colors. So do winners.

This shouldn't be about grouping people the way the left does and then pitting each group against the other. There are really only two groups- those who understand that they are capable of creating a good life and those who think government should do it for them. The diverse group of able-bodied people who believe that tax payers exist to support them need to understand that no one wants to have to carry their stupid asses just because they make one bad decision after another. The left wants helpless dependents so they justify their foolish decisions by convincing them that racists made them do it. Seems many believe that they are doomed because racists won't let them advance, so they don't even try. And when they are miserable, they don't blame themselves and their total lack of ambition. The left is solely responsible for creating this underclass of ignorant dependents. And now they want to blame those who have had enough of this bullshit.

The left needs needy, angry people to increase their power and they stop at nothing to create this chaos. It really is straight from the radical rule book. It's amazing that in this day and age, so many can still be so ignorant of history and the fact that it's repeating itself yet again.
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After Trump called Hispanics rapists and murderers and wanted to build a wall and maligned an American judge with a Hispanic name, 8 million voters who weren't even going to vote signed up Democrat. So voters who show up at Trump rallies signed up Democrat, but they weren't Democrats until Trump pushed them into registration.
That's how this works. Trump did it. And the GOP won't admit it. Hell, they are trying to blame Iraq on Hillary. There's nothing they won't do or say.
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Wait what...

You vote for a regressive?

I'm not a big fan of Hillary, I would have preferred Jim Webb by far, but I think Trump dangerous on multiple levels.

Just look at the Trump protests, and the victim blaming comments by all the liberals / Hilary constituency in the Trump violence threads (they are even more vile than I had thought). Remember, that is her interest group of Hillary... She will be pandering to them her whole election cycle, along with all the anti-white organizations.

It's a bit stupid to call Trump the dangerous one in this light.
Obie is not known as 'The Great Divider' for nothing, as he re-widened the gulf between blacks an' whites back to 50 yr. old levels.
Since most browns seem to be settled in onto the Democrap plantation now, why should they be left out? Welcome to a 40 acre-mule whooping............:whip:.
I'll bet that prospect makes you cream-your-jeans, doesn't it, boy?...

"boy"???"BOY"??? Traces of that rabid racism, there, Beagle......And for me, a 70 year old, WHITE male, a bit of irony, don't you think? I accept the change in demographics....and I don't fear it like you dimwits do.

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