Huge ethnic/racial polarization....."thank you" Trump !

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Wait what...

You vote for a regressive?

I'm not a big fan of Hillary, I would have preferred Jim Webb by far, but I think Trump dangerous on multiple levels.

Just look at the Trump protests, and the victim blaming comments by all the liberals / Hilary constituency in the Trump violence threads (they are even more vile than I had thought). Remember, that is her interest group of Hillary... She will be pandering to them her whole election cycle, along with all the anti-white organizations.

It's a bit stupid to call Trump the dangerous one in this light.
I'm not referring to violence at rallies, which is certainly bad enough.

I'm talking about a guy who clearly doesn't have the temperament to be Commander In Chief; whose childish and stunningly boorish behavior has already alienated world leaders everywhere, which will mean he'd have to be starting from a negative stance with them; whose warped ego and cartoonish narcissistic tendencies would be a concern in situations of life, death, terrorism and possible war; whose businesses "successes" appear to be the result more of him simply mauling people with the force of his personality than of intellect; whose long, bizarre and ongoing list of authoritarian pronouncements indicate that he doesn't even have a basic, fundamental understanding of what a President can and cannot do.

I'm not fond of either candidate, Jim Webb would have been my guy. But Trump is not only a national embarrassment, he is the result of a party that has been completely led astray by the wrong voices and gone completely off the rails, a party that has, seemingly overnight, thrown the "conservative values" we've been hearing about for decades under the bus for a flailing, screaming, preening, insulting circus act. When a party does an about face like that, it can't be taken seriously.

I'd much rather vote FOR someone, but in this case, I'm perfectly comfy voting against.

Mac, the GOP has not actively enforced conservative ideas in a long time. The leadership of both parties are two sides of the same coin. Hence the rise of Trump and equally crazy Bernie. Its more a rejection of the status quo, politics as usual, then true support for the individual.
Really? You must live in an isolated world. LOL re his racism. Yeah, he's a real racist. His international policies are, generally, fine. He has no desire to flood the country with no-skill labour. No more than any other president.

You know, nitwits like JBlondi, never bother with facts and DO revert to biases and.....yes....racism. Have any of these "open-minded" right wingers bothered to check just how many illegal aliens have been deported under Obama versus GWB?
If they had.....instead of just listening to Rush and Sean or Glenn, they'd be NOT be repeating the bullshit......but since they're dumb and prejudiced, they incessantly spew their imbecilities and lies.
You clearly are not aware that Obama changed how deportations are tallied. That's why I'm here to help educate you.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Wait what...

You vote for a regressive?

I'm not a big fan of Hillary, I would have preferred Jim Webb by far, but I think Trump dangerous on multiple levels.

Just look at the Trump protests, and the victim blaming comments by all the liberals / Hilary constituency in the Trump violence threads (they are even more vile than I had thought). Remember, that is her interest group of Hillary... She will be pandering to them her whole election cycle, along with all the anti-white organizations.

It's a bit stupid to call Trump the dangerous one in this light.
I'm not referring to violence at rallies, which is certainly bad enough.

I'm talking about a guy who clearly doesn't have the temperament to be Commander In Chief; whose childish and stunningly boorish behavior has already alienated world leaders everywhere, which will mean he'd have to be starting from a negative stance with them; whose warped ego and cartoonish narcissistic tendencies would be a concern in situations of life, death, terrorism and possible war; whose businesses "successes" appear to be the result more of him simply mauling people with the force of his personality than of intellect; whose long, bizarre and ongoing list of authoritarian pronouncements indicate that he doesn't even have a basic, fundamental understanding of what a President can and cannot do.

I'm not fond of either candidate, Jim Webb would have been my guy. But Trump is not only a national embarrassment, he is the result of a party that has been completely led astray by the wrong voices and gone completely off the rails, a party that has, seemingly overnight, thrown the "conservative values" we've been hearing about for decades under the bus for a flailing, screaming, preening, insulting circus act. When a party does an about face like that, it can't be taken seriously.

I'd much rather vote FOR someone, but in this case, I'm perfectly comfy voting against.

Mac, the GOP has not actively enforced conservative ideas in a long time. The leadership of both parties are two sides of the same coin. Hence the rise of Trump and equally crazy Bernie. Its more a rejection of the status quo, politics as usual, then true support for the individual.
Yeah, as cynical as I am about politicians in general, I'm still trying to get my head around that. I do understand, at least to a point, but these messengers (particularly Trump) are so poor that it really smacks of nihilism to me, like we've just given up. "Fuck it, let's blow it all up and see what happens".

It's been my experience that "to hell with it, it can't get any worse" is not terribly accurate.

I'll bet that prospect makes you cream-your-jeans, doesn't it, boy?...

"boy"???"BOY"??? Traces of that rabid racism, there, Beagle......And for me, a 70 year old, WHITE male, a bit of irony, don't you think? I accept the change in demographics....and I don't fear it like you dimwits do.
Another LibTard backside in the air... calm yourself, boy...
Trump University graduate is "trying to learn us " ...wooo hooo

So the LA Times and all the other reporting groups lied. Please post something that proves the times story is false or kindly shut the hell up. Lazy libs....



Earth People......
Barack Obama has called himself the “champion in chief” of immigration law reform. Latino activists, angry at his administration’s removal of illegal immigrants, have responded by calling him the deporter in chief. What do the data tell us?

“America is expelling illegal immigrants at nine times the rate of 20 years ago; nearly 2m so far under Barack Obama, easily outpacing any previous president,” the Economist wrote in February 2014. “Border patrol agents no longer just patrol the border; they scour the country for illegals to eject. The deportation machine costs more than all other areas of federal criminal law-enforcement combined.”

Critics may declare President Obama soft on immigration, but as this Reuters graphic shows, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data the Department of Homeland Security deported 414,481 people in fiscal year 2014, down from 438,421 the year before. Each year of the Obama administration has seen more deportations than any preceding president; the pre-Obama high of 358,886 removals in FY2008 came during President George W. Bush’s last full fiscal year in office.
Tracking Obama’s deportation numbers
Trump University graduate is "trying to learn us " ...wooo hooo

So the LA Times and all the other reporting groups lied. Please post something that proves the times story is false or kindly shut the hell up. Lazy libs....

So you got nothing. About what I expected. Lazy libs
Are you going for a graduate degree at good Old Trump U...Rah rah rah ..:badgrin:
Trump U grad is learning us you all...wooo hoooo

Former GOP gov: Clinton ‘more stable’ than Trump
Source: MSN/The Hill

Former New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman (R) says Hillary Clinton worries her less than Donald Trump.

"She is more stable. Hillary Clinton's problems are within the non-normal normal that we're used to," Whitman said Friday on MSNBC.

* * *

" the way he's treated groups of people, demonizing them for their ethnic background," she said.

"The way he's taken on this judge in California is very outrageous and to me very scary for the future of the country," Whitman added, citing Judge Gonzalo Curiel's role in lawsuits against Trump.

Read more: Former GOP gov: Clinton ‘more stable’ than Trump
Yeah, he did a great job making wingnut assholes act like wingnut assholes.
Thank you. He brought the racist intolerant lefties out of the woodwork.

I'm not being "racist". Obviously wingnut assholes come in all shades, nationalities and even religions.


I didn't call you a racist. Why so defensive?

Y'know, that's true. You didn't. Think I'll stand by my point anyway, though.
Of course, that's what racists do.


Take note, folks. He says he's not calling me racist, then he does.
You clearly are not aware that Obama changed how deportations are tallied. That's why I'm here to help educate you.
You must be a Trump University "Alumni"..:badgrin:

High deportation figures are misleading

Here, from your own LA Times citation, Blondi..........

...........Immigration advocates plan protests across the country this week around what they say will be the 2 millionth deportation under Obama — a mark expected to be hit in the next few days. And Democratic strategists fret about a decline in Latino voter turnout for this fall's election.........
Trump U grad is learning us you all...wooo hoooo

Former GOP gov: Clinton ‘more stable’ than Trump
Source: MSN/The Hill

Former New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman (R) says Hillary Clinton worries her less than Donald Trump.

"She is more stable. Hillary Clinton's problems are within the non-normal normal that we're used to," Whitman said Friday on MSNBC.

* * *

" the way he's treated groups of people, demonizing them for their ethnic background," she said.

"The way he's taken on this judge in California is very outrageous and to me very scary for the future of the country," Whitman added, citing Judge Gonzalo Curiel's role in lawsuits against Trump.

Read more: Former GOP gov: Clinton ‘more stable’ than Trump

Yes, sane and moderate republicans like Whitman, have become as rare as unicorns.
Trump U grad is learning us you all...wooo hoooo

Former GOP gov: Clinton ‘more stable’ than Trump
Source: MSN/The Hill

Former New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman (R) says Hillary Clinton worries her less than Donald Trump.

"She is more stable. Hillary Clinton's problems are within the non-normal normal that we're used to," Whitman said Friday on MSNBC.

* * *

" the way he's treated groups of people, demonizing them for their ethnic background," she said.

"The way he's taken on this judge in California is very outrageous and to me very scary for the future of the country," Whitman added, citing Judge Gonzalo Curiel's role in lawsuits against Trump.

Read more: Former GOP gov: Clinton ‘more stable’ than Trump

Yes, sane and moderate republicans like Whitman, have become as rare as unicorns.
They know he's an AH, the worst thing to happen to the american political world perhaps ever and they still support him?? Traitors
Thank you. He brought the racist intolerant lefties out of the woodwork.

I'm not being "racist". Obviously wingnut assholes come in all shades, nationalities and even religions.


I didn't call you a racist. Why so defensive?

Y'know, that's true. You didn't. Think I'll stand by my point anyway, though.
Of course, that's what racists do.


Take note, folks. He says he's not calling me racist, then he does.
Please note the severe retardation on this sad creature. I didn't call him a racist so what I said is true but that doesn't mean he isn't one. Since he got his ass in a sling over it, he is. So now I'll call the retard a racist.
Please note the severe retardation on this sad creature. I didn't call him a racist so what I said is true but that doesn't mean he isn't one. Since he got his ass in a sling over it, he is. So now I'll call the retard a racist.

Have another drink and go take a nap, icebucket.....

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