Huge ethnic/racial polarization....."thank you" Trump !

Obie is not known as 'The Great Divider' for nothing,

Obama is known as the "great divider' ONLY by those who can't accept a president of that shaded face....and YOU are certainly one of those. Go light up a cross on somebody's yard.
So you are a cheap lazy liberal that wants others to pay for your asinine plans. Not shocked.

Yes, indeed, I want YOU to work your sorry ass off to buy me a brand new BMW......Isn't that what you morons "think"?.
Or is it something that FOX told you to think?
So you are a cheap lazy liberal that wants others to pay for your asinine plans. Not shocked.

Yes, indeed, I want YOU to work your sorry ass off to buy me a brand new BMW......Isn't that what you morons "think"?.
Or is it something that FOX told you to think?
Why make things up when the truth is disturbing enough? You want us to pay for your asinine plan.
Not one.....NOT ONE right winger had the guts to openly state that Trump's big fat mouth spews racism, xenophobia and misogyny.........Instead, these cowards revert to the bullshit that they learned from Limbaugh that Obama is worse (which is probably a tacit admission that Obama is "worse" precisely because he is half black....and that to these nitwits is "unforgiveable")
Not one.....NOT ONE right winger had the guts to openly state that Trump's big fat mouth spews racism, xenophobia and misogyny.........Instead, these cowards revert to the bullshit that they learned from Limbaugh that Obama is worse (which is probably a tacit admission that Obama is "worse" precisely because he is half black....and that to these nitwits is "unforgiveable")
Oh look... another liberal racist focused on skin color. Not a surprise. You come up with the laziest crap.
Oh look... another liberal racist focused on skin color. Not a surprise. You come up with the laziest crap.

Actually it is YOUR hero, the Trumpster who polarizes along racial lines.....Just look at the polls, if you dare. LOL
Oh look... another liberal racist focused on skin color. Not a surprise. You come up with the laziest crap.

Actually it is YOUR hero, the Trumpster who polarizes along racial lines.....Just look at the polls, if you dare. LOL

There you go again. Lying your ass off. When did I say Trump is my hero? Silly little lib. Isn't past your bedtime?
Oh look... another liberal racist focused on skin color. Not a surprise. You come up with the laziest crap.

People have made Obama's skin colour an issue since day one. So it is an issue. That aside, Trump is a racist, misogynistic twit, right? You do agree on that, yeah?
Oh look... another liberal racist focused on skin color. Not a surprise. You come up with the laziest crap.

People have made Obama's skin colour an issue since day one. So it is an issue. That aside, Trump is a racist, misogynistic twit, right? You do agree on that, yeah?

I don't know a single conservative that gives two shits how much pigment Obama's skin has. They do object to his racism and diviseness. They also dislike his failed economic policies and his dangerous international policies. Not to mention his desire to flood the country with no skill labor solely to build a bigger Democrat plantation.
I don't know a single conservative that gives two shits how much pigment Obama's skin has. They do object to his racism and diviseness. They also dislike his failed economic policies and his dangerous international policies. Not to mention his desire to flood the country with no skill labor solely to build a bigger Democrat plantation.

Really? You must live in an isolated world. LOL re his racism. Yeah, he's a real racist. His international policies are, generally, fine. He has no desire to flood the country with no-skill labour. No more than any other president.
Latest California polls indicate that 2 out of ten Latinos/Hispanics would back Trump, and that only 4% of blacks would contemplate voting for the Donald.

So, when right wingers "rejoice" that Trump's polls are surging, what exactly are they "thinking"?

Support by minorities for the Trumpster is drastically LESS than even Romney's....and we all know how THAT turned out.

Insults and calls for veiled violence by Trump DO have consequences.....and those consequences will also greatly impact on the upcoming senate races.

I label Trump the greatest of "Trojan Horses" helping to dismantle the GOP toward an irrevocable decimation. What no democrat has been able to do for decades, Trump has "accomplished" in just a few months.

Inconsequential in the end because even they are affected by bad economic policies. I would love to see Hillary be in office another eight years because Americans might start asking why is it their ain't jack shit out there for jobs after about twenty years.
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Wait what...

You vote for a regressive?

I'm not a big fan of Hillary, I would have preferred Jim Webb by far, but I think Trump dangerous on multiple levels.

Wow Mac, so sad to hear you'll be voting for Hillary. Just lost a lot of respect for you. Damn.
Obie is not known as 'The Great Divider' for nothing,

Obama is known as the "great divider' ONLY by those who can't accept a president of that shaded face....and YOU are certainly one of those. Go light up a cross on somebody's yard.
why is it that any time someone points out obamas lack of a brain, they get called racist.
How come we cant just point out that hes a worthless piece of shit shoeshine boy and have it accepted as a compliment to him.
Latest California polls indicate that 2 out of ten Latinos/Hispanics would back Trump, and that only 4% of blacks would contemplate voting for the Donald.

So, when right wingers "rejoice" that Trump's polls are surging, what exactly are they "thinking"?

Support by minorities for the Trumpster is drastically LESS than even Romney's....and we all know how THAT turned out.

Insults and calls for veiled violence by Trump DO have consequences.....and those consequences will also greatly impact on the upcoming senate races.

I label Trump the greatest of "Trojan Horses" helping to dismantle the GOP toward an irrevocable decimation. What no democrat has been able to do for decades, Trump has "accomplished" in just a few months.

Once again the far left religious scriptures show how disconnected from reality they are..

Obama did this long before Trump entered the race..
Really? You must live in an isolated world. LOL re his racism. Yeah, he's a real racist. His international policies are, generally, fine. He has no desire to flood the country with no-skill labour. No more than any other president.

You know, nitwits like JBlondi, never bother with facts and DO revert to biases and.....yes....racism. Have any of these "open-minded" right wingers bothered to check just how many illegal aliens have been deported under Obama versus GWB?
If they had.....instead of just listening to Rush and Sean or Glenn, they'd be NOT be repeating the bullshit......but since they're dumb and prejudiced, they incessantly spew their imbecilities and lies.
Yeah Obama didn't polarize people at all

Yeah, he did a great job making wingnut assholes act like wingnut assholes.
Thank you. He brought the racist intolerant lefties out of the woodwork.

I'm not being "racist". Obviously wingnut assholes come in all shades, nationalities and even religions.


I didn't call you a racist. Why so defensive?

Y'know, that's true. You didn't. Think I'll stand by my point anyway, though.
Of course, that's what racists do.
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Wait what...

You vote for a regressive?

I'm not a big fan of Hillary, I would have preferred Jim Webb by far, but I think Trump dangerous on multiple levels.

Wow Mac, so sad to hear you'll be voting for Hillary. Just lost a lot of respect for you. Damn.
It'll be the worst case of holding my nose and voting in my lifetime, but yeah, it is what it is.
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Wait what...

You vote for a regressive?

I'm not a big fan of Hillary, I would have preferred Jim Webb by far, but I think Trump dangerous on multiple levels.

Just look at the Trump protests, and the victim blaming comments by all the liberals / Hilary constituency in the Trump violence threads (they are even more vile than I had thought). Remember, that is her interest group of Hillary... She will be pandering to them her whole election cycle, along with all the anti-white organizations.

It's a bit stupid to call Trump the dangerous one in this light.
I'm not referring to violence at rallies, which is certainly bad enough.

I'm talking about a guy who clearly doesn't have the temperament to be Commander In Chief; whose childish and stunningly boorish behavior has already alienated world leaders everywhere, which will mean he'd have to be starting from a negative stance with them; whose warped ego and cartoonish narcissistic tendencies would be a concern in situations of life, death, terrorism and possible war; whose businesses "successes" appear to be the result more of him simply mauling people with the force of his personality than of intellect; whose long, bizarre and ongoing list of authoritarian pronouncements indicate that he doesn't even have a basic, fundamental understanding of what a President can and cannot do.

I'm not fond of either candidate, Jim Webb would have been my guy. But Trump is not only a national embarrassment, he is the result of a party that has been completely led astray by the wrong voices and gone completely off the rails, a party that has, seemingly overnight, thrown the "conservative values" we've been hearing about for decades under the bus for a flailing, screaming, preening, insulting circus act. When a party does an about face like that, it can't be taken seriously.

I'd much rather vote FOR someone, but in this case, I'm perfectly comfy voting against.
Me and "my ilk"?

Sorry, I'm neither a conservative nor a Republican. Your binary thought processes are showing.

His administration was our best ever chance to bring the races together. We had the one person who could to it.

He chose not to.

LAME attempt to "deny" your own racial animosity......Obama's greatest "fault" for you and YES....your that he is half-black.

Although, I will readily are now running an orangy, I should be tolerant of his color.
Wrong again, no way I'll vote for Trump, I'll be voting Democrat.

You're clearly a hardcore partisan ideologue, and I know better than to try to have a normal conversation with zealots. I may as well try to communicate with some wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.

Find yourself a nice little right-winger for your simplistic online slap fights.

Mac, happy to discuss real topics with you anytime. Thank you for your reasonable posts.

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