Huge selloff on Wall Street--Trump downturn continues

China isn't blinking on trade. Real estate has been deflating. We have probably peaked on growth. The deficit is huge. Reasonable investors are concerned.
I think it's hilarious that Democrats are blaming Trump for the downturn but didn't give him credit for the long upward trend since he got elected.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.

He did the full whammy in conservative economics.

Huge deep tax cuts for the rich and business. Removal a countless regulations on business, Wall Street and lenders. Tariff war with most of the rest of the world.

The bush boy did the same thing but the tariffs weren't a war. He put tariffs on steel. He did an actual war that destroyed millions of lives.

We all know how that worked out.

Meanwhile Ford says they will lose at least a billion dollars this year and have already started laying off workers because of those tariffs. The farmers of America being hit the worst. The good old family farm just can't survive this. trump has removed a lot of the new regulations on banks, lenders and Wall Street. Regulations put in place to prevent another collapse. Regulations on real estate lending have again been relaxed too. Then there's the environmental regulations he has removed. Which are going to end up costing us a lot of money to clean up. He gave business big tax cuts, effectively taking that money out of the economy since all those companies did was what they always do with tax cuts, bought their own stock back. Which takes more stock out of the market and more money out of circulation. It could have been used to pay workers more. Which would help keep that money in circulation because they will go out into the community and spend it. Tax revenues would increase since people are making more money.

Conservative economic policies only result in huge wage gaps, less upward mobility and damages or destroys economies.

We're going to have to bail out business and Wall Street. Again.

Could you please link the information on Ford Motor Company.

They have been claiming the tarriffs on metal is going to cost them a billion or so.

He said a link, dont' just say it all again.

He is fine, he hit a key word that made the story appear in Google, I’m good with it.
I think it's hilarious that Democrats are blaming Trump for the downturn but didn't give him credit for the long upward trend since he got elected.

Even up to last week it was Obama’s economy and now it is Trump’s again.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.

He did the full whammy in conservative economics.

Huge deep tax cuts for the rich and business. Removal a countless regulations on business, Wall Street and lenders. Tariff war with most of the rest of the world.

The bush boy did the same thing but the tariffs weren't a war. He put tariffs on steel. He did an actual war that destroyed millions of lives.

We all know how that worked out.

Meanwhile Ford says they will lose at least a billion dollars this year and have already started laying off workers because of those tariffs. The farmers of America being hit the worst. The good old family farm just can't survive this. trump has removed a lot of the new regulations on banks, lenders and Wall Street. Regulations put in place to prevent another collapse. Regulations on real estate lending have again been relaxed too. Then there's the environmental regulations he has removed. Which are going to end up costing us a lot of money to clean up. He gave business big tax cuts, effectively taking that money out of the economy since all those companies did was what they always do with tax cuts, bought their own stock back. Which takes more stock out of the market and more money out of circulation. It could have been used to pay workers more. Which would help keep that money in circulation because they will go out into the community and spend it. Tax revenues would increase since people are making more money.

Conservative economic policies only result in huge wage gaps, less upward mobility and damages or destroys economies.

We're going to have to bail out business and Wall Street. Again.

Could you please link the information on Ford Motor Company.

There you go.

Ford announces plan to lay off workers after tariffs cost them $1B

Thank you for the link. So there profit is a billion not that they lost a billion.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.
i see nothing there I have never invested in and never would.
You go to Disney. I have other things to concern myself with.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.
Not unusual the markets normally change after a long Bull market. The problems is we have had a historical long Bull market and have been over due for a Correction that the seams burst, now we will enter a change where the over priced stocks will fall and the under priced ones will rise. How long is unknow, I wish I knew I could make a ton of money so use caution during these type of markets. I think the correction might be a long one for 5 month or so..
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.

He did the full whammy in conservative economics.

Huge deep tax cuts for the rich and business. Removal a countless regulations on business, Wall Street and lenders. Tariff war with most of the rest of the world.

The bush boy did the same thing but the tariffs weren't a war. He put tariffs on steel. He did an actual war that destroyed millions of lives.

We all know how that worked out.

Meanwhile Ford says they will lose at least a billion dollars this year and have already started laying off workers because of those tariffs. The farmers of America being hit the worst. The good old family farm just can't survive this. trump has removed a lot of the new regulations on banks, lenders and Wall Street. Regulations put in place to prevent another collapse. Regulations on real estate lending have again been relaxed too. Then there's the environmental regulations he has removed. Which are going to end up costing us a lot of money to clean up. He gave business big tax cuts, effectively taking that money out of the economy since all those companies did was what they always do with tax cuts, bought their own stock back. Which takes more stock out of the market and more money out of circulation. It could have been used to pay workers more. Which would help keep that money in circulation because they will go out into the community and spend it. Tax revenues would increase since people are making more money.

Conservative economic policies only result in huge wage gaps, less upward mobility and damages or destroys economies.

We're going to have to bail out business and Wall Street. Again.

Could you please link the information on Ford Motor Company.
Just run a seach on Ford and you can find the info.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.

Oh, man, I might have the opportunity to drop a couple of grand in the market in a couple of weeks. Great to see Amazon taking a hit. Netflix? Mmm, maybe I should look into Hulu?
I am looking in to GE at this time but not very sure what I will find. I know Buffett sunk 15 billion into it at 15 bucks a share.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.
These are soft stocks and I would not deal in them.
Yup. The market goes up. The market goes down. That's the way it works.

Next week it could go through the roof. Of course if it does you won't hear a word from the lefty loons on this board.
I don't think it has but just one more bounce and it should go flat for a bit and the start waving up and down.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Same thing happened a month ago. It came back, and will again.

Oh it will most certainly come back. The real question is how low will it go, and how long will it take to recover.

My bet, the DOW will see 17,000 again before it sees 27,000. And Trump will have little to do with it, the real culprit is the Federal Reserve.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.

Unless you had stocks in those companies, you didn't lose a cent!

If you didn't sell your stocks at a lower price, you didn't lose anything either!

The stock market preys on people who do not understand how it works!

So if you were too poor to have anything, you didn't lose anything?

If you weathered the 2008 storm and left it in during the recession, look how much of a return you have had since, so you didn’t lose in 2008 and still far ahead.

And unless you plan on cashing out right now, you haven’t lost a thing.

This is a bear market, and bear markets don’t typical end until there is capitulation. We are a long way from capitulation judging from the comments on this thread. Look out belowwwwww....
The stack market is supposed to go up and down, there are issues in our economy and it can’t continue to grow and grow without downturns.

Unless you are selling now, you really haven’t lost anything.

I agree. The market goes up. The market goes down. That's the way it has always been.
Pelosi and the crazy left wing radicals in the house are scaring investors
Trump bet the economy on China blinking. Right when things were starting to cruise, he barfs out a trade war.

China hasn't blinked. China never really had to.

Additionally, we've probably hit peak growth, real estate has hit a wall, and bond yields are dropping.

Oh, and the deficit will be back up over a trillion.

So yeah, investors are pretty skittish right now. We'll see.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.
Trillion dollars lost, as of today in the tech sector alone. The Trump downturn continues....

Tech's 'FAANG' stocks have lost more than $1 trillion and counting from highs amid tech rout

Combined market capitalization losses since their 52-week highs hit $1.02 trillion on Tuesday:
  • Facebook: $253 billion
  • Amazon: $280 billion
  • Apple: $253 billion
  • Netflix: $67 billion
  • Alphabet: $164 billion

And to top it off democrats gained another House seat yesterday. Definitely not a good day to be a ReTrumplican.
From the article you posted.
"weakness in demand for Apple's products in China and other emerging markets," as well as a disappointing reception for the iPhone XR model."
"Facebook shares have slid 40 percent from their highs. A bevy of negative publicity has come since this summer, especially focused on top Facebook executives' handling of foreign influence on the 2016 U.S. election."
"Amazon shares continue a fall begun when it gave a fourth-quarter outlook on Oct. 25 that was much lower than expected. Netflix and Alphabet shares, meanwhile, have largely fallen in lockstep with the rest of the FAANG stocks."

Ok crazy try to explain how its Trump and the Republican Party's fault.
There is obviously a direct correlation between the number of DEMs now controlling Congress and the financial stability of the country.
After Trump was elected the economy started to boom. After the Dems won Congress the economy takes a hit.
That's NOT a coincidence.

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