HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!


Votes Behind
Ted Cruz
Donald Trump
John Kasich
Marco Rubio
All Others
Precincts Reporting
Total Votes
Was Cruz supposed to win Kansas?
No, the latest polls had him in double digits trailing Trump.

Something h as shifted in the political tectonics, methinks.

You think they are playing dirty against Trump again??

It's possible..... grrrrrrrrrrrrr
No, that would give the establishment too much credit.

I think Cruz picked up a lot of 'Carsonators' and Trump lost a big swath of conservative voters with his debate performance and the willingness he displayed to flip on some serious issues before even getting the nomination.
Maine Caucus Election Results

First results: Cruz leads by 13 points, with 5% reporting.

Kansas Caucus Election Results

Cruz leads by 24 points, with 42% reporting.

I noticed the caucuses are going to the people with the biggest organizations.

Not sure a caucus is really the will of the people.
Trump is winning our caucus, and he will likely win Maine as well.
Uh oh. It's early...but Fox just called Kansas for Cruz and Cruz is up big in Maine.

I'm a Trump supporter but I'm ok with Cruz also. Heck...I'd support Kasich too.

But is Trump hurting after that debate? I have to admit...the size of manhood comment and the "they'll do what I tell them" military comment kinda got to me. Otherwise I thought he did well. But those 2 may have swayed a few voters.

Okay so Kansas small state, Maine small state, not many delegates it's still okay for The Donald....there's Louisiana and the other one today that I can't remember and they're not reporting votes yet.

It's still okay for The Donald isn't it? Tell me it is....

I dont know. Isnt Kentucky a caucus state? That is Trumps achilles heel it would seem.

Plus, it seems a sizable shift may have occurred and the media totally missed it, of course, as they think what they say and repeat to each other is the *real* news.
Nate Silver 7:03 PM
A Bad Night For Marco Rubio
It’s been a real bad night for Rubio, who has just 15 percent of the vote in Kansas and 9 percent in Maine based on results reported to date. Cruz, in my view and that of prediction markets, is now the second-most likely candidate to win the GOP nomination after Trump.

The only silver lining for Rubio is that Trump is having a really bad night also. At the very least, Trump’s results aren’t consistent with those of an “inevitable” nominee. It’s also possible that Trump’s numbers are in decline, but we’ll know more about that after Kentucky and Louisiana results are in and after Michigan and Mississippi vote on Tuesday.

If so, that opens up some possibilities for other candidates down the road, including an outcome where Cruz and Trump each wind up with something like 40 percent of delegates, with the other 20 percent belonging to Rubio, Kasich or going into the convention unbound. One almost wonders whether Rubio and Kasich, either of whom probably require a contested convention to win the nomination, might find ways to start working together.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.
WoooooooHooooo! Go Ted!

You can always tell who the man is when liberal weenies are scared, rooting for some loser. :lmao:

Scared? Don't be silly, nutbag.

I love Ted. He's my number 1 GOP candidate. True story.

I'd like him to stop claiming that single mom's are working two and three jobs.....for 28 or 29 hours because Obamacare made employers cut their hours. That's really stupid, isn't it? If they have two jobs....they can work 20 hours at both and VOILA! They have full time hours.

Ol' Ted thinks his supporters are imbeciles.

:lmao: You actually think that's good logic. Thus we see how libtards don't bat an eye when they fuck with people's lives and the trite reasoning use.
Rubio is DONE.

Trump performing about the same in Kansas as in Iowa.

Rubio has TANKED.

CNN just did a shot from a large Wichita site where they are counting the votes. Even in strong Rubio territory, near major population centers, he got SMOKED.

Look for THE ESTABLISHMENT to rally to Ted Cruz now!
The problem with that is that they hate Cruz much more than they hate Trump.

Cruzes 'Second Mouse' strategy may have allowed Trump to take enough Establishment heat that their big guns are now spent and Cruz can sprint to the nomination.

Must remember that with Carson out, it appears a vast majority of them went to Cruz...difficult to understand when Cruz SUPPOSEDLY played that DIRTY TRICK on the good Dr. in Iowa!
Someone in the Cruz ORGANIZATION pulled that shitty little trick. I hesitate to say it was Cruz.
Uh oh. It's early...but Fox just called Kansas for Cruz and Cruz is up big in Maine.

I'm a Trump supporter but I'm ok with Cruz also. Heck...I'd support Kasich too.

But is Trump hurting after that debate? I have to admit...the size of manhood comment and the "they'll do what I tell them" military comment kinda got to me. Otherwise I thought he did well. But those 2 may have swayed a few voters.

Okay so Kansas small state, Maine small state, not many delegates it's still okay for The Donald....there's Louisiana and the other one today that I can't remember and they're not reporting votes yet.

It's still okay for The Donald isn't it? Tell me it is....

It's the primaries dingbat
Not the general election

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I know that, I mean these are small states, so they shouldn't affect Trump overall, Kansas and Maine as insignificant as Iowa.
The problem for you is Maine bucks the trend of Trump winning northeastern states. Worrying trend for Trump to handily lose a state he'd be expected to handily win. Kentucky and Louisiana should be very interesting.
I can see Rubio as a vice presidential candidate.

Eight years of Trump as president with Cruz as VP
Then eight years of President Cruz with Rubio as his apprentice (VP)
THEN Rubio MIGHT be ready to be president.

But that's no "gimme".

Click on "list" below to see whose little feelies just got gored!
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Let's hope the important states continue to vote for The Donald rather than the ridiculous zionist basketcase douchebag, Cruz. No way The Donald will have any direct associate with that nut.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.

Ted Cruz reminds me of Bush number 2
If it wasn't a booger, what was it?

Meanwhile...I think Trump lost some steam due to his final cracking at the double whammies he was getting from Cruz and Rubio. And I still think he's a plant so Hillary wins.

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