HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

If it wasn't a booger, what was it?

Meanwhile...I think Trump lost some steam due to his final cracking at the double whammies he was getting from Cruz and Rubio. And I still think he's a plant so Hillary wins.
You're gross.

Oh yeah I think you have me on ignore. If you keep being gross, I'll do the same. Yuck!
Uh oh. It's early...but Fox just called Kansas for Cruz and Cruz is up big in Maine.

I'm a Trump supporter but I'm ok with Cruz also. Heck...I'd support Kasich too.

But is Trump hurting after that debate? I have to admit...the size of manhood comment and the "they'll do what I tell them" military comment kinda got to me. Otherwise I thought he did well. But those 2 may have swayed a few voters.

Okay so Kansas small state, Maine small state, not many delegates it's still okay for The Donald....there's Louisiana and the other one today that I can't remember and they're not reporting votes yet.

It's still okay for The Donald isn't it? Tell me it is....

I dont know. Isnt Kentucky a caucus state? That is Trumps achilles heel it would seem.

Plus, it seems a sizable shift may have occurred and the media totally missed it, of course, as they think what they say and repeat to each other is the *real* news.

I'm reading Kansas is Caucus like Iowa, also Kansas like Iowa = Evangelicals. I don't know about Kentucky.

I agree that the Caucus thing, sounds like Kool-Aid type stuff, as you say they all repeat to each other what they say is the "real" news etc.

The Primary thing is much better, actual voting as opposed to hearsay and gossip.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.
A lot of people will regret voting for Trump if he wins the election.

YOU should LOVE Trump, everyone knows he's a MODERATE!
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.
A lot of people will regret voting for Trump if he wins the election.

YOU should LOVE Trump, everyone knows he's a MODERATE!
No one knows a damn thing. I suspect he's a fascist and would have little patience with our system of government.
One thing is for sure. Rubio is toast.
No he isn't. None of these were good states for Rubio.
Yes, he is. He's behind two other candidates, both hated by the establishment. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell to win the nomination.

The main point is that the only two candidates with a viable path to winning the nomination on a first ballot are both anti-establishment leaders.

I see this as a win-win for America's middle class, either way, Trump or Cruz.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.
A lot of people will regret voting for Trump if he wins the election.

YOU should LOVE Trump, everyone knows he's a MODERATE!
No one knows a damn thing. I suspect he's a fascist and would have little patience with our system of government.

You've mixed up the 2 Commie DemoRATS with Trump...They both want to TAX THE SHIT out of you and me, Trump actually DROPS the TAX RATE.... Are you actually paying attention, or getting paid by the scum of the left to post stupid shit?
Trump is winning LA.
But splitting four states in the context of the expectations, is a disaster for Trump, methinks.

Tonight belongs to Ted Cruz and I think he will gather more momentum in the following three weeks.
Not a disaster if he wins the two larger states. Kansas shouldn't worry him at all. Maine should be worrying, but it is a caucus and Mainers are weirdos like Alaskans.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.

Ted Cruz reminds me of Bush number 2
Cruz is not my man for this election he is one scary bastard
Trump is winning LA.
But splitting four states in the context of the expectations, is a disaster for Trump, methinks.

Tonight belongs to Ted Cruz and I think he will gather more momentum in the following three weeks.
Not a disaster if he wins the two larger states. Kansas shouldn't worry him at all. Maine should be worrying, but it is a caucus and Mainers are weirdos like Alaskans.
It is a disaster because it is giving Cruz momentum and is cutting into Trumps claim to be the sure winner.

Ideally for Trump he should have swept all four states and that is what most people expected.

I hate to say it, but Trump is way too exclusively strong among Evangelicals in the Deep South and Cruz is stronger among Western Evangelicals and almost everywhere else....

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