HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

Rubio is DONE.

Trump performing about the same in Kansas as in Iowa.

Rubio has TANKED.

CNN just did a shot from a large Wichita site where they are counting the votes. Even in strong Rubio territory, near major population centers, he got SMOKED.

Look for THE ESTABLISHMENT to rally to Ted Cruz now!
The problem with that is that they hate Cruz much more than they hate Trump.

Cruzes 'Second Mouse' strategy may have allowed Trump to take enough Establishment heat that their big guns are now spent and Cruz can sprint to the nomination.

Must remember that with Carson out, it appears a vast majority of them went to Cruz...difficult to understand when Cruz SUPPOSEDLY played that DIRTY TRICK on the good Dr. in Iowa!
Someone in the Cruz ORGANIZATION pulled that shitty little trick. I hesitate to say it was Cruz.

Must remember that the CANDIDATE takes all the blame, and all the glory!

Votes Behind
Ted Cruz
Donald Trump
John Kasich
Marco Rubio
All Others
Precincts Reporting
Total Votes
It's Lying Ted by a nose
Stumpy Fingers a close second

Little Marco bringing up the rear
Ted Cruz will not be able to win a national election.

If he's the nominee, start practicing saying "P-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t C-l-i-n-t-o-n !"
According to many polls Cruz has a better chance of beating Hillary than anyone but Kasich.

Trump is such a wild card it's difficult to accurately predict how things will go in the campaign in the general election.
You know however what you're going to get with Cruz, and in America 2016 there just are not enough Americans today that believe in what Cruz does.

He will absolutely lose !!!
And yet the polls say otherwise.
The polls had Trump winning everything today...That didn't quite work out!
The Sphynxian riddle is 'Why did we not see about a 15% shift to Cruz?'

Votes Behind
Ted Cruz
Donald Trump
John Kasich
Marco Rubio
All Others
Precincts Reporting
Total Votes
It's Lying Ted by a nose
Stumpy Fingers a close second

Little Marco bringing up the rear

So says a brain dead, Hildebeast voter! :9:
Ted Cruz will not be able to win a national election.

If he's the nominee, start practicing saying "P-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t C-l-i-n-t-o-n !"
According to many polls Cruz has a better chance of beating Hillary than anyone but Kasich.

Trump is such a wild card it's difficult to accurately predict how things will go in the campaign in the general election.
You know however what you're going to get with Cruz, and in America 2016 there just are not enough Americans today that believe in what Cruz does.

He will absolutely lose !!!
And yet the polls say otherwise.
The polls had Trump winning everything today...That didn't quite work out!
The Sphynxian riddle is 'Why did we not see about a 15% shift to Cruz?'

Poor Debate performance by Trump,and a Carson exit...PLUS so much BAD PR by the Establishment!
No, that would give the establishment too much credit.

I think Cruz picked up a lot of 'Carsonators' and Trump lost a big swath of conservative voters with his debate performance and the willingness he displayed to flip on some serious issues before even getting the nomination.

yep, Job hanging by thread. To be laid off by HR Mohammed and cotton top boss. H1B my arse! Many Americans let go for Mo. If those two read in here? this point what difference.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.
Dude, dont worry about it; we all make mistakes and the difference between Trump and Cruz is mostly style and reflexive Trump vrs Reflective Cruz.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.

Ted Cruz reminds me of Bush number 2
According to many polls Cruz has a better chance of beating Hillary than anyone but Kasich.

Trump is such a wild card it's difficult to accurately predict how things will go in the campaign in the general election.
You know however what you're going to get with Cruz, and in America 2016 there just are not enough Americans today that believe in what Cruz does.

He will absolutely lose !!!
And yet the polls say otherwise.
The polls had Trump winning everything today...That didn't quite work out!
The Sphynxian riddle is 'Why did we not see about a 15% shift to Cruz?'

Poor Debate performance by Trump,and a Carson exit...PLUS so much BAD PR by the Establishment!
But why did no one perceive this shift?

Was the media so busy circle jerking to Trumps demise that they just didnt pay attention to what was happening beneath their noses?
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.
A lot of people will regret voting for Trump if he wins the election.
No, that would give the establishment too much credit.

I think Cruz picked up a lot of 'Carsonators' and Trump lost a big swath of conservative voters with his debate performance and the willingness he displayed to flip on some serious issues before even getting the nomination.

yep, Job hanging by thread. To be laid off by HR Mohammed and cotton top boss. H1B my arse! Many Americans let go for Mo. If those two read in here? this point what difference.
Cruz is also very strong against H1-B abuse, just like Trump.

But I feel far more confident that around April of 2017 Cruz will STILL be against it. Not so much Trump.

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