HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.

Ted Cruz reminds me of Bush number 2
Cruz is not my man for this election he is one scary bastard
says the man with a green face, lol
Cruz is not going to win the nomination by getting a few more delegates than Trump in Kansas and Maine. Cruz didn't get over 50% so the delegates will be split with half going to Trump.
Good day for Cruz thus far.

Not a bad day for Kasich.

A bad day for Trump.

A really bad day for Rubio.
Bad day for Kasich ... very poor finish in Maine, just like Massachusetts.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.

Ted Cruz reminds me of Bush number 2

what's that LOL ^^^^
Meaning I'll take your word for it.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.
A lot of people will regret voting for Trump if he wins the election.

YOU should LOVE Trump, everyone knows he's a MODERATE!
No one knows a damn thing. I suspect he's a fascist and would have little patience with our system of government.

You've mixed up the 2 Commie DemoRATS with Trump...They both want to TAX THE SHIT out of you and me, Trump actually DROPS the TAX RATE.... Are you actually paying attention, or getting paid by the scum of the left to post stupid shit?
I am of course a paid poster. A very effective propagandist. I am the leader of my propaganda unit. YOU WILL BECOME LIKE US!
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.
A lot of people will regret voting for Trump if he wins the election.

YOU should LOVE Trump, everyone knows he's a MODERATE!
No one knows a damn thing. I suspect he's a fascist and would have little patience with our system of government.

You've mixed up the 2 Commie DemoRATS with Trump...They both want to TAX THE SHIT out of you and me, Trump actually DROPS the TAX RATE.... Are you actually paying attention, or getting paid by the scum of the left to post stupid shit?
I am of course a paid poster. A very effective propagandist. I am the leader of my propaganda unit. YOU WILL BECOME LIKE US!

Who will get the Rubio voters ?

At some point, if he doesn't fold his tent it will be folded for him.
I read something a few weeks ago that said if Cruz dropped out, 2/3rds would go to Trump and the rest diffused among the rest.

But if Rubio dropped out, 3/4rs go to Cruz.

So for the Establishment, they should support Cruz to keep Trump from winning, and they are not because they hate Cruz even more than they hate Trump.

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