HUGE UPSETS in the making???...It's TED CRUZ!!!!!

It only helps Trump because he is focusing on Rubio. He knows the party's eye of moldor is focuses on him. Kill the eye and you kill any opposition to him. Trump has brilliant political instincts.
Huckabee and Santorum also won ME.

Not a surprise.

Spin it all you want, Cruz had a good weekend and it looks like he did far better than expected in kentucky. And with Rubio doing poorly that's going to give Cruz momentum going forward.
In a way I regret voting for Donald Trump. I said on this board a while ago the Ted Cruz, in his speech and style reminded me of Ronald Reagan. I meant it. Whether he does anything similar to what Reagan did is debatable. He's making me second guess myself right now.

Ted Cruz reminds me of Bush number 2
Cruz is not my man for this election he is one scary bastard
says the man with a green face, lol
at least I am not an aged vampire that lives in mydaughter's basement
It only helps Trump because he is focusing on Rubio. He knows the party's eye of moldor is focuses on him. Kill the eye and you kill any opposition to him. Trump has brilliant political instincts.
Except the surveys say that Cruz picks up 2/3rds of Rubios supporters if he drops.

Trump must take out Rubio, no doubt, leaving only Kasich as an acceptable establishment man, but Kasich is trying to avoid the Establishment Man label like the plague. Can you blame him?

The GOP Establishment is now radioactive.
Maine -> As of 7:41PM - only 230 votes separating them ...

Who will get the Rubio voters ?

At some point, if he doesn't fold his tent it will be folded for him.
I read something a few weeks ago that said if Cruz dropped out, 2/3rds would go to Trump and the rest diffused among the rest.

But if Rubio dropped out, 3/4rs go to Cruz.

So for the Establishment, they should support Cruz to keep Trump from winning, and they are not because they hate Cruz even more than they hate Trump.

That's beginning to change as Trump becomes more unhinged. That's why Romney mentioned Cruz in his speech.
In January, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham likened picking between Trump and Cruz to "like being shot or poisoned. What does it really matter?"

Except Graham, like me, has come to the unexpected conclusion that it does. "We may be in a position where we have to rally around Ted Cruz as the only way to stop Donald Trump," Graham told CBS News' Charlie Rose as the Super Tuesday returns rolled in.


Trump on the trail demonstrates scant respect for, and even less knowledge of, constitutional and legal limitations. He wants to "open up the libel laws" -- actually, to undo limits imposed by the First Amendment -- to make it easier to sue media outlets that dare to criticize him. He threatens those who contribute to his political opponents. "They better be careful, they have a lot to hide," he warned Chicago's Ricketts family, which has donated to an anti-Trump super-PAC.

He cannot tolerate protesters, ordering his goons to "throw them out into the cold" and expressing his own yearning for even more violent measures: "I'd like to punch him in the face." He would torture alleged terrorists ("Don't tell me it doesn't work -- torture works," he said) and kill their families, notwithstanding that these constitute war crimes under U.S. and international law.

You could dismiss this as over-the-top campaign trail rhetoric -- or you could worry, as I do, about what a man like this would do once in office, with the power of government at his disposal. A former White House chief of staff once told me that the most astonishing aspect of the presidency isn't how constrained the chief executive is by having to deal with a recalcitrant Congress -- it's how much latitude the president has when it comes to conducting military operations.

Perhaps the military would refuse to follow President Trump's unlawful orders, as former CIA Director Michael Hayden suggested. What about the order -- issued in a fit of pique against a foreign critic -- that is lawful but crazy?

Trump is Nixon with all of the megalomaniacal willingness to abuse power and none of the crafty realpolitik. He is attracted to strongmen, past and present -- unapologetically retweeting a quote from Mussolini ("What difference does it make whether it's Mussolini or somebody else?") and basking in praise from Vladimir Putin.

Of the Republican speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, Trump said menacingly, on the night of his Super Tuesday victories, "I'm sure I'm going to get along with him, and if I don't, he's going to pay a big price."​

The Steep Price of a Trump Presidency | RealClearPolitics
Who will get the Rubio voters ?

At some point, if he doesn't fold his tent it will be folded for him.
I read something a few weeks ago that said if Cruz dropped out, 2/3rds would go to Trump and the rest diffused among the rest.

But if Rubio dropped out, 3/4rs go to Cruz.

So for the Establishment, they should support Cruz to keep Trump from winning, and they are not because they hate Cruz even more than they hate Trump.

That's beginning to change as Trump becomes more unhinged. That's why Romney mentioned Cruz in his speech.
I dont think Trump is becoming MORE unhinged.

He has always been an eclectic preference.
Who will get the Rubio voters ?

At some point, if he doesn't fold his tent it will be folded for him.
I read something a few weeks ago that said if Cruz dropped out, 2/3rds would go to Trump and the rest diffused among the rest.

But if Rubio dropped out, 3/4rs go to Cruz.

So for the Establishment, they should support Cruz to keep Trump from winning, and they are not because they hate Cruz even more than they hate Trump.

So that means what? The Donald will be okay and I don't have to start drinking or something? :lol:
Who will get the Rubio voters ?

At some point, if he doesn't fold his tent it will be folded for him.
I read something a few weeks ago that said if Cruz dropped out, 2/3rds would go to Trump and the rest diffused among the rest.

But if Rubio dropped out, 3/4rs go to Cruz.

So for the Establishment, they should support Cruz to keep Trump from winning, and they are not because they hate Cruz even more than they hate Trump.

That's beginning to change as Trump becomes more unhinged. That's why Romney mentioned Cruz in his speech.
I dont think Trump is becoming MORE unhinged.

He has always been an eclectic preference.

"He has always been an eclectic preference."

How very diplomatically put darling :wink:
Who will get the Rubio voters ?

At some point, if he doesn't fold his tent it will be folded for him.
I read something a few weeks ago that said if Cruz dropped out, 2/3rds would go to Trump and the rest diffused among the rest.

But if Rubio dropped out, 3/4rs go to Cruz.

So for the Establishment, they should support Cruz to keep Trump from winning, and they are not because they hate Cruz even more than they hate Trump.

So that means what? The Donald will be okay and I don't have to start drinking or something? :lol:

i think it means that as other candidates drop out, Cruz grows in support.

So Trump needs to extract candidates and grab most of their supporters as well and that is a tall order for anyone, especially Trump.

Trump has the inside lane, but Cruz is definitely coming up on the outside.
With COMBINED delegates, and a HATRED of the establishment, I can see this happening!

But what are the odds of that happening when Trujmp calls Cruz a liar and Cruz calls Trumps conservatism into question at every campaing stop?

Will they let the dust settle and shake hands?

I think there is a good chance of that, but I cant see Trump accepting to be anyones VP.

The only way this happens is if they cut a deal after Rubio drops out. Ted accepting VP and Trump getting Cruz' quiet cooperation to lessen his efforts the rest of the campaign and let Trump win a play fight.

Republicans are very good at play fighting.
With COMBINED delegates, and a HATRED of the establishment, I can see this happening!

But what are the odds of that happening when Trujmp calls Cruz a liar and Cruz calls Trumps conservatism into question at every campaing stop?

Will they let the dust settle and shake hands?

I think there is a good chance of that, but I cant see Trump accepting to be anyones VP.

The only way this happens is if they cut a deal after Rubio drops out. Ted accepting VP and Trump getting Cruz' quiet cooperation to lessen his efforts the rest of the campaign and let Trump win a play fight.

Republicans are very good at play fighting.

Bush I called Reagan all sorts of names...and look what happened.... Does anyone realize that in August 1980 Reagan was polling 20% behind Carter, and ended up winning 44 states?

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