Human Caused Global Warming

You can tell yourself that all you want, but it isn't going to make it true.

Go to IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and read FAR, SAR, TAR, AR4 and AR5. If you're hungry for more, read the many thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies on which those assessment reports are based.

When you have a case that can top all that evidence, come back and let us know.

Your ignorance amuses me.

Yours doesn't
Just so I'm clear, you're saying that in those reports is evidence/ proof of human caused warming? Just making sure. Tell you what, if that is what you're saying can you attach the line from one of them that actually shows such evidence?
You can tell yourself that all you want, but it isn't going to make it true.

Go to IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and read FAR, SAR, TAR, AR4 and AR5. If you're hungry for more, read the many thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies on which those assessment reports are based.

When you have a case that can top all that evidence, come back and let us know.

Your ignorance amuses me.

Yours doesn't
Just so I'm clear, you're saying that in those reports is evidence/ proof of human caused warming? Just making sure. Tell you what, if that is what you're saying can you attach the line from one of them that actually shows such evidence?

It is amazing, isn't it....what passes for "evidence" in the eyes of certain people. It is true....there is one born every minute.
There is a large lake drying up in Russia too. But from what I hear, much of it is due to water being taken out for things like agriculture than it is being replenished. But lake Chad is different. That can be laid at the doorstep of human caused global warming. If you want, you could probably look up the cause on the internet and call the people making that claim liars too.
Dude, you can't prove jack so shut up already. You have a nice pretty picture of an empty something. Good for you. Hope it helps you sleep at night. Doesn't do jack here though, so either prove your point or move on!!! WiNNiNg
The pictures I included showed one of the proofs of human caused global warming. And seeing how this whole thread is about human caused global warming, it does do "jack" here. You know, if you're getting tired of being proven wrong, all you have to do is bow out of the discussion entirely.
proven? You have none. Admitted such. you're so losing dude. but all that you posted is crap!!!! Let's just get the story straight. you first prove human evidence and then let's go from there.
I have given you plenty of proof that goes in one ear and out the other. But I have known for quite some time that you and people like you are just gadflies. The point is to not make a point. It is to just keep talking nonsence because it amuses you. But if you want to continue your silliness, feel free to do so. It doesn't bother me.
Nope, sorry you haven't, you are just LoSiNg. so typical for your side. See there is no proof of humans affecting temperature or climate or anything other than the stoopoids like yourself. So, I will just tell you that no matter how many times you wish to post that ridiculas statement, it just isn't factual. You're a fraud!!!!
So you like being told the same thing over and over again so you can deny it. As you wish. All the earths' volcanos put an estimated 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. Human activities put out an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, the science behind CO2 being a greenhouse gas is well understood. On top of that, the higher temperatures it causes also causes more methane to be released. Which is a far more potent greenhouse gas.
On top of that, the diminishing ice absorbs more sunlight. Causing temperatures to rise even more. When you put all of this into a feedback loop, it proves that you are not only losing, but you must also be a psycho. Or a sociopath. It's hard to decide which. Also, as I said before, in the extremely unlikely event that I'm wrong, so what. What's the worse that can happen. Our economy gets turned into one that is more efficient, sustainable and ecologically friendly. (I say with a sarcastic tone to my voice) How horrible that would be! But what if you're wrong. (Which you are) The consequences will be horrendous. Put that in your denier pipe and smoke it.
There is a large lake drying up in Russia too. But from what I hear, much of it is due to water being taken out for things like agriculture than it is being replenished. But lake Chad is different. That can be laid at the doorstep of human caused global warming. If you want, you could probably look up the cause on the internet and call the people making that claim liars too.
Dude, you can't prove jack so shut up already. You have a nice pretty picture of an empty something. Good for you. Hope it helps you sleep at night. Doesn't do jack here though, so either prove your point or move on!!! WiNNiNg
The pictures I included showed one of the proofs of human caused global warming. And seeing how this whole thread is about human caused global warming, it does do "jack" here. You know, if you're getting tired of being proven wrong, all you have to do is bow out of the discussion entirely.
proven? You have none. Admitted such. you're so losing dude. but all that you posted is crap!!!! Let's just get the story straight. you first prove human evidence and then let's go from there.
I have given you plenty of proof that goes in one ear and out the other. But I have known for quite some time that you and people like you are just gadflies. The point is to not make a point. It is to just keep talking nonsence because it amuses you. But if you want to continue your silliness, feel free to do so. It doesn't bother me.


I have given you plenty of proof

You can tell yourself that all you want, but it isn't going to make it true. :cuckoo:

Your ignorance amuses me.
What I have to say is far more true than it needs to be. You can call me ignorant if you want. But here's a point that even you can't deny. My "ignorance" isn't in any danger of destroying the planet.
Why didn't you bring up the thing about most scientists believing at one time that it was impossible to fly. Or go faster than the speed of sound. Or be able to go to the moon. Or that man evolved and wasn't created by some god. Sure, science isn't always perfect. But it adapts. Cultist deniers don't. At least not nearly so easly. As for your assertion that science is stuck in the 19th century, I have to laugh upon you. If science is stuck in anything, it is in the scientific method. Which is where I hope it will always be stuck.

And still no predictable is that?
It is clear to me that you don't want proof. I tell you how much more CO2 humans put out compared to all the earth's volcanos, it does no good. I point out the entire ice cap of greenland undergoing some melting, it does no good. I show various graphs and pictures of lake Chad drying up, it does no good. As I said either to you or some other denier, the kind of proof that would satisfy you doesn't exist.
Dude, you can't prove jack so shut up already. You have a nice pretty picture of an empty something. Good for you. Hope it helps you sleep at night. Doesn't do jack here though, so either prove your point or move on!!! WiNNiNg
The pictures I included showed one of the proofs of human caused global warming. And seeing how this whole thread is about human caused global warming, it does do "jack" here. You know, if you're getting tired of being proven wrong, all you have to do is bow out of the discussion entirely.
proven? You have none. Admitted such. you're so losing dude. but all that you posted is crap!!!! Let's just get the story straight. you first prove human evidence and then let's go from there.
I have given you plenty of proof that goes in one ear and out the other. But I have known for quite some time that you and people like you are just gadflies. The point is to not make a point. It is to just keep talking nonsence because it amuses you. But if you want to continue your silliness, feel free to do so. It doesn't bother me.
Nope, sorry you haven't, you are just LoSiNg. so typical for your side. See there is no proof of humans affecting temperature or climate or anything other than the stoopoids like yourself. So, I will just tell you that no matter how many times you wish to post that ridiculas statement, it just isn't factual. You're a fraud!!!!
So you like being told the same thing over and over again so you can deny it. As you wish. All the earths' volcanos put an estimated 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. Human activities put out an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, the science behind CO2 being a greenhouse gas is well understood. On top of that, the higher temperatures it causes also causes more methane to be released. Which is a far more potent greenhouse gas.
On top of that, the diminishing ice absorbs more sunlight. Causing temperatures to rise even more. When you put all of this into a feedback loop, it proves that you are not only losing, but you must also be a psycho. Or a sociopath. It's hard to decide which. Also, as I said before, in the extremely unlikely event that I'm wrong, so what. What's the worse that can happen. Our economy gets turned into one that is more efficient, sustainable and ecologically friendly. (I say with a sarcastic tone to my voice) How horrible that would be! But what if you're wrong. (Which you are) The consequences will be horrendous. Put that in your denier pipe and smoke it.
So you still haven't provided any proof of anything you've been writing. And since I live in a democracy we'll vote for our reps to represent our economics moving forward. I disagree with all you write. Accept that. You aren't going to change it. But please, gather evidence to prove a point, it helps get you an audience.
There is a large lake drying up in Russia too. But from what I hear, much of it is due to water being taken out for things like agriculture than it is being replenished. But lake Chad is different. That can be laid at the doorstep of human caused global warming. If you want, you could probably look up the cause on the internet and call the people making that claim liars too.

Are you saying that lakes never dried up before humans invented the internal combustion engine? And human caused global warming is an assumption which has no hard proof in its support...every predicted human fingerprint that would prove we were altering the global climate has stubbornly refused to appear....including warming.
I don't know that much about historical ecology. But obviously the lakes that formed various salt flats out west dried up. Though I couldn't say how long ago. As for the pictures of lake Chad that I showed you, apparently things have improved some in recent years. But how long that will last, who knows. Half of the water loss is said to have come from shifting weather patterns. That is probably due to human caused global warming.

According to a documentary I was watching years ago, humans have been having an impact on the environment for centuries. Causing deseritification all around the Mediterranean. Human caused activities are also said to have been the reason behind the collapse of some Centeral American empire. And all of this happened before human caused global warming. All of these things and more don't paint the pretty picture you would like to portray.
I have given you plenty of proof that goes in one ear and out the other. But I have known for quite some time that you and people like you are just gadflies. The point is to not make a point. It is to just keep talking nonsence because it amuses you. But if you want to continue your silliness, feel free to do so. It doesn't bother me.

The only thing you have given proof of is that you are a sucker for assumptions. You are among those who are willing to give human caused global warming credit for everything even though human caused caused global warming is far from being proven. You see it...someone tells you it is due to AGW and you believe.
Human caused global warming is a fact. Just because you want to attribute it to natural variations doesn't prove anything. Though it's beyond me how you can attribute HCGW to natural variations when humans are causing 26.8 billion tons of CO2 to be released into the atmosphere each year.
The pictures I included showed one of the proofs of human caused global warming. And seeing how this whole thread is about human caused global warming, it does do "jack" here. You know, if you're getting tired of being proven wrong, all you have to do is bow out of the discussion entirely.
proven? You have none. Admitted such. you're so losing dude. but all that you posted is crap!!!! Let's just get the story straight. you first prove human evidence and then let's go from there.
I have given you plenty of proof that goes in one ear and out the other. But I have known for quite some time that you and people like you are just gadflies. The point is to not make a point. It is to just keep talking nonsence because it amuses you. But if you want to continue your silliness, feel free to do so. It doesn't bother me.
Nope, sorry you haven't, you are just LoSiNg. so typical for your side. See there is no proof of humans affecting temperature or climate or anything other than the stoopoids like yourself. So, I will just tell you that no matter how many times you wish to post that ridiculas statement, it just isn't factual. You're a fraud!!!!
So you like being told the same thing over and over again so you can deny it. As you wish. All the earths' volcanos put an estimated 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. Human activities put out an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, the science behind CO2 being a greenhouse gas is well understood. On top of that, the higher temperatures it causes also causes more methane to be released. Which is a far more potent greenhouse gas.
On top of that, the diminishing ice absorbs more sunlight. Causing temperatures to rise even more. When you put all of this into a feedback loop, it proves that you are not only losing, but you must also be a psycho. Or a sociopath. It's hard to decide which. Also, as I said before, in the extremely unlikely event that I'm wrong, so what. What's the worse that can happen. Our economy gets turned into one that is more efficient, sustainable and ecologically friendly. (I say with a sarcastic tone to my voice) How horrible that would be! But what if you're wrong. (Which you are) The consequences will be horrendous. Put that in your denier pipe and smoke it.
So you still haven't provided any proof of anything you've been writing. And since I live in a democracy we'll vote for our reps to represent our economics moving forward. I disagree with all you write. Accept that. You aren't going to change it. But please, gather evidence to prove a point, it helps get you an audience.
You speak of our economy moving forward. But where exactly do you think it is moving forward to. I can tell you where. Overpopulation, increased CO2 emissions, ever decreasing fish stocks, more deseritification, etc. You know, when bacteria like you live in a petri dish, there is only so much petri dish. The idea that more and more and more is the answer is not only delusional, but pathetic.
Human Caused Global Warming is a myth..

Human Caused Global Pollution is another story entirely.
HCGW is a reality. As for overpopulation, that is a different story. For White people, the numbers aren't going up. But they are for non-whites everywhere else in the world. Some of it can probably be due to it being a substitute for social security. But not all of it. Also, there is probably no limit as to how "secure" most of these people would like to be in their old age. Which is just plain greed.

As I was telling someone else once, maybe for instance the U.S. should invade Centeral America and impose our will there. Make them institute a social security system so such people wouldn't feel as much need to have as many children as possible. But that would probably cause a lot of resentment among such people against the "gringos."
Human Caused Global Warming is a myth..

Human Caused Global Pollution is another story entirely.
HCGW is a reality. As for overpopulation, that is a different story. For White people, the numbers aren't going up. But they are for non-whites everywhere else in the world. Some of it can probably be due to it being a substitute for social security. But not all of it. Also, there is probably no limit as to how "secure" most of these people would like to be in their old age. Which is just plain greed.

As I was telling someone else once, maybe for instance the U.S. should invade Centeral America and impose our will there. Make them institute a social security system so such people wouldn't feel as much need to have as many children as possible. But that would probably cause a lot of resentment among such people against the "gringos."
dude, we don't care, again, don't you get that? Your info is all bullshit and we know it. So trying to push off lies and fear is shameful.
proven? You have none. Admitted such. you're so losing dude. but all that you posted is crap!!!! Let's just get the story straight. you first prove human evidence and then let's go from there.
I have given you plenty of proof that goes in one ear and out the other. But I have known for quite some time that you and people like you are just gadflies. The point is to not make a point. It is to just keep talking nonsence because it amuses you. But if you want to continue your silliness, feel free to do so. It doesn't bother me.
Nope, sorry you haven't, you are just LoSiNg. so typical for your side. See there is no proof of humans affecting temperature or climate or anything other than the stoopoids like yourself. So, I will just tell you that no matter how many times you wish to post that ridiculas statement, it just isn't factual. You're a fraud!!!!
So you like being told the same thing over and over again so you can deny it. As you wish. All the earths' volcanos put an estimated 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. Human activities put out an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, the science behind CO2 being a greenhouse gas is well understood. On top of that, the higher temperatures it causes also causes more methane to be released. Which is a far more potent greenhouse gas.
On top of that, the diminishing ice absorbs more sunlight. Causing temperatures to rise even more. When you put all of this into a feedback loop, it proves that you are not only losing, but you must also be a psycho. Or a sociopath. It's hard to decide which. Also, as I said before, in the extremely unlikely event that I'm wrong, so what. What's the worse that can happen. Our economy gets turned into one that is more efficient, sustainable and ecologically friendly. (I say with a sarcastic tone to my voice) How horrible that would be! But what if you're wrong. (Which you are) The consequences will be horrendous. Put that in your denier pipe and smoke it.
So you still haven't provided any proof of anything you've been writing. And since I live in a democracy we'll vote for our reps to represent our economics moving forward. I disagree with all you write. Accept that. You aren't going to change it. But please, gather evidence to prove a point, it helps get you an audience.
You speak of our economy moving forward. But where exactly do you think it is moving forward to. I can tell you where. Overpopulation, increased CO2 emissions, ever decreasing fish stocks, more deseritification, etc. You know, when bacteria like you live in a petri dish, there is only so much petri dish. The idea that more and more and more is the answer is not only delusional, but pathetic.
Individualism is what I promote k00k! It's what the k00ks like you fear the most. People thinking for themselves. Makes them less dependant on k00ks like you. Find out your enemy and what they're talking about.
Human Caused Global Warming is a myth..

Human Caused Global Pollution is another story entirely.
HCGW is a reality. As for overpopulation, that is a different story. For White people, the numbers aren't going up. But they are for non-whites everywhere else in the world. Some of it can probably be due to it being a substitute for social security. But not all of it. Also, there is probably no limit as to how "secure" most of these people would like to be in their old age. Which is just plain greed.

As I was telling someone else once, maybe for instance the U.S. should invade Centeral America and impose our will there. Make them institute a social security system so such people wouldn't feel as much need to have as many children as possible. But that would probably cause a lot of resentment among such people against the "gringos."
dude, we don't care, again, don't you get that? Your info is all bullshit and we know it. So trying to push off lies and fear is shameful.
You keep saying my information is bullshit. What information is that. Maybe I could narrow down the field for you a little.
Human Caused Global Warming is a myth..

Human Caused Global Pollution is another story entirely.
HCGW is a reality. As for overpopulation, that is a different story. For White people, the numbers aren't going up. But they are for non-whites everywhere else in the world. Some of it can probably be due to it being a substitute for social security. But not all of it. Also, there is probably no limit as to how "secure" most of these people would like to be in their old age. Which is just plain greed.

As I was telling someone else once, maybe for instance the U.S. should invade Centeral America and impose our will there. Make them institute a social security system so such people wouldn't feel as much need to have as many children as possible. But that would probably cause a lot of resentment among such people against the "gringos."
dude, we don't care, again, don't you get that? Your info is all bullshit and we know it. So trying to push off lies and fear is shameful.
You keep saying my information is bullshit. What information is that. Maybe I could narrow down the field for you a little.
All of it. You post lie after lie. You have no proof of anything you write about. That's what! You want to sell fear. ewwwww........
I have given you plenty of proof that goes in one ear and out the other. But I have known for quite some time that you and people like you are just gadflies. The point is to not make a point. It is to just keep talking nonsence because it amuses you. But if you want to continue your silliness, feel free to do so. It doesn't bother me.
Nope, sorry you haven't, you are just LoSiNg. so typical for your side. See there is no proof of humans affecting temperature or climate or anything other than the stoopoids like yourself. So, I will just tell you that no matter how many times you wish to post that ridiculas statement, it just isn't factual. You're a fraud!!!!
So you like being told the same thing over and over again so you can deny it. As you wish. All the earths' volcanos put an estimated 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. Human activities put out an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, the science behind CO2 being a greenhouse gas is well understood. On top of that, the higher temperatures it causes also causes more methane to be released. Which is a far more potent greenhouse gas.
On top of that, the diminishing ice absorbs more sunlight. Causing temperatures to rise even more. When you put all of this into a feedback loop, it proves that you are not only losing, but you must also be a psycho. Or a sociopath. It's hard to decide which. Also, as I said before, in the extremely unlikely event that I'm wrong, so what. What's the worse that can happen. Our economy gets turned into one that is more efficient, sustainable and ecologically friendly. (I say with a sarcastic tone to my voice) How horrible that would be! But what if you're wrong. (Which you are) The consequences will be horrendous. Put that in your denier pipe and smoke it.
So you still haven't provided any proof of anything you've been writing. And since I live in a democracy we'll vote for our reps to represent our economics moving forward. I disagree with all you write. Accept that. You aren't going to change it. But please, gather evidence to prove a point, it helps get you an audience.
You speak of our economy moving forward. But where exactly do you think it is moving forward to. I can tell you where. Overpopulation, increased CO2 emissions, ever decreasing fish stocks, more deseritification, etc. You know, when bacteria like you live in a petri dish, there is only so much petri dish. The idea that more and more and more is the answer is not only delusional, but pathetic.
Individualism is what I promote k00k! It's what the k00ks like you fear the most. People thinking for themselves. Makes them less dependant on k00ks like you. Find out your enemy and what they're talking about.
You want individualism? But isn't that basically another word for freedom? Well look at where that has gotten us. I'm not against people thinking for themselves. But I am against them thinking only about themselves. Because in a society, it is the society that must come first. Unless you prefer the way cockroachs do things.
Human Caused Global Warming is a myth..

Human Caused Global Pollution is another story entirely.
HCGW is a reality. As for overpopulation, that is a different story. For White people, the numbers aren't going up. But they are for non-whites everywhere else in the world. Some of it can probably be due to it being a substitute for social security. But not all of it. Also, there is probably no limit as to how "secure" most of these people would like to be in their old age. Which is just plain greed.

As I was telling someone else once, maybe for instance the U.S. should invade Centeral America and impose our will there. Make them institute a social security system so such people wouldn't feel as much need to have as many children as possible. But that would probably cause a lot of resentment among such people against the "gringos."
dude, we don't care, again, don't you get that? Your info is all bullshit and we know it. So trying to push off lies and fear is shameful.
You keep saying my information is bullshit. What information is that. Maybe I could narrow down the field for you a little.
All of it. You post lie after lie. You have no proof of anything you write about. That's what! You want to sell fear. ewwwww........
First of all, I didn't make anything up. Much of it comes from those pesky scientists you seem to despise so much. You also say that I'm selling fear. But I'm not trying to sell anything. Though even if I was, I haven't received any payment for what I "sold." The only thing I am doing is telling people the truth. If you don't like it, that's up to you.
Human Caused Global Warming is a myth..

Human Caused Global Pollution is another story entirely.
HCGW is a reality. As for overpopulation, that is a different story. For White people, the numbers aren't going up. But they are for non-whites everywhere else in the world. Some of it can probably be due to it being a substitute for social security. But not all of it. Also, there is probably no limit as to how "secure" most of these people would like to be in their old age. Which is just plain greed.

As I was telling someone else once, maybe for instance the U.S. should invade Centeral America and impose our will there. Make them institute a social security system so such people wouldn't feel as much need to have as many children as possible. But that would probably cause a lot of resentment among such people against the "gringos."
dude, we don't care, again, don't you get that? Your info is all bullshit and we know it. So trying to push off lies and fear is shameful.
You keep saying my information is bullshit. What information is that. Maybe I could narrow down the field for you a little.
All of it. You post lie after lie. You have no proof of anything you write about. That's what! You want to sell fear. ewwwww........
First of all, I didn't make anything up. Much of it comes from those pesky scientists you seem to despise so much. You also say that I'm selling fear. But I'm not trying to sell anything. Though even if I was, I haven't received any payment for what I "sold." The only thing I am doing is telling people the truth. If you don't like it, that's up to you.
sorry, but it has been you preaching that humans cause global warming right? I didn't see one scientist making that claim on here. So not sure what you're referring to.
Nope, sorry you haven't, you are just LoSiNg. so typical for your side. See there is no proof of humans affecting temperature or climate or anything other than the stoopoids like yourself. So, I will just tell you that no matter how many times you wish to post that ridiculas statement, it just isn't factual. You're a fraud!!!!
So you like being told the same thing over and over again so you can deny it. As you wish. All the earths' volcanos put an estimated 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. Human activities put out an estimated 26.8 BILLION tons. Like it or not, the science behind CO2 being a greenhouse gas is well understood. On top of that, the higher temperatures it causes also causes more methane to be released. Which is a far more potent greenhouse gas.
On top of that, the diminishing ice absorbs more sunlight. Causing temperatures to rise even more. When you put all of this into a feedback loop, it proves that you are not only losing, but you must also be a psycho. Or a sociopath. It's hard to decide which. Also, as I said before, in the extremely unlikely event that I'm wrong, so what. What's the worse that can happen. Our economy gets turned into one that is more efficient, sustainable and ecologically friendly. (I say with a sarcastic tone to my voice) How horrible that would be! But what if you're wrong. (Which you are) The consequences will be horrendous. Put that in your denier pipe and smoke it.
So you still haven't provided any proof of anything you've been writing. And since I live in a democracy we'll vote for our reps to represent our economics moving forward. I disagree with all you write. Accept that. You aren't going to change it. But please, gather evidence to prove a point, it helps get you an audience.
You speak of our economy moving forward. But where exactly do you think it is moving forward to. I can tell you where. Overpopulation, increased CO2 emissions, ever decreasing fish stocks, more deseritification, etc. You know, when bacteria like you live in a petri dish, there is only so much petri dish. The idea that more and more and more is the answer is not only delusional, but pathetic.
Individualism is what I promote k00k! It's what the k00ks like you fear the most. People thinking for themselves. Makes them less dependant on k00ks like you. Find out your enemy and what they're talking about.
You want individualism? But isn't that basically another word for freedom? Well look at where that has gotten us. I'm not against people thinking for themselves. But I am against them thinking only about themselves. Because in a society, it is the society that must come first. Unless you prefer the way cockroachs do things.

Says who?
Edit: BTW, what is it that cockroaches do that has you worried.
HCGW is a reality. As for overpopulation, that is a different story. For White people, the numbers aren't going up. But they are for non-whites everywhere else in the world. Some of it can probably be due to it being a substitute for social security. But not all of it. Also, there is probably no limit as to how "secure" most of these people would like to be in their old age. Which is just plain greed.

As I was telling someone else once, maybe for instance the U.S. should invade Centeral America and impose our will there. Make them institute a social security system so such people wouldn't feel as much need to have as many children as possible. But that would probably cause a lot of resentment among such people against the "gringos."
dude, we don't care, again, don't you get that? Your info is all bullshit and we know it. So trying to push off lies and fear is shameful.
You keep saying my information is bullshit. What information is that. Maybe I could narrow down the field for you a little.
All of it. You post lie after lie. You have no proof of anything you write about. That's what! You want to sell fear. ewwwww........
First of all, I didn't make anything up. Much of it comes from those pesky scientists you seem to despise so much. You also say that I'm selling fear. But I'm not trying to sell anything. Though even if I was, I haven't received any payment for what I "sold." The only thing I am doing is telling people the truth. If you don't like it, that's up to you.
sorry, but it has been you preaching that humans cause global warming right? I didn't see one scientist making that claim on here. So not sure what you're referring to.
I never saw any scientists trying to refute all the wacos who say that the moon landing was a fake. I guess there are some things that are below their dignity to argue with idiots about.

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