Human Caused Global Warming

Did you not see the graphs I showed you? Temperatures are indeed going up. So whatever this "vent" is that is throwing off evcessive heat, it apparently isn't doing that good of a job.

Your graph is a lie. 95% of the rise shown in your fantasy graphing is made up.
This isn't my graph. If you have any problem with them, take it up with the scientists who made them.

Dr Ben Santers prediction of catastrophic global warming falsification came and went without so much as a whimper or whine from the alarmists.

LIVERMORE, Calif. — In order to separate human-caused global warming from the “noise” of purely natural climate fluctuations, temperature records must be at least 17 years long, according to climate scientists.

To address criticism of the reliability of thermometer records of surface warming, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists analyzed satellite measurements of the temperature of the lower troposphere (the region of the atmosphere from the surface to roughly five miles above) and saw a clear signal of human-induced warming of the planet.

This ought to be fun.. and Ocean temps at 700 feet have declined 0.01 degrees C... where has Trenbreth hidden his warming now?

Do I need to dig up more graphs to beat up your graphs. I thought you might at least have found the pictures of lake Chad drying up to be interesting. But despite all this, almost every scientist agrees that human caused global warming is a reality. And I bet that they have looked into the subject more deeply than you.
I don't know where you dug this graph up at. But seeing how most other graphs show just the opposite, I'm going to have to go with them. Also, this graph doesn't show CO2. And as I said, where CO2 goes, temperatures are sure to follow. Another thing is that according to a program on PBS I watched just last night on the subject, where temperatures are taken makes a difference.

If this graph you show is indeed authentic, there must be some flaw in it. After all, what is making glaciers and ice caps melt the way they are. Superman's heat vision? Or what is making sea levels rise. God pissing into the ocean from orbit?

And as I said, where CO2 goes, temperatures are sure to follow.

:bs1:BULLSHIT! :bs1:

And as I said before, there is NO correlation between CO2 and temperature.
Did you miss these graphs?



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Those scientists that you refer to would lie for money.

You just don't get it. You assume because you completely lack ethics yourself and would instantly sell out for a back, that everyone must think the same way you do.

That's not how it works. We are not like you. We don't share your ethical failings. On both an intellectual and moral level, you're not fit to sniff the jocks of the men you libel.

Remember, your side has been caught red-handed lying, fudging and fabricating data over and over. Given the history of pathological lying associated with your cult, why do you think you can lecture anyone on honesty? You're like a whore lecturing on chastity. All it does it get people laughing.
I would like to see these denier cultists watch the documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards" and bullshit their way out of it. Maybe it would give them the idea of buying a fake title to give themselves more credibility.
Remember, your side has been caught red-handed lying, fudging and fabricating data over and over. Given the history of pathological lying associated with your cult, why do you think you can lecture anyone on honesty? You're like a whore lecturing on chastity. All it does it get people laughing.
Your main man Mann is out on limb without support...

And your projection of the situation you and your alarmist friends find yourself in is funny as hell!
The villagers living around lake Chad aren't laughing much.
I don't know where you dug this graph up at. But seeing how most other graphs show just the opposite, I'm going to have to go with them. Also, this graph doesn't show CO2. And as I said, where CO2 goes, temperatures are sure to follow. Another thing is that according to a program on PBS I watched just last night on the subject, where temperatures are taken makes a difference.

If this graph you show is indeed authentic, there must be some flaw in it. After all, what is making glaciers and ice caps melt the way they are. Superman's heat vision? Or what is making sea levels rise. God pissing into the ocean from orbit?

And as I said, where CO2 goes, temperatures are sure to follow.

:bs1:BULLSHIT! :bs1:

And as I said before, there is NO correlation between CO2 and temperature.
Did you miss these graphs?

Oh you mean those graphs that are based on lies and misinformation?
George Carlin has a very interesting point of view. And he is right on the money! This 7 min 38 second video is hilarious and very informative as well. He has his facts straight to boot.....

Well, present us some evidence from credible sources. Not undegreed ex-TV weathermen, fake British Lords, and obese junkies on the radio.

All of the Scientific Societies of the world, all the National Academies of Science, and all of the major Universities have policy statements that say AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

First we would have to see real science and real data from the alarmists... none of this fake modeled crap and made up tree ring proxies..

You prefer the thermometer proxies?
That's telling wildcard! If he understands. Though to be honest, if not for a show I watched on PBS last night about the subject, I probably wouldn't have understood myself. I never knew that actual measurements done with thermometers was so limited. The number of proxies used by scientists through various means around the world to reveal more of earth's past was fascinating. But even as a dummy, I can see what is going on. But I hope that even as a dummy to some degree, I am doing something to wake these denier cultists up.

But even as a dummy, I can see what is going on.
No you can't. Not as long as you believe and accept the lies and misinformation of global warming as being truth, you can't.

But I hope that even as a dummy to some degree, I am doing something to wake these denier cultists up.

What a load of crap! If anybody need to wake the fuck up, it's idiots like you.
If anybody around here is an idiot, it's you. For instance, in an earlier reply you said that scientists would be willing to lie for money. You couldn't be more wrong. If anybody was likely to pay scientists money, it would be the polluters who have most of the money. Also, if they went around saying things that went against science, they would probably loose their credibility and their jobs.


No. It's YOU who are an idiot who bought into the lies and misinformation of global warming without questioning it, then try to convince others of your brain-washed beliefs. :cuckoo:

you said that scientists would be willing to lie for money. You couldn't be more wrong.

I'm NOT wrong. You're just stupid and gullible. :cuckoo:

Articles Why Scientists Lie -- and What to Do about It
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I'm going to skip most of what you said.

Of course you are...that is how zealots operate...when you can't answer, you ignore and hope that no one notices.

Then you really venture into insane land by claiming that it is better to be sorry than safe.

Can you prove that we will be sorry? If you can, then do it...if you can't, then you are no more than a crazy on the sidewalk with a sandwich sign saying that "The end is near"

Just like the DEVO song, "If you have a problem, you just have to whip it."

So according to you, if it is in a song, it must be true? I know some people who think like that...they live their lives by song matter what happens they have a song lyric...and they are, to the last one...sad losers. They prove beyond a doubt that living your life by song lyrics is not a good plan.

Even if something is only a perceived threat, it is ALWAYS a good idea to do something about it.

Really? Ever see a paranoid? They perceive all sorts of threats and act on them and it seldom works out for them...Was it a good idea to start the war in the middle east over the perceived threat of WMD in Iraq? I could go on with examples of taking disastrous action based on "perceived" threats for pages and pages. When you perceive a threat, the first thing you do is determine whether it is an actual threat...then you assess how much of a threat it is and then perform a gain loss assessment to determine whether taking action is better than not. Simply taking action based on perceived threats is one of the most stupid things you could possibly do. Chicken little took action based on a perceived did that work out for him?

Though of course, you claim that there is no problem.

I am not making any claim at all. I am saying that there is nothing going on in the climate that is outside of, or even getting close to the bounds of natural variation...I am saying that if humans are having an effect on the climate, it isn't distinguishable from natural climate variations. You are claiming imminent disaster that must be addressed and I am asking for you to substantiate your claims and you don't seem to be able to do simply respond with more claims of imminent disaster. You claim that an increase of the present concentration 400ppm CO2 concentration is going to lead to disastrous warming but the ice age we are in began with atmospheric CO2 over 1000ppm. I am not making any claims at all...I am asking you what solid evidence of imminent disaster you base your claims of impending doom requiring immediate action upon.

Also, as I said to somebody, it isn't a good idea to wait until everything is known diwn to the finest, exact detail until a problem is recognized.

And I don't think that you should wait until every possible detail is known....but you should wait until you know whether a real threat exists and how serious that threat is. Consider the question..."how sensitive is the climate to a doubling of CO2? Don't you think that such a basic bit of knowledge would be useful in determining whether a threat exists and the level of that threat. Right now, the range of climate sensitivity to CO2 is somewhere between zero and 8 degrees for a doubling of CO2. Is that enough information to even determine whether a threat even exists...much less to determine a course of action based upon a perceived threat?
For whatever reply I was referring to, I obviously skiped most of what you said becaise it was either stupid or irrelevent. Bringing up such topics as you did is how zealots really operate. Then you ask for proof that we will be sorry. Will the earth be sorry for the activities of humans? WAKE UP! It is already sorry! And by the way things are going, it and the humans living on it will get increasingly sorry.

As for the DEVO lyrics, I wasn't trying to be profound. Also, I know how you would have written such lyrics. "If you got a problem, just don't try to whip it." You then bring up being paranoid. But I'm not talking about insanity. I'm talking about reality. Then you bring up taking action even about a perceived threat. But I still say that doing so is always a good idea. Also, as they say, a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Then as a lame example, you bring up what led to the second Iraq war. But threats had nothing to do with it. It was basically about oil. You also bring up some "chicken little" nonsense. But I will just skip that.

You then say that what is going on isn't outside of natural variation. Well when you basically include things like a small planet colliding with the earth, things indeed are within natural variation. Then you ask for evidence that disaster is heading our way. But you don't want to see the evidence. You will just keep spouting that everything will be just fine. Well it isn't fine right now and it is unlikely to get better. Despite whatever kind of weather a trilobite may have had to endure. But even though you don't want to see it, I will give you four photos to deny. Take a look at what has happened to lake Chad.

Then you bring up what is needed to be known before action is taken. Well out of zillions of things that are going on, take a look again at what remains of lake Chad. Such things are all that nees to be known as far as whether or not action should be taken.

Again, you disregard points you can't isn't a new tactic among your sort. And showing a picture of a dog hardly proves your point when one looks at the result of blind action to "perceived" threats throughout history. Your idiot picture suggests that we should kill all canines and nothing more. It takes a single photo of a dog and distorts it to the point that it could be taken for nearly any dog suggesting that all dogs present an imminent threat...Is killing all dogs a good course of action based on incomplete information?

Funny thing about your photo...if you take averages of things you get images very akin to your photo above. Here, for example is an average of photo's with Santa:


As you see, averages don't produce things that look much like reality. Climate science is built almost in its entirety on averages. The average global mean temperature is the foundation for the temperature records that climate science produce. The photos above are averages of a few hundred to 1000 or so photos....imagine if they were the averages of millions of photos as is the case with the temperature much resemblance do you think there is between the average and the actual?
What I had to say about oceans getting warmer than they were expected to doesn't have anything to do with what I believe. It was from a documentary or news thing. If you have any problem with that, you're going to have to dig up the scientists who made that observation and take up the issue with them.

Actually the problem is with people like you who simply repeat without bothering to try and understand...You hold a political position and simply repeat what people who also hold your same political opinion tell you to say. You don't do any actual thinking on your are a parrot....a useful idiot.
And you can continue to convince yourself that global warming is real, and that mankind is to blame, but it isn't going to make it true. :cuckoo:
Go up a little to the reply I gave jc456. Click on one of the graphs on my reply. Each year, all the volcanos on earth put out about 200 million tons of CO2. Each year, human activities put out 26.8 billion tons. Go up a little to the reply I gave jc456. Click on one of the graphs on my reply. Given what I said, tell me that what is happening now is just a coincidence.


I'm not interested in the lies and misinformation about global warming that you are trying to convince others of that it is real.
You call these graphs lies and misinformation. But they hold more weight than the blanlet denials that you come up with.

You call these graphs lies and misinformation.
Yes I do.

But they hold more weight than the blanlet denials that you come up with.
Of course you believe that, after all you were gullible enough to be sold on the lies and misinformation of global warming.
Do you really think that the vast majority of scientists are wrong and you are right? Can your ego really be that overblown?

Were the vast majority of scientists wrong on the cause of ulcers...on the number of planets in the solar system....on the existence of quasicrystals...and on and on and on? The majority of scientists have at some point been wrong on damned near every topic in science....climate science is still operating on the basis of some quaint 19th century science which was disproven shortly after it was published.
I don't take orders.

You want graphs? Bring them up yourself, or have someone help you.

Make some attempt at backing-up the bullshit that YOU claim with some "undeniable real proof".

What's the matter, does that article from Forbes goes against the bullshit lies and misinformation about global warming that you faithfully believe in and accept without question?
It isn't that you don't take orders. You're just making up that it was an order to keep yourself from being proven wrong. But I have something else to tell you that you can take as fact. But I won't ask you to look it up if you don't believe me. I can guess where that would lead. But here is the fact. Each year all of the earths' volcanoes put out an estimated 200 MILLION tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Each year, the activities of humans results in the release of 26.8 BILLION tons. That's billion with a B. Also, depending on what you read, China alone starts up a new coal fired electric power plant either twice a week or once every ten days. Unfortunately is is more pleasing to stick your denier head in the sand. Just like those cartoon pictures of ostrichs doing.

:blahblah: :anj_stfu:

You're just making up that it was an order to keep yourself from being proven wrong.

There is nothing truthful or factual about global warming to be proven wrong.

Everything about global warming is a lie!
You can tell yourself that all you want. But it isn't going to make it true. If you look at how much CO2 has gone up since the beginning of the industrial revolution, even you can see where things are going.

You can tell yourself that all you want. But it isn't going to make it true.
And you can continue to convince yourself that global warming is real, and that mankind is to blame, but it isn't going to make it true. :cuckoo:

OK, asshole, present evidence for your position.
Dude, still waiting on your evidence. Take some of your own advice and first provide your evidence of which you have zero of. :woohoo:
It isn't that you don't take orders. You're just making up that it was an order to keep yourself from being proven wrong. But I have something else to tell you that you can take as fact. But I won't ask you to look it up if you don't believe me. I can guess where that would lead. But here is the fact. Each year all of the earths' volcanoes put out an estimated 200 MILLION tons of CO2 into the biosphere. Each year, the activities of humans results in the release of 26.8 BILLION tons. That's billion with a B. Also, depending on what you read, China alone starts up a new coal fired electric power plant either twice a week or once every ten days. Unfortunately is is more pleasing to stick your denier head in the sand. Just like those cartoon pictures of ostrichs doing.

:blahblah: :anj_stfu:

You're just making up that it was an order to keep yourself from being proven wrong.

There is nothing truthful or factual about global warming to be proven wrong.

Everything about global warming is a lie!
You can tell yourself that all you want. But it isn't going to make it true. If you look at how much CO2 has gone up since the beginning of the industrial revolution, even you can see where things are going.

You can tell yourself that all you want. But it isn't going to make it true.
And you can continue to convince yourself that global warming is real, and that mankind is to blame, but it isn't going to make it true. :cuckoo:

OK, asshole, present evidence for your position.
Dude, still waiting on your evidence. Take some of your own advice and first provide your evidence of which you have zero of. :woohoo:

He has what all warmers have...and he has it in abundance...he has his faith...he has his belief...and most importantly, he has his marching orders. He his a parrot...evidence isn't high on his priorities.
Cultivator, I have been away for awhile on personal business, but I'm back and read most of your posts, but didn't want to address each point because, it isn't needed. Sir you're wrong. Sorry to break the bad news to you, but seriously you're a lost fart looking for a place to vent. Well take your smell to some other place, because frankly you have no idea of what you preach. You are like the show 'lost', lost without an ending.
:blahblah: :anj_stfu:

There is nothing truthful or factual about global warming to be proven wrong.

Everything about global warming is a lie!
You can tell yourself that all you want. But it isn't going to make it true. If you look at how much CO2 has gone up since the beginning of the industrial revolution, even you can see where things are going.

You can tell yourself that all you want. But it isn't going to make it true.
And you can continue to convince yourself that global warming is real, and that mankind is to blame, but it isn't going to make it true. :cuckoo:

OK, asshole, present evidence for your position.
Dude, still waiting on your evidence. Take some of your own advice and first provide your evidence of which you have zero of. :woohoo:

He has what all warmers have...and he has it in abundance...he has his faith...he has his belief...and most importantly, he has his marching orders. He his a parrot...evidence isn't high on his priorities.
It's sure a funny thing, demand upon demand upon demand, yet the likes of the warmers is just talk and faith. Post shit without knowledge of what they post. Ideas based on idealogy that something bad must be ready to happen. The world didn't end in 2012 as the mayan predictions had it, is there someone out there that has a prediction that ever did happen as advertized? Oh, please someone, show me the successful prediction. Oh and the nutjob who stated twice the world would end, and eventually his did. I thumb my nose at all the warmers, post here all you want, my tone will not change and all your invalid posts will be just that, invalid. And it means nil to me!!!!! Smoke some more of your whacky tabbacy and see you in another life. For now, :rock: WiNNiNg!!!!!!!
I'm going to skip most of what you said.

Of course you are...that is how zealots operate...when you can't answer, you ignore and hope that no one notices.

Then you really venture into insane land by claiming that it is better to be sorry than safe.

Can you prove that we will be sorry? If you can, then do it...if you can't, then you are no more than a crazy on the sidewalk with a sandwich sign saying that "The end is near"

Just like the DEVO song, "If you have a problem, you just have to whip it."

So according to you, if it is in a song, it must be true? I know some people who think like that...they live their lives by song matter what happens they have a song lyric...and they are, to the last one...sad losers. They prove beyond a doubt that living your life by song lyrics is not a good plan.

Even if something is only a perceived threat, it is ALWAYS a good idea to do something about it.

Really? Ever see a paranoid? They perceive all sorts of threats and act on them and it seldom works out for them...Was it a good idea to start the war in the middle east over the perceived threat of WMD in Iraq? I could go on with examples of taking disastrous action based on "perceived" threats for pages and pages. When you perceive a threat, the first thing you do is determine whether it is an actual threat...then you assess how much of a threat it is and then perform a gain loss assessment to determine whether taking action is better than not. Simply taking action based on perceived threats is one of the most stupid things you could possibly do. Chicken little took action based on a perceived did that work out for him?

Though of course, you claim that there is no problem.

I am not making any claim at all. I am saying that there is nothing going on in the climate that is outside of, or even getting close to the bounds of natural variation...I am saying that if humans are having an effect on the climate, it isn't distinguishable from natural climate variations. You are claiming imminent disaster that must be addressed and I am asking for you to substantiate your claims and you don't seem to be able to do simply respond with more claims of imminent disaster. You claim that an increase of the present concentration 400ppm CO2 concentration is going to lead to disastrous warming but the ice age we are in began with atmospheric CO2 over 1000ppm. I am not making any claims at all...I am asking you what solid evidence of imminent disaster you base your claims of impending doom requiring immediate action upon.

Also, as I said to somebody, it isn't a good idea to wait until everything is known diwn to the finest, exact detail until a problem is recognized.

And I don't think that you should wait until every possible detail is known....but you should wait until you know whether a real threat exists and how serious that threat is. Consider the question..."how sensitive is the climate to a doubling of CO2? Don't you think that such a basic bit of knowledge would be useful in determining whether a threat exists and the level of that threat. Right now, the range of climate sensitivity to CO2 is somewhere between zero and 8 degrees for a doubling of CO2. Is that enough information to even determine whether a threat even exists...much less to determine a course of action based upon a perceived threat?
For whatever reply I was referring to, I obviously skiped most of what you said becaise it was either stupid or irrelevent. Bringing up such topics as you did is how zealots really operate. Then you ask for proof that we will be sorry. Will the earth be sorry for the activities of humans? WAKE UP! It is already sorry! And by the way things are going, it and the humans living on it will get increasingly sorry.

As for the DEVO lyrics, I wasn't trying to be profound. Also, I know how you would have written such lyrics. "If you got a problem, just don't try to whip it." You then bring up being paranoid. But I'm not talking about insanity. I'm talking about reality. Then you bring up taking action even about a perceived threat. But I still say that doing so is always a good idea. Also, as they say, a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Then as a lame example, you bring up what led to the second Iraq war. But threats had nothing to do with it. It was basically about oil. You also bring up some "chicken little" nonsense. But I will just skip that.

You then say that what is going on isn't outside of natural variation. Well when you basically include things like a small planet colliding with the earth, things indeed are within natural variation. Then you ask for evidence that disaster is heading our way. But you don't want to see the evidence. You will just keep spouting that everything will be just fine. Well it isn't fine right now and it is unlikely to get better. Despite whatever kind of weather a trilobite may have had to endure. But even though you don't want to see it, I will give you four photos to deny. Take a look at what has happened to lake Chad.

Then you bring up what is needed to be known before action is taken. Well out of zillions of things that are going on, take a look again at what remains of lake Chad. Such things are all that nees to be known as far as whether or not action should be taken.

Again, you disregard points you can't isn't a new tactic among your sort. And showing a picture of a dog hardly proves your point when one looks at the result of blind action to "perceived" threats throughout history. Your idiot picture suggests that we should kill all canines and nothing more. It takes a single photo of a dog and distorts it to the point that it could be taken for nearly any dog suggesting that all dogs present an imminent threat...Is killing all dogs a good course of action based on incomplete information?

Funny thing about your photo...if you take averages of things you get images very akin to your photo above. Here, for example is an average of photo's with Santa:


As you see, averages don't produce things that look much like reality. Climate science is built almost in its entirety on averages. The average global mean temperature is the foundation for the temperature records that climate science produce. The photos above are averages of a few hundred to 1000 or so photos....imagine if they were the averages of millions of photos as is the case with the temperature much resemblance do you think there is between the average and the actual?
In bringing up a picture of a dog, I have to assume that you aren't talking to me.
What I had to say about oceans getting warmer than they were expected to doesn't have anything to do with what I believe. It was from a documentary or news thing. If you have any problem with that, you're going to have to dig up the scientists who made that observation and take up the issue with them.

Actually the problem is with people like you who simply repeat without bothering to try and understand...You hold a political position and simply repeat what people who also hold your same political opinion tell you to say. You don't do any actual thinking on your are a parrot....a useful idiot.
As for what you said about trying to understand, there is nothing to try to understand. Everything is there for people to see. It is the cultist deniers like you who keep harping on about needing ever greater proof to make a determination about what is really going on. You saw the pictures of lake Chad that I included in a reply to you. And that was just one of the zillions of proofs that human caused global warming is a reality. If anybody around here is a parrot or an idiot, it's you.
Go up a little to the reply I gave jc456. Click on one of the graphs on my reply. Each year, all the volcanos on earth put out about 200 million tons of CO2. Each year, human activities put out 26.8 billion tons. Go up a little to the reply I gave jc456. Click on one of the graphs on my reply. Given what I said, tell me that what is happening now is just a coincidence.


I'm not interested in the lies and misinformation about global warming that you are trying to convince others of that it is real.
You call these graphs lies and misinformation. But they hold more weight than the blanlet denials that you come up with.

You call these graphs lies and misinformation.
Yes I do.

But they hold more weight than the blanlet denials that you come up with.
Of course you believe that, after all you were gullible enough to be sold on the lies and misinformation of global warming.
Do you really think that the vast majority of scientists are wrong and you are right? Can your ego really be that overblown?

Were the vast majority of scientists wrong on the cause of ulcers...on the number of planets in the solar system....on the existence of quasicrystals...and on and on and on? The majority of scientists have at some point been wrong on damned near every topic in science....climate science is still operating on the basis of some quaint 19th century science which was disproven shortly after it was published.
Why didn't you bring up the thing about most scientists believing at one time that it was impossible to fly. Or go faster than the speed of sound. Or be able to go to the moon. Or that man evolved and wasn't created by some god. Sure, science isn't always perfect. But it adapts. Cultist deniers don't. At least not nearly so easly. As for your assertion that science is stuck in the 19th century, I have to laugh upon you. If science is stuck in anything, it is in the scientific method. Which is where I hope it will always be stuck.

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