Human Caused Global Warming

I am well over 50 years old, I despise these phonies that hide the obvious, our climate is changing for the worse. There is like 7 billion humans on this planet, pooping, polluting and poaching and THAT has no effect whatsoever? Really, it's all imaginary. Do tell.
I am well over 50 years old, I despise these phonies that hide the obvious, our climate is changing for the worse. There is like 7 billion humans on this planet, pooping, polluting and poaching and THAT has no effect whatsoever? Really, it's all imaginary. Do tell.

So the root problem is overpopulation? What is your solution for that?

This should be interesting.

Reduce our footprint. What did you think the solution would be?

And do you have any comment besides "this should be interesting"?
I would love to see some proof...the problem is that there is none.

You have things you believe: you believe the Earth has stopped warming. You believe increasing CO2 will not cause temperatures to increase. You believe the oceans are not rising. You believe neither Antartica nor Greenland are melting into the sea. Where is YOUR proof?

Your demand for proof just shows us ONCE AGAIN, that you do not understand the BASICS of natural science. There will BE NO PROOF...FOR EITHER SIDE. There will only be evidence. Get used to it. And get used to failing because you HAVE none.

Again, you need to learn the difference between causation and correlation.

What you really mean is that the world's scientists need to learn the difference, because they're the ones you believe wrong. And, you know, I could be wrong, but I suspect they DO understand the difference and do so one hell of a lot better than you do. For instance, you would like to reject ALL correlations we find, but did it ever occur to you that while not all correlation are cause-effect relationships, all cause-effect relationships will show a correlation? It would seem that the idea never came to you.

There is no proof that CO2 can cause warming in an open atmosphere.

There is proof that CO2 absorbs IR, whether in the atmosphere or a test tube. There is evidence that it has warmed the Earth sufficient to convince more than 99% of the scientists and scientifically educated people on the plant for over a century. When you reject the greenhouse effect, the only thing you do is announce your stupidity.

You believe manmade warming is a fact, but in truth it isn' is a hypothesis, and the hypothesis just keeps on failing.

You stay in your closet and keep telling yourself that. That rest of the human race will stay out here and continue to work based on reality as it is, not as someone might want it to be.

And yet still ZERO proof has been posted other than AGW religious dogma.

Rather than changes in earth's CO2 causing temperature to change, scientists have actually found that changes in earth's temperatures always precedes changes in CO2 by 400 to a 1000 years -- just the opposite of what global warming proponents would have us believe.
I wouldn't have you believe that temperatures preceed CO2 rise. Though it seems to be what usually happened in the past. But these days, CO2 is leading the way. Temperatures are sure to catch up.

I am well over 50 years old, I despise these phonies that hide the obvious, our climate is changing for the worse. There is like 7 billion humans on this planet, pooping, polluting and poaching and THAT has no effect whatsoever? Really, it's all imaginary. Do tell.

So the root problem is overpopulation? What is your solution for that?

This should be interesting.

Excuse me for butting in. Just wanted to know if you would you like to hear the solution from a guy who uses a Hitler avatar?
The claim of you CAGW cultists is that global warming is spreading malaria to places it has never been and the historical record shows that claim to be absolute horseshit. But thanks for playing.

I've told you before that your panicked screaming about some mythical "CAGW" makes you appear hysterical and irrational to normal people. Try not to instantly broadcast your status as a WUWT cultist.

Oddly, you seem to think that it's an either/or situation, either "warm enough for malaria" or "immune to malaria". Sensible people understand that temperature is just one factor in the spread of malaria, and that warmer temps, while not the only factor necessary, certainly help the spread.

And, as usual, the facts back us up, which is why you'll now have to tell everyone how the facts are a socialist conspiracy. Malaria _is_ moving into places it hasn't been before, such as the African highlands.

BBC News - Malaria spreading to new altitudes
But the scientists say the disease is entering new regions that had previously been malaria-free.

To investigate, scientists looked at densely populated areas in the highlands of Colombia and Ethiopia, where there are detailed records of both temperature and malaria cases from the 1990s to 2005.

They found that in warmer years, malaria shifted higher into the mountains, while in cooler years it was limited to lower elevations.
The claim of you CAGW cultists is that global warming is spreading malaria to places it has never been and the historical record shows that claim to be absolute horseshit. But thanks for playing.

I've told you before that your panicked screaming about some mythical "CAGW" makes you appear hysterical and irrational to normal people. Try not to instantly broadcast your status as a WUWT cultist.

Oddly, you seem to think that it's an either/or situation, either "warm enough for malaria" or "immune to malaria". Sensible people understand that temperature is just one factor in the spread of malaria, and that warmer temps, while not the only factor necessary, certainly help the spread.

And, as usual, the facts back us up, which is why you'll now have to tell everyone how the facts are a socialist conspiracy. Malaria _is_ moving into places it hasn't been before, such as the African highlands.

BBC News - Malaria spreading to new altitudes
But the scientists say the disease is entering new regions that had previously been malaria-free.

To investigate, scientists looked at densely populated areas in the highlands of Colombia and Ethiopia, where there are detailed records of both temperature and malaria cases from the 1990s to 2005.

They found that in warmer years, malaria shifted higher into the mountains, while in cooler years it was limited to lower elevations.

Sensible people realize that you're full of poo. Malaria doesn't care what the temperature is. That's the point.
As Temperatures Climb So Does Malaria - Scientific American

In a paper published online yesterday in the journal Science, Pascual and her collaborators looked at how malaria moved up in elevation with temperature in Ethiopia and Colombia. Tracking year-to-year temperature variations from 1990 to 2005, researchers observed how malaria's range shifted.

Infection rates tend to increase as temperatures go up, since the Plasmodium parasite that causes the disease reproduces faster inside vector mosquitoes when it's warmer, increasing the infection likelihood when the mosquito bites someone, Pascual explained. The Anopheles mosquitoes that spread the disease also thrive in the heat.

The results confirmed for the first time that malaria creeps uphill during warmer years and recedes as temperatures cool, a dangerous effect as the climate warms. "The implication is this will, without any mitigation, result in the increase of the malaria burden," Pascual said.

Now who has the most credibility, an unknown poster on the internet, or the Scientific American
Implications of temperature variation for malaria parasite development across Africa Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group

Temperature is an important determinant of malaria transmission. Recent work has shown that mosquito and parasite biology are influenced not only by average temperature, but also by the extent of the daily temperature variation. Here we examine how parasite development within the mosquito (Extrinsic Incubation Period) is expected to vary over time and space depending on the diurnal temperature range and baseline mean temperature in Kenya and across Africa. Our results show that under cool conditions, the typical approach of using mean monthly temperatures alone to characterize the transmission environment will underestimate parasite development. In contrast, under warmer conditions, the use of mean temperatures will overestimate development. Qualitatively similar patterns hold using both outdoor and indoor temperatures. These findings have important implications for defining malaria risk. Furthermore, understanding the influence of daily temperature dynamics could provide new insights into ectotherm ecology both now and in response to future climate change.

Real scientists doing real science.
Warmer temperatures push malaria to higher elevations University of Michigan News

Now, University of Michigan ecologists and their colleagues are reporting the first hard evidence that malaria does—as had long been predicted—creep to higher elevations during warmer years and back down to lower altitudes when temperatures cool.

The study, based on an analysis of records from highland regions of Ethiopia and Colombia, suggests that future climate warming will result in a significant increase in malaria cases in densely populated regions of Africa and South America, unless disease monitoring and control efforts are boosted and sustained.

"We saw an upward expansion of malaria cases to higher altitudes in warmer years, which is a clear signal of a response by highland malaria to changes in climate," said U-M theoretical ecologist Mercedes Pascual, senior author of a paper scheduled for online publication in Science on March 6

Once again, ol' Walleyes is exposed as a fraud.
Reduce our footprint. What did you think the solution would be?

And do you have any comment besides "this should be interesting"?
Do your part in footprint lowering and please stop posting.

You're being a hypocrite

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
I would love to see some proof...the problem is that there is none.

You have things you believe: you believe the Earth has stopped warming. You believe increasing CO2 will not cause temperatures to increase. You believe the oceans are not rising. You believe neither Antartica nor Greenland are melting into the sea. Where is YOUR proof?

Your demand for proof just shows us ONCE AGAIN, that you do not understand the BASICS of natural science. There will BE NO PROOF...FOR EITHER SIDE. There will only be evidence. Get used to it. And get used to failing because you HAVE none.

Again, you need to learn the difference between causation and correlation.

What you really mean is that the world's scientists need to learn the difference, because they're the ones you believe wrong. And, you know, I could be wrong, but I suspect they DO understand the difference and do so one hell of a lot better than you do. For instance, you would like to reject ALL correlations we find, but did it ever occur to you that while not all correlation are cause-effect relationships, all cause-effect relationships will show a correlation? It would seem that the idea never came to you.

There is no proof that CO2 can cause warming in an open atmosphere.

There is proof that CO2 absorbs IR, whether in the atmosphere or a test tube. There is evidence that it has warmed the Earth sufficient to convince more than 99% of the scientists and scientifically educated people on the plant for over a century. When you reject the greenhouse effect, the only thing you do is announce your stupidity.

You believe manmade warming is a fact, but in truth it isn' is a hypothesis, and the hypothesis just keeps on failing.

You stay in your closet and keep telling yourself that. That rest of the human race will stay out here and continue to work based on reality as it is, not as someone might want it to be.
Ah, here we go again, so you can't provide evidence to support your lies, so now it's you asking for proof from those who don't agree with the nonsense. Dude that is side splitting!!!!

First you ask, so here:
-1940 to 1970 the CO2 levels increased and the temperatures cooled.
-18 years back from today, CO2 rose and the temperatures didn't follow.
-Fact the summer ice melt at the poles are still occurring as they have for centuries.
-Glaciers still exist.

How many more proofs do you need, I'm sure I can find them? Now smart arse, show me the evidence that 120 PPM of CO2 causes an increase in temperature.

You won't, I know you won't and that sir/ madam is what makes you a liar!!! Notice L I A R. :funnyface: :funnyface:
I would love to see some proof...the problem is that there is none.

You have things you believe: you believe the Earth has stopped warming. You believe increasing CO2 will not cause temperatures to increase. You believe the oceans are not rising. You believe neither Antartica nor Greenland are melting into the sea. Where is YOUR proof?

Your demand for proof just shows us ONCE AGAIN, that you do not understand the BASICS of natural science. There will BE NO PROOF...FOR EITHER SIDE. There will only be evidence. Get used to it. And get used to failing because you HAVE none.

Again, you need to learn the difference between causation and correlation.

What you really mean is that the world's scientists need to learn the difference, because they're the ones you believe wrong. And, you know, I could be wrong, but I suspect they DO understand the difference and do so one hell of a lot better than you do. For instance, you would like to reject ALL correlations we find, but did it ever occur to you that while not all correlation are cause-effect relationships, all cause-effect relationships will show a correlation? It would seem that the idea never came to you.

There is no proof that CO2 can cause warming in an open atmosphere.

There is proof that CO2 absorbs IR, whether in the atmosphere or a test tube. There is evidence that it has warmed the Earth sufficient to convince more than 99% of the scientists and scientifically educated people on the plant for over a century. When you reject the greenhouse effect, the only thing you do is announce your stupidity.

You believe manmade warming is a fact, but in truth it isn' is a hypothesis, and the hypothesis just keeps on failing.

You stay in your closet and keep telling yourself that. That rest of the human race will stay out here and continue to work based on reality as it is, not as someone might want it to be.
Wow, I almost missed this one, what a dumb arse you are. Causation will always have a correlation. Isn't it sort of obvious? Now correlation without causation is well still correlation. Do you know what that even means? Nope you don't, and that makes you a dumb arse. All the science in the world cannot make correlation = causation, only causation = correlation. Come on man!!!!! Get your genus mind out of the gutter. I suggest/ recommend you look up the word causation and see what the actual definition is.

Here, I'll help you out because I know you lack the ability to find things:\

Causation is an action or occurrence that can cause another. The result of an action is always predictable, providing a clear relation between them which can be established with certainty.
Causation involves correlation which means that if an action causes another then they are correlated. The causation of these two correlated events or actions can be hard to establish but it is certain.
Warmer temperatures push malaria to higher elevations University of Michigan News

Now, University of Michigan ecologists and their colleagues are reporting the first hard evidence that malaria does—as had long been predicted—creep to higher elevations during warmer years and back down to lower altitudes when temperatures cool.

The study, based on an analysis of records from highland regions of Ethiopia and Colombia, suggests that future climate warming will result in a significant increase in malaria cases in densely populated regions of Africa and South America, unless disease monitoring and control efforts are boosted and sustained.

"We saw an upward expansion of malaria cases to higher altitudes in warmer years, which is a clear signal of a response by highland malaria to changes in climate," said U-M theoretical ecologist Mercedes Pascual, senior author of a paper scheduled for online publication in Science on March 6

Once again, ol' Walleyes is exposed as a fraud.

Well well. Looky here. Malaria at the unheard of altitude of 2200 meters (that's pretty far up there for you who believe that malaria only exists in the lowlands) and surprise surprise (well, once again.....not really) It's PEOPLE who spread it.

"We report an epidemic of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the remote valley of Bamian (altitude 2250 m-2400 m) in the central highlands of Afghanistan. A team of malaria experts from the World Health Organization and HealthNet International carried out the investigation. A total of 215 peripheral blood smears were obtained and 63 cases of malaria (90.5% P. falciparum, the remainder P. vivax) were confirmed. The study revealed that areas vulnerable to malaria in Afghanistan are more widespread than previously recognized. The area had been malaria-free until recently, when the disease appears to have been introduced as a consequence of protracted conflict and resultant population movement, and transmitted locally during the short summer months. The outbreak led to severe morbidity and high mortality in a province having only a few poorly-provisioned health care facilities."

High altitude epidemic malaria in Bam... East Mediterr Health J. 2003 - PubMed - NCBI

And here the acknowledgement that malaria is a frequent visitor to the African highlands...

"Malaria epidemics have long been known to recur in the African highlands. Efforts to develop systems of early warning and detection for epidemics are outlined here with special emphasis on the Highland Malaria Project (HIMAL). This project has been conducting research on the operational implementation of a district-based surveillance and epidemic-monitoring system using a network of sentinel sites in four pilot districts of Kenya and Uganda. The potential use of weather monitoring as well as disease surveillance for effective early warning is being investigated."

Once again, olfraud is exposed as a moron.
Warmer temperatures push malaria to higher elevations University of Michigan News

Now, University of Michigan ecologists and their colleagues are reporting the first hard evidence that malaria does—as had long been predicted—creep to higher elevations during warmer years and back down to lower altitudes when temperatures cool.

The study, based on an analysis of records from highland regions of Ethiopia and Colombia, suggests that future climate warming will result in a significant increase in malaria cases in densely populated regions of Africa and South America, unless disease monitoring and control efforts are boosted and sustained.

"We saw an upward expansion of malaria cases to higher altitudes in warmer years, which is a clear signal of a response by highland malaria to changes in climate," said U-M theoretical ecologist Mercedes Pascual, senior author of a paper scheduled for online publication in Science on March 6

Once again, ol' Walleyes is exposed as a fraud.

Well well. Looky here. Malaria at the unheard of altitude of 2200 meters (that's pretty far up there for you who believe that malaria only exists in the lowlands) and surprise surprise (well, once again.....not really) It's PEOPLE who spread it.

"We report an epidemic of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the remote valley of Bamian (altitude 2250 m-2400 m) in the central highlands of Afghanistan. A team of malaria experts from the World Health Organization and HealthNet International carried out the investigation. A total of 215 peripheral blood smears were obtained and 63 cases of malaria (90.5% P. falciparum, the remainder P. vivax) were confirmed. The study revealed that areas vulnerable to malaria in Afghanistan are more widespread than previously recognized. The area had been malaria-free until recently, when the disease appears to have been introduced as a consequence of protracted conflict and resultant population movement, and transmitted locally during the short summer months. The outbreak led to severe morbidity and high mortality in a province having only a few poorly-provisioned health care facilities."

High altitude epidemic malaria in Bam... East Mediterr Health J. 2003 - PubMed - NCBI

And here the acknowledgement that malaria is a frequent visitor to the African highlands...

"Malaria epidemics have long been known to recur in the African highlands. Efforts to develop systems of early warning and detection for epidemics are outlined here with special emphasis on the Highland Malaria Project (HIMAL). This project has been conducting research on the operational implementation of a district-based surveillance and epidemic-monitoring system using a network of sentinel sites in four pilot districts of Kenya and Uganda. The potential use of weather monitoring as well as disease surveillance for effective early warning is being investigated."

Once again, olfraud is exposed as a moron.
I would love to see some proof...the problem is that there is none.

You have things you believe: you believe the Earth has stopped warming. You believe increasing CO2 will not cause temperatures to increase. You believe the oceans are not rising. You believe neither Antartica nor Greenland are melting into the sea. Where is YOUR proof?

Your demand for proof just shows us ONCE AGAIN, that you do not understand the BASICS of natural science. There will BE NO PROOF...FOR EITHER SIDE. There will only be evidence. Get used to it. And get used to failing because you HAVE none.

Again, you need to learn the difference between causation and correlation.

What you really mean is that the world's scientists need to learn the difference, because they're the ones you believe wrong. And, you know, I could be wrong, but I suspect they DO understand the difference and do so one hell of a lot better than you do. For instance, you would like to reject ALL correlations we find, but did it ever occur to you that while not all correlation are cause-effect relationships, all cause-effect relationships will show a correlation? It would seem that the idea never came to you.

There is no proof that CO2 can cause warming in an open atmosphere.

There is proof that CO2 absorbs IR, whether in the atmosphere or a test tube. There is evidence that it has warmed the Earth sufficient to convince more than 99% of the scientists and scientifically educated people on the plant for over a century. When you reject the greenhouse effect, the only thing you do is announce your stupidity.

You believe manmade warming is a fact, but in truth it isn' is a hypothesis, and the hypothesis just keeps on failing.

You stay in your closet and keep telling yourself that. That rest of the human race will stay out here and continue to work based on reality as it is, not as someone might want it to be.

And yet still ZERO proof has been posted other than AGW religious dogma.

Rather than changes in earth's CO2 causing temperature to change, scientists have actually found that changes in earth's temperatures always precedes changes in CO2 by 400 to a 1000 years -- just the opposite of what global warming proponents would have us believe.
I wouldn't have you believe that temperatures preceed CO2 rise. Though it seems to be what usually happened in the past. But these days, CO2 is leading the way. Temperatures are sure to catch up.

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Still posting the same old crap, while trying so hard to convince others of your brain-washed beliefs that global warming is real. :cuckoo:

You're like a stupid parrot who repeats lies over and over. :eusa_liar:

We're all gonna DIE!

And that part's true if we wait long enough. But it surer'n hell ain't gonna have nawthin' to do with "climate change" - unless we wait a damned long time like the dinosaurs did. Mother is a chrome-plated bitch but a SLOW moving chrome-plated bitch.
No...human caused global warming is a hypothesis...and a piss poor one at is supported by almost zero observational evidence. The vast vast majority of what climate science calls science is in fact, nothing more than the out put of failing computer models....models whose predictions, by the way, fail more spectacularly every year.

That virtually every climate scientist on the planet accepts it as a valid THEORY tells us, definitively, that it is no longer just a hypothesis. The amount of empirical evidence supporting the theory is mountainous and you and yours, despite much effort and many opportunities, have failed to ever falsify it or provide anything approaching a reasonable, alternative explanation for the many observations.

It is not a is a hypothesis... Tell me your mind, in real science, how many failures should a hypothesis be allowed before it is scrapped? can a hypothesis that has failed in any of its predictions ever be elevated to the status of a theory?

In politics, a failed hypothesis could certainly be elevated to the status of theory and still be allowed to continue to fail if there is enough money available to prop it up.
Warmer temperatures push malaria to higher elevations University of Michigan News

Now, University of Michigan ecologists and their colleagues are reporting the first hard evidence that malaria does—as had long been predicted—creep to higher elevations during warmer years and back down to lower altitudes when temperatures cool.

The study, based on an analysis of records from highland regions of Ethiopia and Colombia, suggests that future climate warming will result in a significant increase in malaria cases in densely populated regions of Africa and South America, unless disease monitoring and control efforts are boosted and sustained.

"We saw an upward expansion of malaria cases to higher altitudes in warmer years, which is a clear signal of a response by highland malaria to changes in climate," said U-M theoretical ecologist Mercedes Pascual, senior author of a paper scheduled for online publication in Science on March 6

Once again, ol' Walleyes is exposed as a fraud.

Here is something to show that the AGW cult are frauds and hate real science.


People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth.
Warmer temperatures push malaria to higher elevations University of Michigan News

Now, University of Michigan ecologists and their colleagues are reporting the first hard evidence that malaria does—as had long been predicted—creep to higher elevations during warmer years and back down to lower altitudes when temperatures cool.

The study, based on an analysis of records from highland regions of Ethiopia and Colombia, suggests that future climate warming will result in a significant increase in malaria cases in densely populated regions of Africa and South America, unless disease monitoring and control efforts are boosted and sustained.

"We saw an upward expansion of malaria cases to higher altitudes in warmer years, which is a clear signal of a response by highland malaria to changes in climate," said U-M theoretical ecologist Mercedes Pascual, senior author of a paper scheduled for online publication in Science on March 6

Once again, ol' Walleyes is exposed as a fraud.

Here is something to show that the AGW cult are frauds and hate real science.


People are never told that the most powerful greenhouse gases by orders of magnitude is water vapor and clouds. When only human emitted CO2 is considered, less than one percent of the greenhouse gas potential comes from human activity. Yet, all the global warming is supposed to be attributed to it. Water vapor plays a huge role in keeping the earth warm; 70 times more powerful than the CO2 emitted by human activity. When clouds are added, CO2 becomes even less important. However, clouds not only trap heat, low elevation clouds also reflect much of the incoming solar radiation, so the sun's heat never reaches the earth's surface which cools the earth. It is this mechanism that a growing number of scientists believe is one of the primary mechanisms warming and cooling the earth.
Excuse me for butting in, but you call clouds a greenhouse gas. But later, you admit that clouds reflect sunlight. There seems to be a flaw in your reasoning. Also, high altitude clouds reflect sunlight in pretty much the same was as low altitude clouds. Also, with your graph you seem to dispute the fact that man's activity, as small as it is, is having an impact. Well I have a couple graphs too.

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