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Human Pollution.

I think you got that wrong. If they were killing female babies in China 3000 years ago, it was probably for the same reason they do it today. Because female babies just aren't as valuable. I myself knew a girl who was adopted from Korea. She was found as a baby in Korea as a baby. It was probably her father who tried to bash her head in. But she survived. Though she suffered from cereberal palsy from the head bashing.
I never said the reasons today were different. And if you agree, you've shot yourself in the foot re your claim that it's due to the one-child policy.
I never said the reasons today were different. And if you agree, you've shot yourself in the foot re your claim that it's due to the one-child policy.

I never said anything was due to China's one child policy. (The last I heard, it is now a 3 child policy)
Who owns the media. The wealthy. Who pays the salaries of most scientists. The wealthy. That makes finding the real truth difficult to come by. Do you agree or disagree with that. Maybe this website might interest you.

Rainforest Facts

http://csc.columbusstate.edu › fRain...

I already gave you the information ... It's not hard to find.
Unless of course you want to play "guess what is true" ... Reading shit you can do simple math and tell is a lie ... :auiqs.jpg:


I already gave you the information ... It's not hard to find.
Unless of course you want to play "guess what is true" ... Reading shit you can do simple math and tell is a lie ... :auiqs.jpg:


You didn't give me anything but shit. There is one website that says that "only" 10,000 acres of Amazon rain forest is burned each day. But with just about everything being under the control of the wealthy, (Who no doubt like to spread disinformation to continue making money) I would tend to believe the worse case scenario.
You didn't give me anything but shit. There is one website that says that "only" 10,000 acres of Amazon rain forest is burned each day. But with just about everything being under the control of the wealthy, (Who no doubt like to spread disinformation to continue making money) I would tend to believe the worse case scenario.

I gave you visual aids that record the deforestation of South America ... And there are areas of concern.
Look at what Louisiana Pacific has done to the forests in Chile.
It's on the map I provided.

I didn't site faulty data where the figures included simply do not add up mathematically ... And that if the implied conditions existed ...
The Amazonian Rainforest would have been long gone by now.

How many times ... And how many ways ... Are they going to have to lie to you before you stop trusting bullshit ... :auiqs.jpg:

Its a lot more than just a matter of empty space. See post #20.

As it is, we are already running out of timber, resources, rain-forest, thousands of species, and food. Why do you think folks talk of using crickets as food? And all those flat plains? Most of them are used for growing food or raising cattle because no one wants to live there. Where would you rather live, on some barren prairie in south dakota or in Malibu with good weather?

That's right. If these empty places were any good, the rich would already be living there.

That is a management, and corruption problem, not a lack of resources problem.
It's not just his opinion. It is the conclusion of the world's scientists.
I don't live in their fool reality, either. And I notice you are pretending alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the whole world's scientists, the ones who brought us the pandemic and the no-solution-ever, agree there is Global Warming? Which of course they do not. The more able ones know better. The silly-billies parrot the company line so they can hope to be in the Club.
Global warming is bad enough. But there is another BIG problem! Overpopulation. About a month ago there was a very interesting news segment on the TV show 60 Minutes. It was called, The Vanishing Wild. Nothing in it was a surprise to me, but they did make some interesting points. (Some come from the show, some are my own) Such as that the last time human life was sustainable on Earth was in 1970. When there was around 3.5 billion people on Earth. Now there are over 8 billion. In the past 50 years, global wildlife has decreased by 69%. Every year about 150 species of animal goes extinct. We are consuming 175% more than the Earth can regenerate. And though it is possible that could included fossil fuels in that, I doubt if they meant that.

Also, the U.S. is losing soil 10 times faster than its natural replenishment rate. Each year we lose around 960 million tons of topsoil. Places like China and India are even worse. They are losing soil at 30 to 40 times faster than its natural replenishment rate. Another thing is that in the Amazon alone, each day about 200,000 acres of forest is burned. That is around 78 million acres a year.

Another point is that every single day there are about 228,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. But the population of White people isn't rising. In some places it is even going down a little. Despite all this, that moron Biden is letting just about everybody from south of the border that wants to enter the U.S. to do so. Why would he care. That old douchbag doesn't have much longer to live anyway. So what is the future matter to him. (Not that republicans are any better)

There was a movie made once that was very very loosely based on an actual event called "Abandon Ship!" It was about the captain of a lifeboat who had to turn people away so that those on the lifeboat could survive. We are in the same position. When swarms of humans begin to be like swarms of locusts, what is needed is come crop dusting with insecticide. Or "humacide." Not letting them in to increase their swarm here. Which they are. I will include the URL of the 60 Minutes episode I mentioned. I doubt if it will work. So you will just have to go to youtube and look up the episode yourself. I suggest you watch it.

In 1950, the US population growth rate peaked at 2%. Since then the population growth rate has been steadily declining. In 2021, the rate had declined to .12%. Unless something is done, the population will be declining before 2050. That just is not good. We will have fewer and fewer workers paying higher and higher taxes due to the growth in debt. As the size of the labor pool continues to shrink so will economic output. At some point we have to dramatically increase immigration. Our big ace in the hole is that most of the world both rich and poor want to come to the US. This can bring dynamic economic growth to the nation. A big increase in immigration is not an if situation but when.
Then why are you saying it's wrong? ...
Why am I saying what is wrong? I said it was a stupid question which couldn't be answered and it was only asked so fools like you could laugh at the scientist saying he had no idea.
I clicked on the link tab and entered the link. Maybe you could do better. Go to youtube and find the video. Then enter the link to it here.

when you want to post a youtube, you just copy & paste it as is.... do not use the 'link tab'.

I gave you visual aids that record the deforestation of South America ... And there are areas of concern.
Look at what Louisiana Pacific has done to the forests in Chile.
It's on the map I provided.

I didn't site faulty data where the figures included simply do not add up mathematically ... And that if the implied conditions existed ...
The Amazonian Rainforest would have been long gone by now.

How many times ... And how many ways ... Are they going to have to lie to you before you stop trusting bullshit ... :auiqs.jpg:


The Amazon is 1 billion 728 million acres in size. It would take quite some time to cut and burn that much rain forest. Also, I guess that to you the whole global warming thing and things like burning rain forest in the Amazon is just one big conspiracy. You should know that things are getting so bad so fast that there is no reason to be telling lies about it.
It's not just his opinion. It is the conclusion of the world's scientists.

How do you go about telling global warming deniers that they are criminally stupid and evil without offending them.
In 1950, the US population growth rate peaked at 2%. Since then the population growth rate has been steadily declining. In 2021, the rate had declined to .12%. Unless something is done, the population will be declining before 2050. That just is not good. We will have fewer and fewer workers paying higher and higher taxes due to the growth in debt. As the size of the labor pool continues to shrink so will economic output. At some point we have to dramatically increase immigration. Our big ace in the hole is that most of the world both rich and poor want to come to the US. This can bring dynamic economic growth to the nation. A big increase in immigration is not an if situation but when.

The only population that matters to me is the White population. The reason that the White population is falling is most likely Whites are being denigrated at every turn. Whites are also being brainwashed to be against Whites. They are being sold the bullshit that inferior people are their equals. They are also being expected to put up their $15.00 dollars an hour up against third world lowlifes who only make around $3.00 dollars an hour. If they're lucky. (And where they have lax or nonexistent environmental standards) That isn't very fertile ground on which a White person would want to or be able to afford to raise a family. In fact, as I pointed out, that ground has been and continues to be poisoned.

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