Human rights abuse escalates in China


Mar 18, 2013
Nowadays American people are frustrated by its slow economy recovery while watching a double-digit GDP increase in China. However, we don't really know how ordinary Chinese people are suffering high inflation, corruption, air and food pollution, and especially ubiquitous human right abuse.

Recently I witnessed an outrageous human right disaster in Dajinzhuang, Cangzhou, a small town of Hebei province near Beijing-- the capital of China. Li, Huanling a 72-year-old man, lives in his current house since he was born. He and his many other neighbors are under pressure to leave their house so the local government can build large skyscrapers. Ironically, all local government officials in this village were compensated with fancy single-family houses while many others are forced to move to 33-story skyscrapers. Mr. Li is elderly and not completely mobile, and it will be difficult and painful for him to move to a skyscraper. Li and his neighbors have tried to fight for their properties, which unfortunately has brought them such atrocities that no one in the democracy world could imagine. Essential utilities including water and electricity are shut down, so they have had to live rain drops or snow for more than a year. The paths to their houses are blocked by deep trenches. Dozens of thugs have been armed with steel sticks by the local governments. Many people were beaten up by steel sticks when they stepped out of their houses, and some of them got their legs and ribs fractured. People staying in their locked houses are not safe either. Explosive devices have been continually thrown to their houses or yards. Dogs were so scared that they cannot even bark. A little kid even became unconscious for many days by the explosion. Mr. Li and his fellows have petitioned many times to local governments, but nothing has been resolved. The violence escalated recently when his son (Li, Baocheng), who is trying to help, was attacked and stabbed with knives multiple times so that he nearly died.

This is just an example of human rights disasters in China. Thousands of similar human right violations occur every day, and the number is getting larger as many villages are being removed and urbanized. In the past, when denounced by the western world the Chinese government often argued that “right to live” is the most important right for Chinese people. As we see above, innocent people are simply deprived of their rights to live. According to the UN Human Right Council, all victims of human rights abuses should be able to look to the Human Rights Council as a forum and a springboard for action. Therefore, the international community should urge the Chinese government to act immediately to stop human right abuse and protect innocent citizens from being victims of economy development.

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