Humiliation, fasting, and prayer

Why didn't god simply make us the way he wanted us to be? And when will the earth be destroyed?

Again with the 'god' (Satan has got you in his clutches good). God chose not to create robots who do his bidding. He gave us and the angels free will, but that was already explained to you. You'll have to stop being an ignoramus in order for you and believers to make progress.

I'm not sure when the earth will be destroyed, but think Sir Isaac Newton forecast it correctly. 2060. I'm waiting to see if Bruce Bueno De Mesquita confirms it, He makes his own predictions from his software program. He'll probably predict a nuclear armed Iran or about WW III before any religious prognostication like that. Will probably be something political or some great tragedy like a huge famine that wipes out a huge segment of the population. It's a difficult subject to talk with non-believers about because well, they're non-believers.

If Jesus isn't God in the flesh, then Jesus was the greatest prognosticator that ever walked the earth. What He revealed in Revelation about the end time reads like the nightly news. He has the best track record so far. Time lines, activities during that time, war, famines, %'s of populations wiped out. What started it, who is on what team, and how it ends.

Ezekiel describes a future attack on Israel by Gog and Magog (Russia), and the mainly Islamic countries of Persia (Iran, portions of northern Iraq and Afghanistan), Cush (Ethiopia and Sudan), Put (Libya, possibly Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco), Gomer (Eastern Europe) and the House of Togarmah (Turkey and Armenia).

There ya go...:eusa_angel:

I agree that which is spoken by God in the Bible is true. What we do not know is when these things will happen. Does any human really know? No. One can only hold an opinion and that's what the above is.

But we do know. We are told more about this time in the Bible than any other time in history. There isn't a scholar or preacher worth his salt that doesn't believe that we are living in the end time. The gathering of the Jews to their Homeland is an end time prophesy. You can watch prophesy unfold on the news. The rapidity of it is sort of stunning, but that too was prophesied. Like birth pangs, the tribulation will come more quickly and harder. For the first time since Jesus left, all the prophesies that had to be fulfilled before His return have been. A one world government is being formed. Israel is becoming a millstone...

Are the Jews gathering in their Homeland now? Why?

The news is untruthful. People are misled easily by someone claiming a Biblical prophecy for end times. It happens every year.

End of the world 2018: Will the Rapture end the world TODAY? SHOCK prediction says YES

Even the atheists are getting into it with asteroid collisions or global warming.

The world ends on Feb 1 2019 (possibly)

Yet, we don't know the exact time even if the end is near. What if it's 2060 as Newton calculated? That's forty-two years. Some of us will live to see it and some won't.
So you admit that you don't know shit. Good for you.
James, I don't know how old you are but the Jews have been gathered. And true to prophesy Israel was born in a day. That day was prophesied by Daniel.
The world does not end. Christ returns to prevent us from nuking life on earth to extinction.
Christ as His hand on the door, but only God knows the hour. There are things to look for though that lead us into the tribulation period. One is Israel signing a peace treaty, and another is the Jews rebuilding the Temple...
James, I don't know how old you are but the Jews have been gathered. And true to prophesy Israel was born in a day. That day was prophesied by Daniel.
The world does not end. Christ returns to prevent us from nuking life on earth to extinction.
Christ as His hand on the door, but only God knows the hour. There are things to look for though that lead us into the tribulation period. One is Israel signing a peace treaty, and another is the Jews rebuilding the Temple...
but only God knows the hour.

it is just your christian bible that is incomplete, the religion of Antiquity when the Triumph has been completed and all humanity is judged as one - is the final hour.

you are a joke believing you will be saved were evil on the verge of a final success. that includes the jews, their disposition whatever the land they may occupy.
Breeze, I have a choice. I can believe my Father, or I can believe some one who has concocted their own religion inserting a Biblical concept here and there to seem somewhat valid.

We were salvaged on the cross, individually. We will be judged individually. Those that belong to Christ will be judged on their good deeds done for Christ's sake and not their own ego. It is to determine the degree of treasure we are entitled to. It is called the Bema Judgment.
Those individuals not belonging to Christ will be judged according to their sin at the White Throne Judgment. There is no condemnation for those covered by Christ. Only rewards. Accept the gift of propitiation. You will be glad you did.
The results say otherwise.

You have never tested it before so you don’t know better.
You fail on everything for never backing up what you say.
I did back it up. You dismissed it like you do everything else.
You've never provided a link for anything. Loser.
Can you provide a link that proves I didn't?

You misspelled winner.
No, that's how a winner like you is spelled. :biggrin:

You should really learn how to provide links, it would give you some cred at least, as well as bolster your arguments.
Which argument? That there is a law of compensation at work? Everyone has experienced it to some degree or another, Taz.

You don't need a link. You just need to be honest.
You fail on everything for never backing up what you say.
I did back it up. You dismissed it like you do everything else.
You've never provided a link for anything. Loser.
Can you provide a link that proves I didn't?

You misspelled winner.
No, that's how a winner like you is spelled. :biggrin:

You should really learn how to provide links, it would give you some cred at least, as well as bolster your arguments.
Which argument? That there is a law of compensation at work? Everyone has experienced it to some degree or another, Taz.

You don't need a link. You just need to be honest.
If you were honest, you’d provide links. You’re just a joke otherwise.
I did back it up. You dismissed it like you do everything else.
You've never provided a link for anything. Loser.
Can you provide a link that proves I didn't?

You misspelled winner.
No, that's how a winner like you is spelled. :biggrin:

You should really learn how to provide links, it would give you some cred at least, as well as bolster your arguments.
Which argument? That there is a law of compensation at work? Everyone has experienced it to some degree or another, Taz.

You don't need a link. You just need to be honest.
If you were honest, you’d provide links. You’re just a joke otherwise.
So you don't believe the actions have equal and opposite reactions?

I mean all you have to do is look at your own life to know this is true. Do you need a link to tell you when to shit?
You've never provided a link for anything. Loser.
Can you provide a link that proves I didn't?

You misspelled winner.
No, that's how a winner like you is spelled. :biggrin:

You should really learn how to provide links, it would give you some cred at least, as well as bolster your arguments.
Which argument? That there is a law of compensation at work? Everyone has experienced it to some degree or another, Taz.

You don't need a link. You just need to be honest.
If you were honest, you’d provide links. You’re just a joke otherwise.
So you don't believe the actions have equal and opposite reactions?

I mean all you have to do is look at your own life to know this is true. Do you need a link to tell you when to shit?
It's how this place works, if you want to be taken seriously, then provide real links to what you contend, otherwise it's just your own personal fartsmoke.
Can you provide a link that proves I didn't?

You misspelled winner.
No, that's how a winner like you is spelled. :biggrin:

You should really learn how to provide links, it would give you some cred at least, as well as bolster your arguments.
Which argument? That there is a law of compensation at work? Everyone has experienced it to some degree or another, Taz.

You don't need a link. You just need to be honest.
If you were honest, you’d provide links. You’re just a joke otherwise.
So you don't believe the actions have equal and opposite reactions?

I mean all you have to do is look at your own life to know this is true. Do you need a link to tell you when to shit?
It's how this place works, if you want to be taken seriously, then provide real links to what you contend, otherwise it's just your own personal fartsmoke.
I don’t march to your beat.

If you want to deny the mechanics of how the evolution of consciousness works, be my guest.

I’ll just keep explaining it while you repeatedly ask for links.
No, that's how a winner like you is spelled. :biggrin:

You should really learn how to provide links, it would give you some cred at least, as well as bolster your arguments.
Which argument? That there is a law of compensation at work? Everyone has experienced it to some degree or another, Taz.

You don't need a link. You just need to be honest.
If you were honest, you’d provide links. You’re just a joke otherwise.
So you don't believe the actions have equal and opposite reactions?

I mean all you have to do is look at your own life to know this is true. Do you need a link to tell you when to shit?
It's how this place works, if you want to be taken seriously, then provide real links to what you contend, otherwise it's just your own personal fartsmoke.
I don’t march to your beat.

If you want to deny the mechanics of how the evolution of consciousness works, be my guest.

I’ll just keep explaining it while you repeatedly ask for links.
That you can't provide links speaks to the bullshit of your claim.
Which argument? That there is a law of compensation at work? Everyone has experienced it to some degree or another, Taz.

You don't need a link. You just need to be honest.
If you were honest, you’d provide links. You’re just a joke otherwise.
So you don't believe the actions have equal and opposite reactions?

I mean all you have to do is look at your own life to know this is true. Do you need a link to tell you when to shit?
It's how this place works, if you want to be taken seriously, then provide real links to what you contend, otherwise it's just your own personal fartsmoke.
I don’t march to your beat.

If you want to deny the mechanics of how the evolution of consciousness works, be my guest.

I’ll just keep explaining it while you repeatedly ask for links.
That you can't provide links speaks to the bullshit of your claim.
So when something bad happens to you, you learn from it and alter your behaviors.

That is the law of compensation at work.

Do you really need a link for that?
If you were honest, you’d provide links. You’re just a joke otherwise.
So you don't believe the actions have equal and opposite reactions?

I mean all you have to do is look at your own life to know this is true. Do you need a link to tell you when to shit?
It's how this place works, if you want to be taken seriously, then provide real links to what you contend, otherwise it's just your own personal fartsmoke.
I don’t march to your beat.

If you want to deny the mechanics of how the evolution of consciousness works, be my guest.

I’ll just keep explaining it while you repeatedly ask for links.
That you can't provide links speaks to the bullshit of your claim.
So when something bad happens to you, you learn from it and alter your behaviors.

That is the law of compensation at work.

Do you really need a link for that?
Yes. To a REAL science site.
So you don't believe the actions have equal and opposite reactions?

I mean all you have to do is look at your own life to know this is true. Do you need a link to tell you when to shit?
It's how this place works, if you want to be taken seriously, then provide real links to what you contend, otherwise it's just your own personal fartsmoke.
I don’t march to your beat.

If you want to deny the mechanics of how the evolution of consciousness works, be my guest.

I’ll just keep explaining it while you repeatedly ask for links.
That you can't provide links speaks to the bullshit of your claim.
So when something bad happens to you, you learn from it and alter your behaviors.

That is the law of compensation at work.

Do you really need a link for that?
Yes. To a REAL science site.
So when you were a young lady and went out partying and failed the test the next day, that was life teaching you a lesson.

That’s the law of compensation at work.
It's how this place works, if you want to be taken seriously, then provide real links to what you contend, otherwise it's just your own personal fartsmoke.
I don’t march to your beat.

If you want to deny the mechanics of how the evolution of consciousness works, be my guest.

I’ll just keep explaining it while you repeatedly ask for links.
That you can't provide links speaks to the bullshit of your claim.
So when something bad happens to you, you learn from it and alter your behaviors.

That is the law of compensation at work.

Do you really need a link for that?
Yes. To a REAL science site.
So when you were a young lady and went out partying and failed the test the next day, that was life teaching you a lesson.

That’s the law of compensation at work.
I clicked on it and nothing happened. :dunno:
I don’t march to your beat.

If you want to deny the mechanics of how the evolution of consciousness works, be my guest.

I’ll just keep explaining it while you repeatedly ask for links.
That you can't provide links speaks to the bullshit of your claim.
So when something bad happens to you, you learn from it and alter your behaviors.

That is the law of compensation at work.

Do you really need a link for that?
Yes. To a REAL science site.
So when you were a young lady and went out partying and failed the test the next day, that was life teaching you a lesson.

That’s the law of compensation at work.
I clicked on it and nothing happened. :dunno:
When you got shit faced drunk and wrecked daddy’s car, that was the law of compensation at work.

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