Zone1 Hundreds of newspapers drop 'Dilbert' comic strip after racist tirade from creator Scott Adams

I realize you have been programmed to post this, but how is it racist to say "It's o.k. to be white"?

Is it NOT o.k. to be white in Woketopia?
The phrase itself isn't racist. And 53% of Black Americans agree. I'm guessing the reason 47% of Black Americans find it offensive is because apparently certain groups (some consider racist) have adopted the phrase as a slogan of sorts. Guilt by association sort of thing.

Think of the word "woke". Up until a few years ago, most people were fine with the word woke. But if you say the word now, it brings up all kinds of debate, animosity, etc. Why? Because most people associate it with a certain group of people.

Are most people that say, "It's ok to be white" racist? Probably not.
Are most people who are in the "woke crowd" some sort of Antifa, radicals? Probably not.

If folks understand this, people could realize that "it's ok to be white" and "it's ok to be woke".
‘“I don’t want to have anything to do with them,” Adams added. “And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away … because there is no fixing this.”’ ibid

A truly reprehensible manifestation of racism – the hateful lie that black people are a ‘problem’ that cannot be ‘fixed.’
How is his saying that any different than you denying that it is "OK to be white"?
I didn't think there were "hundreds of newspapers" left in the US.

Scott Adams net worth is $75 million. He doesn't need the work.

Doesn't matter. That's gonna hurt the wallet. :)
Well, say stupid things, win stupid prizes.

Reminds me of how Roseanne imploded.
Doesn't matter. That's gonna hurt the wallet. :)
Well, say stupid things, win stupid prizes.

Reminds me of how Roseanne imploded.

According to that article he has enough money to live high on the hog the rest of his life. He also has several other business interest and seems capable of being entrepreneurial if need be.

With the decline in newspapers I doubt his print published strips netted him a tremendous amount of money. He made most his money from his books and other business interest.

$75 million is enough "fuck you" money that he can say anything he wants and the filthy ass woke cry babies can kiss his ass.

By the way, Roseanne is making a comeback now.

Fuck wokeness.
They did him a huge favor. He should do like Gary Larson of "The Far Side" - go enjoy life without having to draw a strip every day, and still make piles of money from compilation books.

“Hundreds of newspapers” owned by only three or four companies who provide the same content to all of them.
Racism is hitting a new level of vileness here today. Is this a transference of emotions, away from the war news turning sour?

The solution still remains, an acceptance of the black population as equals. But the trend is still in the opposite direction.
Racism is hitting a new level of vileness here today. Is this a transference of emotions, away from the war news turning sour?

The solution still remains, an acceptance of the black population as equals. But the trend is still in the opposite direction.
We would have more respect for Blacks if they:

1. Stop committing so many crimes

2. Got off welfare

3. Started taking care of their families.

4. Stop having a victims/entitlement mentality.

5. Stop being the the main voting block of the destructive Democrat Party.
They did him a huge favor. He should do like Gary Larson of "The Far Side" - go enjoy life without having to draw a strip every day, and still make piles of money from compilation books.

“Hundreds of newspapers” owned by only three or four companies who provide the same content to all of them.
I was trying to remember who the guy was that walked away--Gary Larson, thanks for that. Another that I really enjoyed who walked away was William Boyd Watterson II, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes.
We would have more respect for Blacks if they:

1. Stop committing so many crimes

2. Got off welfare

3. Started taking care of their families.

4. Stop having a victims/entitlement mentality.

5. Stop being the the main voting block of the destructive Democrat Party.
I think your complaints are completely valid.

But white America has created a race problem that isn't being dealt with in a productive way that could bring relief or results.

This how racism melds with America's mindset of religious superstitious beliefs.
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According to that article he has enough money to live high on the hog the rest of his life. He also has several other business interest and seems capable of being entrepreneurial if need be.

With the decline in newspapers I doubt his print published strips netted him a tremendous amount of money. He made most his money from his books and other business interest.

$75 million is enough "fuck you" money that he can say anything he wants and the filthy ass woke cry babies can kiss his ass.

By the way, Roseanne is making a comeback now.

Fuck wokeness.
Roseanne is trying hard to be relevant again. But she will never again enjoy the fame and riches she had before she ran her mouth. I would be she also has a lot of money in the bank. But you won't earn that kind of cash again. Same deal goes for Adams. No more being relevant.which is what he got be having his daily cartoon in just about every major newspaper across the country.
I think your complaints are completely valid.

But white America has created a race problem that isn't being dealt with in a productive way that could bring relief or results.
No real info or solutions here, duck. Why don't you enlighten us to your profound answer to OUR problem. Please be specific and provide substantiation.
Racism is hitting a new level of vileness here today. Is this a transference of emotions, away from the war news turning sour?

The solution still remains, an acceptance of the black population as equals. But the trend is still in the opposite direction.
And isn’t supporting the elimination of race-based affirmative action policies designed to give blacks an advantage over whites just that? How is objecting to racist decisions, and that would be those that use skin color as a factor, racist? It seems the opposite is true: those who support race-based policies designed to give an advantage to blacks over the other two races are essentially saying that blacks aren’t as capable as whites and Asians and special set-asides have to be provided.
We would have more respect for Blacks if they:

1. Stop committing so many crimes

2. Got off welfare

3. Started taking care of their families.

4. Stop having a victims/entitlement mentality.

5. Stop being the the main voting block of the destructive Democrat Party.
I’ve said that before - specifically, the need to focus on reducing the illegitimacy rate and to stay in school - and for that I’ve been called racist.

The only belief that leftists consider “non-racist” is to blame white racism for all of blacks’ problems.
I think your complaints are completely valid.

But white America has created a race problem that isn't being dealt with in a productive way that could bring relief or results.
The race problem in America was created hundreds of years ago by the British. And then exacerbated by the Democratic Party who reversed the intentions of the founding fathers. That's why there is a race problem in America in the first place.
Racism is hitting a new level of vileness here today. Is this a transference of emotions, away from the war news turning sour?

The solution still remains, an acceptance of the black population as equals. But the trend is still in the opposite direction.
I'm pretty sure the racism/violence was much much worse in the past.
I’ve said that before - specifically, the need to focus on reducing the illegitimacy rate and to stay in school - and for that I’ve been called racist.

The only belief that leftists consider “non-racist” is to blame white racism for all of blacks’ problems.
How about if everyone started being human instead of society-inspired clones based on appearance.
I think your complaints are completely valid.

But white America has created a race problem that isn't being dealt with in a productive way that could bring relief or results.
His complaints are completely bogus and he is a die hard racist himself. He's admitted to willfully denying opportunities to job applicants with "Black sounding names".

And his last complaint is the most telling, he/they want Black people to vote Republican? Why do you imagine that would be?

There are more white people on welfare than Black people and Black people do not commit more crimes than whites. That is a fallacy that goes way back to their angst over the abolishment of slavery "except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted". The second half of statement gave whites cover for them being merely accused of criminal behavior but per usual Blacks could be and were returned to captivity merely on an accusation. Additionally many new laws were created solely to control and oppress Black people and their lives, in some cases specifically in order to create a new free labor market to replace the one they had lost (slavery). This new labor market was known as convict leasing, but also peonage where Black people could be imprisoned for debt.

Imagine being returned to captivity for not having a job, or having a job but not having "acceptable proof" of one's employment"?

After the Civil War, slavery persisted in the form of convict leasing, a system in which Southern states leased prisoners to private railways, mines, and large plantations. While states profited, prisoners earned no pay and faced inhumane, dangerous, and often deadly work conditions. Thousands of Black people were forced into what authors have termed “slavery by another name” until the 1930s.​
The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1865, prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude, but explicitly exempted those convicted of crime. In response, Southern state legislatures quickly passed “Black Codes” – new laws that explicitly applied only to Black people and subjected them to criminal prosecution for “offenses” such as loitering, breaking curfew, vagrancy, having weapons, and not carrying proof of employment. Crafted to ensnare Black people and return them to chains, these laws were effective; *for the first time in U.S. history, many state penal systems held more Black prisoners than white* – all of whom could be leased for profit.​
And by the way, I don't meet any of his exclusionary items on the list yet he treats me no differently than any other Black person on this board. Not that respect from racists is something that has value to any of us.
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‘The Anti-Defamation League has noted that the phrase [“It’s OK to be White.”] emerged on the infamous message board 4chan in 2017 as a trolling campaign and has a “long history” in the white supremacist movement.’

For racists such as Adams, it’s clearly not OK to be black.


His complaints are completely bogus and he is a die hard racist himself. He's admitted to willfully denying opportunities to job applicants with "Black sounding names".
That's not helpful!

I've offered him and his peanut gallery some common ground on which we could continue the discussion. His complaints are valid, and we could expand on those together.

I don't need to have any acknowledgment of my opinion on what it's going to take to make progress.

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