Hunter Biden Faces 17 Years In Prison

I think more likely is that they hit him with these charges because:
  • Republicans have subpoenaed him and it gives him an excuse to not comply or take the 5th
  • It gives the false appearance that the DOJ is impartial and taking the laptop evidence seriously
In reality, DOJ could probably get Hunter for sex trafficking (he paid airline fare for prostitutes), failing to register as a foreign agent, and participant in a conspiracy to bribe foreign nations ("I am sitting here with my father - then $5M payment - then payment to Joe).

cc: Slade3200
Fyi, there was no payment to Joe....that part is made up.
Just to be clear. These are entirely my own thoughts, and I have done my own extensive research on the raw_laptop_contents and have posted countless Hunter emails on USMB as well.

I did not say that. I said DOJ is orchestrating. These charges are part of the plan.

The potential conspiracy I mentioned was about Hunter.
The orchestrating would need to be done by Weiss in conspiracy with others and that’s just an extremely unrealistic chain of events to think happened.

The reliability of everything on the laptop being true is extremely suspect. If I were to give my best guess I’d say. Bidens laptop was hacked or stolen so some of the content was legit but it very likely could have been loaded with incendiary content to serve as October surprise. The fact that it ended up in Rudy’s hands after he struck out in Ukraine months before Election Day tells me all I need to know.
The republicans are doing this right, not throwing together ridiculous charges and rushing it to coincide with election season (which is why you still have ZERO convictions against Donald Trump after almost 8 years of

It took 10 years to bring down Al Capone, over 20 years for Pablo Escobar. This is bigger than both of those.
The republicans are demagogues and if you don’t think they are going to ramp this up next year before the election then you’re high. It’s the new form of Lock Her Up,,, another movement that died right after the election.
The republicans are demagogues and if you don’t think they are going to ramp this up next year before the election then you’re high. It’s the new form of Lock Her Up,,, another movement that died right after the election.

I don't think so.

If Hunter Biden is on trial or in jail during the election next year, are you still going to vote for Joe?
Secret Service took him to church today, a Friday. I guess he's soul searching...

A very safe prediction:

Hunter Biden, in reality, faces not one moment in prison.

That’s not the same as saying that he may not richly deserve to be tried and convicted and sent to prison. It’s just to note that it will never happen.
Biden will just Pardon him. Nobody has done anything to take that power away from the President in either party.
This is more true than the mess that the MSM is pumping out daily:

Hunter Biden Indicted For Not Paying Taxes On His Bribes

U.S. · Dec 8, 2023 ·

Article Image

U.S. — Hunter Biden is being charged on 9 counts of evading taxes on his international bribery schemes, according to an indictment filed in Los Angeles on Thursday.
"The President's son made millions on foreign bribes and used the money for illegal drugs and underage sex trafficking. That's all well and good, but then he failed to pay his taxes," said a spokesperson for the DOJ. "Keeping money that is due to the government is the most heinous of all crimes and should be dealt with swiftly and without mercy."
Official sources confirmed that Hunter became wealthy by exchanging national secrets and special favors to America's enemies in exchange for crack and underage sex-slave money, in addition to wiring money to President Joe Biden. Unfortunately, he did this without keeping perfect tax records, making him the lowest of criminals.
"Rest assured, this horrific act will not go without a slight fine and scolding from the judge," said Attorney General Merrick Garland. "This man must be brought to justice."
At publishing time, President Biden had claimed to have no knowledge of the case or of this man named "Hunter."
17th thread on this today.

Unfortunately, what you have said...means nothing...and you still have ZIP on Joe Biden.

If you are going to quote the Babylon Bee, at least give them the credit. :)
I came here this morning expecting this to be the lead story with over 1,000 hits already.

Guess some folks just don't like to talk about Politics. Oh well.

I do.

So, what do you think, people? Another cover-up or is Weiss serious this time

/----/ Hunter's whine fest. Tries to convince us that Republicans hate him because he's a recovering addict. Yeah, said no Republican ever.
"That's the one thing — one of the reasons why I'm going to survive this — and I'm going to survive it clean and sober — is because I am not going to let these motherf----ers use me as just another example of why people in recovery are never going to be okay, never to be trusted, they're all degenerates. I'm just not going to let that happen. I'm just not going to let it happen," Biden said.

He went on to agree with the hosts' opinion that people targeting Hunter, specifically Republicans, were addicted to inflicting their own hurt on other people.

"I absolutely am positive of that. If you can't look at some of these people like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Paul Gosar and see someone that have been bullied, that are just absolutely suffering— They're suffering people. And that doesn't excuse the things that they have done to others and to me, but you see people that are in anguish. They're not healthy people," Biden said.

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